Red Flags In Job Interviews That Mean You Should Get The Hell Out of There ASAP (r/AskReddit)

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what are some red flags in a job interview when the pay that is advertised as suddenly different in the interview ah yes the old what's a few thousand dollars between friends routine interview a while back where the ad said forty to fifty thousand get there and the interviewer is like there was a mistake made it's $12 an hour years ago I applied for a job at Taco Bell the manager set up a day in time for me and we sat down in the dining room and he talked about his life for well over an hour his ex-wives his old band the thrills of hitchhiking then he shook my hand and said whenever we get an opening I'll keep you in mind I got suckered into listening to life story for no job what's my starting salary slash pay you make as much as you want no part of their if you work hard you could make an incredible amount of money so what's the base salary we have guys making xx dollars per month so what's the base salary there's no limit so you can make as much as you want um no often if they promise quick promotions you'll be a senior manager in six months you should leave the reason for the quick promotions is that the job sucks and has a high turnover I've seen another side to this too people told we can only employ you initially at level below where you should be for reasons however you should expect to be promoted quickly to where you should have been all along as we're a fast promoting company you could realistically be and realistically senior in just two to three years those promotions do not materialize we work hard and play hard translation we will work 12 to 14 hour days and everyone is an alcoholic we work hard and we play hard or any variation of that I learned that lesson to me it meant you are going to work a lot of 60 plus hours weeks with no ot or comp time you might be working random nights and weekends we might deny vacation requests you put in nearly six months in advance but once in a while we'll take all of you guys to the Mexican restaurant down the street and pay for lunch expecting an unhealthy work-life balance is a real turnoff I once went to an interview for an engineering job where they said things like 37 hours a week is standard but our employees enjoy it here so much they do 60 hours a week some even work on a Saturday our employees are like swans graceful on the surface but they never stop paddling with their legs nope I don't want to burn out by 32 years old they get defensive when you ask about overtime vacation or benefits had an interviewers say that they do fixed price contracts and never missed a deadline asked about overtime and was told well if we need you on a Friday Weil asked you to stay late because it's your job hard pass when they hire everyone in the group interview even the idiots signifies a high turnover of employees and if you are a casual they'll get rid of you once the busy season is over and if you can't spot the idiot I've got bad news for you son when they ask you if you have any questions for them and you ask what is your favorite thing about your job / working for this company and they reply well I'm not the one being interviewed proceeds to answer and then says was that good enough for you immediately made me realize that even if I did get a job offer I did not want to work for someone like that when you see a lot of candidates in the waiting room and or it's a group interview in my experience duck group interviews I refuse yep only interview I walked out on it just seemed weird and I thought if they make new candidates do this weird [ __ ] I don't want to see what they put their employees through when the interviewer isn't there and the people who are know nothing about the fact you're scheduled for one I once drove an hour and a half for an interview which I had literally called right before I left can firming the time she had left for the day and wouldn't be returning tried calling me multiple times desperately to reschedule nope they started asking me if I was married if my significant other worked full-time and if we were ever planning to have kids edit I'm a gal I was probably 25 or 26 at the time those questions are straight-up illegal when you ask what do you like about working at company and they void the question or give answers like well this is really great city to live in if they can't tell you what they like about the work culture or what they like about the job then chances are it's not a great place to work this is a good one I was interviewing at a defense contractor in Texas and the position requires relocation I asked your question and what I got in return basically amounted to serving the country and helping save military lives etcetera etcetera great because it required relocation I asked the similar follow-up what do you like about living in X response we have a really strong community purpose here to serve the war fighters basically the best part of living in nowhere Texas was working for a company where the best part was that your job was patriotic if they don't allow the keishon time or it's not encouraged was going to interview for a company not too long ago ask the recruiter about vacation time the response was that there was no official vacation time policy and that you basically just work it out with your team to make sure there is coverage for client work ended that prospects pretty quick are you willing to work off the clock sure are you willing to pay under the table if they don't on see you directly as to why the person in the position before you left if they allow phone calls to them during the interview or if people just walk into the office and interrupt if you turn the office with a supervisor and people all of the sudden look fearful or pretend to suddenly be busy if you are interrogated instead of interviewed you should have a conversation with your interviewer no just rattle of questions if they have absolutely no original questions where do you see yourself in five years what's your biggest strength slash weakness why do you want to work here etc the interviewer is very late I'm an HR at a nursing home my Director of Nursing sometimes leaves people waiting for 30 to 45 minutes then can't understand why they don't accept the offer she feels like HR is not qualified to interview nurses although my HR director has been doing this for 30 years so we are forced to make people wait yeah as an RN I'm walking out if they're after 25 minutes if you expect my time management skills to be impeccable and don't lead by example it's clearly a terrible leadership in the facility just have this one today after your 30-day probation period you will get your first paycheck my less when you have to pay money to begin because you need a special license / product or whatever you should be reimbursed for licensing in my opinion any job where I've needed an additional license or - I was always either reimbursed or the cost was just paid for me upfront I would say a place that promotes themselves as a family they'll end up