Managers, What's The Stupidest Thing You Had To Fire Someone For?

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managers of reddit what is the stupidest thing an employee did that forced you to fire them not really a firing but i had a crazy dude interview for a job which require an editorial skills test small company no real hr department so us managers had to do all the screening and everything ourselves this dude showed up for the interview in a sweatshirt and jeans he jumped up twice while i was trying to talk to him and ran outside the building without explanation then came back in i thought i was being punk finally comes test time i had to explain it to him like five times he had 45 minutes to complete the four pages he did not get through half a page in the time limit gave me a hard time about needing more time but finally left within an hour or so after leaving he started calling me incessantly did i get the job i had a stack of tests to check so didn't have an answer for him immediately which ramped up the call frequency i started screening all my calls after i checked his test i emailed and told him he failed and he was no longer in consideration for the job he immediately called and started yelling at me on the phone i hung up on him he kept calling back but i refused to pick up again then he started harassing me by email he didn't believe he had failed he wanted to see other people's tests to compare he thought it was rigged he thought i was out to get him i finally had to have one of the male bosses call him and threaten him with legal action before he stopped harassing me i made people walk me to my car for a few weeks was convinced he'd come back nut job sounds like him he was an on-site computer tech he gave his own business card to our customers and told them to call him directly next time he'll give them a better deal our customers are very loyal multiple reported him doing this fired on the spot an employee of mine drunkenly sent long pics in the middle of the night to my boss and multiple other associates i had to deliver the termination because she my boss was directly affected and i was uninvolved in the incident when he asked why i just slid the termination document across the desk and let him read the described events as written for his hr file even better he was a former high school friend of mine i had helped him interview for a lesser role many years prior buzzer kept staring at everyone's tea i mean literally everybody who was in the restaurant especially co-workers but also customers and not just attractive females of a similar age we're talking frail grandma betty's with tennis ball walkers gay is locked in stationary regardless of age size or other deterring factors if it was a female his eyes were laser locked onto titty town usa of course once i found out he was fired immediately that was a pretty awkward conversation to this day i have never encountered someone who admired breasts as much as he i'm not a manager but i worked with a manager of an i.t service desk had a guy who was on the service desk and good at his job who looked at p all day every day and just all tabbed it away when anyone came near him he even worked right next to a bloke who only had to turn his head to see what he was looking at but no one ever saw him or caught him anyways when the internet logs were looked at a routine thing he popped up as looking at p all day every day so said manager guy had to walk him out on the spot this guy literally did any excellent job though whilst looking at pee all day boss hired this new girl to work on one of our stalls at a market she arrives and tells us she won't work with meat because she's vegan pointed out to her this is a sausage stall and as such we only sell meat and she applied in person at the store so it's not like she didn't know in advance no idea what she expected to happen left it to the boss to explain to her that if she'd either have to work with meat or she'd have to leave maybe she was hoping that she would get paid to do nothing if i tell them i'm a vegan they won't make me work and they can't fire me because of my beliefs they'll have no choice but to pay me i'm vp operations and an owner in the company we hired a new girl to work in an entry-level position we are about 130 people on site so it takes a while to get to know everyone i like to sit with everyone in the cafeteria from time to time new girl begins chirping about how crappy the company is doesn't like war policies etc then she starts mouthing off about how the owners are crappy greedy scumbags we rip off our customers etc then she calls me out by name she had never met me and doesn't know me and had no idea she was telling me rumors about myself i kept it cool everyone else at the table lost their crap went on facebook and recorded themselves live licking a burger patty and putting in a bun then putting it together and sending it down the line we're friends on facebook i watched it live i went in on my day off to fire them not the manager but we had a young girl start in the daily counter of the supermarket i worked in her family was lebanese and the very first day the girl's mother is just hanging around the counter watching everything after a while the delhi manager asks if she's okay she said that she was just there to make sure her daughter is okay the deli manager politely tells her that she'll be fine and she can go home but the mother refuses after a little while longer the deli manager insists that she go home because she doesn't appreciate being watched as she does her job and interacts with the new girl the woman still refuses the deli manager then gives her an ultimatum go home now you can take your daughter with you that was the girl's first and last day at the supermarket this one just makes me sad my friend and next-door neighbor wanted to leave his ihop job but had no backup i decided to hire him on at my