How to Make Strangers Mad

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serious what is the stupidest reason a random stranger was mad at you what happened this would sound stupid to some of you i was 10 and i was playing at a public park suddenly a six-year kid came near me and started confronting me she said i was too old to play in the kids area i wanted to ask her who the heck are you did i bother your butt dart it was embarrassing because a kid was scolding me in front of so many people her mom thought that i was harassing her and started running towards us she shouted at me without knowing what actually happened and people was praising that freaking kid for being brave but i did nothing wrong the swing wasn't her mom's property and she talked as if she's the mayor of our town i didn't react that much but i want to go back in time and punch that kid and her stupid mom ah you met the chihuahua of the playground i bought the last cream-filled donut to jolly pirates and the old lady behind me in line took this as a declaration of war saying that i took it from her the worker chimes in saying they're making more and they'd be ready in about half an hour but she wasn't having it i hope she's doing okay it was such a silly thing to get mad over i once had a guy at the beach yell at me to stop laughing i wasn't laughing at him at all just laughing to myself because i was happy and having fun my ex used to do this he thought people were laughing at him and he would get angry yes he is nuts had some lady get mad at me last night in a walmart because i wasn't an employee there and couldn't help her last i checked walmart employees don't wear bright bust yellow shirts with reflective safety striping faux badges on their sleeves or wear slippers while on duty yeah this happened to me at mcdonald's once some lady was mad at me for knowing how to work the touchscreen ordering kiosk but not actually being an employee there but she acted like i had willfully bamboozled her for a sick laugh a guy yelled at me from balcony because i didn't pick up after dog he couldn't understand that my dog only peed i had to explain to him that female dogs need to squat to pee he also couldn't accept the fact that she is a female dog because she just looks like male american akita i was eight years old swimming in a swimming pool and a woman nearby frowned at me and said ugh lose some weight i didn't know how to respond i just started crying me and a friend were around 13. while we were waiting to cross the road we started talking about the sushi that we were about to eat at her place both very excited after not even a minute this huge bald man standing in front of us whips around and just yells at us to shut the frick up with the look of a man who would not hesitate to punch a child so we did and then had to walk in the same direction as him for the next five minutes t was a pleasant experience i had someone yelled down from a window to shut up when i was walking by humming to myself i stopped and looked around to make sure that he was indeed telling me not to hum in public in the middle of the day then i carried on my way singing full volume i said hi to her this was back when bluetooth was a semi-new technology she was wearing a bt earpiece and i didn't see it i was walking home from school and she was standing out in her driveway she said hi and started talking i turned and looked at her didn't see anyone or her phone so i said hi back while continuing to walk she got a disgusted look on her face pulled her hair back from her ear and snapped can you not see i'm on the phone i just left and didn't respond there was the time some weirdo on the bus threatened to kill me because he thought i'm a son sent to tail him apparently i'd gotten on the same bus as him twice in the same day brought my big dogs into big dog side of dog park two ladies with seven chihuahuas started screaming at me and then tried to taste me needless to say that the cops got involved i was in the park with a friend and this guy was on a bike coming really fast i moved enough for him to get through but when he passed he said move in an angry tone and i still think about it this reminds me of the time i was standing next to my mom's car in a parking lot when i was like 10 and this teenager young adult pulls into the space next to us almost running me over like she moved really fast i didn't see her coming or anything and the guy was with her said dang you almost ran her over and she said something to the effect of well she was in the way i found a coin and put it in my pocket some dude called me poor because i picked up dirty money and all i said was richer than you he beat me up and nearly broke my neck if you're reading this freak you and get help a ridiculous case of mistaken identity i was playing on the school playground by myself at the end of the day probably age about seven and my mum usually arrived to pick me up about five minutes after the end of the last bell so i was just minding my business and swinging across the monkey bars until her car pulled up a random lady started shouting from across the field at me sarah get here now do not make me wait sarah is not my name and i was the only kid on the playground at the time i looked over at her confused even gestured a kind of has signaled to her but she couldn't see my facial features in the distance and still thought i was her kid she continued sarah don't make me come over there it's time to go you will be in so much trouble stop ignoring me the lady kept shouting and sounded like she was getting angrier i tried to ignore her because even my little kid brain had realized that she mistaken me for her own child i then started getting worried because she had started marching across the field towards the playground all the while screaming about the