Coincidence? I Think Not! 🤔 (r/AskReddit)

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what's the most insane coincidence you've experienced I was once mugged by four guys on one of the main shopping streets of Nairobi Kenya one of the guys had me in a chokehold and just before I was about to pass out they dropped me and ran at the time I didn't know why 12 months later sitting on a beach on an island in Thailand I meet a British couple who did business in Kenya and we start to talk about how dangerous it was getting for foreigners they described an incidence the year before of turning a corner and seeing a white guy being mugged and a shopkeeper rescued him by hitting one of them over the head with a bat they were in the same street on the same day at the exact same time I was there it was me who they witnessed being mugged what are the odds of randomly beating up on a beach in Thailand a year later I sold my L SAT study books to a half-price bookstore two years later I found them on the bookshelf of the man I would later marry I live in Australia and I have for almost my whole life but I was born in Dubai every weekend in Dubai my mum would take me to the Hilton Beach Club and sit me in front of the pastry chef and eat we moved away from Dubai really early on so I don't even remember much fast forward to seventeen years of age a new kid at school had just moved from a nearby town we became friends and we both loved cricket and we practiced a lot together my dad and I were giving him a lift home after we were practicing and dad asks why were you born and he says Dubai and the conversation continues and I say I was 2 etc then he says my parents used to be the pastry chefs at the Hilton Beach Club and this blew me away here we were 16 years later halfway across the world and I every weekend I sat in front of his parents and ate what they made for me to this day I still get goosebumps thinking about it I mean what are the chances a few years ago I into a cab heading out for the evening in downtown Toronto shortly after being dropped off I realized I left my phone in the cab I tried calling it with no luck I called the cab company but because I had flagged the cabin paid cash they had no real way of knowing which cab I was in I figured the phone was is gone and went about my night many hours later and having moved around the city quite a bit I am ready to call it a night so flag another cab sitting in the back seat I start to think the driver looks familiar and realized that I'm in the same cab I took earlier he hasn't found a phone but I start looking anyways and sure enough there it is jammed in the seat me and my flip phone will happily reunited only for me to put it in a washing machine two days later an American friend of mine by the name of Tom took his family on vacation to check out an article he met an Australian guy named Paul on Christmas Day in Antarctica they didn't exchange contact info a year later Christmas Day they take their vacation to Machu Picchu he is looking down at a map when he hears hey Tom how the heck are you it was Paul taking his family on their annual trip as well that's just next-level stalking never could explain this pay phone incident Saturday night out with friends we decide to call my friend al to see if he wants to join us this was in England long before mobile phones so we had to use one of the iconic red phone booths someone was already using it so we had to wait a few minutes guy leaves and we crammed in the booth now in those days in order to make a call you would first get a dial tone then call the number when the person on said you would hear a bunch of beeps at which point you insert a coins so I pick up the phone but hear no dial tone I hang the phone up and try again still no dial tone seems to be still connected to the previous call I say hello to see if anyone is still on the line personal says hello it was my friend al he had just picked up his phone to make a call and somehow miraculously without even dialing his number we were connected we all went to the pub after and tried to figure out how the heck this happened but it remains a mystery if I did not have my friends with me at the time as witnesses I would have believed it was my mind playing tricks on me this is when you start believing The Truman Show is about you in 2004 I was 18 and on a three-week tour of Europe I was at the louver and had just experienced the cluster freak that was the Mona Lisa exhibit after looking at it for two minutes I started to wind her around aimlessly as I was walking an older couple asked if I knew how to get to the Mona Lisa exhibit I told them yes and because I'm horrible with directions I'd be happy to walk them there myself they were really nice and very appreciative that I was taking time to help them they asked me where I was from us in Nashville but I mentioned my parents were immigrants from Italy they told me they were from Portugal on anniversary we talked a bit more told them my name and they were really excited about since I shared the same name as their grandchild anyways we get to the exhibit and I go to part ways and shake their hands but get called in felt two massive hugs and a kiss on the cheek they give me their address and say any time I'm in Portugal to stop by and I'll have a place to stay and eat we take a group photo and leave seven years later I'm in Munich for Oktoberfest I'm standing outside my hotel waiting for my friends when an older couple are skog I know how to get to the fairgrounds again I'm crap with directions so since I'm headed there I tell them they can just follow me and my friends again we start talking about where we are all from now I have a memory like an elephant and once they mentioned