What Odd Things Have You Caught On Your Nanny Cams?

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parents with nanny cams what have you caught your babysitter doing friends of ours don't have kids but have dogs they were going out of town and told the dog sitter about all of the cameras including the one that is outside but sometimes picks up reflections and will actively notify them of motion the dog sitter seemed to get it but she forgot to convey that to her boyfriend who came out and walked around naked quite a bit the dogs were naked too fair's fair i was the iron caught in camera a few times one a family who had bunnies caught me on camera booping noses to the beat of the song i was singing little bunny fufu hopping through the kitchen picking up all the letters and munchy munchy munch two a different family saw me get freaking tackled by their 95 pounds mastiff puppy and they immediately called me to make sure i didn't have a concussion since i just kinda laid there for a while i was fine i just got the wind knocked out of me three yet another different family saw me reading a book to their kids and later complimented all the voices i make i had no idea they could hear audio and i got so embarrassed since i really did go all out i always had little bunny fufu hopping through the forest picking up the field mice and bopping m on the head lol made me happy to be reminded of it though when i was around 12 years old my parents caught my babysitter on camera stealing miners games and shoving them into her pants and shirt they confronted her about it and she kept denying it until ninja gaiden fell out of her pant leg my mom took her into a room and made take out all the games she stole she literally had games shoved under the strap of her bra on her back so that she could sneak them out of the house and others were put inside the waistband of her underwear she must have really thought about this for a while anyway we got the games back and she was sent home without pay i dog sit for some neighbors one of which told me she has a camera in the living room dining room for her dogs you know those ones that dispense treats anyways i thought it was a strange essential oil diffuser until she told me what it was i was being paid to play with them for an hour but she found out that i was actually staying for two or three hours when she asked me about it i think i said something like i'd want someone to do the same for my dog ever since then she leaves me treats in the kitchen and even got me a christmas present from the dogs she picked up our pug doji and was dancing around the living room with him while that hey i just met you song was playing my uncle told me this once when a babysitter was holding his daughter my older cousin when she was a baby the baby was playing with her toys and she somehow swallowed a small piece of something and the babysitter performed the hume lick but for babies there's a version of that for babies idk where i found it though she saved my cousin and her family was thankful they have no idea where the babysitter is now but right now she's supposed to be around her late 40s i asked my uncle about this and apparently they know where the babysitter is she is in california and she is a very well paid doctor and makes over 310 k a year physician that's the only thing he knows since she left not a nanny cam but the video baby monitor managed to catch our then 1.5 month old projectile vomiting on me and then straight up into the mouth and on the face of my husband two minutes later one of those things that's funny now but not at the time caught the babysitter masturbating on our couch the babysitter was still is my female cousin i figured the best thing was to just say nothing save the awkwardness she did it a fair amount i then mentioned our house cam by accident some months later and her face dropped i realized what i'd said then casually threw in that i'd never checked it again to save the awkwardness le cousins dangerous not a nanny cam but it did myself sat the camera down thinking she turned it off i have over an hour of her teasing my toddler in a mean way with candy and popsicles she started telling him that he would get some then held it just out of reach she then ate it in front of him making mmm sounds she was also calling him mean and weird names like turd muncher and ricky ricardo the camera got all the audio but only some video at the end of the video is when we got home when i confronted her with the video she started claiming i doctored it i was a liar and a shot and hated her because she was prettier than my wife she is not that was the last time she was allowed around either of our kids unsupervised she was the sill for tennis years and is now the crazy karen exile i can't have a presence on social media because she attacks me all the time says lies etc i am also estranged from my brother because of her 10 years of her warped his perception of our family he still thinks some of the whacked out things she accused our dad sister other brother and various other family members of no reasoning has convinced him of the truth not even the thought that if video evidence refutes some of the claims then all can be considered suspect i may get comments and advice of what i could do but in the end you can't fight crazy and sometimes life is just not fair the only thing i have done to make things better is ignore her she eventually just starts attacking someone else like an annoying yipping dog that just needs to annoy as for my brother i hope time will help to fix things i also think that he might just be more like her than i think birds of a feather fly together comma she is not is the comedic grace of this story when she put my daughter down for her nap she took a nap on the bed next to her this isn't a bad thing at all different beds two-year girl who still needs a 90-minute power nap in the middle of the day i just thought