We Try Toilet Paper Origami

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Welcome to "Good Mythical More." You know, you've been in those fancy shmancy places and seen that they've taken their toilet paper and turned it into some sort of origami situation? One of my favorite things about- Boom, I just did it. Fancy hotels. We're gonna do better than that. Yeah. Using this bestseller, "Toilet Paper Origami." But first, we got a 10-word story. I love these. We're gonna be good at this one. You start. I'm gonna let you finish this one. All right. Ducks. Are. Always. Angry. Because. The. Butler. Steals. Their. Why would a duck be angry? Because a butler always steals their quackery. Ducks are always angry because the butler steals their quackery. Quackery is what ducks call cutlery. Ah, I like that 'cause the butler brings it. These are fancy ducks. These are like the ducks that we kept- Yeah. At the hotel in Memphis. That's right. We were the duck masters. Do you still have your duck master- Sure. Cane? Sure. No, I don't know where it is. I lost it. I've got the head of it. Where? In my little, my little keepsakes box. I mean, that was a perfect place that would have, you walk into the room and, oh, look at the bathroom, and there's something. They've turned this into something. I gotta keep, all right. You need to prime this thing. I kind of feel like we shouldn't show what we want this to look like, but first thing we're gonna do is we're gonna try to make a swan. Oh, you want, yeah, you don't wanna show it to them because ours will suck. Upper swan. "Tear off one square, fold and unfold in half diagonally to make a crease." What in the world? Yeah, you gotta unroll a little bit to get to a bonafide square. And then you take this, fold and unfold in half. Now I'm not much of a origamist. Well, I can't even get a, I can't even get the edge. Well, the first thing I've noticed is that our squares are not true squares. They are, they're a little rectangular. Is that gonna be a problem? And they're scented, and I'm gonna, I'm gonna- Oh gosh. Oh, you're right. That's pretty close to a square. Oh. Oh! Oh. So you tear off a square? Someone stole my quackery. And then you put this back. You gotta put this back in there. "Fold points A and B to the center crease." So it's kinda like making a, is it like making a paper airplane but with a toilet paper square. I've never done origami. Period. All right. Center crease, fold points A and B to the center. What? Oh. I can't even get it. I can't do the first one. So then what? "Fold points A and B to the center." Yes. I can do this. So that's this. And then this one here. I mean, listen, I'm not saying that like I've stayed at so many fancy hotels that I've seen lots of toilet paper origami. Really, the thing I've seen is- Towel origami. Towel origami. Yeah. And I always feel bad about using any of it. Okay, that doesn't look good but I'm gonna stay with it. Fold. I'm confused. Fold in half lengthwise. After you do this, then there's like the ending step is to fold it back onto the roll? Yeah, there's, we're gonna build some sort of a pocket here and then this thing we're building here, we're gonna like perch in there. Ah, okay. There's gonna be a pretty little swan in there, Stevie. You just wait. You just wait. See, this is not good at all. I feel pretty good about it. And I know it's not my fault. No, look. See? And then what? Fold in half lengthwise. And then this comes over like this 'cause that's the head of the swan. Rhett, will you move your- Yeah. You're ahead of me. And then this comes up like this. Fold the right side up. And now I got one. Fold the left tip down. What? I got my whole swan right here. Look at that. I have got my whole swan. Oh goodness, Rhett. So you've made a swan? Hold that up for the people to see. Wait. Can we see? Can we, what does the book look like? Hold on, first of all, look at my freaking swan before you laugh at it! I am looking at your swan. I made a swan too. Look at my swan. All right. Now, the next thing you do- Does that look like a swan? Yeah? Is you come out here and you- Set swan aside, it says. Yeah, I set it aside. I had an aunt named Swan. "First the first square up." Aunt Swan. "Using perforation as your fold line." So that's the first thing you do. You fold that up. Okay. "Fold raw edge down." Raw. Raw edge. "Down at an angle as shown." So that's like a little bit lower on one side than the other side. Kind of at an angle like this. Okay. And then, "Fold lower end to the back, matching your fold line to the edge of the bottom layer." Oh God. What? You've lost us. I don't understand. Oh. Oh. I think you fold it