punishment sarah would revive for not following her instructions that's it i'm going to smack your bum all night when we get home you are not going to know what's hit you i ended up hiding behind the slide and when she finally got to the playground she looked at me realized that i was not her child and she actually said oh not sarah before turning on her heels and leaving funny thing was my school was very small less than 100 kids and there were no girls named sarah attending then sarah ladies already posted another but i have one from working on a bookshop it was a small bookshop specialized on fantasy sf books and for some reason we were sometimes listed as esoteric shop the owner tried to fix it for years and then basically gave up one evening a lady calls hello i am looking for a pendulum do you sell these sorry madam we are actually a boost cop we only sell books but you are listed as esoteric shop yes this is a mistake we are a bookshop do you know where i can find a pendulum sorry maybe try the antiques shops miss i am looking for a pendulum to find someone not a clock the words are very similar in french yes i understand that but i don't know where they sell pendulums antiques shops may have some i guess i'm sorry i don't know ugh and i guess you are closing soon well yes but we don't have any pendulum anyways well have you checked well we only sell books so you really are good for nothing i hope you will never sell anything ever again hangs up i do hope this lady is okay she seemed very desperate to find someone we still don't sell pendulums though haha imagine not being able to make a pendulum however like just go to home depot and put some crap on a string mayo it was christmas day 2020 i was at work at the register gas station while a customer walks up to a food warmer the customer asks if all we have is pizza advised we had more food like burgers etc coming up in about 10 minutes customer yells great now all i get is this freaking pizza and proceeds to pick a slice then throw it on the counter at me i'm so sorry gas station work can be a bee sometimes waiting at a bus stop after school some random guy sits next to me and tries to sell me weed i tell him i'm not interested and he gets up and stands away near the curb as a bus approaches and he gets on there he sits at the back of the bus and looks out the window at me and just starts throwing me the middle finger while aggressively mouthing some words it was on here i used the word then instead of an i got a message from this guy saying i am a refined idiot and not to breed also that i must be fat and my husband is cheating on me i laughed it off and blocked him i'm sorry they were so mean but i'm cracking up trying to imagine someone getting that angry about a grammar mistake i used to work at sainsbury's local supermarket chain in the uk and some drunk dude tried to start to fight with me because i told him we don't sell individual cans of beer only a four pack or more i told him i don't make the rules and if you just want one can we have charge for four he starts getting more and more irate and eventually clenches his fist and squares up to me keep in mind i'm just 19 and this dude is like 40. luckily my manager saw this escalating and stepped in before it kicked off and asked the guy to leave a retail work i do not miss you one bit i have so many horror stories working in retail fast food in high school that's all you need to say right but really karen's existed well before 2020 one time working at a fast food chain i was asked for one extra honey mustard sauce our particular franchisee had strict limits and we had managers all over the place i needed my job at the time so i told them there was an extra charge for more source they wouldn't pay left in a rage and said when i get off work they are going to shoot me a friend and i both around 18 at the time used to attend the local gym and work out together quite frequently being typical 18 year olds we would find many things funny for really no apparent reason a lot of the time this led to uncontrollable laughter well on one specific occasion another young man noticed her laughter that i can honestly say was directed at no one he was working out on the complete opposite end of the gym after a short while we noticed him approaching us and with a very distasteful look asked if we had spits in his shaker cup taken aback we couldn't think of a response he asked again this time a little more anger in his voice to which we laughingly replied something to the effect of are you seriously asking if two strangers grabbed your shaker cup and spit in it for no reason this seemed to upset him even more because of the giggles that still could not be controlled he went off on a screaming rampage and even went as far as to tell the gym manager at the end of it all he was asked to leave while me and my friend continued our workout laughing away at the events that just took place i smiled at him he was angry when he found out i wasn't the only person he smiled at i worked in retail at the time customer service mate i was alone with two of my kids age one and five i was parked by the curb and getting my five-year-old out street side while my baby was still in his car seat bicyclist comes up on me getting the kids out of the car and yells get out of my way jew my kid and i freeze then he shouts share the road butthole as an aside i'm central european and while not jewish i'm sometimes the victim of anti-semitic slurs my five-year-old broke down crying and i had to buy him a candy bar holy crap i'm so sorry you guys had to deal with that i hope you and your family are doing okay my phone number got spoofed and whoever did it called someone and then hung up after not saying anything but tall then proceeds to call the number me back screaming about how i'm a horrible