Kidnapping Survivors: What's Your Story?

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serious redditors who've survived a kidnapping what's your story happened to me when i was a kid my parents were involved with the loan sharks in the area and i was kept as insurance that they'll pay the money they owe they picked me up from our front yard at the time i didn't know i was kidnapped i only knew that i went to stay with an uncle who had like four girlfriends crack w and a lot of roommates who swore a lot they didn't touch me on the contrary they kept me well fed and some of them gave me a barbie to keep my occupied while they did their business in the other rooms i kept demanding where my mom is and they kept assuring me that mommy will come and pick me up that they just need to finish something first in the end i stayed with them for like a week before my dad got me out i remember my mom and dad crying a lot as we went home that was one of my earliest memories and i can never forget it hope they learned their lesson i grew up on a carnival in the early to late 60s and my parents were really bad people my dad sold my sister and myself to an older couple in canada while the show was in buffalo they paid my dad and away we went with them they had us for about a week when as i remember we were all sitting on a back porch and the mounties came riding up with my dad after my dad told them we were kidnapped they went to jail and we went home with our father i remember just a little about the incident but my sister was a couple years older and remembers much more but we were not hurt at all and she says they were very nice to us my dad was a crazy hoodlum and my mom was worse they both ended up in jail for a long time but when they got out we were turned over to them and dad ended up leaving the carnie life and settling down in georgia my mother left us when i was eight and i never saw her again until her death last year my dad is dying now and none of us kids actually care that is sad but we all have our reasons not life-threatening but my father attempted to kidnap me when i was two or three my mom reported me missing and my father had a warrant out for his arrest i barely remember any of it but this part my father took me to chuck e cheese and as we were leaving my mom just so happened to be leaving a store in the same shopping center my mom ran over and my father tried to quickly roll up the window well my mom broke the window shredding her palm she still has a star-shaped scar that looks kind of cool and ripped me out of the car which dislocated my shoulder my father got out of the car and my mom started screaming for help and someone said they were calling the police my father got back in his car and left and my mom and i just hugged each other and cried until the cops got there i remember one of them buying me a ring pop but that's all your mom went into super mom mode i was three blocks away from my home i was 10 years old and riding my bike my shoelace got stuck in my chain and i stopped in front of a christmas tree farm a van pulled up and a man slid open the sliding door and pulled me into the van my shoes were still attached to my bike chain so he ripped off my shoes and threw me in the man drove 15 feet before the old man who owned the farm who witnessed what happened to me fired his gun into the front end of the car and he disabled the car and yanked me out of the car and called police thank god for the old man i hope your parents bought their christmas trees from him from the non my dad and his second wife kidnapped us when i was in first grade and my older sister was in third but they took us to seattle wa from saint louis my mom and grandparents got a pie to track us and my mom stepdad and pie came to the school they enrolled as in and took us home but nothing life-threatening our dad's wife found out she couldn't get pregnant so they took us instead today they have two adult sons who weren't conceived until about seven and nine years later we've had very little contact with him our entire lives when i was younger my dad literally kidnapped me from my mom and wouldn't let her have me he hid me in the basement and my grandparents and so my mom called the cops and six cop cars ended up surrounding my grandparents house they broke in he door tackled my dad and searched the house until they found my in a little room under the stairs where my dad had made me stay while it's not your typical kidnapping it still was considered kidnapping that is actually what is a typical kidnapping at least for children most children are kidnapped by parents or relatives especially when a custody battle is going on rather than by random people when i was a baby less than a year my mom went to panama to show all her relatives her second child while my dad stayed in the states with my older brother so after visiting we head to the airport to go home on our way out a lady comes and snatches me from my mom when she was getting her luggage so she didn't notice for a little and once she does she flips out cause security but being 19 years ago security was a joke after an hour of security searching my mom was going to give up so she heads to a bathroom to clean her smeared makeup and noticed the carrier under the stall my mom wanted revenge so she waiting for her to leave the store and when she did my mom grabbed her by the hair through her to the floor and kicked stomped her in the face then called security the lady tried to sue my mom for assault because she was using high heels when she stomped her she didn't win and then she got 18 years for kidnapping and children flesh trading after she got out in like 12 years she did it again but this time the parent killed the lady she did it again but this time the parent killed the lady good i think i was 18 in college hanging out with