What True Story Of Yours Does Nobody Believe?

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okay reddit what are your true stories that nobody will ever believe home alone completely no pets no one has a key to the house but me I bake a pizza and walk away to let it cool come back no frickin pizza I'd show proof but it would just be a picture of my empty countertop me and my dad drove our rental car in neutral with no gas from the top of the volcano in malian to a gas station in Camp Hill you hitting every single green light there was and never having to stop once lol I've heard of people doing this who aren't out of gas just to save dollar sign or for fun I was riding my bike hit a curb flipped over my handlebars and landed on my feet it was early in the morning so no one was around to see it I guess my story isn't so special oh well I guess it's worth mentioning my comical injury my bike has stem shifters and in the process of flipping over the handlebars my pubic area hit the shifters resulting in a bruised swollen labia it was funny to tell friends about but it frickin hurt at school years ago I drop kicked a thick cast [ __ ] french fry into the air and thought nothing of it seconds later a scream and applause erupted from about 15 yards away as the chip had flew through the air and landed inside someone's coke bottle whilst they were walking with it very few people believe my story about the drunk guy in a McDonald's parking lot but I'll tell it anyways my friends and I went to McDonald's around closing time to get some late-night food the restaurant was already closed but the drive-thru was still open when we got there there was a drunk possibly mentally troubled man pulling on the doors trying to get in we told him the restaurant part was closed but that we could get him some food from the drive-thru if he gave us money he gave us a few dollars and ordered a large fries we returned with his food after we gave it to him he yelled that they were too salted pulled out his dog and began trying to batch fries at our car with it he batted fries at our car with his freakin dong we sped away into the night forever changed by the incident I believe you only become that story is hilarious truth fish story I was a Murtagh fishing with my dad on Edgerton dock on Martha's Vineyard I noticed that I have a fish hook so I start to reel it in suddenly a freaking cormorant swimming bird swims up and snags that little bee so now I'm in a freaking tug-of-war over a fishes life with a goddamn bird and I was like 11 at the time I won the tug of war then tossed the fish back into the gaping jaws of the bird I am gracious in my victories should have deep-fried that bird along with the fish my girlfriend and I were exiting a movie one summer night and I saw a black guy in some fantastic frickin attire with the little white girl who was dressed a little s so while we're walking by this guy's hat blows off his head and he just turns around and ignores it I chase after the Hat for the heck of it I guess I bring the hat back to him and say here you go man he takes the Hat and thanks me and going into a handshake he says buy your girl something nice and put something in my hand I walk away kind of freaked out and look at the paper in my hand freaking $100 bill I know that dude was a total fricking pimp TL DR quarter pimps hat in the wind got $100 someone should write a song pimps hat in the wind not me but my dad says this happened to him just under a month ago he was in a nature trail park walking my dog while visiting some friends this is in the city so there are houses surrounding the park but inside of it it's just like being in a forest anyway my dog is just playing in a nearby creek when my dad hears some bizarre squawking like noise followed by rustling then silence then more thrashing and squawking this continues for a few minutes before he starts to hear a rhythmic thumping the rusting continues my dad now frozen with curiosity here's this thumping growing louder until an eagle swoops out of a nearby tree with a woodpecker latched onto its back pecking the Eagles head the pair flew past him and into some trees and out of sight the best explanation he can think of is this woodpecker on the Eagles back thinking it was a tree and freak the freak out when it realized it wasn't I guess the fact that I believe him means I don't have any reason to be in this thread but I know you're all just here to read crazy stories this story is impeccable when I was about eight I had to fly across country alone so my dad thought it would be best to pay a little bit extra for a first-class ticket so the stewardesses would be sure to look after me my dad has courted me on the plane to my seat and asked the man who happened to be sitting next me to do him a favor and make sure I was okay the guide turned out to be hilarious during the flight he repeatedly flirted with the stewardesses ordered drinks and crack jokes right before we landed he ordered a full bottle of champagne and told me to hide it in my backpack and give to my mom as a gift when she picked me up later when I told my dad about the flight he informed me that the guy I was sitting next to was none other than John Belushi at the time I didn't know who he was but a year or two later when I next saw him again on Saturday Night Live I recognized him immediately-- amazing once when I was about 15 I was walking down the street drinking a Slurpee with two buddies I was holding it at my side in my right hand my one friend dropped back came up behind me and kicked the Slurpee as hard as he could out of my hand it flew up in the air spinning like crazy seriously must have gone 20 feet high as it came down he caught it perfectly and started drinking it the straw stayed in lid stayed on and not a drop of Slurpee was lost so