Make These Sounds With Just Your Mouth (Guessing Game)

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I thought this was a great idea, super fun episode, and Stevie is just a cherry on top.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This was such a goofy episode. And i totally loved it.

Especially the part when Link died inside after Stevie guessed wind chime on Rhett's turn.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ExDream00 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Rhett's dolphin was the best.

This'll be one of those episodes I come back to when I need a guaranteed laugh, like the funny walk video.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 30 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/studmuffffffin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

THIS is the kind of game I want to see them playing more of. Look at how hard Rhett was laughing! I, too, haven't laughed this hard at a GMM video in months. Everything felt so laid-back, warm, and genuine. And then GMMore was even funnier--there were so many cute "best friend" moments!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 29 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I loved this episode! Just good old Rhett and Link goofiness and anytime Stevie is on camera and playing along is a win for me.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/weschester πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Maybe the funniest episode of the year. A new classic!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

3 non food episodes in one week? Bold move GMM, bold move. Def not complaining as I like them all though.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MikeDunleavySuperFan πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This episode was absolutely hilarious, i hope they do it again. I tried playing along with a couple by closing my eyes and it was hard lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 14 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/atomsej πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Completely opposite to yesterday’s episode, most fun I’ve had watching GMM in a long time. Was laughing and making the weird sounds with them throughout

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/machoman_andysavage πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Dec 11 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Can you guess the sounds that are coming out of my mouth? - Let's talk about that. (Mythical Theme Song plays) Good Mythical Morning. - Ever since I first heard "Don't Worry, Be Happy" by Bobby Mcferrin-- - Oh yeah. - I've been obsessed with using my mouth to make the world a happier place. But so far I've only really gotten good at making a fart sound that makes my ten-year-old son laugh. - Can I hear it? (mouth farting) (Rhett laughing) - I don't know. - You mean, you think that's good? (mouth farting) That's, it's-- (stumbles over words) it's not bad. (Link mouth farting) It's not bad, anyway, on a scale of fart sounds. Okay, mouth sounds were big when we were growing up in the eighties. That dude from "Police Academy"? - Yeah, we-- - And he didn't have lines. - We come from an age where mouth sounds were used. - Yeah, I mean, he didn't have lines, he just had sounds- - Michael Winslow, yeah. - In the movies, I loved every bit of it. And I would always-- I've always thought I would like to be reincarnated as a mouth foley artist. - Not if I am first. Make a sound of a door opening. (Rhett makes squeaking sound) (Rhett laughing) (Rhett makes creaking sounds) Okay, make a sound of the door stopper thing that-- Like the springy thing that'll stop the door. (Rhett makes boing sound) (both laughing) (Rhett makes boing sound) - That's pretty good isn't it? - I mean, I'm not gonna say it's good, but I am gonna say: we'll have fun today. (Rhett laughing) It's time for: (80's epic music) In this battle of human sound effects, you know you wanna win, bro. I hope my voice box is in it's prime like an eighties Michael Winslow. - All right here's how this is gonna work. - That's the guy from "Policy Academy". - Yeah, thanks for naming him. Okay, so we're gonna take turns watching a stock video-- Get ready y'all, buckle up, we got stock videos. Of something random happening, and then we're gonna make the sound effects for what's happening in the video, (Link slurping) using only our mouths. And we've got about 20 seconds, give or take, to convince Stevie "golden-ear" Levine- - [Link] Ooh. - [Rhett] What sound we're making. - [Link] Can't even see the ears, (Stevie laughing) but I believe