What Makes Them Gag? (Match Game)

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) (explosion banging) - Welcome to "Good Mythical MORE." Let's find out what mythical crew members' gag reflexes are. Well, what makes them gag? - But first, let's donate $1,000 to the Los Angeles LGBT Center, which provides services for more LGBT people than any other organization in the world, offering programs, services, and global advocacy in areas such as health, social services, education, leadership, and advocacy, and also, the Mythical crew is taking part in the LGBT Center's Big 5K, in order to raise some money and leave a lasting impact on the community. So our goal is to raise $10,000, so help us with that by going over to the lalgbtcenter.org/mythical. That's lagbtcenter.org/mythical. Thank you for being your mythical best. - So, we have five crew members represented before us. We also have them on the line so we can speak with them. We've got Matt Carney, we've got Bethany, we've got Jenna, we've got Davin, and we've got Emily here. - And then I have, over here, five different items, that someone, one of them, sees as gag worthy, and then a little information. - The thing that makes them gag. - Starting with pickle juice, and the information that I have on the back of this is pickle juice makes me gag. That's the only information that I have. - Pickle juice makes me gag. - Which is pretty to the point. - Hmm. - Pickle juice, pickle juice, pickle juice, pickle juice. - I guess I have to assume drinking it, not just the existence of it, or, I don't know. I think went with Jenna, because we work more closely with Jenna. - We would know. - Yeah, we would have known that, and with everything related to Matt Carney... Carney, you know we're going to have to relate it to Hot Dog on a Stick. - Hot Dog on a Stick They don't have pickles at Hot Dog on a Stick, but someone who can work at Hot Dog on a Stick for an extended- - Not gonna gag at pickles. - You're not going to gag on pickles. - Yeah, he's seen too much, right, Carney? You've seen so much there. - [Matt] I can't wait for the day where you learn a second thing about me. (people laughing) - Listen, we've learned a lot about you. - Can't wait for the day you learn a second thing about me. - I'm not gonna say it's the best thing we've learned about you, but it's the funnest thing to talk about on this show. - When we learned that second thing about you, it won't be as good as Hot Dog on a Stick. - You've seen a lot at Hot Dog on a Stick, probably people die. - I think this is Bethany. That's just my... - She doesn't like burgers, for God's sake. - Right, exactly. - Okay, Bethany, you still don't like burgers? - [Bethany] I haven't had another one, so the answer is no. - (laughing) Haven't had another one since that one. Other people's farts, the smell of other people's farts. I cannot take it. - Emily, tell them what you told me about how much you love other people's farts. (people laughing) - [Emily] Well, it's like a fine wine, if you think about it. There's many notes. - [Woman] Are you guys reading from my DMs? - To me, the notes are more like (imitating farting noises). - Literal notes. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. I made that up, Emily. I threw Emily under the fart bus there. - [Emily] I like 'em D flat. - Now, you've got to think about this a little bit, 'cause the implication is - Other people's farts. - that their own farts they like. - Oh. - You know what I'm saying? It's like, "The smell of other people's farts, "I cannot take it." My farts, on the other hand, love it. - It stinks in here, by the way. - It smells so bad. - Before we did this, I stepped out, - It's so bad. - and I came back in. - It's so bad. - 'Cause when you're here, your brain has a way of just saying, "You know what? "That's going to keep stinking, so just forget about it." - You haven't died yet. - Yeah. - You can live with the smells. - But then you leave and you come back and you're like, "Oh." - Oh, readjust. - It might kill ya this time. - Now, a man who worked in a hot dog place has smelled basically the smell of farts. Listen, I love hot dogs, I love Hot Dog on a Stick, I like corn dogs, I prefer the Corn Dog Castle, 'cause we have a little bit of a beef, but I know that Carney can take other people's farts. - The customer's farts are always right. - Right, and I believe that I have farted in front of Jenna. It's just something that happens when you spend a lot of time with somebody, and she did not say anything. - Jenna, do you care to comment? - [Jenna] I don't care to comment, no. - Okay. - There was this one time when I think Rhett forgot you were in our office. I'm just going to say that. - Link and I will fart audibly in front of each other in our office. - But actually, behind each other, 'cause we face back to back when we're-- - And