own business for a couple dollars more an hour than he was previously making he had been falling into a deep depression steeped in booze and i thought i could help him get his life back on track with a bit of extra dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign the first week was fine but when he started to not wake up for work on time or answer his door i was forced to go to his back door and knock on his room window to wake him up since the company was appointment only and we dealt with personal vehicles being late was a big problem i politely warned him that he couldn't do that and continue to work here the problem persisted and i had to let my friend and neighbor go he is now heavily into h m and can't find a job it's seriously the most heartbreaking thing to know that you gave a fuckton of effort to help a friend only to have him be a crap employee this is why they say to never hire friends i told a friend not to apply to my company she did anyway because she was desperate for a job boss asks if i know her and i say she's a horrible employee they hire her anyway because they were desperate for employees she hated the job and they hated her she lasted about a week working with friends sucks i had an employee at a shoe store in amor who had a few issues but the one we were working on the most and for which she had been written up was that her family kept coming to visit her at work her children would climb all over the fixtures and she and her husband would ignore them she would always greet a customer who would walk in but then she'd go right back to talking to her husband she didn't attempt to sell them shoes her job and they wouldn't interrupt her to ask for help so she gets a final written warning and i try to explain to her how her actions are hurting sales etc we make a rule that her family can't be in the store but she can visit them in the mall during her 15-minute breaks she apologizes and i think i've gotten through to her but one day i'm at home and i get a call from another employee to tell me that not only is her family in the store but they've spread out a blanket on the sales floor and were having a picnic i technically didn't get to fire her because she realized what was happening and quit before i said the words and she threw her keys in my face i wasn't the one who fired him but my best friend at chick-fil-a was terminated for smoking pot how did they know he was smoking pot drug test arrest record dwi no he went on breakout to the first row of the parking lot during the middle of the day and lit up with his windows rolled down the owner's son gm was on the roof doing maintenance work guy i had thought he could come in at 10 a.m and work from home on fridays we were in research so in theory we were flexible worked long butt house on salary so no ot but there was always a crisis to solve always and he was missing 25 of the time so we told him to stop missing work or he was fired he thought because we were so understaffed we were bluffing we weren't my old boss came into our lab so rarely that one time a co-worker just didn't work at all for a month straight we were able to work from home two days a week if we wanted but we had to let the team know we're doing it he just dropped contact for a month boss thought i was joking when i told him didn't even bother to look at the door's logs we had to scan a card to enter the building my college town hamburger joint gets busy as frick on the weekends we had a five-man crew on a saturday night and about an hour and a half into service i notice my fry boy is taking a helluva long time bringing back frozen appetizers from the cooler i leave expo in a half and stomped to the back to yell at him threw open the walking door this short irish leprechaun looking dumbass is getting his dong sucked by the new dish girl owner's friend's barely legal daughter fired him after the dinner rush no she wasn't fired owner is a chauvinistic turd as for everyone saying i shouldn't have fired him he was a freaking liability in the kitchen anyway and i'm sorry but you don't do sexy times at work or if you do everyone knows you do it in management's office with a locking door employee came to work the night before his shift he was drunk proceeded to crap in the parking lot hospital parking lot he ends up working half his shift because security doesn't tell anybody a dumb kid who worked for me had recently seen beverly hills cop and thought the whole banana in the tailpipe gag was hilarious so he shoved a bunch of bananas five or six of them into the exhaust of his buddy's car out in the parking lot well he thought it was his buddy's car turned out to belong to a rather fragile woman we also worked with who freaked out big time at the thought of carbon monoxide poisoning long story short she calmed down eventually and doofus lost his job not me but my mum's best friend she manages all non-medical staff in a hospital so all the cleaners porters caterers and admin staff she had hired a porter who had indicated on his application that he had no prior criminal record they do check up on this stuff but it can take a while to get an answer back so he had been working there for eight weeks when she got notification that he'd lied and had a prior conviction unless it's something violent which this wasn't you can still work with the public it just needs to be cleared a certain way so she had to call him into her office and tell him he was being suspended without pay while hr sorted it all out that would take a few weeks then she could rotor him back in so just to be clear even though the guy had lied on his application and the situation was all his own fault she was telling him that he would still have a job there after they processed his hr stuff good outcome right he didn't think so he heard suspended without pay screamed at her that she was a freaking bee threw a stapler at her then chased her around her