Can the Dead Primarchs be Resurrected? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and gal everyone loves primarks nerds love them chaos loves them even [ __ ] love them the story of incredibly unrelatable demigods with extreme daddy issues is wildly captivating for all hence everyone knows about each primark that died and how they died as well as the occasional cheeky resurrection that has occurred for example giliman got shanked in the throat and literally died only to be put into stasis and revived due to some death magic and snazzy technology but was the big g a one-off was his death incomplete allowing for resurrection or can all of these brothers be brought back in a similar or even wildly different fashion today we'll be looking at each of the dead primarks if they can be resurrected or not for those that are revivable i'll explain how and why they can be brought back from the dead let's get into it before we get into the nitty-gritty of each primox resurrection it's important to explain exactly what a primark is which will provide context as to why they can be revived from being super dead when very few other things can a primark is a super bean composed of two aspects the body and the soul the body for primark is strong durable and impressive but without the soul it becomes nothing more than a big-ass space marine the soul of a primark is the source of the primark special powers and their ability to alter the course of destiny and fate the soul is also what emanates a primox aura of command when fabius bile cloned various primarks he got the body back online but not the soul as such these primark clones were relatively easy to kill and they didn't achieve much the one time he did actually clone a primark's body and soul it was an accident and almost had very far-reaching consequences the impressive primark bodies came from the emperor and his bitch-ass unloyal friends obscenely advanced biomancy but the soul came from elsewhere the warp see whilst the lord doesn't dive too deep into it it's clear that the emperor needed help with the primark souls hence he entered the warp we don't know exactly what he did whilst in the warp if he struck a bargain with the chaos gods or he stole from them but i subscribed to the heavily supported theory that the emperor took 20 miner gods from the warp and placed them inside each of these primark vessels i dive a lot more into this theory as well as the shitload of evidence to support it in this video here but i'm mentioning this because warp entities especially gods will simply return to the warp when their vessels or physical forms are destroyed it is very difficult to actually permanently kill one you can probably see where i'm going with this now let's go through each primark and discuss if they can be resurrected the lion is currently in a coma or you know pretending to be asleep so he doesn't have to deal with all the [ __ ] going in the galaxy all he needs is for his prince charming to sexually assault him in his slumber just like in the fairy tales and bam he'll be back in action in seriousness his coma is a result of the watchers in the dark who are keeping him out of the game until the need arises as the watchers work towards helping the dark angels it's clear that they're doing this for a reason with the recent escape of luther as well as the amassing of both fallen and unforgiven dark angels it seems this awakening is at hand the second primark is so dead and buried that we don't even know their name as such i can't really comment on how they could be brought back to life but i'm sure a bit of flex tape and a snickers bar would do the trick fulgrim is primark iii and whilst he isn't currently dead the existence of his perfect loyalist clone kinda shows that the loyalist aspect of traitor primarks can be revived in some format it's my belief that when a primark ascends to become a demon prince the warp god that was within them is cast out and the large now empty vessel they have is filled with warp power from their chosen god hence why demon prince trader primark still seem to get their asses kicked by loyalist primarks or even space marines they are now lacking their primark special source despite technically being more powerful perturbo is currently alive and seems to be a demon prince so i guess he's in the same boat as fulgrim the khan is an interesting one as he is one of the few primarks to experience true primark death and then come back to life there's three ways a primate can die version one is suffering a mortal wound then being put into stasis or a coma like how gilean and the lion did version two is that they are genuinely killed and an explosion of light emanates out of them this is a true death and this is what primarks like alfarius and ferris experienced then there is total obliteration with the soul slash warp god of the primark is deleted from existence like what would happen to horus the khan was killed by mortarion during the siege of terror and he even did the whole light exploding out of him thing which i believe is the warp god leaving their now dead body however older law states that the khan was active after the siege of terror and has been lost to the webway for thousands of years how does this make sense well when we last saw the khan maokudo had taken his body away and whilst we don't yet know what he does with it it's clear that it ends with a resurrection i believe malcolm will use a powerful spell to rebind the warp god to the khan corpse and bring him back in action likely at great cost to malcolador himself primark 6 is russ who is alive as far as we know lost somewhere in the eye of terror or even the warp itself his motives are unclear but it's believed that he is searching for a tree of life that could resurrect the mortal form of the emperor this tree is probably isha the elder goddess of healing who is currently nurgul's testing subject for all these plagues as she can always cure herself and stay alive but yeah no resurrection required for the wolf daddy as far as we know now for rogueldorn it's unclear if rogel is dead or alive he was last seen being swarmed by black legionnaires and all that was discovered of him was his severed hand originally gw just killed him off but they love leaving the door open in case there is a wildly profitable reason for bringing him back if rogel is dead his resurrection method would be the same as ferris's which i'll detail now because [ __ ] chronological order when it's way more convenient to just skip it we all know how ferris died his rapey brother fulgrim picked up a dick-shaped sword and he cut ferris head off with it ferris died big time big light show the whole warp god leaving his body shebang his body was then defiled and mutilated by the traitors and then horus ended up with ferris's fleshless skull as a