we do it, and sometimes it becomes a bit of a contest. - Like today at lunch. - Yeah, right, and I believe one time, Jenna was working in our office, and I just forgot she was there. - You're quiet, Jenna. - And then I did it, - You've gotta type louder. - And it wasn't until later that day, after other things had happened, where Link was like, "You farted when Jenna was here." - Jenna, do you care to comment? - [Jenna] It just means you guys are comfortable with me. You know what? It's okay. (laughing) - Yeah. It happens to us all, right? Do you care to comment? - She didn't say a thing, so I believe that this is a... - I wouldn't be putting you ladies on the spot about farting if you were actually here. - I don't know who this is. - From the safety of audio... - It's not Davin, is it? No. Emily? Maybe your instincts were right. Your instincts. (laughing) - Does anybody who's on the chat right now just want to rip one and then blame it on anyone else in the chat? Okay. - Nobody's farting. - Missed out pistachios. - My gag trigger is pistachios. - I learned I was allergic to tree nuts after eating a bunch in second grade and throwing up all over the wood chips in the playground, so I get very gaggy whenever I see them now. - See them? - So just seeing pistachios. - In the playground? Seeing them in a playground? - I think they could be anywhere, but a playground would be especially traumatic - Wood chips in a playground. - Wood chips are awesome. - Again, I haven't seen Jenna gag at a pistachio. I think this could be Carney. - You think? - It's either... Wait, hold on, we've got two more. - You think Carney would have played at a playground with wood chips? I think he's more of a cut up rubber kind of guy. - Oh, really? Yeah, that was right. You're talking about like a highfalutin, suburban type situation. (people laughing) Sorry, Carney. I just hope all of you guys know... - Cut up rubber. Everybody was like, "Oh, we know what you mean." Yeah. - Yeah, those are great. You're walking around. You're like, "Oh." - It's kind of spongy. - Oh, yeah. - Those wood chips, they rot after all. - We can switch 'em around, is all I'm saying. We have a switcheroonie. - I think Carney's pistachios. - Next one is chewing fat. - Oh. - Chewing a piece of gristle and different types of fat, it's very much a texture thing. I've just never seen Jenna gag. - Well, Bethany doesn't like burgers and I think that's because she doesn't like meat a whole lot, right? - Texture. We've got to give this to Bethany. - So pickles might go to... - It's can't be Jenna. We would know that. - Let's just go to David for right now. - For now. - Pickles, I don't know. - Okay, all right, other people's farts, only topped by other people's loogies. - Oh, gosh. - "I have a horrible gag reflex to other people's loogies, "like if I even think about this one girl "in elementary school, who asked to go to the bathroom "while holding... "I'm currently gagging while writing these. "This mouthful... "Oh my God, I don't know if I can write this "without vomiting. "Of wet snot, I gag." This is written like a writer. - It's written like a writer. That's what I was going to say. - A lot of words. You know how writers, they like job security. - Yeah, right. - Emily. - Yes, sir. - Your writer is showing. - That could also be Carney. - Sorry about that. - Other people's farts. - [Emily] I'll cover that up immediately. - (laughing) No, don't. Other people's loogies or other people's farts. - Hold on, if Jenna is grossed out by other people's farts, I'm going to feel horrible. - We're in trouble. - It's going to change things, it's going to change things and I'm gonna have to apologize, but you might need to just put it with her. - Oh, gosh, the implications. - I don't feel great about any of these. - Now, before we get the answers to these, I do want to remind you that it may be 2021, but we still have a newsletter, and it's a place where you can sign up - Always vibrant. and you can find out about new product announcements. You can find out, with the Mythical Monthly Newsletter that comes out. - The design, it's just plain cool to get your design - It's just plain cool. - in your inbox. It's a fun little thing to get in your email. - Yeah, mythicalnewsletter.com. - Team does a great job pulling that together. Learn some stuff, mythicalnewsletter.com. - Okay, Carney, are we right about pistachios? - [Matt] You're not. Do you want me to tell you what the answer is? - Yeah. - [Matt] Well, let's say that I will no longer be accepting invitations to meetings in your office. - Other people, thank goodness. It's not other people's farts. - Other people's farts. Okay, and again, so you don't think that a lot of hot dogs in one place in a small enclosed space kind of smell like farts? - [Matt] It was an open air mall, so I was okay. - Okay, it's open air. It's