I'm out on a date downtown and was having dinner at a place that had little many grape up and bottles on the table I couldn't tell you why aside from a few beers but for some reason I decided to pocket the grape up and bottle and then promptly forgot about it until we're walking down the City Street and there are cars parked at the curb one of which has a guy hanging out the driver's side hollering at passing girls sir my date and I walk by and he regards us as we pass thinking for a minute and then blurts out pardon me do you have any Grey Poupon at which point I reached into my pocket walked over to him said bit off-course and handed him the bottle of grape happen only my date and that guy and another friend of mine can verify that it actually happened it's honestly a bit too weak of an anecdote to just make up in oh only a lucky coincidence somewhere else on the internet that dude is telling this story from his prospective in a thread just like this one sometime around 2002 or 2003 I went out camping with a dozen or so friends who were in the restaurant business we went in the middle of the week as that's the only time they could get off so the campground we were at in Manitoba was completely empty except for us we were partying pretty hard lots of booze and weed was consumed and we decided to walk down to the beach as that's what wanders in the middle of the night while camping when we got to the lake the sky above was absolutely lit up with the Northern Lights if you've ever seen proper Northern Lights you'll know how fast those tendrils of light can whip around the sky this was an absolutely mind-blowing experience so we all decided to lie down on the beach and stare up at the show this went on for maybe 10 or 20 minutes with much Ling and I mean by everyone there suddenly the Northern Lights stopped and by stopped I mean all the tendrils laced across the sky stopped moving and more surprisingly they all arc towards a ring in the middle directly above us this wasn't just something I witnessed everyone was asking are you seeing this is this happening it was so unnatural and so bizarre as all the waves were pointed at a spot directly above us radiating out towards the edges of the sky this lasted for a good 5 or 10 minutes and then they faded away everyone there witnessed it and it made everyone else super uncomfortable to this day when I mention it everyone else sought a last nervously and says you're we must have smoked too much weed that day and move on from the subject I don't know what caused the phenomenon but it was a single strangest event I witnessed in my life during a LAN party where I had to install half-life randomly typed something with a general format of the HL one CD key because I didn't feel like getting my module installed flawlessly somewhere out there there's a guy with that CD key that got screwed out of half-life this isn't about me but it's about my dad he was a local police officer for 32 years eventually retiring as a left tenant my family has lived in Silicon Valley since before I was born and my folks still live er a few years after transferring to his retiring Police Department my dad is working graveyard at the time he was a beat cop just killing time in the wee hours of the morning that is until he gets a call about a break-in at an office building when he gets there he finds the door open don't know if it was smashed and lock picked undamaged he's the first responder so he Peaks his head inside there are cubicles computers desks chairs tables everything set up to look like your standard in a textile hi-tech office except naps it's a ghost town everything is covered in a fine layer of dust everything and everything looks like it hasn't been touched in years if not longer my dad looks from the door in and sees footprints that cross through the office and deep into the building they end at a large safe at the back of the building which is now open my dad exits the building has a few more officers show up a few minutes later a lady in a very nice business suit keep in mind this is at like 3:00 a.m. with a radio walks up to my dad she looks at him and says something along the lines of Thank You officer you and the others may go now this is a private matter we have this under control as she turns around she gets on her radio and all she says is we have been compromised my dad still to this day has no clue what happened who owned the building or the business and as far as talking about what went down no one really talked about it after they were asked to leave the premises upon further discussion the lady did identify herself although my dad can't remember how government agency private security and it looks like it may have been an old IBM or HP building apparently these companies set up a lot of dummy buildings that would house their secrets and tech information that they didn't want to get out to their competitors the general public so they would set up offices just like this and when someone would break in my guess would be that the dust would be used to track footprints fingerprints and probably attach itself the lungs of the burglar so they get cancer and die for trying to steal trade secrets okay maybe no cancer but you get the idea when you set her a lady in a very nice business suit with a radio walks up I don't know why but I pictured in my head to business lady walking up with a boom box on her shoulder when I was about 10 years old my family went to the Colorado River with another family the other family brought their boat for waterskiing one night my dad and our family friend Jeff were going to do some nighttime catfishing I convinced them to take me with them so I didn't have to hang out with all the women since this was the mid eighties my dad and Jeff were getting pretty tipsy while they fished around