these two boys on campus they invite me back to their dorm room to chill and eager for friends and attention i agree to go once in the room it was kindly suggested to me at gunpoint that i accompany them on a short trip to pick something up i had no choice but to go along i went back seat child locks on guns and car they are smoking who knows what three hour car ride across two state lines peppered with physical shaming assault they stop at a friend's house to acquire some illegal substances and take me to another person's house for the night i am encouraged to smoke with them and it turns out to be some opium hash mix i proceed to endure further assault about which i did incur yay drugs and then puked my guts out while they kicked me and screamed at me to keep my noise down yay drugs then the best most hilarious episode of roseanne came on i have no idea which one only that drugs made it the funniest show ever and at some point i passed out woke up being ushered into the back seat again more physical shaming assault the driver almost drove us into another vehicle and then careened us almost off the road which would have sent us into deep water and killed us all at which point i snapped not giving a crap about potentially being shot and dumped in the middle of nowhere and gave them a good screaming act like i was their mother instead of their victim i guess the near-death experience for them sobered them the frick up i don't know but they apologized and agreed to take me home not back to campus i gave them a random address way away from my own home and pretended like i lived there trespassed to enter around back and straight up fled at the first opportunity i never saw them again not on campus not anywhere i never reported them or inquired as to their whereabouts it was a horrible surreal nightmare and i went through it like a waking dream trying to rationalize at every turn in as much denial as i could muster until that almost car wreck probably should be under a throwaway but whatever this is my trauma i can own it they apologize for driving poorly not for kidnapping and violating me repeatedly something like that happened to me but i was homeless i pretend i live somewhere and when i came around the back of the house i pretended to live out there was an old man and woman who i quietly begged them to pretend they were my grandparents until the police came after filing a report it was back to living in my car for a few months my biological father kidnapped my older sister and i when i was five and she was nine we were on a court scheduled visit and my mom step dad and younger sister were scheduled to pick us up at his house my biological father had my older sister hold me in an upstairs bedroom while he went outside and told them we weren't at the house and that we were with someone else i remember crying and trying to get out of her grasp and running to the window and hoping they would look up and see me before my sister pulled me back when they left he took us to one of my sister's friend's house about 15 minutes away next door to our babysitter i remember playing in the driveway garage and my sister and her friend pulling me into the garage because my mom step dad and younger sister showed up at the babysitter's house looking for us and ended up driving by the friend's house the friend's family then took us camping for the weekend to get us out of town my mom and step dad got the police involved and my biological father ended up surrendering us so he didn't get arrested tl dr kidnapped by bio father and sister's friend's family returned to mom and dad safely my story might cause you to question whether i was really kidnapped in a strong sense of the word or whether my kidnappers should have been so punished and that's okay but it's an interesting story and i will tell it i was 15 and staying at my dad's house shortly after my parents divorce he wasn't home i was hungry and attempted to microwave some food but burnt it but i had some spare cash so i decided to walk to subway halfway to the restaurant by some b-ball courts a white jeep pulled beside me there were a couple of dudes in the front and a couple of girls in the back they seemed high and started joking around one of the larger men got out of the car and took my money and phone though they eventually gave me back my sim card thoughtful huh they went through my messages and found the name of my then girlfriend who's dina you ever had the p they were super intrusive and overly obscene during my time with them they told me they weren't going to allow me to leave it was too late and they had already mugged me and had insinuated they had guns and i'd rat on them so when they asked me if i needed a ride to subway i knew it wasn't a sincere offer but a threat to get in the back of the jeep where the girls were sitting so i did they drove me around for what seemed like hours they threatened to keep me in their basement or to kill me and throw me in the woods near some old ammo bunkers from world war ii they threatened to make me prove my trustworthiness by selling pot for them for a while before they'd let me go at one point we stopped at a local pizza joint one of my captors said of a waitress yeah i'm eating her pee so i get free food we're getting you free food i don't know whether it was really free but i ended up getting free wings out of it my kidnappers weren't really smart or funny at one point in the meal one of them points to the pickle he gets with his sandwich and says hey you know what they say if you eat the pickle you live today better eat the pickle i crap you not i didn't eat the pickle eventually i think they got anxious enough to let me go and they did and there were a lot of other things that happened that day but i have successfully blocked a lot of it from my memory in all i wasn't harmed