Reacting To The Worst Gifts Ever

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(rooster crows) (creature growls) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. You told us the worst gift that you ever received. And now we're going to experience it vicariously through your tales. - But first we got a 10 word story, my friend. Donald! - wondered - if - his - weed whacker - could - taste (Link laughs) - some - big (laughs) (Link laughs) - Donald wondered if his weed whacker could taste some big, almonds. (Rhett laughs) - Donald wondered if his weed whacker could taste some big almonds. I bet you it could. A weed whacker wouldn't - It's like it's eating. - When it tests out some almonds, it's tasting. - It's like it's eating something. - Yeah. - Can we weed whack almonds? Can that happen? I'll put these out here, but, oh this is a bit of a teaser. We're gonna, they turned these cards here into little placards that we can use to rank the worst gift ever received. - Man. - That was submitted by - That's inventive. - mythical beasts. - I've got the full story here. - You know what, I am - For each one of these. - I am gonna open this at some point. - The little value will immediately go down. - Well, it's retro. This is brand new. It's not, you know, it's. I actually looked at some unopened vintage He-Man characters on eBay because I just want, you know I want to get back in touch with my youth. It was like, if you get an unopened, like, Beast Man it doesn't even have to be He-Man, you're talking like over $300. - Oh wow. - 350 bucks. - I've been thinking about - Woops! - Just because, I've been thinking about maybe doing the He-Man haircut, because. Think about if I just combed it all forward and just cut bangs just to reveal my face. I could really pull that off. - Well, you did cosplay as He-man. Read the first one. Let's let's get into this. - Your Own Ricky Martin CD from Alicia in Littleton, Colorado. - Where is this? - I let my friend borrow my Ricky Martin CD. "Living La Vida Loca" was just released and very popular and he never gave it back. I would ask him for it every week at school and he would always say, he'd bring it back. For my birthday, he gift wrapped it and gave it back to me. Also one year, my aunt gave me socks for my dog, but one sock was missing. Okay, we didn't need all that. - So three socks for your dog? - So a gift, a re-gift of something that was just borrowed from you, that you already had. That's really bad. That's a very, very bad gift. - I would have been that friend. - Which one? - You know, you keep nagging me about giving me your CD back. You know what'll be funny? If I wait half a year to your birthday, wrap it up and give it to you as opposed to just giving it to you now. That'll be funny for me. - Right. Pretty selfish. - Yeah. - Do you guys remember - Alicia, I'm sorry that happened to you. - [Stevie] how precious CDs were? Like anyone lending their Ricky Martin CD to a friend like that is a good friend, because I feel like, the weight of that Ricky Martin CD, like what it meant to her, was so, I mean, CDs, man. - Yeah it was the only. - My Britney Spears. - It was the only place you had the power to play that song. It was on this physical thing. - And the images. - You can make a tape of it, but you couldn't make another CD of it. - But during the CD era, - Well you can, you could. - No one, very few people did that when CDs became fully established. - Right. - [Stevie] You could burn CDs. - Oh my gosh. I just freaking broke the He-Man. - Oh, he likes that. - I mean, what kind of He-Man can't even come out of the. I wasn't trying to break him. I think I can put them back together. - That's what I used to do on purpose to all my toys. - He works differently. Before, he had a rubber band that held him together. Now it's just a, a nipple. - Yeah, but that what would happen is people like me - He's got a third nipple. - I would rip that rubber band and then I would never be able to play with him again. - His pelvis. - [Stevie] My sister stepped on my Britney Spears CD and she broke that thing clean in half and she never apologized and I lost it, until a boy burnt me a new one, but it didn't have the same imagery on it. It didn't have all the little butterflies, I believe. And I miss it. I miss that Britney Spears CD. - Butterflies that you believe in? - Yeah. - I thought you were reading someone else's story. The beginning of that. - It did sound very read-y. - It seemed like you