person for hanging up on them and wasting their time i tried to explain it to him as i had been receiving confused voicemails for a while but he wouldn't let me get a word in he was screaming so loud his voice was breaking over what was probably a 5-10 second scam call it was unbelievable myself and some friends were walking home from some underage event we were probably 16 or so we took a shortcut through some estate and this absolute karen confronts us backed up by what i can only assume we're fellow pta members and accuses us of stealing potted plants from their gardens we had literally just arrived and tried to explain this but she was having none of it and threatened to get the police involved eventually she gave us a stern warning and left so naturally we've ended the mature thing and stole her potted plants left them down the road peed on them a little and headed home a couple of years ago in a parking lot my brother and i were goofing around on our way back to our car i accidentally tripped and fell right next to someone else's car and the owner of said car was sitting inside of it she got out gave us the dirtiest look and inspected the rear end of her car thinking that i had run into it or damaged it in some way i hadn't even touched it i only hit the ground literally no reason for her to be mad don't get near my car people are the worst i was in a supermarket queuing at a self-service checkout this big guy in front of me in the queue had a basket in his hand and was next up to the tail someone who must have known him it wasn't with him lightheartedly threw a bag of nuts into this guy's basket and quickly stepped to the side out of view big guy picks up the nuts and slams them onto the floor and stares directly at me neither of us said anything but this guy looked so p off like i'd just spat on him luckily his mate noticed and came over to diffuse the situation should have started eating nuts while maintaining eye contact i was at a hiking trail a few weeks ago i like going there because it is usually empty and the people who are there always wear masks as i was coming back from the loop a couple is coming in the opposite direction she's wearing a mask he isn't as we get closer he looks at me and says angrily i am not wearing a mask and then his girlfriend grabs his arm and pulls him away to continue up the trail every single other person i saw on the trail that day was wearing a mask he wasn't lying though i got myself dragged through the mud and banned from a bunch of cat groups on facebook lol my crime i was referring to her portly larger cat as a chonk and i made a quite unfortunate finger slip and hit the eye as opposed to leo that i needed hit post and went out for a ciggy come back to hundreds of replies calling me a racist and when i tried to explain it they got even angrier always proofread your comments before posting this is absolute gold i was pulling into a post office and was going to allow the car coming the other way the chance to go first they didn't take it so i turned in and got the last parking space while in line this older woman and her daughter came in the older women shouts hey dog breath and start screaming at me that i cut her off in traffic i mean horrific screaming with spit flying out of her mouth everyone looking at me i was no more than 18 and i started when defending myself and she made fun of me stuttering and told me she'd see me outside in the parking lot i paid for my package and got out immediately this was 30 plus years ago but i'm still traumatized by it jesus want to be in california you can book an appointment for the dmv to save yourself hours of wasted time i walked in about five minutes before and this jackout near the front of the walk-up line shouts back of the line buddy there are two lines one for appointments and one for walk-ups at first i started to walk toward the line he was in then asked the guy behind him if he has an appointment he shakes his head i turned around and walked to the front and tell the receptionist i have an appointment she takes my id checks me in and gives me a number i looked back at dude but he looked legitimately pee and refused to make eye contact i was out of there in less than 15 minutes meanwhile he's still in the line having barely moved mind your own goddamn business and learn to use the systems available to everyone if you don't want to look stupid this same thing happened at best buy a few days later dude was fuming because i ordered through in-store pickup and was in and out of there quick he even said that he was next and i had to point out to him that we are in two different lines only to be helped by the next agent no idea where these people come off telling complete strangers how things work i was at parked a gas station waiting on my soul who was inside of the station one of the guys hanging out outside of the gas station asked me for a lighter or matches i told him that i don't smoke which is true and don't have a lighter or matches on me because of that he freaked out starting cussing me out kicked my car tires and made it into a whole race thing to anybody who would listen the people who passed by him just ignored him for the most part one guy went so far as to tell him to leave me alone i pulled away and circled back to pick up my then so and left crossing the road on my bike where it is clearly marked that you are allowed to the idiot in the car even got out and started throwing names like a kindergarten and calling me a pee because i walked off there was this one time i tried to give my seat to an old man he said no i asked whether he was sure or not and he yelled at me and told me to sit the frick down that was really unexpected i was at a jackhammer show when i was like seven and they were bringing out animals onto the stage one of the first animals