physically in any way the dudes got two years at a correctional facility that also teaches trade so they could better themselves but then screwed it up so they had to serve 8 15 years in the pen i think sorry i'm not a better storyteller feel free to ask questions comma took my money and phone those wings weren't free biological mother was becoming increasingly unhinged schizo and took us to an apartment complex one day we just up and left it wasn't really questioned by me or my four sisters since it was under the premise of a vacation it was both nice and terrible i started at a new school and went from hated social outcast to someone fun to be around in their eyes obviously my grades went up from c's and d's they do also keep in mind before grade 5 where home life started to collapse it was straight a's motivation etc but then there was my mother who had violent outbursts never put a hand on us but she broke a lot of crap when she had outbursts careless with what money she had coming in from child support too it was pretty much all right in the eyes of the law because she did the bold thing of making all these false claims against my father in order to secure custody for the time being while the courts worked out who was right eventually they made sense of the situation and cut out the mother to supervise visitations and took us back to our dad about three days after christmas he had a heck of a spread for us i was 11 then and she had us for about three months but it fricked with me a lot i went from the good school back to my crappy one didn't know many numbers or anything so i lost contact with literally everyone i made friends with at the school and at the apartment complex fell into a bad depression that i'm only now working my way out of at 19 after years of straight f's i start school again on the 13th after a few years of not being in so wish me luck there after it happened it was just sort of okay my sisters were i think too young to really be affected by it but i was old enough to understand it but too young to work out what to do with it i never really got help for a while because my dad apparently had some legitimately awful experiences with shrinks i did too but i finally found sim willing to listen rather than drug push and i'm making serious progress my mother eventually stopped showing up to visitations so my dad stopped trying kinda glad to be honest she was never that fun to be around there always subtly just trying to push her agenda the visitation lady was always really nice though and we had some nice chats my dad's remarried now and i think she's a total butt and her daughter is pretty much a carbon copy my dad doesn't do much about a lot but all that is a story for another day i think a tl dr compared to a lot i got out fine but it still freaked me out of a lot of things depends on what you consider a kidnapping but my friends had a nasty divorce my mother took me and my sister out of school and dragged us across the country i was even going to school by the time cps found us a month later that is definitely a kidnapping i was three my sister was nine parents had just separated we were staying with maternal grandparents dad picked us up for a short visit and about a block from my grandparents house he made my sister get out of the car he took me two states away called my mom and said he'd leave me to die in the desert if she didn't tear up the divorce papers they were married 13 years and he emotionally abused terrified her all the time so she believed him i was with him for two weeks while mom freaked out and had a nervous breakdown back at my grandparents there weren't really any solid child custody laws when it came to separated parents back then so the cops weren't involved dad was nice to me the whole time only bad part for me was having his [ __ ] girlfriend dump a bowl of peas over my head because i wouldn't eat them still won't mum convinced him she'd destroyed the papers i remember getting off the plane and being handed to my grandfather i think dad thought he was going to meet mom elsewhere to talk things over but she had other plans she took us and ran we spent the next eight years hiding for me that was worse than the kidnapping she lived with married one man after the next changed our last names each time so dad couldn't find us made us call each one daddy while telling us our actual dad was the devil and that he was dead super confusing to a little kid interesting side note she dated mel tillis briefly stuttering country singer who later did whataburger commercials daddy number three ended up being a diddler i was singled out and physically shamed abused for two years there's more but i think you all get the point the aftermath was worse and left me worry more traumatized than the kidnapping which started it all comma dad was nice to me his [ __ ] girlfriend i see why your mom wanted a divorce my girlfriend and i got kidnapped and violated at gunpoint e in dallas about two years ago now but they've never had any leads on the guy and the cops weren't too concerned that's my story what happened to both of you is horrible hope you're doing better tl dr gotten van with korean man ate good food and learned about life this is a serious event that happened but it takes a different twist than a regular kidnapping one morning my parents had left me at home alone early 2000s i was around 7 years old they had gotten brand new cell phones but they told me they would be leaving them at home because they were scared to use them i was used to being left at home we are korean immigrants and my parents were always off looking for jobs they were laid off just last christmas so our past keeps following us about an hour after they left i hear the doorbell ring i open the door and there's this korean man i've never seen standing in front of me asking if