were reading someone else's. - [Stevie] Sorry. I'm just reading my own memory. I've written it down in my mind. - That's what it sounds like. - [Stevie] So sad. - How about a Can of Beets? - Even his ankles articulate now. - Yeah, he's much better. - Oh crap. - Much better. - His shin twists. His whole freaking shin twists. - And that's not even a thing that happen on real people. - Yeah, that's not even a real people thing. - Can of Beets from Elizabeth, from Johns Creek, Georgia. I forget what year it was, but it was whenever Beats wireless headphones were all the rage. My sister had gotten them earlier, so I thought I could get a pair. It was Christmas morning as I rushed downstairs and opened up a gift written to me. As soon as I opened it, I was able to see a beatbox, but as soon as I opened the box, I realized that it was just a can of beets. Yes, the vegetable, not the headphones. Obviously I was mad and never got the headphones. - A can of beets. - That's, again, this is, - This is mean. - This is somebody's idea of a joke. - This is mean. - [Stevie] It's a dad. Specifically a dad. - It's a dad joke for real, but you got to do that and then you got to do something else. Like you can't just get them a can of beets And that's the joke. There's no other gift. Then once they're angry, then you bring out like the real Beats. - I think this is worse than the Ricky Martin CD. - This is definitely worse. - Because at least you got the CD back. - Yeah, this is definitely worse. You can tell when you've gone fully into dad zone when you care less about opening gifts and more about getting rid of the gift wrapping. - Oh, oh boy. - I'm so at that place. I feel so good when all the gift wrapping is gone. - You may not think that I'm that guy, but I am totally that guy. I'm the, now get a trash bag and I will just, as soon as you take the wrapping paper off of the gift, I got it, and it's in the back. I got it, it's in the bag. - 'Cause what happens, here's why. Here's the reason why. It's not just for like some compulsive reason or for cleanliness or even a sense of control and yes, it is all those things. - It is all those things. - But it's also, the little pieces of the crap that, like 30 minutes, an hour from now, whenever the kid gets back to like trying to put together the thing or get the thing to work, or try to figure out where the remote is for the remote control car. It's like, if you have just a chaotic zone of crap, stuff gets thrown away that shouldn't and then it's all of a sudden dad's job to figure all that out. It's dad's problem. You know? He's the bad guy. - Right, so this is protecting your reputation. - Yeah and trying to keep your stuff together. I never read the comics attached to a He-Man. - Do you have any relatives that want to keep the wrapping paper for a future gift? 'Cause I've got a couple. - I mean, we keep bags. - Well bags are different, you ever used a birthday bag for a Christmas gift? - No, yeah. - Satanic Owl. Sarah from Johnson City, Tennessee. - Satanic Owl. - My mother-in-law knows that I like owls. She sweetly gifted me an owl lamp from a thrift store complete with red satanic eyes. - Sounds cool so far. - It is terrifying and I am too afraid to get rid of it. (Rhett laughs) You feel like you're stuck, oh there it is. - There's a picture of it. - Whoa, there's a photo. That's amazing. Send it to me, I'd like that. - I don't think that's a satanic owl. I don't think there's actual demonic activity with that. I think that's just a light. - It's interesting that. - If that happens without electricity, you got a problem. - It seems like that'd be a hard thing to give unironically. You think his mother-in-law has a sense of irony? - I don't know her. Have you ever seen a picture of an owl without its feathers? Can you? - No. - Yeah, can you bring one of those up? - You're talking about a dead fleshly owl? - No, like owl without feathers. - Living? - Put that up there, Zach if you can figure out how to do that. (laughs) - All right and before you click away, because you don't want to see that, I just want to remind you that today's the last day to order stuff from if you want to get it in time for the holidays and still use standard domestic shipping. Today's the last day for standard domestic shipping holiday arrival. - The reason I want you to see it is because you probably, like me, think that an owl's body is going to look like a, there it is. That's what an owl looks like under its feathers. You