What Life Long Skill Can A Person Learn In 10 Minutes? (r/AskReddit)

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what can a person learn no right now in 10 minutes that will be useful for the rest of their life what to do if someone is having a seizure one try and move nearby furniture if possible so the patient doesn't hurt themselves to let them get on with it 3 once the seizure is over move them somewhere safe and comfortable Abed if at all possible and keep them warm anyone with epilepsy will have done this many times before and an ambulance is not necessary save it for someone who needs it if it is someone's first seizure or you are not sure dial 999 1 1 2 9 1 - 1 / whatever if a seizure lasts more than 2 minutes call the emergency services if a person has more than one seizure without regaining consciousness call the emergency services never put anything in their mouth you run the danger of choking them and never try to restrain them you will get hurt I have epilepsy and it scares the life out of me that if I have a seizure on the street people won't know what to do another LP t if you are epileptic or diabetic etc inform friends co-workers et Cie and tell them what to do in an emergency for some unknown reason this is hardly ever taught in laymen's first aid don't know about those in the medical profession one try and move nearby furniture if possible so the patient doesn't hurt themselves to note when the seizure began and start timing it 3 let them get on with it for once the seizure is over move them somewhere safe and comfortable a bit if at all possible and keep them warm ftfy to stop caring about others opinions or as David Foster Wallace puts it , you will become way less concerned with what other people think of you when you realize how seldom they do metacognition or the awareness and understanding of one's thought processes in other words you know when you don't know something and as a result you put forth effort to learn it the fact that you don't actually have to be friends with people you don't like and that you can work with people you wouldn't want to be friends with two rules one assume nothing to follow up and check my father taught me these and I've found that virtually every major [ __ ] in my life can be traced back to ignoring one of them this is why checklists even for highly trained experienced professionals improve outcomes dramatically surgeons use checklists airline pilots use checklists nuclear engineers use checklists the proper way to perform CPR you very well could save someone's life but the number-one rule is to directly command someone to call 9-1-1 if you say somebody call 9-1-1 everyone will just look around hoping someone else will do it you need to point to someone and tell them they specifically need to call for help put yourself last in a sentence and take your friends names out if the sentence still makes sense you've formatted it correctly example would you like to go with Joe and I take away Joe and the sentence becomes comma would you like to go with I which sounds stupid so it should read comma would you like to go with join me because after taking away Joe game it reads comma would you like to go with me which is a proper sentence to many people think you just replace me with I and call it a day but it doesn't always work conversely Joe and me went to the store take away Joe and the sentence reads we went to the store which once again sounds stupid so the sentence should read commercial and I went to the store because when you remove Joe once more it reads comic I went to the store which is a proper sentence when you don't want to make a splash on the toilet put a few layers of toilet paper on the surface of the water the NATO phonetic alphabet because spelling out words over a crappy line can cause mistakes alpha Bravo Charlie Delta echo Foxtrot Golf Hotel India Jim Lynette kilo Lima Mike November Oscar papa Quebec Romeo Sierra tango uniform Victor whiskey x-ray Yankee Zulu if you bump into an butthole in the morning you bumped into an butthole if you bump into buttholes all day you're the butthole or you work in retail X percent of y equals y percent of X if you need to find 3 percent of 50 you can instead find 50 percent of 3 which is 1.5 me oh cool I'll try this what's 15% of 45 45 percent of 15 Frick in Excel select all by using ctrl + a I'm sure you all knew but then when you press the following separately after alt + H + o and I boiler all your columns width are now Auto fitted change the eye to a for height how to correctly stab someone with an EP pen my girlfriend has a peanut allergy and I really would love to live in a world where more people know the correct way to use that instrument step 1 take off the cap it's blue this is the side that points away from their body at step one one stroke to make sure you won't hit their phone step 2 stab that crap into their leg upper outer thigh through any non super super thick pants is fine jeans equals fine thumb holding the sides you stab them with the orange side step 3 hold it there for three seconds it used to say 10 seconds EMT guy in comments says FDA recently changed this to three seconds step 4 call 9-1-1 EP pens buy time not fix the problem entirely do not be gentle bruises heal being gentle often causes a muscle twitch their reflex will be to jerk away and if the needle comes out without giving them the dough you can't just race tab them hold their leg from the inside otherwise it could cause a large cut that almost always results in a scar associated with unpleasant memories also rub the injection site for a few seconds