What Odd Preferences Did You Develop Due To Growing Up Poor? (r/AskReddit)

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what our unusual preferences have you developed you too growing up poor I still can't bring myself to write in Matt liver books or on things that could be reused growing up ultra poor it was a rare treat to get something frivolous but Mad Libs were also semi educational so every once in a while I would get a new mad lib book from my dad but I felt a lot of anxiety about wasting them by writing directly in them if I number the blanks and then wrote on a separate sheet of paper with the corresponding numbers I could reuse the books over and over again but being really poor made me and live in this awful anxiety driven state off don't use it because you might not get any more anytime soon and you better use it all and not waste anything which made me overthink and overanalyze my actions I was confronted by this preference to not mess things up in my masters degree program because the prof would expressly tell me it was okay to write on the handouts because she would share the digital copies with us so we would have a clean copy to use in our own classes later and I still couldn't do it using plastic grocery bags as trash bags don't really see the point in using actual garbage bags garbage bags leftovers from your grandma's bags clothes bags lunch bags the all-around reusable bag any time someone tries to buy me food or anything for me I always try to go for the dollar menu or try to go for the lowest amount even if they say buy whatever not letting anyone in the house operating under a barter system with friends where I grew up there wasn't much money so people often got at goods services and often exchanged small handmade gifts as payment then I moved and discovered that wealthier people do not like this at all even though I don't have to as much I still calculate how many powers I have to work in order to afford something to decide if it is a need or a want do I want to work 2.5 hours to fill my gas tank or 2.5 hours to buy a single shirt I want the shirt but the shut isn't going to get me to work I really really really want a switch and several new games I'll have to work at least nine days to afford the switch in the three games I and after I've worked those nine days I can't justify spending the money on the switch in the games yup I did that too when you start comparing purchases to hours of work it starts getting hard to spend real fast i legit cringe when I buy anything slightly expensive and I find myself constantly buying the cheapest or brand products instead of name-brand crap dated a richer girl who told me she had never had Chef Boyardee or spaghetti afore Burt was disgusted by them apparently her parents had always told her growing up that canned food was for dogs what the frig her saying that hit especially close to home because I eat spaghetti us with a grilled cheese at least three times a week my dad grew up even poorer than me and he won't eat Chef Boyardee because it is so crappy I like cheap wine even when my budget allows for a $75 bottle I'll buy the $10 bottle I still prefer thin ruff bath towels big fluffy towels are too fluffy it's feels weird when fluffy towels get wet yes if the towel is too fluffy it feels like it isn't doing its job not sure if odd or unusual but my parents used to tell me eat all the food served since we were poor and sometimes they wouldn't eat so I could have a full serving of food I'm no longer poor but I still eat the full plate no matter how full I am this messed me up royally as a kid now I just go without and eat leftovers from the plates of the kids i watch for friends and family they think it is funny that I'm only hungry when cooking and when everyone else is done I hope they never figure out how poor I am toast with butter and cinnamon is my favorite goat and for breakfast I will have to try that tomorrow morning sounds great to me eating fast had four siblings and only so much food was made for dinner if you didn't eat fast you didn't eat yep I know the feeling however I learned to eat fast from prison haven't served time since 94 but I still wolf down my food to this day it's a hard habit to break I am to this day unable to manage my money going from not being able to spend anything to having at least 300 bucks left for whatever I want made me spend recklessly good think it would be the opposite growing up poor but spending feels so good : this is fairly common most people in your situation will buy things since experience has taught them they don't know when they will have money to spend on things again so they end up spending at all thus having no more money I just buy one pair of trainers and wear then until they fall off my feet then buy a new pair I make good money as an adult but I still do this I also don't buy branded clothes I worked with a guy and we earned the same money yet he collected limited edition trainers and drove an expensive car I just couldn't comprehend the wasting money I cycle everywhere because it is good for health I moved to Switzerland in a few weeks for a job that pays 2.5 times my current salary and I still intend to cycle everywhere I love Little Caesars $5 Pizza more than fancy brick-oven pizza BC spending that much gives me too much anxiety to enjoy the food not having a lot of clothes I can't stand a cluttered closet and having more than like three pairs of shoes seems excessive to me ditto I had four pairs of shoes once and I felt like I was suffocating but they were all necessary one pair for work slip-resistant one for church one for just daily use and one pair of gym shoes not filling up the gas tank because you might really need the money later ten dollars at a time save another $10 that's food for a week just in case there were five of us growing up and so we always had our good clothes and our everyday clothes we changed out of our good clothes as soon as we got home from school and I still have this habit to this day I change out of my work clothes and into lounge around the house I don't care clothes as soon as I get home love Mia cannot beans if I have no dinner no problem I got a cannot beans beans are also super healthy and food for your digestive system off-brand foods so much cheaper I can't wrap my head around people who don't buy the store-brand at least most of the time at the store I shop but it's usually about half the price and I can't tell the difference if there even is one I can sleep anywhere slept on the floor for a good couple of years and can handle heat pretty well cause we didn't have a/c it was one window unit until senior year can literally watch anything and be entertained cause we only had one local channel ten station at saying all this sounds like I grew up in the dang fifties but this was all in mid 2000s law I've gotten used to not having a bed frame and ended up