What Did A Guest Do In Your House That You HATED?

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reddit what is one thing that you hated that a guest did in your house going through my sofa and desk for spare change not even secretly they thought or acted like it was totally normal to pocket all the quarters they could find to separate people guest got s-faced out of the blue he started chugging vodka and wouldn't let go of my girlfriend when she asked i pulled them apart and he tried to punch me i ended up pinning him to the ground until the cops and an ambulance came he was belligerent yelling frick you at the cops ended up in handcuffs for his ride to the air needless to say he's no longer welcome to top it off my friend's boyfriend was also there instead of helping me restrain the unruly guy this boyfriend was taking pictures and videos and doing shots of fireball whiskey i was worried we were going to end up with a second belligerent drunk let me guess according to him ewan butthole for calling the cops had a house in college with a few buddies to save money on rent had a common or be a rule for all the roommates we all usually took turns picking up a 12-pack every few days to keep things stocked under 21 dude comes over in the middle of the night one weekend with a car full of girls and a cooler these visits are common we are used to random friends dropping by at all hours he heads straight for the fridge with cooler in hand okay cool dude got beer somehow and wants to chill nope he is putting our beer in his cooler and then heads for the door gets upset when we shut that down and make him put the beer back and says communal b a bro yeah for the people that pay to live here dong my dad used to be close friends with a guy named ed he and his wife invited us to all sorts of parties then to their vacation house as we got to know them better my mom and i really bonded with ed's wife so my mom suggested inviting them to dinner at our house when the day arrived the first thing other than a greeting was her comment about the salad my mom put out oh why is the lettuce wet and she began rolling out jabs from there on out she pet our dog and some hair came off so in a very snobby tone she points out ed do you see the clump of hair they should vacuum the final straw was when my dad asked ed where they got the pizza for their one party when queen b interjects anyone who cuts their pizza with a knife over scissors i cannot understand the look of shock on my parents and my faces all must have been the same we could not wait until they left needless to say my dad stopped talking to ed soon after good riddance my friend trimmed his nails and left them on the floor because at his house's mom vacuums every day whereas at my house we do it not so often he's probably the reason she has to hoover every day my sister had a party at my house back when she was in high school i was in middle school at the time and one of her friends got really angry that some guy at the party wouldn't hook up with her she decided to go through our freezer find a pizza unwrap it and throw it to the guy who was sitting in my living room on the new carpet not only did she waste a perfectly good pizza she left marks on the carpet and also swung the freezer door open so hard that it now makes a horrible cracking noise every time it's opened she also asked if she could sleep in my bed that night because i was sleeping in the basement with my friends number that bee slept on the floor i'm trying to think of a scenario where i would consider throwing a frozen pizza at someone an acceptable response i'm drawing a blank myself and my other flatmate just recently had an argument with our third flatmate over the behavior of his friend while a guest in our house it's not one thing because i couldn't choose which i hated the most he walks right in without knocking the third flatmate will leave the front door open for him and he'll just break in through the security door downstairs we've told them several times to freaking knock but he just waltzes in whenever he likes sometimes even when the third flatmate isn't even in the house his idea of entertainment is to read out graphic accounts of debauchery from his phone and then laugh at them i'm not sure if he genuinely thinks it's funny or if he's just trying to be edgy but either way what the frick he also likes to entertain himself by drawing swastikas over my friend's whiteboard considering third flatmate is the only person in the flat that likes him and that whiteboard isn't even his he really needs to stop that crap we also have reason to believe he snoops through our things and possibly steals food needless to say we've made it abundantly clear he's not welcome in the flat insult disrespect my family especially my father i quietly asked my friend to leave because he insulted me by making fun of my father's weight something like that happened to me once my little brother is a little shy and doesn't like crowds she made fun of him and talked crap about him needless to say we do not talk anymore once when i was about 15 years old my aunt and uncle came over to visit i was stoked they were probably my favorite relatives they were both youngish and my uncle was really deep into cyber criminology he was doing consulting work with the fbi at the time anyway my bedroom was next to this and in the middle of the night they started freaking really loudly it was just really freaking weird who goes to visit family knowing they're in a room next to a couple of kids my brother was nine and starts banging it out it was really hard to look at them the same after that everything just had a pattern of awkwardness i am so sorry i would be so uncomfortable i would just probably resort to utter denial and convince myself that their sounds were a result of them repeatedly and simultaneously stubbing their toes or getting purpurkit instead of them actually doing the deed the thought of hearing relatives freaking makes me want to dry up and crumble away in the breeze a guest discarded the fish i had made