after you remove it from their skin it will help get it into their bloodstream faster blue end goes to the sky stab the orange end into their thigh you don't know how scared I am of someone stabbing my epinephrine into their palm instead of my leg if you have computer data that is very important and will probably be a huge hit in the box office because a goddamn series is finally over then don't store it on one place keep at least one backup on a computer that will never see the light of the Internet so if by chance a massive ransomware attack comes by you don't potentially lose millions of dollars and thousands of hours of work three two one rule three backups in two places at least one off-site how to recognize a stroke it could save a life one day just remember FAS t face ask them to smile is one side of their face drooping arms ask them to lift both arms is one arm drifting downwards speech ask them to repeat a simple phrase is their speech slurred time if you see any of these signs then get help immediately a stroke happens when blood is cut off from part of the brain and symptoms can appear even 24 hours in advance it is fatal if unattended so be aware that you should freaking take all of your antibiotics and not freaking skip them because you don't feel like it this really freaks with antibiotic resistance yet continuously goes and heated because a large portion of people feel it's okay to do so as a pharmacy student I agree entirely stop freaking IT up guys if you accidentally minimize all but one of your windows grab the title bar of the the one that's left and shake it to get the others back take ten minutes and make a recipe list with corresponding groceries you will save a ton of money on food this week and actually like the things you're eating eventually it'll become a habit and you'll thank yourself when you're eating food you actually like one to eat every day and work and saved a ton of money peanut butter jelly bread toaster waffles frozen corn dogs yep saves me lots of money and I don't even have to buy any pots and pans don't flick with someone who has cauliflower ears but call them whatever you like they can't heal because their ears are made of cauliflower how to say no to another thread on reddit at 3:00 a.m. clicking a link with your scroll wheel will open it in a new background tab welcome to the world of having 50 plus tabs opened at any time ctrl + clicked as the same a few niche browsers out there didn't don't have the scroll click the quick way to convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius subtract 30 and 1/2 it or for Celsius to Fahrenheit double it and add 30 it's not absolutely precise but it gets you to within a degree or two and makes life easier when looking at weather forecasts and recipes et Cie in other countries or when talking to my mother about the temperature when screwing the left pedal onto a bicycle the thread is reversed so left is tighter and right is looser I worked at a bike shop over the summer a few times people came in saying they couldn't get the left pedal off no matter how hard they twisted they were making it tighter corny as heck but learning to say no some people find it almost impossible to say that tiny word there are a bunch of YouTube videos on it seriously saying no sometimes in your life will make it a lot easier here's the real answer to the opie how to unclog a toilet using an expedient bucket flush situation you have just taken a dump at someone else's place and due to either the sheer volume of crap or using too much TP you've clogged the toilet too when attempting to flush there is no plunger in sight you don't want to risk a second flush overflow and make a bad situation worse mission and clog the toilet and leave the bathroom with honor execution look around for the small trash can take out the garbage liner if present if not already on turn on exhaust fan fill the can with water from the bathtub faucet open faucet discreetly as to minimize noise in one continuous in a smooth pour direct the water toward the hole of the toilet the steady downpour will break up and push the clog and begin the Siffin effect the toilet will flush but will leave a measly quantity of water flush the toilets to get rid of any stragglers replace can liner in can ensure shower curtain goes back to original position wash hands turn off exhaust fan and walk out with confidence administration and logistics the small garbage can is the most obvious choice but may not be available be resourceful and look for any containers of opportunity females tend to keep containers under the vanity command and signal after proper execution ensure no trace of the technique is present this means no drips of water displaced containers or disturbed surroundings a professional leaves no traces obfuscate questions about the running tub if challenged ask the Inquisitor Rafi she was listening to you crap that will end the conversation go ahead and try it you're welcome if challenged ask the Inquisitor if he/she was listening to you crap that will end the conversation this part had me cracking up man perfect survivorship bias the key example is every time you hear about Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg dropping out of college and becoming billionaire so it should make sense for people to drop out of college and found their tech startup that's a horrible idea to understand back in World War two they were trying to figure out where planes should be reinforced so they marked on a diagram where all the bullet holes were on the planes that returned safely from missions the initial thought was to