Creepiest "Glitch in the Matrix" or Unexplainable Thing That's Ever Happened to You

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what's your creepiest glitch in the matrix or unexplainable thing that's ever happened to you taking the trash out at night super remote area so i know for a fact we're the only ones around here getting close to the road and i hear very clearly help me from a female voice even knowing there's such a slim chance of there being another living person around i still feel like i should look around and check it out in case i wasn't just hearing things and someone actually needs help take about two steps in the direction i thought i heard it hear a giggle in the same exact voice turn around and walk promptly back up the driveway because frick that crap anyone who actually needed hope wouldn't be laughing i don't think i like that you had to be specific that a living person would be a rarity near you i was about 12 years old and woke up in the middle of the night needing to take a leak i walked across the hall to the little bathroom hit the lights and was about to reach for the toilet when i glanced up and saw a face in the mirror it was not my face it was as if someone was on the other side standing to the right with their face right next to the glass staring at me i only saw it for the briefest moment but it is seared into my brain i screamed and ran out of there to find my dad of course my dad investigated then calmed me down or tried to eventually we had a prayer session because i was so freaked out eventually i must have gone back to sleep fast forward to my 30s i'd forgotten all about the event one night while visiting my dad quietly brings it up remember that one time you saw a face in the mirror it suddenly came back to me in a rush of memory sending a chill down my spine yay i remember well he said i sometimes think about that night he looked down at the floor with a serious expression i saw it too he went on to describe exactly what i'd seen we have no idea what that was apparently when he investigated he saw it and had a freak out of his own apparently the prayer session was as much for his own nerves as mine i respect him for keeping that tidbit from me till my thirties but i kinda wish he'd never told me so this might be hard to explain i was probably 12 and lived in a big log cabin one day while my parents were at work i got in a fight with my brother 18 who had some anger issues he chased me through the house and i ran out one door around our porch and in through another door i was going to lock it behind me but didn't have time because he was too close behind me so i slammed the door behind me and kept running when i glanced back to see if he had made it through the door yet he was banging on the window of said door and yelling for me to unlock it the door was locked and there was no he had locked it because the door could only be locked from the outside with a key of course and our parents never gave us keys there was also no way the door could have accidentally locked when i slammed it behind me because it needed to be fully turned to lock and usually required some finagling at the end to make it actually lock i stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds and then ran to a bathroom and locked myself in there but definitely feel that saved me that day the door only had a deadbolt which could only be locked from the outside with a key but from the inside you had to turn the knob suppose i worded that in a confusing way this didn't happen to me but to my mother and aunt when they were younger and to this day is the creepiest thing i've ever heard so one day when they were around 16 years old they were alone in the house for a couple of hours while their mother was out working i don't remember exactly which one of them noticed this but one of them walked into the kitchen and was shocked to find that the stove had somehow been ripped open all the way into the oven my mother described it as as someone had stabbed the top of the oven slashed it and then pulled that slash open with their hands both of them saw it and when i asked my aunt about this story she gave me the same description also this was definitely not a visual hallucination because they swear they reached with their hand from inside the oven to the top through the hole they both swear they were sober at the time and i believed them because they were raised in an extremely religious environment so it's impossible they were drunk or high when my grandmother got home they naturally went to show her the slash only to find it was completely gone the stove was completely normal and there was no sign of a hole ever being there this experience is probably the only reason why i'm not completely skeptical about the supernatural i've got other personal experiences of this sort but they all can be explained rationally one way or another in a way that makes complete sense but this story is way beyond me okay my sister and i were playing the age-old game of get the frick out of my room if you've never played it before all you do is try to get the intruder out i managed to get her outside the door but she always trying to push it open while i was attempting to close it suddenly i slam it shut meaning i won i turn around and there is my very confused sister wondering how she ended up back in my room in her confusion i managed to get her back out i love how getting her out was still the priority even though she just inexplicably appeared in your room for obvious reasons i always keep a reverse or no card in my pocket a blue reverse a new card which i once found on my nightstand anyways i had accidentally washed it with my pants it was destroyed the next day after waking