that they're golden. (Rhett laughing) - I went like this with my eyebrows. - [Rhett] She's moving her eyebrows. (Link and Stevie laughing) Okay, if she guesses correctly, you win the points on the board, and if not, the other guy gets a chance to steal and we can just go like that. - And there's gonna be a board that has easy, medium, and hard categories of sound effects with increasing points associating with them. Whoever has the most points at the end will be declared Mega-Mouth Mic, and gets to keep this special, golden mega-mouth microphone to use throughout "Good Mythical More". - Do you have it-- Do you have to put it-- Like you touched it to your face when you used it. - That's how I know it's in the right spot. That's a habit. - But, yeah, but we've gotta share-- - From my showman days. (Rhett laughs) - Well, we got to share it. - So we have the board before us, Rhett, since you have a distinctively smaller mouth than me, which puts you at a disadvantage, I'm going to let you go first. - Oh, thank you. And we're using this microphone that you have to hold with two hands because-- To keep us from gesturing. This is not about charades, this is about mouth sounds only! Okay. - Yeah. - [Rhett] I'm going to go easy, three points. - [Link] Okay. (Rhett makes beating sounds) - A car with a flat tire-- A heart! A heart beating, a heart monitor beating. - Boom, boom boom! - Oh, dang! You got it. - Yeah girl, you got that heart-- - Y'all was only going to give you another few seconds. 'Cause that was good, and if you weren't going to get it-- - I need to get there. - [Link] I was gonna have to take over! (Rhett laughs) All right so you got three points (dings) for the Rhett-ster! - I did a heart! - All right, I'm gonna go into medium territory. - Uh, oh. - [Stevie] Oh, no. - Five points. - [Rhett] Okay. All right. (Rhett chuckling) (Link making dolphin squeaks) (Stevie laughing) - Is something dying? (Link making water swishing sounds) Something in the wind? Something-- (Link squeaking) (Stevie laughing) (Link making high-pitched laughing sounds) (all laughing) - Okay, dude, that's enough. - You're not even guessing! - A dying animal in the wind? (crew laughs) - A dying-- That was-- - Wait, was I on the right track, or were you-- - I can't say, because now you get it-- You get a chance. You give it a shot. - [Stevie] What? (Rhett stifling a chuckle) (Rhett screeches) (Rhett laughs hysterically) (crew all laughs) (Rhett laughs) - I can't do it. (Rhett makes squeaking sounds) (everyone laughs) (rhett laughs) - You did a great job, I-- I'm just trying to do what you did. Now I'm just trying to sound link you. Hold on, let me think about this, like-- - You don't have much time. You have five seconds-- (Rhett makes baby squeaking sounds) (crew laughs) - Is it something like being grinded? Like a grinder? (Rhett making baby monkey sounds) - [Stevie] Oh no, it's an animal. It's an animal. (Rhett makes strained squeaks) - All right, let's do it together. I don't know if this will help, but like, (Link makes swooshing sounds) - Ocean! Ocean, ocean. (Link squeaks) (Rhett makes whooshing sounds) - A dolphin! Dolphin, dolphin! - Yes! - [Link] Freaking dolphin. - Yeah, yeah yeah. - All right, so no points. (buzzer sounds) - Well, I mean, I feel like-- I feel like she got that because of the sound that you were making, but I mean-- - Nope, she didn't get it. Nope, no points. - She didn't get it. Don't get any points-- - Choose another one. Choose another one, it's your go. - [Rhett] Easy, four. Easy four, for the win. (Rhett laughs) (Rhett blows raspberries with mouth) - Deflation. I don't know, sea cucumber, but I know it's not that. I'm thinking something's pooping, but it's not real poop. (Rhett makes raspberry sounds) It wouldn't be another sea creature. (all laughing) - All right, I get a turn, man. All right, man. (Rhett laughing) - That was pretty good wasn't it? - You spit all over this thing. (Rhett laughs) - That was pretty good. It's pretty good. (Rhett wheezes laughing) - Oh, I hate it. (Link makes air pressure sounds) - [Stevie] Something burst. Something popped. - [Rhett] That's pretty-- - [Stevie] Something popped and is leaking air. No, no, no, no. (Link makes popping sound) (Link makes raspberry sound) (Rhett and Stevie laugh hysterically) A bottle opened? (Link makes raspberry sound) And then you squirt out ketchup. - Yeah! (all yelling) (dings) - I got her with the pop! - [Link And Stevie Together] Yeah! - Yeah, that was good. That was really good. So you stole those points-- - Yes! - And now you get to go back to the board. - All right, I now have confidence. I am going for a