it was funny when i turned on the camera and saw them both napping i used to babysit the world's greatest kiddo and the parents actually encouraged me to nap alongside the child literally the best naps ever a colleague of mine saw that when his eight-month-old baby cried the nanny just ignored him and kept watching reality tv not paying any attention to him while he pulled his eyes out she did not attempt to console him or anything she just tried to hear the tv there were a few other troubling instances too like she'd say they went on a brief stroll but disappeared for hours with no explanation or she didn't follow the parents instructions on how to put him to sleep and let him cry and my colleague realized that the baby was anxious and desperate every time the nanny arrived heartbreaking really i have a nanny cam for the purpose of creeping my dog while i'm at work but it's how i discovered my former superintendent was coming into my apartment randomly to steal a nug from my jar of weed i'm in canada weed is legal [Music] friend caught hers rummaging through her closet and stealing a blouse she confronted her about it when she returned home and the woman played innocent she was wearing the freaking blouse that's bold of the babysitter we hired a dog sitter over the thanksgiving holidays to check on the punch feed the cass get the mail etc def pointed out the various security cams to her she asked if she could bring her sister along for company we said sure no problem the sister we found out in conversation attends a nearby hyper-conservative fundamentalist school when the hired sitter took the dog out and the fundy sister had the house to herself she took the opportunity to scream free eye ike at the top of her lungs a few times not a lot else just paste around the living room dropping high decibel f-bombs go to find some way to vent that fundy angst i literally did that when i was a fundy school kid pre nanikums solidarity watched her outside playing with my dogs she was dog sitting our yellow labrador and golden retriever puppy started munching the blueberries right now off our blueberry bushes they know dang well they're not supposed to get into the blueberry patch we watched our dog sitter run over to them and try to get them to stop she then ran inside and ran back out with a bowl she proceeded to race the dogs for the blueberries had to be one of the highlights of our trip we came home to a bowl of blueberries in the fridge and two very guilty papas there are cameras around my grandmother's house she has dementia and is taken care of by nurses one beat her up for a whole minute nurse knew there were cameras and didn't care obviously got fired we live in a crappy country with crappy laws we weren't allowed to press charges or any other sort you should just beat the living daylights out of the nurses she can't press charges my friend is a nanny and sometimes she takes the small human she watches and has her dance for the parents randomly in front of the camera or wave since it is a google hub and has photos of the parents small gifts for the parents to find if they review the video from that day not me but my aunt and uncle had cctv cams installed in the house one of them caught their nanophysically shaming my toddler cousin and their one-year-old or so baby this was a few years ago luckily they were young enough to not have very lasting memories jesus i hope so the parent sends them to experts for therapy sessions so i hope there are little to no lasting damage not my kids but my sisters this was when my nephew was still very young and my sister was still breastfeeding long story short my sister caught the babysitter drinking her breast milk she had her suspicions because my nephew would go through twice as much milk when the babysitter was taking care of him my sister set up the camera and caught the guy in the act apparently the guy was some sort of fitness nut and had read that breast milk can be very beneficial as weird as it sounds my sister ended up working out a deal with the guy she got him to drop the price of watching the kid in exchange for a bit of breast milk every now and again i've got an awesome supply of milk atm and have seriously considered selling it apparently you can make a fortune off it by selling to fitness nuts my babysitter is 100 cool my husband's goddamn cat gets on the goddamn dining room table that she knows she is not allowed on as soon as she hears the car leave the driveway little snit i have cameras all over the inside and outside of my house it's standard with a ring doorbell next came critter cams i put near my bird feeders then cameras everywhere i used them mostly to look for the wild bunnies in my yard and to see the owl leave its roost at night the indoor cameras are dog cameras my wife and i use them to view and talk to our dogs while at work the weirdest thing i've caught my dog doing i had made a batch of jerky put it in a large ziploc bag and place it in the dining room table in preparation for a camping trip my 19 pound she tzu which is large for a tzu was caught on video moving a dining room chair jumping up onto it then jumping onto the table he ate the entire bag of jerky leaving only the bag he did this in less than 10 minutes well now we know why he's 19 pounds i watch my cat get inside her bag of food and start eating while i'm at work no wonder her diet isn't working my babysitter took the our kids out of the house and claimed she went to the park turns out she took them to a friend's house without car seats person without kids here who plans to have kids parents do you usually tell babysitters that you have a nanny cam installed i'm curious and thinking about the potential legal and ethical implications both ways and i'm guessing different states have different laws about recording persons without their consent i'm a nanny and it is in my contract that all cameras must be disclosed any