up guess what i found on my nightstand a blue no reverse card you better prepare to be washed at some point you washed the reverse card now the reverse card will wash you my dad's story sp we spent a lot of time growing up by a local creek fishing in my family my brother and dad were all alone in a meadow around the end of summer and my brother looks at him and says do you remember when i was big and you were little keep in my mind my brother doesn't talk much at all and he would be about four my dad was obviously creeped out but was like what buddy and my brother said when i was big and you were little and wouldn't elaborate further my brother has no clue what he was talking about but apparently we all had a moment like that all alone with per parents asking if they remember when we were big and they were little when i was 14 1995 during the eerie calm before a summer lightning storm my dog daisy chow lab mix started barking at the corner of the basement there was nothing to bark at just stone fireplace and a tile floor suddenly a lamp set above the fireplace had the light bulb explode and the painting hung next to it shattering as it flew off the wall at an almost 90 degree trajectory landing 10 feet from the wall my brother and i have theorized for years what it was our best guess is that lightning hit the chimney and that's what did the damage we've never been able to figure out how our dog knew it was about to happen the charge built up and was audible to the dog before the strike i once went to sleep in an unmade bed cause i'm lazy and was too tired to make it lol i was laying under the covers and i woke up laying face down sideways on top of a completely made bed not me but a buddy of mine we were playing xbox and we both have elite controllers which have magnetic joysticks that pop right off so you can switch to another well he tossed his on his bed and went to the bathroom he came back to find his right joystick missing i let him use mine because i prefer the longer ones during the summer he texted me saying he found it at his dad's house 150 miles away from where he regularly hangs his hat his mom's house must have gotten in with some laundry when i was five i was sitting and watching my dad cook everything went white for what seemed like a minute and then back to normal still sitting upright my dad still cooking in the kitchen for years i was convinced i had been abducted by aliens of course 10 years later i was diagnosed with epilepsy so it was probably just a seizure i guess what i'm getting at is that any unwilling lapses of consciousness feel kinda like the world crap the bed for a moment this just happened today my daughter four was playing in her room on the second story i was two rooms away playing my guitar very loudly i heard my daughter screaming daddy come to the guest bedroom i want to show you something this immediately seemed off we have an extra bedroom but i had never heard her call it that before while she also has pretty good speech this was amazingly clear when i walked around the corner into the bedroom to see what she wanted i saw two little legs sliding out the window i jumped across the room and grabbed my daughter by her ankle before she could fall out after a not great moment where i yelled at her then hugged her then yelled again then apologized for yelling and hugged her i finally calmed down we had a talk about why we don't play in windows while i was putting the window back together she had pushed and popped out the storm and screen window from the bottom i asked her what she wanted to show me what what do you want to show me you asked me to come see something no i didn't daddy are you sure you told me to come to the guest bedroom i little whiny now and annoyed no i didn't daddy you didn't ask me to come to the guest bedroom to see something number okay when i was in high school i remember reading a question on a test thinking to myself why do i already know the exact numeric answer i'm not even done reading it thinking on it for a brief moment i realized i had literally dreamt this exact question word for word the night before only time it's ever happened to me but to my grave i will swear that it did got it right btw my takeaway was delivered to me in five minutes i rang at 9 56 p.m and it was at my door at 10 01 pm the restaurant is around four minutes from my house not including time getting an out of car and the call lasted three minutes i could never justify the possibility of it my first pair of glasses just disappeared when i went to bed i would always put my glasses on my nightstand and really never took them off other than at that time one day i put my glasses on the nightstand woke up in the morning and they were just gone i asked my parents and sisters if they moved it and they all said no our whole family turned the house upside down but couldn't find it i still don't know where they are or i could just be an idiot and left it somewhere but i severely doubt that i was that stupid i once had a dream about a woman with blue hair a few weeks later an identical woman with blue hair told me she had a dream about me recently i told her the same we were both like wtf that's weird i've two that type together first when i was like six on an easter sunday i was at my grandparents catholic church and the priest would always have kind of a story time on the holidays with the kids he'd have us come and sit all around the front of the church now i have a less popular biblical name i think it is at least and had never heard it said in church before so i'm playing with a plant on the side of the altar with empty pews in front of me barely listening when a lady i hadn't seen and didn't know says m listen to father he's talking