for lunch because he refused to eat around the bones the bastard saw me come home from morning ice fishing warm up clean the fish rainbows and bluegill and fry them up took two bites and threw it in the trash instead if say giving it back to me or leaving his plate on the counter no respect for the fish or my time and effort that's another big i would have thrown him in the garbage no one wastes delicious winter fish tells me what to do and how to do it was cooking bacon for him and he says you're doing it wrong and accidentally dumps all the bacon onto my feet i still have blisters we were playing xbox and he asked if he could download gta on my xbox i said no because i had almost no space but when i took a bathroom break he downloaded it and played it for the whole day later when my mom got home she said to please be quiet because she was going to take a nap my friend told me what to be then i kicked him out i would have kicked him out after dumping bacon on my freaking feet complain about everything context this girl is on welfare and we're financially independent i was on welfare for the same reason as her but pulled myself together she continues to party sort of makes an effort to study and tries to make a little money through painting and making sculptures and stuff so not useless but lazy in general and pretty entitled she came to visit a few years back she complained about the decor my own works gifted art from friends floral arrangements some cute sculptures etc asked me to buy some of her art to replace it i politely declined she complained the guest bed was a fold and half affair as the guest room serves other passposes she complained that we buy basics food and wouldn't touch it she complained that i generally eat paleo and didn't have enough holiday guest food still wouldn't eat anything that was own brand she complained it was cold we live in an older rural house we had a fire running but it can still be nippy we're used to it but did everything to keep the heating up and get her water bottles you know being considerate she complained about how bad our tv was only basic channels and that our net was restricted at the time due to cash problems she complained about how close we are as a couple and tried to turn us on each other hilariously pathetic but oh well she complained we didn't have friends around she could talk to instead of us between complaining about the quality of service she surfed the net on her ipad talked about her latest expensive clothes complained about how little she got to eat complained that she didn't have a partner and generally whined about how little money she had as well as how much cool stuff she had also one of her mates clued us in that she actually had plenty of cash at the time and was just scrounging we kicked her out after a few days of that the last day was the worst so there was this chick that stayed at my house for about five weeks while they found a house and it was being prepared her husband is an old friend of my dad's and my dad found this guy a job at his company they had two small children not including the two teens they left behind in ohio when they moved up to vegas ages three and one list of things the bee did one told everyone she would cook dinners only did so once also said she would clean up after her small children never did she lied to her husband and told him that she had cleaned when she had actually just stayed on the couch all day too the one night she did cook dinner she cooked spaghetti on this day four of the six ppl and my family had the runs so they didn't eat she yells at my mom about how my mom was afraid her spaghetti sauce was going to be better so she lied and told us not to eat it 3. left sleeping pills out on countertops where my smaller siblings seven and four years old could reach them four we still have a ton of old toys from when i was smaller because i normally took pretty good care of my stuff this three-year-old kid broke at least 60 little toys during the five weeks leaving my four years old sister devastated five we eventually kick them out for these reasons and then some my mom after four months still gets texts like your selfish little b you use your husband and kids as a doormat lots of other stuff six she left diapers out everywhere from her little one-year-old seven her kids drew on our baby grand piano with orange marker she didn't even notice eight the day she left she stole our toaster lots of the toys and a few other things i think they are staying in an apartment somewhere and i hope it's heck for her someone broke into my basement and tried to give herself an abortion once after she fricked my husband in our bed i had become fast friends with a woman from work who was renting a room in someone else's house a fairly common thing where i live she started telling stories about her roommate getting drunk and belligerent and threatening suicide eventually she said it was getting worse and she didn't feel safe so she was going to find a new place out of concern i offered her my couch for a week or two while she got sorted out everything started out fine but she never found a place and ended up staying for almost four months during that time she regularly drank to the point of blacking out slept with at least six different men including my husband's uncle tried to freak me and got fired from three jobs i'm way too understanding and very non-confrontational but when i found out she was pregnant and didn't know who the father was i asked that until she had made a decision about whether or not to abort she not drink she freaked out and i had to ask her to find somewhere else to stay she moved out and i thought i had washed my hands of her a few days later i came home from work and my husband told my she had stopped by while i was out to pick up the rest of her stuff we had dinner watched tv and he got in the shower while i got ready for bed when i pulled down the blankets to get into our marital bed i found a piece of a condom wrapper my marriage was a shambles anyway for other reasons so i didn't