using just the mattress and box spring and having old flat pillows instead of new fluffed up ones I still buy used clothes me too I try to say it's because I want to be environmentally conscious but really I just can't bring myself to spend more than six dollars on a top I eat a lot of frozen chicken pot pies the crust is amazing lots of people mix it all up I Eve acrost last but hate crust on actual pie but I developed a dislike of wearing new shoes I prefer old worn-out shoes the new pairs feel too rigid keeping all my clothes even though I'll never wear them I didn't have much growing up so now I feel like I need to keep everything but close friend grew up very poor and and supported things were always a competition between him and his brothers so he maintained that mentality into adulthood in many respects fast-forward to us going to a Smash Bros tournament he's egging me on while I'm playing other people but I'm sincerely supportive of him when he goes up for his own match as we leave the store he basically says wow I was in butthole to you while you were constantly cheering me on I feel kinda bad now he just prefers being competitive in nearly any aspect though it's certainly gotten War III karma lately I get freaked out if my pantry isn't full it doesn't even matter if it's worth food I like I just have this fear of not having food in the house same I hoard non perishables not turning on the heater no matter how cold it gets just layer up and lots of blankets mac and cheese with tuna cheap but so good saving every cent I can I'm talking 80 cent versus 60 cent cans of beans and never buying actual brand name anything pinching pennies never seems to leave you I ignore the dates on a lot of food the milk I smell before I use to make sure it's not sour constantly checking the bread for mold when I know it's past the date smelling the meat before I cook it to make sure it's okay unless something is like six or more months past the date it's usually good the expiration is just the warning that means you have to start checking it this shouldn't be a poor thing food waste is so terrible and most of those days are either inaccurate mean best-before which is about quality not edibility and with some things you can pick cut off the mold like cheese maybe a bad fruit in a bunch cooking it's more theory or cooking it early to then eat a couple days later et Cie buying cheap things and making peace with the fact that they will eventually break it may not taste good or it won't fit me instead of investing in something long-lasting I can travel I'd love to I could probably afford to now but dropping any amount of money on a trip seems insane to me I grew up never really going anywhere outside of a three-hour drive and only stayed in hotels maybe like three times while I was under 18 it also feels weird to be in debt but managing it I have medical bills that I am paying off and credit card stuff but it's all pretty manageable growing up my mom constantly would get payday loans we had bill collectors calling non-stop about medical debt and my mom maxed out every credit card she owned so I was taught that debt was horrible and you could never get out of it also I really love microwave tortillas and cheese as a whole meal thaton lettuce cheese and wrapped up in a tortilla I think back on it though and I'm really not sure how my parents raised me with how much they made I make double now want both of my parents combined income was when I was in high school and I really don't even make that much I feel that debt thing my parents somehow declared bankruptcy twice which is strange because they never spend money on us and I can't imagine what they did spend money on because of fake credit cards don't help with buying drugs my husband and I have some manageable debt but the panic passes through my mind once in a while plus-sized women the only skinny chicks in the hood were coke W I'm plus-sized been losing weight quickly right now I've come to believe being fat in the first place for me has a lot to do with never knowing if we would have enough food from week to week also I grew up with the mentality that of its free take it and take as much as you can leftovers on my jam I take home friends leftovers I have no shame I can find a good way to reheat just about anything expiration dates are like yellow lights the concept of selling a car is entirely foreign to me we drive cars until they die so completely that even the junkyard doesn't want to pay for them keeping the lights off almost all the time or biking everywhere I like fake maple syrup better than the real stuff Mrs Butterworth for life only ever buying clothes if there's a really good sale I never go out to buy new clothes I love walking everywhere if it's within a 60 minute walk sometimes even longer I am that person that will walk and once everyone to join me for the exercise and adventure when everyone else is begging me to take a five ten-minute lyft uber heck no why would I pay for something when I can get exercise and have a pleasant stroll for free it's so nice to walk around and see your city people my friends will pay a five-dollar Yubel to not walk five minutes in the relatively okay part of downtown LA but I enjoy walking around and seeing the buildings people hotdog stands random youtubers which I would have totally missed out on had I gotten on uber and started scrolling IG little strolls make you appreciate the little things in life only buying clothes for back-to-school in the working world this turns into only buying clothes for a new job I don't like giving or receiving opulent frivolous gifts I always feel harshly like that money should be sable spent on something practical I like splurging when it's for something special for someone else I hate buying something nice that I really want for myself and worse when someone else goes out of their way to give me something nice I used to enjoy just eating a tube of saltines with butter when people used 2-3 paper towels to dry their hands off when it can be done with just one sheet this cat is shocked that you haven't liked this video yet like it 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Channel: Updoot Studios
Views: 92,239
Rating: 4.9154472 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, updoot reddit, updoot everything, reddit on tap, toadfilms, pewdiepie, reddit, askreddit, funny reddit, reddit stories, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, /r, r/, r/askreddit, top posts of r/, askreddit reading, best reddit posts, top posts of all time, people of reddit, askreddit question, ask reddit, subreddit, sub, reddit poor stories, reddit poor to rich, reddit poor food, askreddit poor, reddit growing up poor
Id: xA11IrHXnyk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 9sec (849 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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