midnight one of the lines just starts reeling out the reel is screaming when my dad picks it up and goes to set the hook once the hook is set my dad starts fighting this fish after about 30 45 minutes the fish appears to be tiring Jeff starts maneuvering the boat to help my dad land this fish this where the story gets weird just as my dad gets the fish about 20 feet from the boat the fish takes off again it runs the line all the way down to the Rio my dad had anticipated catching large catfish and was using his deep-sea gear we then realized the fish is pulling the boat backwards not at a rapid pace but still backwards Jeff gives the boat a little more throttle and the fish fights more and they're in a stalemate tug of war finally we hear Jeff say that the boat is full throttle and fish starts pulling us backward again after about five minutes of this my dad cast the line and we limped the boat half run and half under motor power back to camp to this day no one believes us they say my dad and Jeff were just drunk here's the thing I remember this and I was 10 I wasn't drunk scared the crap out of me though to this day I hate the idea of swimming in the Colorado River we don't even know if what we hooked was a fish because it never got close enough TL DR went night fishing and was dragged by something strong enough to pull a boat backwards this horrifies me when I was younger within the span of one week I partied with the band Dokken and puked on don dokken and then had spaghetti dinner with Ronnie James Dio and his wife upvote video who is not dead but was instead summoned to an ancient realm to quell a dragon uprising one day while I when I was about 5 I was walking around a yearly Country Fair in town with my mom we'd been there most of the day and mum was exhausted as she was dragging me toward the gate I yell mum mum that's Willie Nelson I want to see Willie Nelson she said oh come on it's just some skinny guy in a cowboy hat we're leaving without looking my grandmother came home she'd been working the info desk at the fair and called my mom to say you'll never guess who came by the booth today Willie Nelson it seems he's doing a show around here and he loves fairs so he decided to come see this one I was vindicated what I like about this is how overwhelmingly classy your nib was I mean totally suspicious-looking horrible excuse just walking down the beach in bare feet zero frisch's given maximum class achieved I made it from the border of Mexico to West's Park Colorado in a small truck with no money to my name I did not steal gas or food or in any way break the law you must be one charming mother sucker I lost the same baby tooth twice before the normal one grew plus I grew an extra bone in my jaw when I was about 30 I still have it because I'm too lazy to get the surgery to get it removed doctor says I should be in a book while my family was fleeing fro the war in former Yugoslavia my sister took it the hardest she was 16 years old and on the night we left a small strand of her hair went from being black like the rest of her hair to completely white she still has it it's super weird she's only 31 now and for that reason has no gray hair everything is black except for this one strand of white when I was a young kid I met Andre the Giant at a convenience store in Waterbury CT nobody believes this for some reason I was born in 1983 he died in 1993 I was 7 or 8 when we met WWF is based out of CT it really isn't that weird at all yet nobody will believe me I'll believe you my parents taught me the Macarena dance before it became widely popular they learned it on a cruise I'm pretty sure it's no longer matters if you believe me hipster while on a post college backpacking trip through Norway to pretty seemingly normal fifteen-year-old local girls came up to me introduce themselves and brought me back to one of their places for a threesome it just kind of happened I got the distinct impression it was not the first time they had done this gonna need you to be a lot more specific about where you were when you met them when I was about 9 or 10 I just finished playing around in my basement I decided playtime was over and walked upstairs to go ask my mom for some lunch and saw her taking a nap my dad and older brother were home so as I was about to go look for one of them I noticed something strange there was a small ball of light in the middle of the living room I thought it was a reflection of something until I realized it was moving I stood frozen still as it was moving slowly in my mother's direction it wasn't moving particularly fast maybe an inch every few seconds it probably took a couple minutes it was two feet away from my mom when I heard a loud bang instantly the ball vanished leaving a cloud of smoke and my mom awoke my dad rushed in from outside and my brother from upstairs and asked what I did I told them what happened and they brushed it off for something a younger kid would make up but they could not find anything that would make that kind of noise or why there was smoke in the room and grounded me instead I know what I saw and still no one believes what happened that day ball lightning simply because my roommate during myself and more year in college said it couldn't be done I stayed awake for five days straight or 123 hours with no drugs of any kind you have no idea how close to death he were i carded Bill Murray at a movie theater because of a company policy regarding credit cards due to the glare on the box-office window I didn't know it was him so when I carded him and he was like am I not old enough to see an r-rated movie actually most people believe this story because everyone who works in the service industry in Charleston has served him or Kolbert or any one of dozens of famous people who vacationed them when you said nobody will