thought that it was like. - Oh, that's not a live owl. I thought an owl lost his feathers and it was just like, that is a model of an owl. - I think I have also seen one that was, - Oh my gosh. They are skinny. - But anyway, there's not much bird. They're more feathers than bird. - Not a lot of meat on an owl. - No. I found that out the hard way. - It's like seeing your great-grandmother naked when you're a child. - Did you see that happen? - I mean, at their age, they don't care. - You got an interesting family, though. I never saw my great-grandmother naked. - Well, your loss. (Rhett laughs) You haven't lived until. - But I can imagine what she looked like without clothes on. Unlike the way an owl appears. I don't think it would be as surprising. When my 85 year old great grandmother was sitting in that chair smoking cigarettes and drinking whiskey all day. I think I know what was happening underneath there. (Rhett laughs) - A whole lot of what? - I mean, I don't know. I don't want to talk about it. Sorry I brought it up. Ice Cream Maker for the Lactose Intolerant. - Okay. - Julie, from Montreal, Quebec. - We liked the owl. We're putting that way over here. - I was with my ex for five years. The last Christmas we were together, he got unusually excited about giving me my Christmas gift. I was sure he was going to propose. We talked about it. Came Christmas morning, he made me close my eyes and put the box in my hands. It was way too big to be a ring. But I was still happy thinking it may be something that I would really want. If he's that excited. It was an ice cream machine. I'm lactose intolerant. Been for 10 years, and he was well aware. - Yeah. That is a big miss. - I think the fact that Julie started this with I was with my ex for five years. So this. - This has a happy ending. - This ended the relationship. This contributed to the ending of the relationship. So you dodged a bullet. This was a gift. This was a gift to help you gain clarity about your ex. So where's that on the thing? - I think this could go ahead of. - It might go to number one. - Ricky Martin CD. - It might go to number one. - Can of beets is cruel, but this is just. - Oh, we're going from worst. - Yeah, worst. - Oh you said that. I said this was a good gift because it helps you understand things about your relationship. But it was a good gift because it was such a bad gift. - Yeah. Yeah, like it broke up their relationship. I'm putting him in kind of a defensive stance. He's leading with the shield, but he's ready to obliterate with that battleax. - I don't remember - Of course it's a sword where the money's at. - I don't remember the battleax. I just remember the sword. - He had an ax and it actually had, it had more colors on it. Kinda like this. Did you have He-Man? Did you play with the He-Man? - I had the Hulk. I had Skeletor's castle. - You had Skeletor's castle. The one with the snake? - I had a castle. Maybe that was He-Man's castle. - You're talking about Castle Grayskull? - I had Castle Grayskull. - That's He-Man's castle. - I think I also had Skeletor's thing. - Skeletor occupied it, I think in a few episodes. - And I had Cringer. - Yeah. Did you have Man-At-Arms? The guy, the green skinned guy with the mustache? - Yes. I had. - Did you have Teela? Heroic warrior goddess? Or Evil-Lyn? The yellow skinned purple sidekick to Skeletor. Evil warrior cast. - I don't remember them. - Mekaneck. I just ordered a Mekaneck off of eBay because he's the most ridiculous of so many ridiculous characters in He-Man. But Mekaneck was one of my favorites. - You just ordered one off eBay? - Yeah. Paid like 20 bucks including shipping. - Did you order it after you had chosen this as your gift? - Yeah. 'Cause then I was like, you know what, I'm gonna start collecting them again. The real ones, the old ones. I got that shelf in my room. I want to put some toys on it. - Okay. - That way when I walk away and you're like "where you going?", you'll know. To play with toys. - To play with my toys. Bar of Soap, will from Rayville Louisiana. My grandparents gave me a bar of soap, they said it has a hundred dollars in it. Lo and behold, one day I bust it open to be disappointed even more than I could ever imagine. - Sorry, Will. - That's how they talk in Rayville, Louisiana. - All of them, every single person. - Bust it open to be disappointed even more than I could ever imagine. Cajun. Cajun. - I mean, a bar of soap. - That's not a bad gift. - You can wash with