Who Has The Worst Broken Bone Story? (MATCH GAME)

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- Welcome to Good Mythical More. Broken bones, crew members, it's gonna be crazy. - Ten word story. Daryl - Suspected - That - His - Boy - Stole - The - Controller - For? - Life. - Daryl suspected that his boy stole the controller for life. - Man, it's like. And once you start suspecting that, - Yeah. - Your relationship is never the same. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hold on was it a controller for life or was it a controller that was forever stolen? That is the question! - Yeah, and he'll never answer it. - You know what other questions are interesting? - Aggressive interrogation. - The questions that Josh and Nicole are answering over on the podcast called "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich." The first episode of that podcast is out now. Josh and Nicole debate if a pineapple or a pineapple belongs on pizza. Now if you prefer to watch your podcasts, head over to the Mythical Kitchen channel because they'll be uploading video versions over there. Subscribe now! - A pineapple or a pineapple belongs on pizza? Hey guys. - A pineapple. - Hello. - All right, come on in. All right, so we're talking about broken bones. - Rhett, move on over, you're taking up too much room. - All right, okay. - You're taking up so much room. - How's that? - Move over the other way. Now all y'all shift. - Everybody. - So I can be in the picture. - Is this Lane's on camera debut? - It is! - Welcome Lane for the first time ever. - Thanks guys, happy to be here. - Yeah and you're working the merch, I love it. Well you're not working the merch, you're wearing the merch. - Thanks. - She's still working it. - I think I'm working the merch. - You're working it. - Technically she is getting paid to be here, though. They're all on the clock right now. - Your job is not merch. - That's true. - Right, we agree. - What's my job? - You know what, I really haven't put my finger on it. - I'll just leave it like that, it's fine. - Is that the thing, can Link say what people's jobs are here? - Yeah can we play that later. - Let's play that game. - So every one of you has broken at least a bone. We're going to read your stories and then match them perfectly to each one of you without error. - All right, I've got the first one here. 'I broke my foot while taking out the trash at my own college party.' Dang, you break out your foot. - You break out your foot and break it. - You break your foot when you're taking out the trash. - Taking out the trash for your own college party. Who partied in college? - What are you looking at me for? - Breaking that foot. I feel like this is a story we would have heard from Jenna. But we would have heard it and we haven't heard it, so I don't think it's Jenna. But I think, you know, Jenna's got a tattoo on her foot. Is that to cover up the break? - It covers the break! Give it to her. Here's the next one. - How much does it hurt to get a tattoo on your foot? - It hurts, yeah. - Well especially after you've broken it. - Was it broken when you got the tattoo? - That's another story. - Oh, but is it yours? - 'I broke two knuckles falling onto the sidewalk in college.' What's up with college? - How do you break a knuckle? - Or two. - Much less two. You fall on your knuckles? Lucas? - I'm not sure, I just don't know. Stop looking at my hands. - I'm not licking your hands. - Hold on, we need to think about the physics of this because when you fall... - I think if you're punching when you're falling. - ...who's going down knuckle first? This is somebody involved in a fight with brass knuckles on. Because, right? - No. - Yeah, that's the only way you can break two knuckles at a time is if you've got a metal contraption that's connecting all of them. So Lucas is the kind of guy that would have a pair of brass knuckles. - We can switch these later. - That checks out, though. - 'I was playing sports.' I said something else but then they changed it to sports. I think it must have been too much of a clue, I'm not even gonna try to read what's underneath that. - Oh, the specific sport was under there. - 'I was playing sports and broke my leg from rapid deceleration, stopping fast.' I know what rapid deceleration is, you don't have to write 'stopping fast'. - You know what, you know how sometimes Lucas is explaining something to us, a technical thing, and then he makes it in a way we can understand it. - He demeans us. - Yeah, yeah, he talks to us like children. - 'But I didn't realize it was broken until the X-rays and I continued to walk and play on it for a week.' Broke your leg from rapid deceleration, that's some speed. You really gotta have some speed. - I wish I had of known what sport it was. - Who has some speed? - Who can go fast enough to stop and break something? - Yeah. - I don't know. - I don't know, I don't know. I haven't seen many of y'all run. - I think this is Emily. 