ever believe I assumed you meant about Bill Murray one time while mowing my lawn I noticed an extremely odd phenomenon coming from Utah Lake which I live about 15 or 20 miles from there was an extremely thin sliver of what looked like water protruding from the surface of the lake and stretching all the way to the sky like a water spout Utah rarely gets tornadoes so I was completely blown away while staring at this magnificent string of water dance around the lake for a few minutes until it dissipated still don't know exactly what it was but my guess is that it was just some kind of really low power waterspout I don't know of anyone else who saw it either also in the fourth grade a friend of mine opened a fortune cookie he got at lunch in the 14 read eat drink and be merry for tomorrow you die he started freaking the Frick out I read the 14 myself and couldn't believe my eyes but I laughed at him regardless I hope you know that your friends for tuned is actually a combination of two Bible verses Echo's iasts 8:15 and Isaiah 22 13 it's been a same for a couple thousand years nothing to freak out about I saw Fabio in Lake Arrowhead CA coming out of Subway the amazing part was that when he got into his Viper and sped away his hair was still blowing in the wind despite his windows being up these are supposed to be stories that nobody would ever believe me and my twin brother 17 at a time were walking home from the school bus stop one day at one point he tells me to look up at the sky to the right of us I look up and they're floating silently is a black object probably 100 meters upwards it's just sitting there emitting a thin wisp of grayish smoke as far as I know there isn't any aircraft that can stay still whilst emitting smoke and being completely silent as there was absolutely no wind blowing at a time we were both stunned when the clouds started to creep closer to the object by the time we reached home both staring at the object the whole way the clouds had completely surrounded and hidden the object it seems surreal at the time now I want to believe I was in the middle of a group frickin session in college with three girls and three guys we were in my bed and one of the girls accidentally let some poop out on my bed enough to where it was clearly visible on the sheets and even some on her leg she tried to play it off like nothing happened bill the other five of us all notice immediately and quietly put our clothes back on and left the room I burned the sheets later than night you freaked the crap out of her I was in a bad neighborhood in West Baltimore think of where they shot the wire late at night going to her party I stopped for a minute to tie my shoe and heard a clop clop clop behind me it was what looked to be a seka driving a horse i sat there stunned as he rode past me and watched him ride off into the distance I was in a car chase with someone trying to kill me and my friends this whole interaction probably lasted no more than four six minutes but felt like forever so here's the story me and some friends were driving around the suburbs around out houses doing teenager shenanigans when we pull up to a stoplight at about 3:00 a.m. as we are stopped at a stoplight I hear my friends talking in the backseat friend 1 hey throw an M&M at that guy's car friend 2 no he looks scary I think nothing of it and as I turned from the left lane I hear a little tink and this guy cuts through lanes and turns to start chasing us and my friends tell me to floor it so in going about 60 65 miles per hour down this Main Street of 3 a.m. with no other cars around stupid me figures this guy must be a reasonable person so I try to get next to him to apologize big mistake he is swearing and yelling and reaching for something in his glove compartment and then it gets worse as he tried to ram my car so I swerve out of the way and I'm driving in the opposite lane of traffic trying to lose this guy and then I see it there is a red light ahead where you can only make a sharp right or left I figure I've already done enough stupid stuff today and didn't want to risk running a red light i swerve onto a side street and start driving through streets and alleys barely bigger than my car I had to maneuver this car through areas I though would be impossible considering I was still going 40 45 miles per hour and he was still following us after a fair bit of maneuvering we lose him and drive around to make sure we lost him we finally get back to my house and just laugh our asses off that this guy tried to kill us over an M&M TL DR was in a car chase where I could have died but escaped unharmed my cat was on the power line was going from my house to the road jumped off it picked off a bird that had just taken off landed on a tree and came down mother I played guitar with George Harrison in a guitar store on Maui a few days before his death in 2001 I was just another customer at the time and I didn't know who he was he was buying a guitar for his kid so we sat down and traded tunes for about 20 minutes we were both playing mini strats he ended up purchasing a yellow miniature Fender Strat and walked out the woman working the cash register pointed to him and said do you know who you were playing guitar with I said no why she's like that George Harrison of the Beatles I was frickin mind blown now that is an awesome story if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 18,079
Rating: 4.8565402 out of 5
Keywords: true stories, hard to believe, crazy stories that are hard to believe, hard to believe stories, true, impossible stories, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap
Id: BbTvbDx0bOI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 39sec (1479 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 02 2020
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