medium, seven. - [Rhett] Oh gosh. - [Link] Ba-ling, ba-ling-a-ling-ling. - A bell is ringing. (Links makes whooshing sounds) - Wind? - [Link] Bling-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling. (Link makes whooshing sounds) - [Link] Bling-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling! (Link makes louder whooshing sounds) - [Rhett] Okay, okay, okay, I mean-- - Bling-a-ling-a-ling-a-ling! (Rhett fumbles over words) - One more guess. - A bell is ringing in the wind. No? Yes. And it's a telephone that's ringing in the wind. - [Rhett] Oh, oh, oh. - [Stevie] I don't know, I'm sorry. - Like you're going to be able to add that. - Well-- (Rhett blows into mic) Ding-doing-ding-ding. - A wind chime. - Yeah! (all laugh) See, you gotta get the tones, man! (dings) It's about the tones! I got a wind chime just like that, at home. It's about the "ding-ding-dong-ding-doing-ding". It's got a scale, man. (Link chuckles) It's got a scale! - I gotta give it to you, seven points. Now you're in the lead. - But, hold on, bell in the wind is-- (Rhett laughs hysterically) (Stevie giggles) - [Link] I was like, all you gotta do is listen to yourself. - Medium, medium eight. Medium eight. - Come on, don't be-- Don't be a-- - Okay, hard nine. Oh. (Rhett grunts) (Rhett makes pew sounds) (Rhett sighs) (Rhett makes airy smacking noise) (Rhett makes whooshing noise) (all start to laugh) - Somebody's falling. Somebody's-- (Rhett makes grunting sound) (Rhett makes heavy whoosh) Somebody's trying to lift something up. (Rhett grunts and makes whooshing sounds) A man is lifting-- (Rhett makes pew sounds) and dropping something-- (Rhett laughs) - Get that last part every time. There's no way you're going to get it from what I just did. (Link makes quick whoosh sound) - Ugh, nah nah. (crew laughs) I'm trying to come up with-- Oh gosh it-- - [Stevie] It's like something supernatural happening. (Rhett chuckles) (Link makes muffled groans) - [Stevie] Lift, lifts? (Link makes an exploding whoosh sound) Something breaks. (Link groans angrily) (Link makes breaking whoosh sound) - [Link] I give up. (buzzer) - [Rhett] Here, let's put it together. (Both groaning and whooshing) (Rhett makes duck sounds) (Link makes rolling groan sounds) (Rhett makes duck sounds) (Both groaning and whooshing) (Rhett laughs) - You shouldn't be so angry that you break a baseball bat over your thigh when there's nobody there. - Yeah, right. Well sometimes you get real mad at practice. - All right. Before we go in for another one, quick reminder, third episode of the "Good Mythical Crew Podcast" comes out today. One comes out every month. Our very own producer, Chase, hosts this all-new podcast. It's behind the scenes, you get all-- You get into all of it. Exclusively for second and third-degree members of the Mythical Society. Also third-degree members get the video version of that. - Video, video! - Join the Mythical Society, Is it my choice? - It is your choice. - Okay. - Now listen-- - That was-- - You can make the-- Hard is super hard. I mean, if I were you, I'd go back down to the medium. - I'm six points down. I'm going to go for a medium six. - Oh for-- - To tie it up. 'Cause then, I don't-- I'm-- I'm scared of eight. (Link makes whooshing sound) (Link makes explosion sounds) - Something's being-- Something has motion (Link whistles) and it's being shot out of something else. (Link makes deep pew pew sounds) Of, like a cannon. A gun, a gun. Not gun. A cannon. Is it like a sled or something? (Link makes rapid pew pew sounds) (Rhett chuckles) Fireworks! - [Rhett] Ay! - Yeah! Yes, yes! (dings) - It is fireworks. - Yeah. - 'Cause they're going-- (Link makes shh sounds) (Link makes pew sounds) - Okay. - We're tied up. So what are you going to do? - I'm not going down to easy, but hard is too hard. So I'm going medium eight. (Rhett makes tinny, vibrating sounds) - Something's accelerating. Or wings, like hummingbird wings. (Rhett makes deeper, raspberry sounds) No, no, no, no, no. (Rhett makes tinny, vibrating sounds) (Rhett makes deflating, raspberry sounds) It sounds like wings, but-- - Okay. Your time is up. - I can't go any higher than that. - Okay. (Link makes deep raspberry sounds) (Link makes squealing sounds) (Link makes baby pig sounds) - This is so different, I'm so confused! (Link makes baby pig sounds) (Link makes deep raspberry sounds) - [Rhett] It's actually pretty good. (Link makes baby pig sounds) (Link makes deep raspberry sounds) - Okay, I think it's not an animal. (Rhett laughs) Oh, okay. I think it is an animal. - No, no. - [Stevie] No, it's not an animal. - Give me at least one guess for a chance at points. - It sounds like maybe