they're from Portugal I start to think maybe these are the same people I ask them if they have grandkids and they say they have six I asked if one of their names is historia Fuhrman they look at each other sort of surprise and say yes they asked how do I know that and tell them that I had met them seven years prior in Paris at the Louvre the old lady gets really happy and starts crying and starts to hug me they say they remembered me now and asked why I never came to visit that they had our picture in a frame on their wall and always wondered what happened to the nice American boy we spent the next three hours drinking beers and catching up luckily we got there early so we were able to get an empty table and they bought all the beers the entire time this time they demanded I give them my email so we could keep in contact I even added their son on Facebook two year later I go and visit for the summer in Shore there on the wall amongst the rest of their family pictures is 18 years old me standing between them in high school my friend sent me up with her boyfriend's cousin let's call him jack Jack and I were walking around an amusement park and started talking about recent families Spring Break vacations turns out both Jack and I had been in Las Vegas during the same week we stayed at the same hotel the conversation changed subjects when Jack stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and said I saw you in Las Vegas I thought he was full of crap there's no way he would remember some random girl among the thousands of people there he told me the exact place he saw me and that my sister and I were posing for a photo we got back to my house and found the picture there were Jack and his brother in the background when I was in grade 2 our family moved from Manitoba to Arizona for a year due to a contract my dad was working we rented out the house fully furnished for the year while in Arizona we flew to Alberta one weekend on the flight from Arizona to Alberta I sat beside a boy my age and we started talking it went something like this me what city are you from him Winnipeg me me too me what school do you go to him school name me cool I used to go there to me what street do you live on him street name me I lived on that street it turns out his family was renting our house while we were gone so I was sitting beside the boy who was sleeping in my bed while we were in Arizona about 10 years ago I tried to get in to Six Flags with a tiny keychain Swiss Army knife it literally had a dull one inches blade they told me I could either throw it away take it to my car a mile away or rent a locker for like ten bucks so I decided to hide it in the planter I looked down and saw a big piece of bark laying in the dirt and figured it would be a good hiding place I picked it up and found another freaking mini Swiss Army knife I placed mines next to the first and went into the park when I returned the other knife was gone and a smiley face was etched into the dirt in its place my family used to take little summer vacations one summer I was about seven eight we stayed at a campground about four hours from home there were a bunch of kids there and one day we all started playing tag I was IT and was chasing another young boy and when I tagged him I pushed him too hard and he fell and broke his arm I remember the scene vividly fast-forward to college I became good friends with my neighbor in the dorm and we ended up getting a place together our sophomore year the following year we went out for a few beers and the topic of broken bones came up I've only broken one bone and it was my arm when I was 7 some kid at a campground pushed me over while playing tag it was me still can't believe it my first semester of college I moved out of state I was first to move into the apartment and had a few days to myself after orientation I found my new roommate sitting on his bed when I introduced myself he asked where I was from when I told him he said I used to have a friend named Simon I said I used to have a friend named well we were best friends in first and second grade until his family moved when I was in high school I was aimlessly playing around our library one day like any large public high school our library had literally thousands of books quietly tucked away in shelves and rarely if ever touched that day I pulled your book at random from a shelf in the back and sat down to read it after opening it a slip of paper fell out and I quickly recognized the - ten digits written on it as a phone number I hastily read the number and it was my older sister's number who had graduated my high school years earlier someone wrote a number and tucked it away into a random book in the back until I found it years later as a college sophomore I went on a trip to France by myself I was sitting in not freedom Cathedral listening to music when a girl I dated in high school sat down near me totally at random we were both speechless when we saw one another there out of the blue in a foreign country within a vast Cathedral all while Quasimodo looked down sadly knowing his only love forever out of reach this coincidence is straight-up sorcery was kayaking with my family along a river when I thought I would pull a fast one of my brother so I yell hey look a bald eagle to my brother so I can do the whole madeyewlook game but to my suprise he goes cool at this point I think he is just messing with me so I can't say the whole madeyewlook thing so then I look up and a bald eagle swoops down catches a fish and flies to the other side of the river one of the most magical coincidences ever go out to dinner to celebrate my wife's birthday sat next to a couple we start talking the wife is also celebrating her birthday and it's