say anything about it to my husband a week later i brought a load of laundry down to the walkout basement and found a mattress laid on the floor food wrappers a battery operated radio several [ __ ] douches and a large bag of some kind of herb i googled and found that this particular herb can induce miscarriages if taken in large doses i change the lock on the basement and send her a text message saying if i found evidence of her on our property again i would call the police three days later she was freaking my neighbor in exchange for a place to stay edit to tl dr husband stuck his dong in crazy and so did the rest of the town in high school i threw a party and one of about 10 people hanging out in the basement snapped the neck of my 1972 lepaul custom nobody came forward broke my heart only story in this thread that made me tear up my brother ate my last sleeve of thin mints from the freezer when he was staying with us that was eight years ago haven't spoken to him since he's dead to me the only thing i've ever stolen was a box of thin mints at summer camp every cabin was supposed to get a box one group didn't know about the cookies so i took their box and they were never the wiser no regrets okay i get it guys no rag rates snuck away from a casual backyard barbecue to go frick her boyfriend in my basement i found the used condom on the floor the next day just hanging out nowhere near a trash can when i was pretty young maybe five or six we had some family visit from india it was my mom's cousin and her kids who were around the same age as me making the kids my second cousins i guess anyway my second cousin wasn't exactly familiar with western customs specifically how western toilets and bathrooms work in india they were used to eliminating waste in a hole in the floor this concept doesn't exist in most u.s households and this confused my second cousin significantly this led to him having to take a massive crap and finding no hole in the bathroom floor simply crap his massive crap all over the floor in the hopes that it would get absorbed into the ground a tl dr my second cousin from india got confused and took a massive crap on the bathroom floor he probably then proceeded to wash his hands and face in the porcelain water basin that was on the floor had a kirby vacuum salesman come in we watched his whole presentation and my friend's wife offered him a drink this is in georgia and he precedes afterwards to go in the fridge and grab pizza this no crap happened i shouldn't talk crap about six-year-olds but my nephew once came over and crap all over the front of my toilet one night he didn't tell me and i only noticed the next morning when the crap had dried rock hard i had to replace the toilet after multiple scrubbings failed to get all the crap off worst part is that his dad had to have known but just said hey frickit i'll let someone else deal with my son's dresses i just let it go tried to play rough with the cat wrestling with him the cat is a heart defect that causes potentially fatal palpitations and i had to warn him to stop twice it's not like he didn't know better and he was a grown adult i haven't invited the friend back since i was having a party at my house and had to use the restroom when i come back into the living room this freaking prick is having an impromptu mary kay party i am nice and just sit there while he takes an hour selling crap to my friends frick you anyone who does this stupid pyramid scheme balls last week i had a friend storm out of my dinner party because she didn't like that someone was arguing for points in scattergories we let a friend of my daughters stay in our house while he was a student teacher he was desperately obese well north of 500 pounds i had to build a reinforced bed for him to sleep on get seat belt extenders for the car because i drove him to his student teaching assignment every day and so forth oh yeah and he broke the bathtub by just crushing it poor fiberglass tub didn't stand a chance he stayed with us for a full semester didn't wash himself enough we cancelled him hid food under his bed we didn't deny him food the kitchen was open to him anytime and just generally terrorized my teenage sons when he graduated he thought he was coming back to live with us while he looked for a job nope we had already tossed the bedding in the memory foam mattress topper and cleaned the heck out of the room and fixed the tub and gotten therapy for the kids someone got high and shot my refrigerator at my old apartment luckily the bullet missed all of the condiments within the person ran away somehow nobody in the neighborhood called the police my sister-in-law changed her kids crappy diaper right on our carpet in front of the tv as we were all watching a movie i suggested to her that she could take him back to the bedroom where if she smeared crap on the sheets it would be easier to wash but she said no this is fine then i offered her a bag to put the crappy diaper in but she decided it was just fine to toss it in the kitchen trash can side note while stationed in egypt much of our medical research was on diseases that are transmitted through fesses i have a severe crap phobia drugs oh also he left his brazilian fiancee and their one-year-old child here and moved to the other side of the country that was nice of him stole a key to my business and made a copy of it which he gave to some local juveniles the juveniles took thousands of dollars worth of merchandise from me happy ending everyone was caught merchandise was returned restitution was made house guest is now a felon a kid almost shot my mom's eye out with his bb gun i know he's was kid but you don't go shooting your bb gun everywhere as soon as you walk into people's houses after getting us me a friend and the guy i'm talking about evicted from our last place and then fricking off to new york from california so he could spend a few weeks freaking my best friend sister he begged us to let him stay in our new place after he got back during the week he spent with us his stuff was strewn about everywhere