about the sign you're named after afterwards my grandmother was all excited and asked if i'd heard father's lesson involving the sun i told her yay the nice lady on that side of the altar told me he was talking about my name do we know her everyone in the family laughed and said those pews were empty for the entire mass story two eight years later i'm getting ready to go stay at the same grandma's house i left on my bike with headphones and my cd player turned all the way up to get books from the library and about a half mile from the house i hear a voice that's familiar but different tell me m you need your helmet on this journey i listened and rode back to grab my helmet almost to the library i went across a small side road and looked back at the same time a car started to turn into the road i slammed my brakes and went over the bars landing on my helmet and the car stopping a foot away from me being underneath vehicle behind him was an off-duty emt that called the squad cause he didn't see my helmet when i went over it took 45 minutes for my dad to get there through the massive traffic jam i caused but the officers and emts all agreed that had i not been wearing that helmet i would not have survived that impact with only scrapes and a shattered wrist i'm convinced that those voices both times were the same entity i don't know what she is but i'm glad as heck she was there i've never heard it again but i know i'd be dead or significantly changed if not for that about two years ago i was driving up a short hill in the overtaking lane i was attempting to overtake a particularly slow car i was going far too fast i absolutely knew this but was somehow fine with it but then i had a burst of adrenaline and decided to accelerate even harder to overtake the car before the overtaking lane merged back into one lane sometimes i don't think i was successful i think after i crested the hill i was too abreast in the now single lane a truck was in the opposite lane starting to come up to the hill and i think i hit it at the right hand side the truck driver's left side straight on at considerable speed i remember looking at the truck and thinking i'm going to hit it but feeling that that's okay everything is going to be fine i think i saw the front of the truck hit and crumple the left side of my car so i come right up to my face then for a second nothing but black a moment later i was parked by a small factory type building about half a mile down the road i remember my skin feeling prickly and tingly and i felt the adrenaline wash out of my body i cut my journey short and just went home now on occasion things just feel left of center the world just feels a little more gray and cold and i mean that literally and figuratively my family and friends seem absolutely the same and i'm very happy in my life but some things in the world just seem off this seems absolutely ridiculous to say but sometimes i'll be in a place and i'll get an odd uncomfortable feeling and then the place seems to flash to warmth and sunlight and happiness it then goes back to this slightly off grayer place i see the same physical place but for a while it seems much more beautiful i'll read an article or listen to the radio and i'll think that that's not how it's supposed to be so i'll google it and sure enough i was wrong it's not all the time and it doesn't worry me as i said my personal life is the same and i'm happy it's the outside world that sometimes feels so often so wrong something not dissimilar happened to a friend of mine who nearly died in a very well publicized and violent terrorist attack a few years ago but escaped they were diagnosed with dissociation and ptsd almost five years ago my husband passed away very suddenly i slept on the couch for a few weeks because i couldn't bear to go into the bedroom one day my best friend called and said she'd had a dream about him in it he asked her if i found the letter she asked me what that meant and i said i didn't know that week i decided to reclaim my bedroom and pack up some of his things he was a mess to live with and had piles of clothes all over his side of the bed as i bagged them up a small folded piece of paper with my name on it caught my eye i unfolded it and sure as crap it was a letter from him it was written specifically for me to read after he died and in it he apologized for leaving me the way he did here's a kicker his death wasn't suicide he was a healthy 28 year old man and died in a way no one could have predicted i have many more stories of things that have happened around me since his passing and if anyone's interested i'm happy to share i stopped to tie my shoelace in amsterdam after i felt someone push my shoulder the person was not here a brick feel about a few cm away from my head from the construction above someone saved me i had a paranoid schizophrenic housemate he had the idea that a local gang with the initials vf was trying to kill him and so they were carving vf into walls around our house and he would see vf everywhere this was all in his mind go one day we were sitting at our dinner table and he was going on one of his rants regarding the vf gang as i tried to calm him down and tell him that it was all in his mind he spilled a cup of soda onto the floor accidentally as we both looked down at the spill a massive and perfectly shaped formation of the letters v and f could be seen on the floor it was very hard to keep explaining to him that it was all in his mind once that happened that was a total mind frick that i couldn't even begin to explain i was living for three summers in a big old house that served as the rectory church house for a church where i was working the minister was in and out all summer and i was also there