Workers, When Did You Want To Quit?

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workers overheard it when have you said Frick this I quit years ago I worked in a restaurant and it was Christmas time this place was supposed to function with four waitresses a busboy dishwasher manager and two cooks only the manager and I showed up he did the cooking I took orders served bus tables washed dishes and so on during this I accidentally dropped two bread plates and they broke manager says to me I'll have to take those out of your pay I told him that was funny thinking he was joking he wasn't I turned around and grabbed a stack of dinner plates threw them on the floor and said take those out of my pay too and walked out to leave him with the whole mess I was five minutes late and was chewed out because of this but they were so keen to forget that I filled in for them the previous day because someone quit on the spot I too quit on the spot I quit after working for four hours at a sushi restaurant I asked where the bathroom was and I was told we don't really get bathroom breaks I left right then and never came back it was pretty sad the manager said he understood and wasn't mad at all should have just peed on the floor and then quit to really prove your point I had worked at a university for 23 years there were over 7700 staff and I think I had met half of them by then working as a senior field IT tech was awesome for the first 20 years they were very flexible and I had lots of side gigs in the end the bean counters came in and made things more efficient by outsourcing many tasks usually they were the fun things the last year was very repetitive and mundane lots of problems that we couldn't fix because there was someone else's problem one day I came in and attempted to resolve seven different problems and I was shut down on each because they each had their own team of people whose responsibility it was I said Frick this what do you need me for went straight to HR to quit Belinda the HR manager was not your typical cliched type I'd fixed her PC before and knew her she said don't quit today take the weekend wait until Monday and see how you feel then I took her advice temporarily retracting my side resignation and went home on Monday the largest round of redundancies were announced in the university's long history because of the enterprise bargaining agreement the payouts were incredible my accountant when he saw how much was being offered suggested they had made a mistake and called on my behalf to check if it was correct it was effectively two years salary after tax I would have missed out if Belinda had accepted my resignation I got hired at Kmart to work in Sporting Goods was told to wear the traditional black pants and red polo day one sorry we can't train you for Sporting Goods today we need you to help unload trucks it's summer in SC it's 100 degrees and 80 percent humidity I'm wearing black pants and a thick polo no change of clothes end of day sorry about today we'll start training you tomorrow come to work in uniform again day two same thing day three same thing day four same thing day five same thing day six same thing day seven I came in on my day off to quit if I wasn't done in 17 I probably would have just wised up and brought a change of clothes I didn't mind unloading the truck although the sweat-drenched clothes weren't ideal the real reason I quit was the obvious lack of planning and management worked at a mall retail store in college for a couple years when I was just a lowly peasant the manager was great to work for once I became a keyholder is when things changed I learned very quickly why the other key holders didn't last the manager would make rash decisions that would then be blamed on everyone but her last straw was when the evening shift didn't change out some signage and I get into the next morning having no idea there was new signage to be put out she came in and berated me about the signage not being updated I walked into the back dropped my keys off told her I quit and went to walk out she grabbed me and told me I need to give a written notice and fax it to corporate to whom it may concern I'm a Cox big terminate my employment effective immediately due to managers inability to properly treats staff faxed it and walked out she read him after I had already sent it and chased me out berating me more claiming I would never get another retail job in this mall blah blah blah three weeks later I started at another store in that moorland always made it a point to smile and wave at her when I saw her when I was 14 I wanted a summer job with my best friend we went to the fast food shop at the beachside it was quite popular since it was the only fast-food around we get there on a Friday afternoon and we meet the owner 50-something man with a big belly from probably the fast food he serves tells us we can get there the next morning and people would show us around we get there at 9:00 a.m. like he told us and there was no one first employees arrived at 10.30 to open they have no idea we were supposed to work they tried to help us the most they could but they were cashier with no training for the food staff both their cooks left that week and the owner was doing all the work we finish our first day without any trouble slow day overall sunday arrived and we are not prepared for the sheer number of customers we still have about no idea how to cook the food and how the equipment worked owner arrived with a bunch of his friends we were swamped with people but he shoved them around a bit and asked just to do six hot dogs six fries and six diet cokes and fast we knew it was for him so we told people to wait and we finished their order not 30 seconds after the owner comes back behind the counter and begin to tell us we are crap at our job and that the fries were not cooked enough and that we mess the condiments on the hotdogs mind you there were a lot of