back. Like this. Like this. No. No? No. You don't fold anything behind. How does it get so pretty? Oh, it makes a little- It makes it like a pocket. A little pocket. Go back. How do you get that pocket? "Fold the first square up using perforation. Fold raw edge down." Just like I did, like this. Did I do it right? Look, I folded this up. And then I folded down. Then you fold that down. You fold it down. And then- "Fold lower end to the back, matching your fold line to the edge of the bottom layer." What does that mean. Even if I say it more emphatically, it still doesn't make sense. You say it like you figured it out. Hey, read that like you understand it. "Fold lower end to the back." Like you have an epiphany in the middle. "Matching your fold line to the edge of the bottom layer!" Did it help? No. Yeah, fake it 'til you make it. Fake it 'til you make it doesn't always work. But here's what I think that means. Hold on, listen to what I'm saying because I don't understand it. "Fold lower end to the back." I got it. It's happening. Just fold it back and match the bottom layer. See what I did? Fold it back and match the bottom layer. Oh, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Fold this back to match the bottom layer. "Fold right and left sides under to adjusting the fold to make a centered vessel. Yeah, see look, I'm making a centered vessel. I'm making a centered vessel as well. Mine looks nothing like the picture. Oh yeah. Oh yeah, look at that. "Rewind the roll by grasping in between your finger and middle finger and your index finger while applying gentle tension with your other hand." And then stick your swan in there. Stick your swan in the pouch. Oh yeah. Hell yeah, look at that. Oh man. Welcome to the Fontainebleau. Look at that. Look at what I did. Welcome to the Holiday Inn Express. Hey, I think we did good, buddy. I think we did good. Welcome to the Red Roof Basement. It's like you get, you get to this place and you're like, I don't know. I think it's supposed to be a swan. Wait, can we see the photo? Oh. No. Yeah. Can you see it? Can you get a good look at that? Can you see that? It looks no different. Can you see how good that looks? I mean, honestly- You didn't do a bad job, given that that's what it's supposed to look like. Yeah. I mean, I'd stay at that hotel. I mean, I'm not turning around and walking out, you know what I mean? I was allergic to it, so I had to kind of- You know what? All right, let's do another one. While we're getting to the next one, we wanna remind you, if you join the Mythical Society 3rd Degree quarterly or annual by March 31st, you can get the Mythical Snackaverse lunchbox and thermos set that's been over here. Only available to 3rd Degree Mythical Society members. Okay. We're gonna make a celebration. Mythicalsociety.com. I think this is some crappy toilet paper. Is this what we get y'all to wipe y'all's butts with around here? Because it's actually, I didn't think it was bad until I started trying to do origami with it. It's 2-ply, it's good. Oh shoot. Look, it's actually not great. All right. But it starts the same way as the other one did. Just taking one of these. Tear off one square, fold it over. We're good at this step. It is hard to get a good- You fold this over. And there are not, you're right. They're not exactly squares. I bet you the people in the toilet paper origami business, they know exactly which brands to get. They're like, oh no, no, no, no. "Fold point A and B to point C." Don't get Charmin. I don't think we got Charmin. So then that goes there and then, so you're making a box with it. Making a box and then you're unfolding it. "Push and pucker the paper along the dotted line with your fingertips until the end points meet. Twist the lower half tightly." Like that. Yeah, I'm on this one. Yeah, I'm there. "Push and pucker paper along the dotted line with your fingertips until the end points meet." Kind of like this. Oh, oh yes. Look. And then you take, we're making a birthday cake and this is the candle. Yeah, I understand that. Then you twist that. See? But I have to unfold it to get to that point? Yeah, yeah, yeah. 