a food court situation. - [Matt] Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I can't do it, I can't do it. Mine, fine. Anyone else's, no, thank you. - Okay, all right, noted. (laughing) Bethany. - You know what? That's fair. - Bethany. - We gotta be right about this. - Chewing fat, that's you, right? - [Bethany] That is not me. - Oh, gosh. - Chewing loogies? - What are you, pickle juice? - No, uh uh. - Well, what are you then? - I am the pistachio. - Pistachios. - [Bethany] I gag. Yeah, I was a tough kid with the wood chips. I didn't have that nice rubber playground like Matt Carney. (people laughing) - Oh, yeah, Carney, were we right about your playground having cut out rubber? - Oh, yeah, kids would fart in that rubber, burn it right up. Couldn't wait to get out of dodge. - Fart in that rubber. - Burning rubber. Okay. - Okay, pistachios, right. Okay, so don't break out the pistachios around Bethany. We know that now. - I'm going to skip over here, 'cause we have to be right about Emily with other people's loogies. Emily, are we right? - [Emily] Yeah, I'm sorry. I'm a little nervous that I might barf while talking. (people laughing) - Wow, okay. - I actually told this story to Morgan, 'cause I was a little depressed, 'cause I thought Chase wasn't going to pick me for this more. I was like, "Was my story not good enough?" And then I told Morgan about it and I couldn't stop gagging in front of Morgan while telling the story. - Seriously? - (laughing) That shit's hilarious. - [Emily] Seriously. (laughing) - Okay, well, tell us right now. No, we're not going to put you through that. - Yeah, yeah, don't do it. Okay, wow. Loogies are one of the nastier things to come out of people, I would say that. - [Emily] But when you could see it in somebody's mouth when they're talking. - Oh, God, she's gagging right now. She can't get it out. - [Emily] (laughing) All right, I'm gonna peace out. - All right, see ya, Emily. Thank you. - Oh, wow, that's horrible. - All right, so with Jenna and Davin... See, I just feel like if Jenna gags at pickle juice, then we've failed. - We've missed something. - We've missed something. That's the type of thing we should know, so I'm really hoping we're right here. Jenna, is chewing fat your gag trigger? - Yes, you have not failed me. - 'Cause chewing fat is something that... - I've never offered you gristle by accident, have I? - [Jenna] Not that I remember. - I know we've definitely - "I'm done with this steak, "Jenna." - been out somewhere before, and I was eating some meat, and there was some gristle that was hard with the gooey, and I'd chomped down on it, and immediately was like, "Oh, God, oh, no," and tried to grab my napkin really quick, so I didn't just spit it out in front of you. - Well, next time, just spit it out. Let me tell you a quick story. So my brother-in-law, Chris, you know him, we were having dinner at Gaga and Papa's house, note, both no longer with us, and this is like 20 years ago, Chris eats the steak, gets a bite of steak that's got too much fat in it, ends up not being able to eat it, and takes it and puts it back on his plate. Two minutes later, Papa's looking around, grabs the steak off the plate and just eats it, no problem, just gets it down. - Did he know that it had...? - We all did, but Papa didn't care. It's like, just go for it. - Oh, gosh. Sorry you had to hear that, Jenna, and Davin, that leaves you with the pickle juice, right? - [Davin] Pickle juice makes me gag, and I believe we have a clip from Zach. - Oh, we have a clip? - Oh, we have a clip for this? - Going out on a clip. - Not going to do it. - Davin, come on, try it one more time. We believe in you, all right? You can do this. You're getting paid to do this, remember? - Oh, wow, this is... - Still rolling, here we go. Take two for Davin. (Davin gagging) (people laughing) - Wow, okay. - So John was like, "You're getting paid to do this." - Ah, we know your weakness now. Pickle juice. - I'm sorry. We don't believe in getting people to do things that make them gag around here. That's not something we would do or submit ourselves to, or submit any of you to ever. - Definitely, not for anybody else. - I didn't know that happened, Davin. I want to apologize. That's just not right. It's not entertainment. - Do not approve. - It's not entertainment. - [Davin] I did got paid for it though. - We're going to have a talk with John and Jen over that. - Well, we've learned a lot about you guys. We all have our weak points and some of us have all of it. (upbeat music) - You're talking about me. - [Narrator] Get Mythicality sent straight to your inbox. Sign up for the mythical newsletter at mythicalnewsletter.com.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 328,756
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 03 2021
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