customers waiting for their food at that point and they were all looking at us getting yelled at by the owner I look to my friend he looked at me and we both knew what to do we took our aprons off and told him to freak off we left him with all the orders right there and then never went back there they closed down about two years after job got a VIP contract to vaccinate a bunch of elite clients they rushed they brought on some extra nurses barely vetted them and began virtually no breaks and piles of paperwork they didn't finish ordering and setting up the computers and there was only one computer to chart on like 100 patients a day not all the nurses got their clearance for the computer yet either scariest part was I had to stop someone from reusing a needle that she didn't realize she used on a previous patient she told me she only primed it pushed the air out but I told her without alarming the patient that it was not suitable I told her to go away and cleaned up her area vaccinated the patient and never went back I was already sick of then only thinking about the bottom line I worked as a server at a bar during college the head bartender each day was in charge of assigning tables to the server there was one bartender who really didn't like me and every time she works she will give me the worst tables so that I wouldn't make as much in tips she also did the scheduling she started only sharing me for slow times early in the day like during lunch when we would have 50% off lunch specials it sucked it's fair enough she does the scheduling and I needed the money well it just got worse and worse until I was barely making minimum wage even though I was making close to $20 an hour when I started one day during a slow lunch I was working with a different bartender when the bartender she attended the other bartender who did the scheduling came in to take over I was serving a large table of probably 15 people probably the best table I had had in a week or so she saw this and decided to reassign tables and work as a server as well as bartender she of course took my table and said it was now hers even though I had been serving them for about an hour and they were almost done with their meal this wasn't the first time but it was it the last straw for me I went up to the table explained the situation and instead of just transferring the table I cashed them out which they were happy to do so I collected the cash tip told the bartender Frick you I quit and walked out with the tip from the table and never talked to anyone at that bar again I found a better job the next day I was working at a company for only a few months when things started to get bad I had direct deposit set up and I was away on vacation when payday came around my paycheck didn't drop in my bank account okay interesting I texted a co-worker and the boss said that the new assistant forget to approve it this happened for the next three pay periods I had to go to my boss every pay day to try and get her to cut my check some days she would leave early and tell us she totally forgot that following Monday she comes in and is showing off a new car she bought over the weekend right there I told her I will not be coming back into work and I would like my final pay I didn't say Frick this I quit but I sure as heck should have no way was I even going to give her the decency of two weeks notice either who the heck buys a new car when you're struggling to pay your employees still gets me mad but my husband was working for a company like that boss shows up with a brand new truck and proceeds to tow everyone he doesn't know if he can make payroll the following Friday I asked months in advance or time off during a Friday I was approved the fateful Friday came around and everybody I worked with four of us were also approved for time off we all had the same event to attend the manager calls me the night before and tells me that I need to come in I told him I had already made the plans and that I was approved months ago with emails to show for it he responded by telling me if I didn't show I'd be fired I just didn't go Frick you Jason same thing basically happened to me was told I'd get time off the weekend before fourth of July manager makes a last-minute schedule change the day of and tells me it's mandatory to come in after arguing about how I'd told them two months ahead of time I told her I wouldn't come and ever again and to bite me than I hung up the phone HR dude calls on Friday at 6 p.m. hey I'm really sorry the insurance company won't cover you until you're an employee for 60 days me that's a shame since you promised that you'd cover me and children right away that you'd arranged the 60 days going to not apply to me and I told you that was a condition for me accepting this job also my son surgery is literally on Monday in two days and he was shocked shocked that I quit the next week just totally livid that I gave a weeks notice you know this means you'll never work here again yell hey that's the freaking point for the second year in a row the big meeting with the CEO went and we hit 150 percent of our targets this year no pay raises for anyone I was hired for a college to run their office where students got hands-on work in the field when I discovered that they were ripping off students hours I started providing students copies of their rouse and telling them to keep a notebook with the copies for their records see the students were on a contract that if they didn't graduate by the date estimated for completion students were required to pay $200 every additional week it took to complete among suspensions which in turn went against contract graduation date . they also asked me to falsify report of students absences to suspend them even though I had documented proof the student was in class I decided to leave that job but not before telling students to report them to the State Board and providing statements for the lawyer