undisclosed camera i find will immediately void the contract that being said if i get thrown up on poop paint food whatever on me i need to know what is a safe area to change so that my bosses don't get a show they aren't paying for people opposed to this are not people i work for one of my exes and her mom had to leave town for a week and they had three cats one only had three legs because he got hit by a car poor timid little thing that hit all the time and refused to come out and a dog that had diabetes they hired someone just to come over once in the morning and once at night to feed let the dog out and give the dog his medicine they had cams i'm not sure why they put them in place and found that the guy stayed there all day just playing with the animals and even got the timid cat to come out and cuddle with him they showed me the videos of him arriving and all of their pets rushing to the door to meet him [Music] obligatory not a parent but part of my course training to be a child care practitioner means we have to learn signs of abuse we had to watch footage from nanny cams where the carers involved hit the children with large soft books so it wouldn't bruise swung an infant by the ankles for crying which is why we now check ankles for bruises and one awful woman shook a baby who wouldn't go to sleep the child suffered severe brain damage and is now permanently mentally disabled it made me sick to watch it not a nanny cam but a camera in my sister's room when she was a toddler she had a habit of getting out of her toddler bed so me my dad and my mom would watch it and every time she got up we'd all say go back to bed serena it was funny to see her reaction i was the babysitter i used to look after the daughter of a couple who played tennis with my uncle they were super rich and went out all the time the kid would go to bed at about seven then i would sneak a bit of booze from their well-stocked bar i wouldn't drink it on the job but i'd pour it into my water bottle to take to my next party it happened on and off for about three years then one night they must have changed their security system or something and i got busted they were very chill about it seeing as i clearly didn't drink it while watching their kid but told me they could get in trouble for supplying we have a nest in our kids room and living dining you can see partially into the kitchen from the living room cam but not much about the second week into using a new sitter we catch her talking tons of crap about my wife and how she coddles our 18 mo old son bragged about how she was going to quit at the end of the day because she hates working for us and doesn't like our son while she's in the kitchen she puts him in his high chair and turns on an ipad for him to watch elmo no screen time allowed he asks to get down and go play after a few minutes and she says no he starts to cry and she basically yells at him omg are you serious right now you're so dang needy so he cries harder about 10 minutes later she takes him back to his room where he calms down i get home a few minutes later and send her on the way sitter oh you're home early we had a rough morning but we are feeling better now me yeah hey you know that camera in the living room is on all the time and i can hear everything you say and do in the kitchen right she kinda started and i told her to foe then me and my kid hung out all day and had a blast the thing that got me was being mean to my son like he's not even two yet there you go coddling him again we had a nanny that locked our two-year-old in her room and didn't pick up our five-month-old for four hours she even propped a bottle up with pillows to feed him we had a live stream to our phones i was away visiting foster kids for work and was two hours away from home my husband alerted me to the situation and i drove home immediately he and his co-workers watched live as i fired her on the spot i think he was making sure i didn't kill her i was a social worker at the time and had seen much worse but i'm glad my intense paranoia from all the horrific abuse and neglect i had seen made me get the camera i quit working not long after that i've been home for nine years it could have been much worse but it was enough for me if anyone is going to screw up my kids it's me less than a month ago my co-worker was notified that his child was crying i guess his cams are some high-tech cry detecting crap one of his nannies said nothing had happened so he checked the cam which he showed us during lunch the nanny recently hired was just chilling with his three-year-old and one-year-old when the one-year-old got close to the edge of the bed the sitter just sat there watching while the kid slowly crawled closer and closer towards the abyss she did nothing and the kid fell pretty hard surprise surprise my co-worker questioned the nanny again who knew there were cameras and she denied being responsible for the fall he told her to pack up her things and leave it was pretty cringe watching her just look at the kid get hurt like any human would instinctually know danger was approaching daffock paid an employee to come over and let my dog out feed her and play with her while we were out of town one hour tops ended up with footage of him staying the night sleeping in my bed naked and bringing over another dog he was dog sitting for someone else didn't know about that which he let sleep in my bed with him worst part was that my dog didn't do well around other dogs she doesn't know poor girl was up all night stressed out by this intruder a nanny cam but my cat camera i was at work and watched the police kick in my apartment door my downstairs neighbor with ptsd had an episode and called the cops saying i was screaming for help that was fun no nanny cam because it was the late 70s but my mother came to get me early unannounced from the sitter and found me tied to a chair in the kitchen alone with the babysitter