it. - You get clean - You can carve with it. - Yourself. - You can. What did he said, it busted open? - It busted open. And lo and behold, he talks like a Cajun. Lo and behold, one day I bust it open to be disappointed even more than I could ever imagine. - Lo and behold, one day I bust it open to be disappointed. - He's definitely Cajun. - even though I could, even more than I - Could ever imagine! - Yeah. I'm not gonna apologize. - [Stevie] Who was that professor character on "Buddy System", that, yeah. That's what you sound like. - He was called professor I'm Damned If I Do? It was like Adam Ifido or something like that? It was a play on words. - Yeah, it was, it was all stupid. - Actual Cow Pie from Selena in Greenville, Tennessee. - Selena. - When I was around eight or so, my uncle gave me a cooler with a cow pie in it. He said, he just went out in the cow field, picked up a pile of crap, put it in the cooler, wrapped it and decided to give it to me. My other uncle has a video and it shows, and he shows it every once in a while especially when I would bring over a boyfriend. It wasn't the only bad gift I got from him, but it definitely was the start of it all. Everyone is very cautious when getting presents from him. (Rhett laughs) - So you've got two weird uncles. - That are in cahoots with each other one. One does the gifting and one does the documenting. - Cahoots! Actual, this is just good, clean, fun. I like this. - Oh yeah. And you know what? - This is great. - cow pies smell better than any other feces that you will come in contact in the wild. - Yeah. - Almost a sweet smell to them. - I mean, if you're out on the frontier, you can make yourself a house out of it. It reminds me of, you know, the idea I was talking about, which is like, let's find the weird uncle. Let's do a weird uncle contest. I don't know if we're gonna do it. It's just an idea. - Well, I mean, we have a candidate. - We have two candidates. Weirdest uncle ever is the contest we're thinking about doing. - How did they talk in Oregon? Oh. Meat Sticks. Steven. That's more like, I'm going a little Minnesota. I'm trying to, I think they just almost I think they just almost just talk like normal, like almost like a news anchor. - Yeah. Maybe a little woke. - Meat Sticks. - Yeah. - Steven from Klamath Falls, Oregon. I once got a bucks worth of three for a dollar meat sticks. Obviously, from the checkout lane. In the same package, my wife got sweaters and stuff. This was a Christmas gift from her mom. And at the time we had been together for quite a while. We'd been together for 16 years. And I don't think the woman could pick me out of a lineup. - This all seems like really good news. So why is he complaining about this? My mother-in-law doesn't know I exist. That seems optimal. My mother-in-law's a great person - So she got you three for a dollar meat sticks. Just threw it into a package that had a sweater for your wife and stuff. - Yeah. He's a guy. He'll probably like a meat stick. Again, this is nothing to complain about. - I mean, there have been Christmases where three meat sticks would have been the highlight for me. - [Stevie] I want to know what the note said. Like, was there a card in there that was like happy holidays, these are all for you. And then the meat sticks are for Jeremy or whatever his name is. - I think if you get three for a dollar meat sticks in a gift, there's no card. - [Stevie] But how did he know that the meat, the meat sticks could have been for his wife. - Or she might've been there. - Yeah. - The meat sticks are for you. - I think the meat sticks are worse, not as bad as the Ricky Martin CD. - I've been through all these. - So yeah, this is it. So we have reached our conclusion. We liked the satanic owl. Or owl, as some people call them. - We had two people, three people from Tennessee today. Nope, two. - Ice cream maker for the lactose intolerant. That is the worst. Especially when you're thinking you're going to get engaged and then you break up. That's that's quite a what's it called? - Pivot point. (upbeat music) - In basketball. Point swing. Quite a swing. - Point swing. - [Link] You can now earn mythical rewards for every dollar spent on mythical merch. Visit for more information.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 613,496
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 20sec (1160 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 10 2020
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