reinforce the places where the holes were until somebody pointed out that those holes were in the planes are made itback safely planes with holes in the other areas that were not marked on the diagram did not return safely so they should reinforce those areas instead TL DR when if I ever win the lottery I'll be like an xkcd comic and tell everybody to keep buying lottery tickets and never give up on their hope because if I did it they - there's a similar analogy but in World War one they had just introduced steel helmets TP stop low velocity shrapnel from killing so many men but once the injury figures were looked at after they noticed an increased number of men with head wounds they were going to get rid of the helmets until someone pointed out that the increase was because those who were now just injected with a beam dead otherwise when doing CPR you should do chest compressions to the beat from stayin alive most people don't realize that effective CPR is a two-person job in the chest part actually involves compressing this fast often to piggyback on this when doing chest compressions do it hard a broken rib will heal a lot faster than a stopped heart fat loss is at least 80% diet can't outrun your mouth in any negotiation make your point and shut up this is true with a Craigslist sale and it's true in a political discussion I need 20 dollars for the guitar or I think X stance correct the cause why when you keep talking to reinforce your position you usually provide weaker points that are easier to refute and effectively weaken your position how to tie a tie applies both for those who have to wear them and those who can help tie one for someone else if you ever wanted to paste any text from a website or a document in another one without having the text being formatted with its original font size color and style use ctrl + Shift + V instead of ctrl + V this saves lifes how to properly breathe normally we take shallow breaths into our chest however if we actually take just 10 minutes out of every day to focus on our breath and breathe down into our abdomen we will actually begin to relax and feel so much nicer suddenly things like meditation become easier you become more aware of the here and now emotions are much more available to deal with and process among many physical benefits all just building on the simple act of breathing properly manual breathing mode activated the basic structure of your nation's political system it is amazing how few people can give even a nil I 5 version of how ideas become or who the top boss of their policemen is all what are all the decisions they as a voter actually get to vote on Wikipedia politics off country off you trot it'll be a little dry but you are now an adult this crap matters I'm just a bill yes I'm only a bill and I'm sitting here on Capitol Hill you guys have just provided BuzzFeed with like three years worth of headlines standard tuning on guitar can be remembered as e-every acid D dealer G gets be busted e eventually had a friend teach me that 20 plus years ago I member still Eddie ate dynamite good bye Eddie the Heimlich maneuver I have created a maneuver dr. Heimlich how to change a tire how to recognize pseudoscience at a basic level basically anything that ignores data not supporting the hypothesis only works with low response rates draws false equivalencies or is not generalized to anything or anyone everyone has a reason for something figure out their angle lies truths excuses actions always keep looking for the reasons and then you will learn to judge people better doing these two things will immediately improve the quality of your life one don't take things personally to assume the best in people simple yet so challenging never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity sorting your pasta while boiling them results in delicious pasta which brings out the flavor of whatever sauce you're going to use on them the long chain is for the light the short chain is for the fan so remember this in long light short spin and in the middle of the night when you want to turn the fan on they both turn the light on fascinating righty-tighty lefty-loosey unless you are screwing the left pedal of a bicycle my dad taught me two career related life rules that are in my head every day , every job and workplace will have Bulls and workplace politics you need to find an office with the Bulls you can live with , figure out the budget you can live on factor in one or two reasonable entertainment expenses a week or pay period and put the rest in a savings account preferably one that's a bit difficult to access every raise and bonus goes directly into that account too you don't need more money when you're already paying your bills with some extra so put it away for big-ticket items like a down payment on a house there there they are your your this mouse is looking for friends in the comments comment mouseboy to befriend them if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video or don't either way have a great day you magnificent people
Channel: On Tap Studios
Views: 147,661
Rating: 4.9487286 out of 5
Keywords: #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, sub, reddit cringe, memes, comment awards, dankify, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, chill, story, stories, reddit on tap, reddit learning, reddit 10 minutes, reddit quick lessons, quick learning, quickly learn, 10 minute skills, learning skills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 10sec (1090 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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