to house it while he was on vacation at the time i was really into sleep tracking apps and particularly sleep noise recording apps to see if i could hear myself talking in my sleep i ran it almost every night and never heard a single interesting thing i barely snore so i would hear the odd siren outside the bed creaking as i rolled over breathing a fart etc one morning when i was alone in the house minister on vacation and i opened the app to play back noises from the night before all the usual stuff until the second to last recording the recording was from around 3 34 in the morning you can clearly hear me breathing in that i am not rolling around or moving much if i had rolled or gotten up the app would have recorded it as it was an old and creaky bed suddenly as you hear me breathing there comes the noise of three very distinct and unmistakable wraps of knuckles on wood followed by a two second pause and the snapping of fingers tap tap tap snap it was super unnerving especially because there was no evidence that it was me doing it it bothered me enough that i set the phone back down on the nightstand and tried to recreate the noise from anywhere that i could reach while laying on the bed the frame the bedside table the nearby bookcase but i could never get it exactly or figure out what wood was being tapped on whatever the case the noise was distant enough that it could not have come from anywhere that i could have reached while lying in the bed i have never been prone to sleep walking talking or even getting up in the night to go to the bathroom so i am quite certain it wasn't me this is something that has stuck with me and for which i have no answer yeah frick that when i was around four or eight years old my older brother had a huge white stuffed tiger it must have been at least twice the size of me for reasons probably related to this incident i became scared of it one day and would never want to be near it i would make my brother hide it in the closet at night so i could sleep anyway one day the tiger was on the floor in my parents room i walked through my parents doorway and immediately spotted the tiger on the right i stared at it for a few seconds when suddenly the tiger's tail came to life and waved around in the air before patching the floor a few times it then returned to the spot it was in it looked exactly how a cat moved their tail of course i ran away screaming crying etc my family insisted i was seeing things but at the time i had never had a cat and had no idea cats move their tail like that i have no doubt that tiger moved i am a heavy equipment mechanic went to work on a log skidder in the woods after i pulled off the main road it was another on a sketchy butt trail to get to the machine rolled up to beautiful scene in the woods overlooking a valley it was gorgeous normally i turn up music and get to work no music today didn't want to spoil the wonderful sounds of the forest i worked around five hours or so when i hear someone behind me scared the living crap out of me it was elderly around 75-ish i assumed car keys flannel wore out running shoes we had a wonder conversation i turned around to continue working asked dude where he was from over my shoulder no answer he vanished then i began to think about the closest dwelling i saw where he could have been from i decided he was hiking then i remembered what he was wearing no pack no hiking stick nothing it really creaked me out my wife tells me it was an angel i don't know about that but it was something for sure i always seem to glance at a clock with the 11 minute showing at least four times a day it drive me bananas for some reason this used to happen to me in school too except i always glanced at exactly 9 11 or 11 11. it seemed like a very obvious bad joke or just something i noticed more just because of the significance of that number joking i couldn't go on vacation because every time i did a war broke out i finally went on vacation and flew to new orleans on the 10th of september 2001 i haven't taken a vacation since when you retire the world is gonna end or something i carry the same pen in the same pocket of my scrubs every day i was doing my thing at work earlier this week i go to grab my pen and there were two kola no it's not a big deal and maybe not entirety creepy but it legit rocked my brain and freaked me out i didn't accidentally pick up another identical pen at some point that morning not even possible yet there it was second pen wtf i lived in a shared house while at university and it was a freaking odd place things would go missing in plain sight and then reappear moments later not just small things like lighters but big things jackets plates textbooks we got so used to it we ended up accepting it everyone would leave the room for a minute and when you came back in whatever was missing would be right back wherever it last was the living room had a sliding door that gave access to the hallway we were poor students so all the radiators in the hallways were always turned off and we only heated the bedrooms and communal lounge so that door was always closed most nights the door would have a good rattle we were all inner city kids and just put it down to passing buses until someone pointed out that we were out that we lived on a residential street no buses no trucks and the underground tube trains came nowhere near the place the neighbors came around one evening and very politely asked us to stop banging up and down the stairs late at night that caused an uncomfortable moment when we apologized but mentioned we thought it was them banging up their staircase the weirdest moment was me in bed one night sleeping waiting for my girlfriend to get back from a night out with her