'Cause it was basically, look at that. See, that is- Hold on. That's a candle, y'all. But look, hold on. I'm not holding for you because I've figured it out. But this part right here is what I have right here. So why do I have to unfold it? It doesn't say to unfold it. That is, look, see how it starts there? You've just made- Yeah, so how do you get to this? Like this. But look, what I'm saying is, I'm right here. See what I did? What I did. So now I just do this? "Tear off one square. Fold." Before you move on. I answered your question the best I could. No, I'm asking you a very pointed question. Do I unfold this? Yes! Before I do that? Yes. All the way? Yes. Okay. And then you put like, gather it together. Don't worry about the other part. Yeah, I'm pushing it together like this. Just kind of, kind of gather it together. Yes. There you go. And then you pucker one side? Yeah, and then twist the other side. Candlestick. "Tear off one square." The fold was unnecessary, is what I'm pointing out. "Fold upper edge down about a quarter of an inch." Okay. Folding that down like that. "Place twisted end of flame at point A." Oh, snap. This is for somebody's having a birthday party at your hotel and you're like, when she gets to the room, she is gonna be so excited. We want and we're making this. It's like when they ask you, "Any special celebration?" You know, when you're making a reservation at a hotel? Well, back when you used to call to make reservations at a hotel. Now you used do it all online. See that? "Any special occasion." That is a flame right there. I'm gonna set that aside, probably. Oh, don't go over it yet. Now all you gotta do is take this and wrap it around that, see? Roll it up. Don't need these. What are are all these folds for? I don't understand these folds. Oh, and then you take another one. "Place candle." What? Now what do you do? "Tear off one square, fold in half." Okay. Okay. There we go. I've never worked so hard with toilet paper in my life. I'm too busy checking my email to do this. I take that back. I've worked pretty hard with toilet paper, but more of in a wiping fashion. Sometimes it's too hard. Yeah. Okay, so now I'm gonna put, I'm gonna put my candle in here. And then you just fold this over like this. Just fold that over. And then you fold this over. What? It's not too tight here. You know, I thought that the robot not working frustrated me. But now, boy, I'm getting more frustrated because I feel like a failure. Folding that under. "Unwind short length of paper from roll. Fold the first square under. First entire square. That under. "Fold the end up about an inch and a half. Fold the corners under, adjusting folds to make a centered tier for your cake." Oh, gosh. A centered tier for my cake? So then we're gonna- This is tough. I know. You fold it up? Fold the corners under. Under, under, under. 3/4 of an inch. Under, under, under, under, under. There you go. And then- And then eventually it runs out? Unwind is short. No. "Rewind roll by grasping the end between your finger." Blah, blah, blah. "Insert upper tier into-" Oh, this is, so then- You have to go a little bit. You roll this back. You roll this up and then you roll that back. And then we've got a pocket there. This is good. And then you take, and you shove, you shove this in there. How did you? This comes back up? Folds like this? How did you? You're covering up all the literature here. The literature. You're covering up the literature. All right. See, there it is. I've done it. I've done it. I've nailed it. Happy birthday. "Insert the lower tier into the upper tier?" Explain that. Okay, I'm right here. Where do I go? Where do I go? I don't understand. I don't remember what I did. I'm right here. I just did that. You fold those under. Yeah. Rewind. No, and then- Grasping the end. You didn't do this right. Fold the end up. You folded it under. You gotta fold it up first. Yeah. Now fold that up. Nope. Too far. No. What have you done? Let's just start over here. You're gonna fold this under. Fold and then you're gonna fold this, this way. And then roll. And then you're gonna do that and this. Okay, I got it now. Now I got it. And then take it back and put your candle in there. See, this is clear that this is a three-layer cake with a candle sticking out of it. Hold on. This is, oh, this is actually looking really good. Yeah, we did good. Look at that. That's very good, Rhett. That's very good. Look at that. I mean, if you went into your hotel room and you saw that- I'd be like, well- What would you think? You'd be like, there's a serial killer- I'd be like, I'm glad I paid 29.99 a night for this. Hiding in the shower. I bet you they got color TV. Do they have HBO? HBO! HBO and color TV. No vacancies at this place, sucka. Blow out your candle. Low speed internet. Get the Mythical Snackaverse lunchbox and thermos set by joining 3rd Degree quarterly or annual by March 31st. Visit mythicalsociety.com for details.
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 254,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 15sec (1035 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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