desk and out into the corridor where he grabbed her by the throat and threatened to kill her needless to say that got him fired and also arrested for assault so now he does have the type of criminal record which will severely limit his employment opportunities well done mate i'm a nurse i used to take care of children with traumatic brain injuries and other severe cognitive disabilities one such child was on a ventilator at night to provide some amount of daily support but she would come off of the vent in the morning only the nurses touched ventilators tech's nursing assistants were not trained to do so however i worked with one particular cna who was really spaced out all the time pretty sure she was baked every day and thought that she was going to be helpful i would remove this particular child's vent every morning it would be directly attached to a tracheotomy tube like a straw in your trachea to bypass your mouth the important thing to know is that when a ventilator is covering your airway that's great when it's on as in powered up and giving breaths it does its job well however on this morning i removed the ventilator and powered the system down my pager went off so i rushed out of the room figuring i'd come back after to properly put the vent tubing back with the vent away from the bed i handled the page issue and went to the nurse's desk to get something and here comes space cadet cna all proud of herself she was like oh hey i put so and so vent back on so she's all set all content and carefree knowing she was taking care of business working well out of her scope of practice i almost crapped my scrubs i had been out of that room for several minutes long enough for the poor patient with the ventilator that was powered down and occluding herrera way to suffocate i gave the cna a perplexed and panicked look and ran into the patient's room she was not a pretty color and was breathing through the whole circuit like breathing through a two-foot hose attached to a toaster at the end so long story short there were some manual breaths and lots of zero two provided to get the poor kid back without any damage luckily the cna was fired jesus that's horrifying from all angles first day he made it to lunch was caught taking toilet paper rolls from the bathroom out to his car on his lunch break because he was out at home colin come on man e also when i worked at fedex was stealing from boxes selling items on ebay with fedex air shipping discount which he needed his employee at four had a mail sorter get fire for bringing in her address labels and putting them on packages so they were delivered to her house apparently her house was loaded with stuff not me old boss had promised to babysit a friend's pet goat and decided to bring it to the office in a box under her desk few hours went by and the whole office started smelling awful and people couldn't figure out where the freaking bleating came from take your kid to work day worked at a pizza joint for a few years in high school had only been working there for a few weeks as a dishwasher and my manager coked out of his mind took a pizza fresh out of the oven and threw it onto a new cook he had done similar things before i got hired but was the last straw for the owners drug use is almost a requirement in food service tbh a melted cheese is like napalm not a manager but a specific employee comes to mind he was hired about half a year after i was to work in the same department as standard practice certain benefits don't come into effect until 90 days after being hired mostly vacation in 401k this guy came in and was admittedly a bit pretentious fancied himself an mma fighter kept talking about how amazing he was in his social life and in the ring and basically acted better than everyone else i should point out this professional mma fighter was thinner than me and i don't consider myself close to fit his work ethic on the other hand was a bit subpar he was supposed to assist me in various tasks in a diffusion bay this was in the semiconductor business but he never did claiming he was helping other bays well as he wasn't exactly up to par his 90 trial was extended to 180 days however he kept working even if it was barely above passing and then 180 days later he got his benefits and was made a permanent employee literally five minutes after being told he decided to go on a half-hour bathroom break without telling anyone when he came back the manager asked him where he had gone the guy told the manager he had gone to the bathroom at which point the manager said for half an hour you shouldn't take bathroom breaks that long the guy then stormed out of the building we all thought he had quit until he came back a week later acting like nothing happened when the manager told him he had been fired for having three no call no shows he got upset because he thought permanent employee meant cannot be fired for any reason methinks he took one too many hits in the head being a professional mma fighter have a few one recently fired ast manager because he left the store unlocked and a confused elderly lady wandered in and set off the alarm this wasn't the first time he'd left the restaurant unlocked two guy was stealing oreo cookies we gave away with kids meals and shoving wrappers in his pocket his pockets were so full they were falling out of his pockets three i disrespected him by asking why he couldn't get to work on time so he wouldn't come inside and clock in unless i apologized for stealing food that they already get half priced five stealing a phone a customer left on the table six employee was an hour half late for work very argumentative bottle of vodka fell out of her purse seven smoking weed while taking out trash eight caught numerous times taking meat scraps from food being served and eating it in the back nine threatening fellow employee with knife because other employee called him by his self-described persona