What "Black Market" Existed At Your School?

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what black market existed in your school teachers punished us by making us right i will refrain from extemporaneous vocalization during valuable pedagogical opportunities 50 or 100 times as homework so over the summer we would do up a few hundred sheets of that and we could sell or use them as necessary even the teachers and simpsons were smart enough to change up the phrase i sold p mags i'd acquire after japanese business men would leave them in their motel rooms the cafeteria not school run kind of just a cafe inside the school would charge three dollars for for a peanut butter and jelly sandwich so one girl kept the ingredients in her locker and charged one dollar when the school caught wind and shut it down they tried to guilt us all by saying how the cafeteria was someone's livelihood and we were taking away from that but like four dollars for peanut butter the market adjusts this is tyrannical regulation a p ring kids would find their dad's vhs poorness or magazines and sell them to this kid then he'd turn around and sell it for profit funny thing is that when the principal caught wind of it and found all the pee in his locker but the money wasn't there the kid used the locker under his and hid it all in the bottom the p hustler dude is now a cyber security analyst i asked him at our reunion how much he thought he made back then he claims nine hundred dollars in four months drugs and soda same dude too if you bought a soda from him during school he'd know you weren't a narc and would then sell you eat after my mom owned a sweet shop and sweets were banned in our school as we had to be healthy meals and all that so she'd constantly give me bags of sweets to smuggle in and sell every day at dinner made an absolute bomb coma made an absolute bomb starts with candy dealing moves on to terrorism i used to sell bootleg movies in high school not the kind of bootleg where you take a video camera into a theater but i knew someone who kept getting early versions of movies that i guess are sent to theaters they had some message about it being for screening purposes only internal use i don't remember exactly and giving them to me i'd burn a bunch of copies and sell them to people for five dollars they were high quality and still early in theaters they're called screeners our high school had an internet filter an enterprising friend of mine set up a free bsd server in his basement and put together some 256 millibars flash drives with an executable version of firefox could run directly from the flash drive without installs and rssh client you could plug it in connect ssh then use the server as a proxy for all the firefox traffic and get around any website you wanted those flash drives were a hot commodity let me tell you you could set up in the library and just start casually browsing a banned website and people would start coming up and asking how you could do it iodized salt and simple black pepper in the lunch room i'm not kidding this was around 2004 usa our cafeteria coordinator was trying to do everything healthy and by government rules so no added salt to bogus but whatever but she also took the pepper too kids in my school didn't really pack lunches as most of us got reduced lunch i was pee as they just boiled canned veggies and gave them to you in a bowl with the juice and wasn't going to stand for it i was also a huge butthole in high school so i made a plan i bought salt and pepper shakers and put them in a zippy bag to carry in my backpack i broke them out at lunch every day and shared with about 70 kids we made it through for about three months and then they finally caught on who had them i got silent lunch detention in a separate room for a week and i made sure i put my salt and pepper out on my table every day but then when i came back to the normal lunchroom like 30 people had salt and pepper shakers shakers everywhere and the coordinator was pee oh it makes me laugh even today she still refused to put out salt and pepper but we all had it anyway it continued until i graduated from there [Music] playstation one and two memory cards stuck on a boss want the treasures without having to beat the game on ultra hard there was a guy who in my grade who for a fee would play any game and get where you wanted to be than give you a memory card to copy over the save file naturally you had to return the memory card to keep the ball rolling for everyone the og pro gamer in fifth grade i sold fairies to every single one of my classmates for one dollar each i gave them names and back stories and drew little portraits of each then would toss them an invisible fairy and then collect from the next sucker freelance artist ppps positive participation points these were little yellow tickets that teachers handed out to students who were participating positively every month there will be class wide and school-wide draws for prizes the more ppps you had the greater your chance of winning was didn't take long for kids to copy the template in word and start selling stacks of ppps this feels like it's straight out of diary of a wimpy kid i forget which book but when the teachers used to give out points for being nice and people would just use the photocopy room to print out stacks of them jan sport book bag strings i was in school when jansport backpacks became popular at least in nyc they were and one of the things everyone loved were the strings on the zippers it became a huge problem where students were stealing strings off of others and either hoarding them or selling them the solution became using a lighter to partially melt your strings together so they couldn't be untied without breaking them leaving your book bag unattended anywhere was the equivalent of leaving your car parked in the wrong neighborhood in 70 8 as nyc just remembered i ran a short-lived market selling scientific calculators back in high school as well i actually found where the school stored theirs and was stealing them little by little i'm not proud of it but my morals were very loosey-goosey back then that is the most specific weird thing ever money is money i guess [Music] i studied in a boarding school and we had a black market for acorns yes acorns kids would collect the acorns from the ground paint and shape them so that they spin like b blades the other kids would buy them to compete in the acorn battle which is similar to b blade that's freaking rad though and this will be my gig when the ai revolution resets us to rural low tech lifestyles [Music] in eighth grade 2001 i got a playboy from my older sister's bf i cut out the nudes and sold them one at a time to the rest of the guys i knew a five dollar magazine turned into close on fifty dollars i didn't get caught but a few days later another kid tried the same thing with one he stole from his dad's stash he was caught school tells his dad dad is unusually p off about it turns out it's dad's favorite issue bc it was cindy crawford in the centerfold this is an actual problem with antiquarian books especially ones with maps [Music] originally we only had vending machines in the field house so people would give jax money to go get them snacks and sodas eventually it became sort of like a service with a fee of course some kids mimicked it with junk food from the convenience stores and it became a black market of the rarest candies some kids were peddling stuff from japan others from the uk it was a high stakes candy market of the best stuff ginger flavored kitkats pear drops maltesers black currant juice and more eventually the faculty began to notice strange ongoings on and alerted the principle which found the whole thing rather amusing a few weeks later we had vending machines throughout the school but for that one semester it was a lawless land smart principle he could have done what many would have and have done crack down on the sellers but instead he just undercut the market and dealt with the issue having undergone less hassle slime in middle school the school band selling slime so people would sell in the hallways or under the table during class oh man i was our high school black market my sophomore year i believe the school took all unhealthy snacks and drinks out of the vending machines candy soda so i stepped up and filled the gap until i graduated i started carrying around a backpack full to the brim with various full-size candy bars and sodas all of which i would sell for one dollar the sodas were the real money maker i could get a 12 pack for three dollars and make three hundred percent profit on a good day i would generally make around ten dollars and usually at the very least three dollars or four dollars the school did give me warnings a few times when they did locker checks and found several boxes of soda and candy bars but i just claimed they were for me and nothing came of it as a senior gift for my ski team the underclassmen gave me a creepy trench coat from which to pedal my wares it was great the year after i left another kid on the ski team stepped up and started offering the same service i've been told makes me happy to have left something of a legacy i did this too except just the pops no candy bars i used to buy 24 packs of pop for about seven dollars and sold them for one dollar each i usually had to restock two three times a week because we had around 1200 kids at that school made frickin bank it was nice our school band sent to gel pens for some reason we ran that crap like a prohibition era speak easy for about three months anything banned becomes an instant commodity for some reason kids in my school decided that sx wax surfboard wax was cool to chew on the school banned it suddenly everyone was buying and selling sx wax this was in colorado very far from any surf the 80s were a weird time in high school a kid on the wrestling team had parents who constantly went out of town on business so he drained their swimming pool and would host fight nights with the fights in the pool it was called beat that but he facilitated betting and made himself more money than a high school kid should have he tried to recruit anyone in the school who looked like they could hold their own in a fight eventually bands started playing at them and he started burning cds of each event's music they were printed and numbered so each one looked like the now that's what i call music cds but instead of now they said bta source was in a band that was asked to play we declined he didn't empty and refill the pool for each event he emptied it once and it stayed empty but his parents wouldn't have noticed nor cared either way it might have been called whoop that butt i don't know it's been a while i don't know about black market but we had two places you could be during recess the gym or the playground during the winter the goater was the gym underneath the bleachers in the gym we legitimately had a pokemon eugeo gambling ring in which kids would put up their lunch money i later found out from one of the kids who ran this little exchange that it was actually heavily rigged shocker bubble gum and chewing gum it was in middle school huge huge supply for chewing gum down the road there was a little cafe that sold those five packs of gum for 10 cents i walked in with a five dollar bill and bought as many as i wanted i sold each stick at 25 cents each and 50 cents for big red i made a huge profit people started getting jealous and i got into a few fights over the amount of gum i was selling finally the school caught on and told the store not to sell gum to students anymore and thus my days as a gum dealer ended only on redid can you find someone as a gum dealer not really black market but i hope that counts when i was in middle school b blade was hyped i was into it too and found out that there are way newer ones in japan but not here looked further and found fakes that looked almost like the real ones but way cheaper you know where this is getting bought some for me to create interest in them showed them the fake boxes all in japanese so they thought it's real and bought a bunch of them i made something between 400 500 euros in half a year was trying to think of a let it rip joke about how you rip those kids off but i give up well in college i happen to know all the people that could get me every drug imaginable like forget that we also