was a kangaroo and i had never seen one before so i was really excited because i love kangaroos then the lady in of me told me to be quiet when i was whispering to my friend about them there was nothing to listen to because they were just bringing out the animals to show the audience this lady and her annoying son now haunt me breathing i have a deviated septum from a broken nose and a girl in middle school once got so annoyed at me breathing too loud insisting that i was doing it on purpose and a broken nose doesn't make you breathe like that that she threw a fit and got herself detention i told this lady she should watch her kid bc the little brat was playing with a till in one of the closed checkout lines she flipped crap at me my little angel can do no wrong and has the right to do anything they want makes my blood boil especially if they were doing something more unsafe and the parent gets pee at you for trying to let them know in a supermarket while my partner was picking out a greetings card the aisle was busy so i pulled our pram containing our than four-month-old baby in closer to the card so as not to block people's path going up and down the aisle apparently i blocked the view of the greetings cards from an irate boomer and her chum the first i knew she was even there was when she appeared behind me right at my shoulder and pushed the pram our son away from me and said i can't see or something to that effect i replied oh sorry as i still was a bit baffled about what was happening she sarcastically responded yeah you look at so i told her just to say excuse me or wait till we were done standard greetings card browsing etiquette this further enraged her and she shouted that she has been waiting we'd literally just got there and she appeared out of nowhere my son was looking at her by this point thinking you're not my freaking mother and she was effectively standing between me and him yelling which is when the red mist descended i looked her dead in the eye and said do not freaking touch my pram and pulled it back from her when they realized i definitely wasn't na move now her and her pal scurried away eta this was back in 2015 bc before covered i would not have been calm if someone had moved my infant child away from me like that first day of high school softball and the seniors were introducing themselves and i whispered to my friend that one was really pretty i've always assumed they thought i was crap talking because i was then violently bullied by the seniors until i quit four months later she stopped being pretty when she threw a softball full force at the back of my head from like 10 feet away because i got an uber and she screamed at me that she wanted my taxi i had been waiting at a bus stop trying to get to work and realize that my bus was running way behind schedule it was cold and i didn't want to be late for my shift so i order an uber the car pulls up and i wave at the driver signaling where i was and he pulls up to me i'm getting in the car and confirming my name when this middle-aged woman starts yelling at me about stealing her cab the driver and i both try to explain to her that it's an uber you order the car through the app and i've already paid for it but she's not having it you're so rude i have just as much a right to a cab as you okay so get a cab or download uber she was cursing myself and the driver out even as the bus pulled up behind up at the stop we live in a city where uber lyft juno via etc are all very popular and are advertised in abundance so i don't know how she didn't understand the difference between any of these car services and a regular taxi i arrived back at my house after a day at work and saw a man knocking on my door i parked the car in the garage and stepped back outside to meet him he was wearing a name tag and asked me to contribute to the county's ambulance fund i am a government employee and all required support equipment is issued to me and my health insurance pays for my ambulance rides so this seemed to be a strange request i let him know that a guy showing up at my house with a story and a name tag isn't going to convince me to give him money he got angry and yelled well i hope you don't need an ambulance ride soon i escorted him to the edge of my property and that was the end of it i was walking in a hospital trying to call my dad and this lady stops and starts yelling at me for calling on my phone in a hospital i just looked at her and let her finish then left i walked into a shop to buy some smokes there was two registers and both had people being served i stopped at the entrance near the register that sold the smokes at the same second a lady walks to where the line for the registers start she got upset that i didn't walk all the way into the shop to the line she assumed i was going to cut in front of her i wasn't but how was she to know plus the non-smokes register was more likely to be free before the one i wanted anyway she has a go at me and to make her happy i go stand behind her the two other customers are still at the checkouts i then think to myself i can go to the shop next door and buy my smokes i say excuse me and walk past the lady out of the shop while i am paying for my smokes in the next shop she walks past and yells at me that i am rude i laughed at her the only reason i was rude was in her own head if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 33,994
Rating: 4.9217877 out of 5
Keywords: make people mad, get people angry, angry stranger, make strangers mad, make stranger angry, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2021, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: aOgZpnMf98U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 6sec (1446 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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