girlfriends the bedroom door opened and i felt the bed bow as she climbed in i could feel the warmth of someone beside me but it didn't feel like a i rolled over and there was no one there by this time you just accepted weird stuff happened it never felt threatening i am a scientist and an atheist i don't believe in weird crap but something was freaking wrong in that house i sometimes wonder if it was something to do with my girlfriend danny she was named after an elder sibling who died young before a was born at times she was capable of the weirdest crap i had long hair back then in the part of london we lived and still had a culture of freak bashing i remember someone starting to pick a fight with me in the pub one night he pinned me against a wall and got in a few solid punches when they stopped him in his tracks with a calm statement along the lines of listen i know your mother left you when you were six and your grandmother brought you up i know she died last month and you're angry but this isn't going to make you feel better she loved you she wouldn't want you to be like this whoa and more stories about the psychic girlfriend please was driving home from college and kind of daydreaming during the long drive i had been doing suspension work on the truck i was driving and suddenly had a vivid picture in my mind of the right front wheel spindle i imagined a bolt that i had screwed with had shaken loose and the tyre became completely uncontrollable in my imagination the tire deflected fully to the right and immediately threw the nose of my truck around and the whole vehicle started rolling maybe a dozen times on the highway in the middle of nowhere it would have taken a long time for an ambulance to reach me if i needed it since i was seat belted i would probably survive if this happened lo and behold as i come over the next rise i see a truck on the side of the road tire marks in my lane people pulled over running to the overturned truck and one tire fully canted out just like i imagined the real kicker is that i think it happened at the same time i imagined it i didn't connect the dots until i was already past the accident i will always regret not stopping tl dr my imagination caused a horrible one car wreck i was about 16 when this happened in chicago my friend was driving and we were in the alley heading to her garage two small ostriches darted in front of the car we freaked out and chased them but ultimately lost them when they ran into a yard we even got out to look for them when we told her parents they accused us of being high we weren't and they still give us crap about it to this day honestly after going over it in my head a bunch i don't even know what we actually saw i'm not superstitious but there's this one thing my lucky numbers are 317 and then my daughter was born on the 17th of march 3 stroke 17 and then after i got divorced and was nervous to start a new life i ended up getting this awesome apartment and guess what number it was 317 honestly knowing that it felt like my daughter saying you're gonna be okay made my new start okay one night me and a buddy got stuck at a house party with no ride home so we had to walk 15 miles home as we walked we lamented the fact that we didn't have any cigarettes and all of the stores we passed by were closed after a while we found a pack of marlboro lights on the curb with 17 cigarettes left and a few miles later we found another pack of marlboro lights on the curb with 17 cigarettes left what are the odds of finding two packs of the same brand with the same number of cigarettes while walking down the street on a completely unplanned route around 2012 i traveled to a conference for work from sacramento to los angeles with a co-worker for a couple days we had some time to kill before boarding our flight back to sac when i decided to roam the terminal for something to eat after walking back and forth i resorted to a random little counter for a pre-made sandwich or something i paid and as the woman at the counter handed me the receipt she said thanks isabel which is my name this moment seemed like an eternity and i still remember the feeling of standing there stunned but also questioning my intuition within two three seconds i looked at my wallet to see if i had pulled out my head i looked at my blouse and jacket to see if i still had a name tag on i looked in my hands to see if i was holding a debit card did i pay with card nah i also scanned the dang receipt for my name the words how do you know my name were paralyzed on my tongue and nothing came out isabel is my name that particular day was a hard day for me as it was in memoriam to my father's sudden passing in 2005 i grabbed my sandwich and sat down next to my co-worker and was like so something weird just happened i explained it to her as well as the importance of this day because of my father and she had no doubt a quirky lady and said oh i love that stuff i believe it i still try to cast doubt on myself to this day that something must have informed this stranger of my name it just doesn't add up right ultimately though what i trust is the sensational feeling of standing frozen stiff because of something unfolding before me no matter how little sense it makes i think we've all had that feeling and have confidence in it more than we want to if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video [Music] bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 206,523
Rating: 4.9237218 out of 5
Keywords: glitch in the matrix stories, glitch in the matrix reddit, glitch in the system, glitch, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 24sec (1764 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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