who the students gathered to represent their case I got hired in a custom fabrication shop as one of their two welders boss promises to have me learn a bit of everything machining water jet design but barely even had me do any welding on top of being a massive C - everyone talked crap about us to customers while we were working right next to him got hired at a different company Thursday evening other welder quit Friday morning I quit Friday at lunch felt real good leaving them up crap Creek I used to work as some kind of aid worker rescuer and events with large gathering of people concerts festivals et Cie the boss owner always put her head down for the clients and allowed them to exploit us one of the regular clients was the event manager of a popular Stadium they would ask us to be in the stadium three hours prior the event to clean yup and stay afterwards to clean yup the manager wasn't paying more money for it but the boss didn't want to lose the client so we just have to do it so there would be events with that took 16 hours to complete with a menial pay no food or beverage and with the client expecting us to do more work for free note I never did that and always encouraged my partners to leave it wasn't our job to clean but the moment that made me say Frick this crap was when the boss called me saying that the client emailed her with a complaint about me I thought it would be about me and my team always leaving after the job was done and not staying for cleaning but no they told me that they always see you chatting with your partner and with a smile they don't want the attendants to see their workers distracted and/or laughing they want to show that only professionals work with them so they are asking that you turned down and not show a positive attitude and keep a poker face all the time I've worked in retail part-time since I was 16 in my first job they started introducing a punishment system for when team members didn't make their target but thankfully it never happened to me but one day a manager posted on our staff Facebook page a video of them throwing a bucket of water over an employee who didn't make his target purely for everyone else to laugh at this didn't happen with any of the other punishments he had worked there 10 years he was a stockroom member so wouldn't even be on the shop floor to make the target set for him as all targets for every member were sales based even if you weren't a sales member because if it was busy there was a chance you would have to go on the shop floor and help he had taken off his shoes and placed them to the side so they didn't get wet he did this because he had to get two buses to run from work every day that was my official freak this moment and quit after that I used to work nights as a cashier at a deli convenience store pretty chill job the manager who worked during the day quit so my boss asked me to switch and handle manager's responsibilities I said sure with a pay raise he assured me it would only be for a week so I said fine I'll do you the favor so now I would work 6 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the week and 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. during the weekends the new times also involved a lot more work I would literally be running the entire store myself including orders deliveries inventory a bunch of other things that I was not getting paid to do should also note that my boss didn't even know how to work the register let alone anything else that needed to be done well that week turned into a month I went back into his office which was a supply closet with a computer in it to discuss a pay raise and he asked to take me out to dinner to discuss it I said no told him he had another week to find someone next week goes by ended so Friday I go up to him and ask him for either a raise or some sort of bonus for all that I've done he asks about dinner again and I say no he then says no to the raise or bonus so I told him I quit he can show up tomorrow and Sunday 6 a.m. to 11:30 p.m. because I won't be there I'm telling this to the man who doesn't know how to open the register I walk away and go back to the register he comes up to me 10 minutes later opens his wallet and pulls out a $100 bill and gives it to me as my bonus I take it put it in my person say thank you I'm still quitting though the look on his face was amazing an hour later I pay myself for the week and left I was the IT department for a small company a few times I would go to the owners places and work on their computers there set up VPNs back to the office et Cie didn't take long for that to morph into come over tonight my teenage daughter has an essay due and the printer isn't working and little Johnny got his computer loaded with viruses again come fix it I didn't get paid extra for the house calls when I finally said freaky like what they wouldn't accept my resignation as though they had a choice so I wrote a bridge burning letter detailing why I was leaving house calls was the only point in the letter that they took issue with company promised a retreat in Banff because we hit our sales targets two weeks before the trip they say it's been canceled with no plans to pay us out for the pooled bonus that would have went towards that trip on the weekend of the trip a manager posts a photo of her and other managers and bands but oh no it wasn't work-related they said it was foreign managers birthday even though one of the managers that went absolutely hates the one who was allegedly celebrating the birthday quit shortly after food boy strapped in I used to work at IHOP as a server our manager was wildly incompetent she would leave with the manager card which was the only way to correct an order refund something etc she was spiteful and stupid a deadly combination so I was poor and had a raggedy pair of the non-slip shoes you are supposed to wear in food service I also had a pair of Doc Martin work shoes