on the same day haha crazy we hit it off and exchanged information to hang out again two months later I invite them to my birthday party and turns out their husband has the same birthday as me my aunt died young on the 3rd of October of 2007 on the 2nd of October 2008 I was a senior in high school I was in my art class one morning sitting at a table of four when the teacher tells one person from each table to go and grab a stack of newspapers for us to sculpt on so that the tables don't get all messed up with clay another guy spreads out the newspapers and then I begin to work I noticed that the paper at my seat is the obituary pages I casually begin to wheel it and realize that the paper is a year old and the obituary listing exactly under my right hand was that of my aunt who had died a full 365 days before I'd like to think it was her way of saying hello and what's up and to make sure I wasn't sculpting anything grossly inappropriate I once burped one second before a power blackout on my neighborhood it felt all mighty this reminds me of something that happened in high school I was joking around with one of my friends and I told her I could blow stuff up with my head she said prove it right then there was a loud boom and the power went out turned out one of the school's power transformers had blown up this happened to me a few months ago and it was pretty dang improbable I'm walking through BART Bay Area Rapid Transit where an average of three hundred and seventy five thousand people pass through daily I walk up the escalator to my train and pass by an envelope lying on the ground at first I didn't think much of it but I took a couple steps back to pick it up anyways the next part freaked me out I looked at the address and it was addressed to any I instantly look around to see if it was a practical joke or if I'm about to get assassinated or something but neither of those were the case the sender was a family friend we all call them the Johnston's I knew that mr. Johnson took the BART daily but I had never personally ran into him after work I call him up and ask him about the letter turns out he had about 300 letters with him on the BART and was going to send them out for his daughter's graduation party what in the world are the chances of him dropping the one letter addressed to me out of the three hundred combined with the chances of me being the one out of three hundred and seventy five thousand people to pick it up pretty wild when I was a little kid my parents would take my sister and I to visit my great-grandmother in the nursing home she was mid-nineties blind and too young me basically terrifying I hated going to see her to be honest every time we went she would touch our faces you know because blind and talked to us a little meanwhile her roommate somehow knew my name and would always try and grab me even though my parents never said more to her than pleasantries always freak me out fast-forward to my mid-twenties my dad mentions just casually as anything that the roommate was his grandmother and my other great-grandmother she didn't know my name I am a junior and look like my dad so she thought I was my father she was senile after all apparently there was a falling out when my dad was a kid and he had no relationship with much of his extended family she didn't recognize my dad because she never seen him as an adult the Frick tap thing is they lived in a city nursing home pretty big city too and just by sheer freakin coincidence my parents grandparents were roommates I met my now husband at work turns out there are enough coincidences that my mom is seriously wondering whether we are distantly related we were born in the same hospital two weeks apart we then both moved about 500 miles away and ended up in the same University together we moved from there another 100 miles away and worked in the same company we both have relatives in the same area in Dublin we both have a relative that worked in the same hotel in Dublin at about the same time back in the 1930s my mom and his grandmother have the exact same combination of unusual first and middle names when I was about 12 it was the late 90s and I was really big into Pokemon cards my mom took me to a card shop and I really wanted a Dragonite but it was like 12 bucks or whatever my mom said why don't you just get two card packs for that money you get way more cards obviously she didn't understand what the frickin dragon ID was but she only ended up buying me a pack first card freaking Dragonite it was crazy when I was 11 I was in the park like half a mile from my house and I was flying a Winnie the Pooh kite I was the only kid around with a kite at a time and I was pretty zoned into it and didn't notice when the string came loose 100 feet of twine zoomed away and out of reach and Pooh Bear was gone later that night my family and I went out to eat and when we came home there was a string dangling from the gutter above our front door my dad grabbed it and started pulling the strings seemed to go all the way up into the night sky we couldn't see the end of it a hundred feet off pulling later there was my poohbear kite it came back to me you have been visited by the hamster of joy comment I like chicken to live a happy and full of joy like the joy hamster life if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people [Music]
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Views: 289,591
Rating: 4.9216795 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, dankify, story, stories, tz reddit, toadfilms, best of, coincidence, insane coincidence, coincidence stories, strange, crazy
Id: MThmsSkJlDk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 26 2019
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