my parents are home he keeps asking me to come with him and i eventually do because i really wanted some mcdonald's i climb into his stereotypical white van and we drove off this is where it is different he took me to a japanese restaurant and we ate lunch and paid for it he then convinced me to drive over to her lake a few hours over i'd never been there so i agreed we arrived at the lake and we sat on the dock and he told me a few things about life and how we should all strive to be someone who is strong and confident yet humble and respecting after a few hours of life lessons we drove home stopping at a chinese buffet on the way i refused to eat the frog legs i even got a rubber duck from a crane game we arrived home around 1am my parents were freaking out and my neighbors who were cops had their cars in front of my house the man in the van drops me off a few blocks over and i walked home thanking him for the meal when i got home a few minutes later my parents freaked out and my mom ran to me crying my dad was still talking to the police and in that blur i don't know what happened but i was questioned and i had no idea that i did something wrong my parents gave me cell phone privileges afterwards i know it sounds like bulls but honestly i have no idea why it happened either turns out the man that got me was a religious zealot from a nearby korean church i went to their house willingly but was held against my will by a friend's parents and not allowed to go home when i was 10 first a little context i knew a kid growing up let's call him bob bob lived right down the street and we met in kindergarten bob was from a european country and was a little behind on education so bob was a little over a year older bob's family was the foreign equivalent of the brady bunch but crazy they had like 12 kids ranging from 4 to 29 years old at the time bob's parents were very abusive there was never any food in the house that was for the kids only for the parents eating their food was punishable by beatings with all sorts of things as well as lots of verbal abuse bob spent a lot of time at our house because we fed him but i didn't spend much time at his house for obvious reasons fast forward five years bob moves into a new house about 20 miles away mum takes me and my bicycle to his house for the first time for a pool party after the party i ask for the phone to call my mother to come get me to which i'm told that i'll be spending the night there like heck i am i didn't sign up for that i tell them that i don't want to and find out that bob has already called my parents to ask permission and they've given it so bob sees that i don't want to stay and asks his mother for the phone to which she refuses to get off the internet so i could use it dial up days when told why i needed it she became belligerent and beat bob in front of me and threatened to do the same to me if i tried to leave then she locked us in his room all their door nose were on backwards i escaped through a window grabbed my bike and began riding in the direction of home bob lived in the sticks and had no neighbors i ended up finding my way to the major highway and began riding until i found a pizza hut use their phone to call my parents who at this point were furious with me because bob informed his mother of my escape and she had already called my parents and made up some lie i can't even remember but it made me the bad guy the truth came out in the car home and that was the last time i saw bob i was kidnapped mugged in a taxi in managua nicaragua i had been teaching english in the nice colonial town of lyon nicaragua for a few months and was taking a break to meet some family on vacation in costa rica on my way from leon to the border i had to pass through the capital managua which i don't know well and i found a little intimidating i arrived at a bus stop in the north of managua at about nightfall and had to taxi to a different station in the south of the city to continue i chose one of the 10 or so cab drivers at random got in the back seat and zoned out in nicaragua it's normal to share taxi rides if the driver wants to so i was not fully roused from daydreaming when the driver stopped negotiated affair and picked up a second passenger we were cruising along i was daydreaming in the back when the passenger in the front seat hopped into the back seat next to me and started to put me in a headlock i felt something metal on my shoulder and i started to fight back i called for help and the driver slammed on the brakes and started punching me in the face and screaming kill him they were in cahoots i knew i was in trouble but luckily the first assailant escalated the situation by repeating tranquilo tranquilo i told them they could have all of my stuff and at that point i was pretty certain i wouldn't be killed or anything i realized that we were in some kind of industrial zone a half dozen blocks from whatever road we had been on the other passenger searched through all of my pockets took my shoes off reached his hands inside my underwear and under my package to check for well hidden cash after the search they started the car back up and threw me out at about 10 miles per hour they got pretty much all i owned in nicaragua but the only thing wrong with me was a few scratches from what turned out to be a screwdriver and some scratches on my lower back from the fall out of the car i made my way sock-footed to a police station and two days later i made it to costa rica i was really pleased to see my family if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: kidnapped, kidnapping, kidnapping stories, kidnapping survivors, kidnapping survival stories, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 53sec (1433 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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