in the house he complained because i left for work while a cd was on repeat while he was there he was sitting literally five feet away from the stereo where a simple button press or nob turn would have stopped it and he yelled at us for leaving his food out on the counter when we hadn't touched his food on top of that he didn't tell us he had his cat with him we assumed it was still with his mom where it had been while he was in ny and got butt that when we explained that it was against our lease and we didn't want to get evicted again he refused to keep the cat out of the windows where our lord could see it when he drove by and proclaimed that it would be cruel and impossible to even try all the while he was generally acting like a [ __ ] and not being very grateful for the risk we were taking after he got us evicted from our last housing situation however my housemates and i didn't really see everything going until we compared notes and the situation came to a head when the weekend came [ __ ] was going to visit some people an hour away and would be back sunday night the last thing he said as he walked out the door was i'm off to do all of blank s drugs my housemate and i compared notes realized the situation was much worse than either of us thought and decided he had to go knowing what kind of guy [ __ ] was and how long he could drag it out we decided that the only thing to do was to get rid of him right away we packed up all his crap and when he got back we put his cat into a carrier and gave him his cat and his bag and told him he was persona non grata not a single friend was surprised or offended that we did that so even though i still feel bad for having done it i know i did the right thing tl dr rude guest is rude goes off to do drugs my wife's parents and her sister stayed in town with us for a week her sister made war on the upstairs toilet tried to flush it and didn't tell anyone it was clogged her mother went in two hours later and dropped another juice on it in the dark tried to flush threw down towels to soak it up left it for me to find at 6am the next morning try to look your in-laws in the face after plunging their corn laden crap out of your guest bathroom first thing in the morning i had to shower again after my shower i had to carry soaked crat laden towels down the stairs and wash them i had to tell my toddler that it wasn't grandma that stunk up the house i had to scrub the bathtub from where the towels were thrown to the side my nasal cavities are permanently scarred i am not the same man anymore had a house party a good few years ago friend of mine went into my parents room after i'd specifically told people that was the only room i'd like people to stay out of and slept in their bed not cool man there was this exchange student with a french type name let's call him jake because i can't remember his real name who was in a church group with my roommate in college this guy was an all-around amiable fellow but for whatever reason this dude freaking reeked off bo my roommate assumed it was either medical or just that in his culture they didn't have the same bathing deodorant practices that we have in america fair enough but jake's was quite overweight and bathing can be particularly important for overweight people as any nurse who's had to clean them will tell you jake stayed on our couch for a week because he needed a place to stay for some reason maybe his roommates kicked his stank butt out and not once did he take a shower this guy smelled so bad that i could follow him through the house with my eyes closed even after he left the room you could tell he'd been there it was honestly utterly disgusting and i urged my roomie to have a conversation with him about it i've never met anyone that smelled worse after he left you couldn't sit on the couch anymore it became trash this huge freaking douche that came uninvited to a house party i was throwing this butthole had the gall to while i was in the room say wow i really feel like breaking something and rip one of my kitchen's nice cabinets off by the hinges i immediately went into rage mode and got a golf club and told him to get the frick out of my house i found out later that he also stole a bunch of jewelry from my parents room almost 17k worth he wouldn't admit he did it so we got cops involved and he ended up going to jail and getting dropped from college so he pretty much got what he deserved what i wouldn't give to be able to take a swing at him though a friend brought his five-year-old son over and was too busy playing xbox to monitor him they allow him to discipline their cat and the boy took it upon himself to hit my dogs for not doing what he wanted i created them to spare them more abuse and corrected the boy that it's not okay to hit them he runs off grabs a copper music piece my grandpa gave me and shakes it i take it from him gently and he flips out they don't really tell him no so he acts out even more did so this time by throwing dvds and books off my bookcase aims the books right at my dog's water bowl i stop him and he runs off i find him tossing for loads of folded laundry off my guest bed and into the floor i put him in timeout and my friend didn't stop me he asked about his parenting and i let him know where i felt he needed to reinforce structure and limits on his son's behavior they stayed another hour and left but it will be a while before i will want his son over which pains me bc i'm a big believer in kids spouses etc always being welcome wherever their parents are welcome if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 42,230
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: worst house guest, house guest, things guests don't care about, sleepover, guest, worst guests, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2020, people of reddit, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: QmsIb6ijSw4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 20sec (1520 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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