something flying. (Link makes squealing sounds) (Link starts to blow on mic) - Oh no, you can't-- You've had way too long for this one! - [Voice] You've had too long Link, I think it's time for you both to go. - All right, let's do it together. (both breath in deeply) (both makes squealing and deep raspberry noises) (both make squealing sounds) - [ Voice] Stevie, you're right, it's not an animal. - It's a model plane. It's a, it's a-- It's something that's flying. Give me that. Is it something that's flying? - No, no, no. It can fly, but it's not flying in this scenario. - It's not flying. It's something that's trying to get off the ground because it can fly? And it's mechanical and it's dying. - [Voice] All right, let's see it. - I have hyperventilated enough. I'm seeing stars. (both make squealing sounds) (crew laugh) - Okay. - [Link] What? - [Voice] You know, like it squeaks when you pull-- - You're literally looking at the balloon and you still don't-- - [Stevie] I feel like it's more like: (Stevie makes repeated squeaking sounds) - Yeah, I can't get that high. (Rhett makes baby animal squeaks) - That's a, that's a-- that's a box spring on a mattress. (Stevie and Rhett laugh) That was a good, okay. Now it's my chance. I'm going for hard, number 10. (Rhett laughs) - [ Rhett] Okay, all right. (Link makes whooshing and swishing sounds) (Rhett wheezingly laughs) (Link makes slurping scraping sounds) (crew laughs) (Link groans) (Link makes squeaking duck sounds) - [Link] Scope, scoop, scop, scope. (Rhett laughs hysterically) - I can't tell if the human noises are human, or they're something else. (Link makes groaning sounds) (Link makes thud sounds) (crew laughs) (Link makes rising groaning sounds) (Link makes thunk sounds) Like, it sounds like somebody is going through something, but I don't know if that someone's Link. (Link makes scraping sounds) - Okay, I think we need a guess. - [Voice] I think we need a guess. - [Stevie] Someone got hurt because they did something, that hurt them. (Stevie laughs) - Oh yeah. That's right. - Okay, more specific, more specific. - [Voice] Yeah, that's in the right range. - Okay. Somebody was sledding down a hill and fell off. No, no. Somebody-- Yes, maybe. Somebody was like snow-tubing, sledding, - [Rhett] This is getting really specific. - Snow-tubing? - [Voice] All right, I think we gotta let Rhett get a chance. (Rhett makes old karate movie-like sounds) (Rhett makes groaning and scraping sounds) - Somebody's slipping. Slipping on ice. They're just walking across - [Link] That's pretty good man. - [Stevie] ice and they're slipping. They're not wearing skates? - [Voice] Yeah, I think you got it Stevie. - Yeah. But I feel bad. I mean, I feel bad. I mean-- - You're standing on the shoulders of giants, here. (dings) I mean, it was-- That was just building on many, many guesses, but that is exactly what-- (Rhett makes groaning and swooshing sounds) - [Link] You do, the man I'll do the-- (Rhett makes growling groans) - [Rhett] Oh, no not again, I gotta-- (both making grunting and swishing sounds) - Oh yeah, it's better with two people, for sure. - [Rhett] This is the worst stock image video I've ever had to-- Oh, I'm hurting and I'm not coming back tomorrow. (Stevie laughs) - I'll tell you, being a foley artist is absolutely-- - Not like that? (both chuckle) - Exhausting. - Not-- Nothing like that. Okay, listen. - All right. So we're just gonna-- Did we say we're going to split the last points and call it a tie. - I think that we get both to use the golden microphone. - I mean, it does have eight holes. So we can be like this. (Link growls) I think we know who the real winner is here though! The two of us. (Rhett chuckles) Thanks for subscribing, and clickin' that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Seth, and this is Banana, and we're from from Austin, Texas. And y'all probably don't remember signing this mug. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Why is it so quiet? - We remember, Banana. - Click the top link to see if we can be professional, movie-sound artists in "Good Mythical More". - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land! - As far as street-cred goes, it's like probably my favorite. Because like, I feel like if I went to prison, they're like, "What are you in for?" I'm like, "I jaywalked, "but I've made a pizza car." And like everyone will like, "Okay, that's cool. "This guy's cool."
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 995,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: ubVpEkwaY9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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