there was slipper electric proof same color and all she made a big stink about me not wearing the correct shoes I explained they were on their last leg and that even though the docs were technically not regulation they fit the criteria they even said it on the sole so she threatens to fire me over these frickin shoes and I cave and wear the crappy shoes to work to Saturday night packed to the gills not a seat in the house halfway into my nightmare understaffed shift as I'm carrying an appetizer sampler and a tray of drinks to a table the soul rips from the upper and I trip and spill the whole frickin sample are on the table Ron honey mustard marinara for dr. peppers all over me and a couple face and all I freaked out and apologize explain I'll comp the food and then go to find the manager guess who went home with that almighty card you need to void checks or discount them I also had about five other tables suffering who saw all this happen I call her she's at home lives 15 minutes away I told her not to bother asked her how she could be so freaking stupid to go home with the card for the 10,000th time screamed about the dang shoes etc and told her to go freak herself took my tips out of the cash I had told all my customers their meals were on the house and strip down to my underwear right there in the parking lot walk to my car and change my clothes never looked back when I was 17 my boss asked if I had any extra vicodin leftover from my on-site work injury and if he could have it the owners on that subway were f ed up on opiates I left not long after I got skipped on a guaranteed bonus company performance not mine even though I fell well within the requirements it wasn't a ton of money but I felt slighted they felt like they owned me little did they know my clients had been scouting me as an employee I was a contractor so I already had jobs ready for me a better pay I quit and took the job with my client effectively killing the contract renewal with my old company the my boss pleaded with me to stay and offered even a higher salary I told me if I was worth more than the bonus before I quit how come you didn't offer it to me then I'm quitting on principle not for the money this job offer existed before your slides they still get excited when I call for a referral thinking I'm coming back nope sorry was a cell phone tower climber winds were pretty high right on the edge of where we should have called the day off Foreman was a drunk whose wife thought he was sober he would close the bar down every night we were on the road as did most other climbers while few hours and the winds keep getting gusty Oh Foreman wants to finish the job by the end I remember just trying to get the cable stable on the tower leaning off as far as I could to bring it back in and then penning it to the steel while my coworker attached it to the tower mind you this is heavy cable a bit more than a pound per foot up a 300-foot tower those things get moving if it falls and gets damaged it is expensive and it if it hits someone they're going to the air I kept my calm through the day but it wasn't the first day of overlooking as many safety precautions as possible people free climbing dropping tools from height etc obnoxiously the pay wasn't even good the cell phone company's contract out to construction management firms who contract to smaller fly-by-night crews there is no money at the bottom of that crappy ladder after being refused for the fourth time after being promised a raise because of being assigned parts of the jobs of five yes five higher paid people who had been let go I said eff this I retire but first I took off two months to have an elective surgery under their health insurance I was first promised the raises of Thanksgiving then the first of December then Christmas and finally the end of January to give management enough time to do the paperwork the 1st of February they told me that unfortunately I would not be getting the raise I once worked as an air quality monitor we would primarily get involved with sewerage contractors one day we're on a job and there's these huge cylindrical digestion tanks with tons and tons of human crap inside of them there were each around 30 featuring tall one of the contractors had to perform work on the roof of one of these tanks I was to be harnessed and standing beside the guy monitoring for any Vox there were concerns that the roof would collapse and even though I was harnessed I would literally fall into a huge pile of bubbling crap I said Frick this I quit I once spent six hours fixing an error in my code that stemmed from me misplacing a space that was when I realized that one I hated this job and two I am seriously not cut out for this if I could waste six hours on this kind of error on my part I quit a week later after I got another offer I worked in an outgoing call center for one day and one hour it was ringing up small business owners trying to get them to do a survey I spent several hours being told justified emo to freak off if you weren't darling a new number as soon as you ended a call the management were on your back in our opening script we told them the survey was 10-15 minutes the one time I got someone to do it he was asking how long was left at about 20-25 minutes it was freaking miserable the second day I got in spent an hour being told to freak off justified then just stood up and walked out I'd rather eat seven P packets of noodles than do that crap if you are new to the channel you can subscribe I publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 39,697
Rating: 4.8323355 out of 5
Keywords: work stories, work, job, i quit, i quit my job, i quit my job without a plan, quitting, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: qeFsc7IlVqI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 42sec (1482 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 24 2020
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