in the backyard with her own kid in a baby pool having a grand old time my mother is not a violent person but she was that day i was a nanny in college i'd occasionally take a couple of the kids probiotic gummy vitamins i always felt so scandalous the vitamins were delicious my aunt has security footage of their dog sitter fully naked just chilling around their house they found out she's a whole nudist they still use her they just get a kick out of knowing that some college girl just hangs out naked at their house when they go on vacations lol i had a camera in my apartment to watch my dog while i was at work one day maintenance came by to fix the drain in the tub then he sat at my computer and started trying to log into it looking in drawers and generally invading my privacy my camera lets me talk through it and i was watching this unfold live i hope you're comfortable in my chair trying to access my computer you should probably go tell the management to expect a phone call and a video email our neighbors pet sitter dressed up their pit bulls and hosted a dinner party for them while binge watching downton abbey she gave them each their own voice as well the male sounded like robert kennedy with the head cold and the female like an australian queen elizabeth they talked crap about my dog and ate a box of ritz crackers ours caught our nanny stealing money from our vacation fund she also left our nine month old sitting on the counter as she walked away later that day it caught a phone call about buying drugs how much the dealer's name and a bunch of other stuff turns out she had cleared out our four-year-olds piggy banco at 115 took money and gift cards from my wife's purse stole my gold wedding ring i wear a silicone one most days and a bottle of hydrocodone i provided the evidence to the police and she was caught she was found guilty in january she had only worked for us for a few weeks we have a ring doorbell and we put out snacks for delivery drivers my parents were in town and stayed a week over to sit out dogs while we went out of town for the week we get notifications on our phones when the doorbell senses movement of course two or three times a day the notification was my mother going out to the delivery driver's snack stash taking little debbie cakes we had a good laugh about it but never told my mom we knew she gets embarrassed easily however same week we were gone we also had recently put in a couple of inside cameras before we left one is in our living room facing the couch it was new to us so we were checking out the footage from our phones on and off a couple of times during the week one time my diabetic dad was sitting on the couch binge eating the kids cheetahs my dad does not get embarrassed easily so i had to say something over the two-way speaker i said hey dad last time i checked those were not diabetic friendly cheetahs my dad replied frick you and you will need to buy more cheetos love my dad so much lol not me and not a babysitter but my mum's friend was getting her house decorated by this painter since her and her husband would be at work all day they put all the valuables in their bedroom and set up nanny cams around the room anyway one day the husband gets this notification of movement from the cameras he pulls up the footage and this painter is in their bedroom the painter proceeds to get fully undressed and lie in the middle of their bed and masturbate needless to say the husband went straight home and fired him i'm guessing he finished about five minutes later the decorator texts him can i just ask why you've fired me and the husband obviously replies because you've just had a wank in my bed to which the painter replies okay no worries i won't charge you for today's work no nanny cam back then our baba sitter took us upstairs and took her pants off and laid on the floor she had us take turns putting our dongs on her tea and pressing not in just on as hard as we could as she said to do this other boy and i had no idea why we were about five or six at the time i remember a sense of feeling like it was wrong i told my mom and i never saw her again true of my chest never told that before first memory is wtf oh god i am so sorry my parents foster kittens and have a live feed camera in the room where the kittens roam around one night a woman accidentally broke into our house drunk on drugs thought it was her boyfriend's house and walked into the kitten room the camera footage is just off her squealing over the phone to her boyfriend oh name there's kitties and then talking to the kittens in the most non-malevolent drunk girl voice lol i bought one to keep an eye on the cats when we drove to see the eclipse and visit my fam a couple years ago my one cat figured it out and would sit there having random conversations with me rubbing his face on it it really entertained my family got a ping during the eclipse seems he was seriously concerned about the planet i could see my ancient cat running laps in the background while smart cat was giving me a rundown the third cat was mysteriously absent i freaking love this i would love to watch my cat it was actually our babysitter's mom that was the problem when our babysitter was over who was a teenager the mom would come over knock on the door and ask to use our bathroom i remember answering and saying okay here it is and showed her the closer downstairs bathroom but she said no i need to use the upstairs bathroom turned out she was stealing medicine from us if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 76,297
Rating: 4.878716 out of 5
Keywords: nanny cam film, nanny cams, weirdest, parents, parenting, parent stories, nannies, babysitter, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: iTLhHplPxeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 37sec (1477 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 19 2020
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