had chemical engineering students one of which got caught making high quality m to pay his student loans breaking bad spiritual sequel confirmed context i went to an international school where everyone is rich as frick so one day in first grade i brought some candy to school and this rich white kid offered me one euro for a 10 cent suite this kept on happening for a week at that point i started buying more candy and bringing it to school i was filling my pencil case with candy and hiding the money i got from kids in a special rack that i made in my bag with a knife i carried this on for two years until one time my mom was cleaning my bag so the cut and put her hand in and to her surprise there was approx 1 000 euros my parents beat me so hard i have never tried selling anything ever again i was one of the first kids in my high school to have a scanner this was back in the middle 90s and people just didn't really have them my family did student parking passes were 150 each i bought one and then scanned it and made duplicates that i would sell for 75 each they looked okay but the school never really checked them that good they just wanted to see the little thing hanging from your rear view mirror in that it was the right color the teachers had a different colored one i stopped doing it after more people had parking passes than there were spaces in the lot some people made a lot of money in middle school from selling slime there was also the obvious vape sellers but slime interests me more kids paid 0.45 cents for lunch but teachers paid 1.25 cents seniors got paper trees and were allowed to eat anywhere on campus teachers would pay kids a dollar and get lunch delivered we had these sherbet straws called pixie stix chewing gum and any trading card we also had this gambling game that involved getting your coin as close to the wall as possible liars poker with the serial number on dollar bills i would literally trade bills with my dad till i found one with a group of aces took him three months to get curious took him 20 minutes to calm down after learning of my gambling with them like that took two minutes to let him know i had a net positive of around 80 dollars he then proceeded to slip me bills with good number sets my bus driver in elementary school used to sell jolly rancher lollipops on the bus he wouldn't sell them until we were off school property the story was he spent time in prison we called him slaughter he had a deep scar that went down the right side of his face this sounds like a story from the book the candy store collars my school required uniforms namely a polo or button-down shirt with a collar on it you were allowed to wear a shirt or a sweater over that collared shirt but you had to have to call a showing at all times at some point someone got the bright idea to go to a thrift store buy a bunch of cheap collared shirts and cut them off you could then just stick it in whatever shirt you were wearing and bam it looked like you had a collared shirt on blow pops no that's not an autocorrect thing blow pops the candy suckers with gum inside this was high school we were kinda sheltered lol i commented further down before i saw this my brother used to sell blow pops in the early 90s he would buy boxes of 100 for like four dollars and sell them for 25 cents each he made a culling homemade slime kids in my middle school bought and sold this like some kind of drug deal huge fights broke out as kids failed to follow up on various ious some as high as 20 dollars it was wild i was in elementary school during the beginning of simpsons mania for some odd reason a black market emerged of drawings of simpsons characters but lisa homer marge a sheet of their heads would fetch like 25 cents a one dollar got you something more elaborate it got so bad our school made announcements and cracked down on the trade even drawing a simpsons character on a piece of paper would result in a teacher staffer whatever snatching it from you no questions asked in junior high it was blue raspberry blow pops our school was next to a bulk store so kids would get boxes for a few bucks and sell them for 25 cents a pop and much better way to spend a quarter remote i would get like 50 people a day asking me to air drop spider-man into the spider-verse but i got it from someone else who airdropped it to me first rightfully so that movie is dang near perfect mountain dew one dealer he makes around 3k a year every season he buys out the store of all the special drinks ie liberty brew holiday brew etc and sells them a dollar for one or two dollars and fifty cents for three the kids entrepreneur i'm glad i know him as a friend so i get special deals [Music] kool-aid gummy bears it started out in middle school with a single friend of mine selling them in little ziploc bags for about four bucks or so in high school his older brother the cook would cook entire pot fulls and give my friend and his friends the distributors hundreds to sell at different high schools in the area some sold 200 bags in a day i've tried them twice or so and i must say they are pretty delicious the quality improved tons over the five years this went on as well beat a fish fight club we had open campers lunch so kids would go to the local petsmart buy two betta fish sell them to whoever wanted to fight that day and they would dump the two fish in the toilets to fight beta fish are notoriously known for having to be kept alone because they'll rip the other fish to freaking shreds the winner will get flushed down the toilet so glad i never experienced that stuff public school in america is weird just want to say i never supported this it is fricked up but selling beta fish to fight was a legit black market at my school and this is why you now have to be 18 plus to get any pet from petsmart petco smelly pencils i crap you not i had it for a fundraiser in high school four hour band trip walked into the middle school for an hour every day for two weeks my band instructor had to reorder by wednesday of the first week i funded about four people alone thanks to middle school kids lining up to buy five ten at a time to be fair smencels were the crap not a black market but a crustacean