trophy so yeah ferris got really [ __ ] dead yet malcolm still stated that given enough time him and the emperor would be able to bring him back and the emperor did so briefly during the war in the web way how do they manage this and does this apply to rogul as well if he is actually dead well as i said earlier a primark is the body and the soul the emperor and malcolm would have to be able to recreate ferris's primark body his vessel potentially in an infant form but could be also as an adult then the emperor would need to use his immense psychic focus and power to call out to the ferrous warp god and coax him to come back to his vessel this never ended up happening as the emperor and malcolm was so focused on the horus heresy and when the heresy ended let's just say the emperor and malcolm weren't really in a good position to perform the resurrection in saying that it does seem like they did this with the khan as i mentioned before however they had the khan's body intact whereas ferris was uh yeah not intact during the war in the webway the emperor was able to summon a shard of ferris to lead the first iteration of the legion of the damned so that kinda counts as a temporary resurrection so with maukar and the emperor gone is the resurrection of rogel ferris and others impossible not necessarily fabius bile has displayed the ability to create primark vessels via cloning however he completely lacks the knowledge of the warp or how to coax a warp god into a vessel he even admitted that the perfect clone of fulgrim was a total fluke and likely was caused by the fulgrim warp god wanting to return to the fray to try and do the damage that his rape snake demon counterpart had done however there are others who are well in tune with the war multiple powerful psyches performing a ritual with the help of fabulous bio's primark cloning could theoretically resurrect a primark in full this obviously hasn't happened as next to no one in the setting understands the nature of the primarchs or that their resurrections are even possible even if they did they would need fabius to cooperate with psyches like eldrad tigrius mafitsten and others would be very challenging to say the least but yeah genuinely possible in my books our next primark is conrad curse who is currently very dead via a low case suicide an assassin was sent to kill him and he let her cut his head off because in one of his visions the emperor sent an assassin to kill him conrad was so obsessed with his visions coming true that he didn't even try to save his own life yeah conrad kind of a [ __ ] theoretically he could be revived in the method above but like who would do that there's also a theory that the crowning war as he died had a soul stone in it but nothing has really come out of that and no one likes conrad so even if he could be revived no one would actually do it sanguinis is next then he too is quite dead despite dying in a similar fashion to the others sanguinista's resurrection would be more complicated sangee was a different breed of primark his warp god was actually two angels a bull one light and one dark that constantly fought the emperor somehow merged them and placed them within sanguinis vessel hence why sangee is simultaneously both the most noble and pure primark whilst also having [ __ ] like the red thirst and the black rage affect these children the dark angel has latched itself onto mafitsten whilst the light angel has latched itself onto the sanguinore hence it looks like the warp god of sanguinius isn't available right now for classic primark resurrection that doesn't mean he's out of the game yet though if the sanguine or mcfitzten and probably dante were able to do a three-way fusion dance or chuck on some [ __ ] patara earrings then the result would probably be sanguineous primark 11 is in the same boat as primark ii could be as simple as a mega dose of viagra or could be as complex as picking up a hot chick at the bar by explaining warhammer law to her angron is a demon prince and is technically alive so no need for resurrection he could do with an abortion though giliman was revived from his half-dead state due to the elder death god's magic as well as the amro fate which was a technological marvel created by the elder and belsarius call he has actually trained himself to now live without the armor of fate so it appears that his revival is now catch-free mortarion is a living demon prince so no need to bring him back to life however the emperor did say that he had the power to cleanse the demonic tape from mortarion likely by burning out nurgle's influence then shoving the warp god back into him magnus is a living demon prince as well so once again no need for resurrection however if he was to one day recovery's noble shard it could push him away from chaos horus is dead like mega [ __ ] dead there's absolutely zero chance of him ever coming back to life in his true primark form as when he was killed the emperor also destroyed his soul which means he destroyed the warp god that was within him fabius bile actually cloned horus but the horus clone was pathetic and easily killed by abaddon lorga is a living demon prince blah blah blah blah blah blah you get the [ __ ] point vulcan is a perpetual which means he cannot die unless in the most specific of circumstances in saying that he did fall into a vat of pure war energy and he was atomized and hasn't been seen since but yeah nah like he ain't dead corvus corax is a loyalist warp demon that currently stalks lorgaar in the eye of terror as far as i'm aware he is alive last but not least alpharius who might have actually been a migun but is probably alfarius was truly killed by dorne the old light show and everything chaos doesn't know how to revive him otherwise they probably would have done it by now so i don't think we'll see alfarius who might be omegon but is probably our farias again meanwhile amigon who might be alpharius but is probably a migon is currently in hiding working with small splinter factions of loyalist alpha legionnaires to subtly sabotage chaos seems like every dead primark bar horus can be brought back but if we're honest i don't see gw bringing back sanguinius or rogel for the next decade or two bring on the lion baby if you enjoy the video and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be only one dollar per month give you access to a boatload of prime but not friendly for work content hit the subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more resurrected content join the discord for more memes and i'll see you in the next one peace [Music] you
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 396,004
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: rLlS0c4IAWA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 09 2022
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