attempting to use it against you in the future and let's be honest it is business not personal ah so true got a job as a hotel receptionist where everyone was family they routinely made me and the other receptionists work maid service in our nice clothes and uncomfortable shoes because everyone helped each other out while also still covering reception like they would make us run up and down the floors cleaning rooms and greeting guests an actual nightmare that interview ended with a variation of we're family we take care of each other do you mean to watch out for in the interviewer or interviewee for the interviewer getting agitated with you for asking fairly basic questions like what the culture is like what they like about the place what makes someone successful in the role it indicates that they either can't honestly answer those without getting negative or that they won't view you as a team member for the interviewee [ __ ] in a / overestimation of how important your skills are i used to hire tech in seattle people right out of college would act like the hottest [ __ ] for knowing how to code entry-level code as a redeem a dozen in seattle still worth hiring but not with that attitude i had a guy who hadn't had a coding job before give me a number for desired salary that literally made me laugh out loud covered the phone to do it asked how he came to that number it's what his cousin a five year programmer at google was making this job was for a local education company you know nothing about the value of your skills if you would pay year one programmer at a local company as a five year program the rat freaks my google when they make you wait for an hour after the scheduled interview time before they talk with you when they make you wait in the employees break room where paint is peeling off the walls the table and chairs are beat to crap and there's a hole in one wall when they tell you you seem to be a good candidate to be hired but oh wait you need to take a computer personality test now sorry you did great up until you failed the test hope you enjoyed that waste of two plus hours ducking kmart we're like family here is something often said by bosses who must have grown up with shitty families because they basically mean i'm going to say and do unprofessional [ __ ] and get personally upset if you let me down no thanks i'd prefer a simple exchange of my time and labor for monetary compensation and benefits without any feelings my actual parents and I are on great terms if the company did something illegal how would you handle it someone that was hired at my a miles current workplace was asked this question in sales interviews when the interviewer asks you to sell something on the desk a cup or something it's lazy interviewing once I had an interview where they asked me why there was a gap year since my last job and I told him I had a child and wanted to take some time with him before getting back to work the interviewer kept saying but I don't understand this year off and you can't explain it I will wait till you can justify that year off I tried to explain again and when she said that again and said I should not lie I said okay I think we're done I have no desire to work with you and left while she was getting started on a lecture about how I shouldn't lie because interviewers can see right through me I still don't understand why she thought it was a lie I mean I had the year-old kid to prove it you have a long-distance video interview and three-quarters of the way through it the company rep mentions there are six other people in the room listening in but you can't see or hear them ya know if it sounds like the interviewer knows little about the specifics of the skills you are bringing expect them to never actually understand it this is probably going to be typical of the company and you will never be respected I was a photographer for a used car company I frequently had to explain that I couldn't photograph faster without losing quality got very little assistance and had to wander the Lots trying to find cars by myself wasting more the time they were complaining about got the nickname of Kubrick and eventually got my position eliminated when they decided to just have the dealers take photos on their cell phones a black faux leather couch edit hijacking my own comment to tell a recent job interview story I was going for a digital marketing job there was obviously lots of talk about social media marketing and strategy we discussed the concept of going viral I told a story of how I'd previously been on the front page of Reddit and got on television when my roommates had renovated my room I suggested the interviewers check it out I left the interview and didn't think about it for a few hours and then I thought if they Google me they ll probably end up back at my reddit account I hope I haven't written some ducked up [ __ ] lately for them to stumble upon so I logged into my reddit account and looked at the most recent comment I'd written it was a response to an arse credit thread titled what is something the younger are going to struggle with I had replied as a joke with my dog never heard back from them second edit no I didn't give them a link to my reddit account but if you google my name news articles come up that link to the reddit thread if the interviewer isn't prepared and or is late ten plus minutes I've gone to an interview where the two interviewers sat there asking each other what questions are we asking what position is this for right in front of me if I spent the last three to five days preparing for this interview in my spare time I'm a software developer so all my interviews are technical and I like to be over-prepared then I expect my interviewer to know what's going on be prepared and somewhat on time I didn't take time off work for you to dunk me around I had an engineering internship job interview for a huge global mega corporation whose name I will not name in the interview basically I was yelled and was all but called stupid the interviewer was extremely aggressive and took jabs at all of my answers I got the job which involved signing a contract that involved me getting training and working for a minimum amount of time after graduation the company in exchange would pay for your tuition and if you quit until your contract is up or you got fired you'll have to pay the tuition back long story short things slowly but surely went downhill as I started me and a lot of people hired alongside me quit just before graduation turns out nothing is free and if you sign a contract where you could potentially owe money to your employer your employer will take advantage of that all things considered that interview we're treated like [ __ ] was a major red flag I ignored
Channel: Best Posts & Comments
Views: 247,803
Rating: 4.8744197 out of 5
Keywords: r/ask reddit, r/ askreddit, best posts and comments, askreddit top posts, reddit top posts
Id: 6C9trbvWRUM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 11sec (911 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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