underground railroad first a little background the sophomore biology class at my high school would dissect crawfish as part of the curriculum the crawfish were kept in buckets of formaldehyde at the back of the classroom on the ground anyone could reach into these buckets and pull a crawfish out while the teachers it was a weird combined class with two teachers because reasons idk backs were turned and no one would be the wiser i had some friends who had acquired the locker combination to a girl in our group they'd like to pull pranks on one of which was making a mess in her locker with the cherry on top being a stolen crawfish claw placed in the locker among other things well my friend d thought it was hilarious how easy obtaining the claw was that he wanted to see if he could take a whole crawfish without being noticed which led to how many can be liberated before it's noticed as the weeks went by d heroically put himself in harm's way to liberate as many scared dead crawfish to freedom as he could each time d would bring an empty soda bottle to class when the time was right he would fill it with formaldehyde to recreate what they are used to the little guys need to be comfortable after all and place a crustacean in the bottle at the end of class he would smuggle them out with no regard for his own safety by the end of the school year d had liberated close to 10 crawfish and re-house them successfully into an empty locker where some say they reside happily to this day i invented soft-core flesh trade when i was in kindergarten i discovered my friend a girl didn't have a dong that was the most freaking mind-blowing thing ever so i invite my male friends to see her they were even more mind-blown than me the next day they asked her to see the lack of dong again but she refused because she wasn't friends with them so they came to me and offered me some candy and bubble gum to ask her obviously i quickly turned this into a business opportunity and by the end of the day i had more candy than i could carry in my rather large pockets i don't think there was anybody in that kindergarten that day boys who didn't get to enjoy the view of a smooth tea i gave her a cut too for every client the principles of fairness and integrity have always been a huge part of my upbringing the next day parents were called little porno sonic got yelled at a lot by the principal of the kindergarten by her parents by his parents candy had been confiscated rights of small and medium entrepreneurs meant nothing in that particular institution i was pretty amused by this for the first half then halfway through i realized that my daughter starts kindergarten next week you bastard somewhat related but when i was in college i ran a free illegal bar for my friends out of my dorm room using alcohol that i stole i had a whole system worked out for stealing the booze from this big grocery store chain and the entire time none of the employees suspected a thing i made friends with a bunch of them and they would always say hi to me and chat whenever i would go which was about two three times a week i actually did get caught for the stealing but not at that grocery store only when i tried to do it at target back home in chicago i got arrested for that and felt really stupid for what i was doing so i gave up shoplifting however i never got in trouble for my bar and i had a lot of fun mixing drinks for my friends also made my room the spot to hang out before going to hit the parties later on sold playboy mags to classmates for alcohol when i was 12 stroke 13 years of age it was quite an easy economy sunday mornings at 7 30 a.m i'd go to the news agents when no one would be there pick up a bunch of the adult mags from the understanding news agent who realized i was selling them to classmates monday morning distributes them to classmates who bartered with alcohol so i was going into school with three four magazines and three four classmates were coming into class monday mornings with bottles of beer alcohol in their school bags to trade just thinking back i wish i had sold the alcohol onwards frick good time though some funny stories from classes where i knew someone had alcohol in their bags before the trade went down and could have a bit of fun in class with the teacher comma who realized i was selling them to classmates when you are buying huge amounts they can tell by your wrist and forearm size if you are a user or a reseller rabbit pelts in fifth grade we went to an indian mounds camp and in the gift shop they had rabbit pelts one kid bought a ton of them and then sold them at a higher markup once we got back to school he was making good money until the teachers found out all kinds of software it started with stacks of diskettes containing ms dos 6.22 or games like stunts and hot rod and leisure suit larry later we started burning cds and at some time twilight cds started going around good times my friend sold spring rolls his family was vietnamese and they were awesome he started in grade 9 but by grade 10 had to start taking actual orders during the week and sell any leftovers every thursday he did this weekly and was killing it much like other comments selling food at my hs wasn't permitted as we had a cafeteria my friend was called down to the office by the principal during his math class we thought it was because he was in trouble but the principal actually just placed a big order for an event or something he got away with it after we graduated he became a chef and i got a job dishwashing at the same restaurant i asked how much he made he wouldn't tell me how much he profited himself but he donated four thousand dollars to charity if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye for now
Channel: Internet Is Fun
Views: 23,231
Rating: 4.8997049 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, emkay, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, askreddit school, r/askreddit how to, school, school stories, black market, school black market, high school
Id: zlLcbNQSY2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 18sec (1578 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 30 2020
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