'I continued to walk and play on it for a week.' - You think Emily would play through the pain? - Emily. - Do you think Emily would play through the pain? - I don't know if Emily would play through the pain. Do you have relatives who call you Emily? - No, you guys are the only ones who do it and I really like it. - Really? - What do they call you? - Emmy. - Emmy. - I like Emily though, that's fun. - Emmy, you've got to play through the pain. - You just decelerate too fast girl. Oh are we already... - I got it. - So you're the wild card. - Yeah. - Oh gosh, this one's long. 'In high school, I slipped on a rug and knocked three of my front teeth out from the roots.' - Oh god. - Are teeth bone? 'My mom put them in milk.' Smart. 'And the dentist gave them root canals while they were out.' - What? - 'Then he placed them back into my mouth and bonded them to my top teeth to hold them in place.' - Why are you making that face with your mouth? - I don't know. - Why are you coloring your teeth? - 'They reattached to my bone and were fine.' You've got a magic dentist or else I don't understand how mouths work. 'And were fine until they all died seven years later and became infected.' - Oh gosh! - 'They all had to be ripped out so now I have titanium roots drilled into my skull and porcelain veneers.' - Oh, who's got the best teeth? - Luke is not showing nothing. You keep showing and then hiding. - I don't have extremely visible teeth. - Everbody's got pretty good teeth though. - Rhett doesn't have any visible teeth. Try to show your teeth, man. - That's what our thumbnails would look like if that were actually true. - I saw somebody comment on a picture of me the other day and they said 'you're going to look exactly the same when you're like 80 because when you smile, you don't see your teeth anyway.' - Listen, not seeing your teeth is not the only thing. Other things are gonna change by the time you get to 80. - No, no, not me because I'm going under. - Under the knife? - Yeah. - All right. - I'm gonna get a newborn's face. - You gonna dole it out or you gonna switch it around? - I think it's Lane. - Yeah, I think it's Lane too. So we want to switch any of these? - Hello everybody. - Hey, Mike. It's Mike! He's hanging out with us today. - Sort of. - You got something to say? - Yeah I just wanted to say when I was 10, I was roller blading and jumped into a ditch full of trash cans and I busted up my wrist real good. - Cool. - All right. - There's not a lot to guess there, he kinda just told us everything. - Mike came back just for that. Okay, let's see, do we want to switch any of these? Broke two knuckles, oh I'm looking at the knuckles. - Look at them. - Those are the two that broke, that's it. I think Jenna was the decelerator. - I agree with that. - And I think Emily broke her foot throwing out the trash. - At that college party. Okay, I feel good about that switch. - All right, Lucas, we'll start here. Were we right? - Yeah. - Yes! - Was it brass knuckles? - No, you were close but not really. It wasn't this hand, it was this hand. It was these two and I was in college, you know how it is, walking around the quad, some kids I know, what's up. And I fell on one of those like parking stoppers, like the things that stop your car tires. - Yeah, the bollards. - Yeah, and I was going toward the sidewalk and my first thought was like, you know, 'guns up, let's start, let's get it going' and then I just landed like that for some reason. And just bent these guys and it hurt a lot. - You caught yourself on your knuckles. - Yeah, I caught this hand on this knuckle and it just kinda did me one of those. - Did you have to get a cast for knuckles? - Yeah they had to cast up my whole hand for about like two months. - Yikes. - And then it came back and I couldn't do this for a long time but check it out. - What about with that one? - No. - Nothing? - Excruciatingly painful. - Okay Lane, what about you, are we right? - No. - Oh, really? - I was trying to throw you off, I'm actually... - You did throw us off. - ...this was me. - You broke your foot at a college trash party. - Yeah, no. I was being responsible taking out the trash at my own party, I thought. I don't have a great story, I just stepped wrong and the ground was uneven. And it just crunched and it hurt really bad. - Oh, really? - You wore a boot? - I wore a boot for about two weeks. - Okay, do you still have the boot? - No. Do I still have the boot? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - Why, do you want it? - Yeah, do you want it? - I'm in the market for a boot. - I can look for it and bring it in. - I like a good boot. - Jenna, are we right, did you just decelerate? - This is correct. - Yes! - So what sport was censored? - Softball. - Softball, okay. - I was playing softball in high school and I was a center fielder and it was a high fly ball in front of me and I went running after it and realized full speed that I wasn't gonna get there in time so I full stopped on my right leg and my kneecap hit the top of my shin bone and created hairline fractures and that's how I broke it, apparently. - You broke your kneecap? - No, I broke the shinbone, like my kneecap hit and broke the bone that it hit. So my kneecap was fine. - It's crazy that you didn't break or tear your ACL. - That's what we thought. I got an MRI, that's what we thought was wrong with me and that came back fine so I was like walking, I think I played like two games and then was like, 'okay, this is still really painful.' Then the X-Rays showed the hairline fractures. Yeah, I walked it off. - Your kneecap flobbed down and broke your shin, that's wild. - It could happen, it could happen. - So Emily that leaves us correct with you as well. - Yeah. - We were a clean sweep. - No we weren't. - We swapped. - We were half right. - I was 14, freshman year of high school. My sister and I, I was reading her a book on her bed, which was out of character for me to do anything with her at that point in my life. But I got up and there was a purple daisy rug on the hardwood floor with no grippers underneath and as I got up, she like grabbed my shirt and said, 'don't go'... - Oh, it was her fault. - ...and I stepped on the rug and it slipped out from under me and I hit at an angle that they slid out perfect. They were all long, unchipped and perfect on the ground. - That is cool. - That's horrific. - I remember getting up, looking at my sister, and saying, 'this is all your fault'. - Yeah, it was. - Horrible. - I wouldn't talk to her to this day. - Three teeth just slid out. - And at 14, that is just like... What teeth were they? - These two and this one. - Oh gosh, your three front teeth at 14. - It was like, if they didn't know where I was from before, forever I will be, 'oh yeah, that's Tennessee.' - Could you whistle out of them? - No, because he gave them root canals while they were out, put them back in and put this tape across, they regrew... - Oh he taped them, yeah. - ...to the bone and they took it off and they were fine for a while but then... - Seven years later they were rotted. - They got infected and they were turned gray and I had to get them removed one by one and I have titanium screws. - What did it smell like? - You know, that was the first clue that something was wrong. Cause I was flossing and was like, 'something isn't right.' But now I look back at pictures of me and I didn't think they looked discolored but I look back at pictures and I thought I was the city girl in Arkansas. That's not what I look like in pictures. I look like I'm from a small town in Arkansas. - Oh, gosh. - But last year, I thought I'd had the worst day of my life last year and my dad was like, 'no you didn't, the worst day of your life is when you knocked out your teeth.' - Was he right? - Yeah, he was like, 'if you can get through that, you can get through anything.' - That's good. - I'm sorry about what happened last year. - Oh, it was just one of those bad days where you're like, 'dad, my life sucks!' And he's like, 'nope, one time you lost all your teeth!' - You were 14, don't you remember? - That was way worse! - It's good to have those experiences. - And we took the pizza and we held it, both of us, over the trashcan, very large mouthed trashcan, and we drizzled ranch and hot sauce over it, and ate it. Which, to a lot of people, is sacrilege. Again, to us, it's a Tuesday at work.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 594,549
Rating: 4.9623346 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, Who Has The Worst Broken Bone Story? (MATCH GAME), mythical crew, layne, emily, jenna, lucas
Id: yBwSV8l8xwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 46sec (886 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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