name of loki and no one else was allowed to do that not the greatest stories but it takes all kinds in the restaurant business this is one my boss told me about a former employee of his after a long stint of poor performance i had a private discussion with him about his future at the company later i found out he accused me of racial discrimination and gender biased harassment he was a gay black male and i'm a straight white male hr got involved during the investigation they confiscated his computer to search his emails turns out he spent all his time at work writing erotic novels which he saved on his work computer and emailed to his personal account his search history also revealed he was planning personal trips to various cities to attend huge orgies being held there pretty open and shut after that he was fired his lawyer had no case guy was working for a restoration company through the agency i work with pretty sweet gig per diem hotel stay paid by the company and daily pay for 10 hours of work guy turns 21 his third day on the job and decides to walk to the nearby bar and get trashed hotel notified us but said they didn't want to kick him out cool except dude shows up the next day with a water bottle half filled with orange juice and continental breakfast and the other half vodka site supervisor calls me i drive an hour to get there and find this kid at the bar from the previous night with a freshly ordered long island i tell him he can ride home with me but not inebriated he decided his drink was a better choice so i'll let him know he was fired he stayed at the bar all day waiting for the rest of the crew to get off work and then attempted to bring several people into his hotel room which had been cancelled by the company they started to call the cops but someone on the crew drove him home haven't heard from him since and it's been about a year and a half i hope he's all right had a worker one time calling and inform me her grandmother had died and she needed the weekend off proceeded to post pictures of herself at disney world on facebook the next day with her family i hired a kid that was just barely 18 years old to be a general guest service rep at the bowling center i used to manage basically wipe down tables and return bowling balls to the seti racks he was so nervous during the interview but still answered the very general questions pretty well so i decided to give him a chance this young man was the definition of instant regret skipple the weird crap he did in the two weeks he worked there to reason he was fired a rather large woman came in with her family and he refused to believe that she was really that big this kid straight up walked up to her in front of her family and asked her if she was wearing a fat suit i wish i could make it up but that's just too far out there even for me i used to manage a pizza chain that rhymes with heaps mutt long day at work was coming to an end when i told a new guy to vacuum the dining area came back 10 minutes later and heard the vacuum running but couldn't see it or the new guy i looked over the bar and saw the new guy vacuuming while laying down i really wanted to give him points for creativity but he had been horrible all day so i'll let him go heaps of schmutt really describes their pizza well too i wasn't the manager but i once worked at a subway where one of my fellow employees accidentally got his entire plastic glove stuck in one of the sandwiches he had only been working there for about two weeks but he had already been in trouble before that he was promptly fired after one of the customers found some plastic in their sandwich one time before that he actually drove to subway three hours before his shift and smoked weed then he sat in the parking lot and passed out and missed his entire shift i wasn't really a manager i was a kid who worked at a skating rink but i was the dj entertainer anyway we had birthday party clowns couple of them were girls one was a exhibitionist of sorts she would ask me to help her into her clown costume on a z jumpsuit thing i was happy to help at first then she started taking off her clothes to put the costume on and i was really excited to help but thought it was a little inappropriate but she got good tips from the dads costumes are pretty sheer things escalated to the point that she was pretty aggressively forcing herself on me and getting angry crazy because i wouldn't freak her under the dj booth in her clown costume i end up talking to the owner and manager about it and she all of a sudden didn't work there anymore she did come in occasionally and one time i pulled her and a guy out of the jungle gym thing like you see in a mcdonald's play place because they were freaking in it guy brought a gun to work bragged to all the employees that he accidentally forgot to leave it in his car he was escorted off property by security please tell me this guy was packing heat at a pet shop or something mundane like that i owned a small auto electric business and i just hired a young guy to clean and prep alternator and starter components in the back of the shop for assembly in the front we were getting slammed with customers parts were going in the back but nothing was coming out i look in the back no kid i searched throughout the shop and outside no kid then across a busy six-lane road that ran in front of the shop i see the kid talking to someone who is washing a june buggy by the time the kid made it back to the shop about 45 minutes later i had his personal effects waiting for him at the counter with a pink slip on top i didn't have the pleasure of actually firing him i was too busy in the back doing his job my office manager paid him his 20 minutes from petty cash if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video so bye bye bye
Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 75,501
Rating: 4.8943806 out of 5
Keywords: work, work place, you are fired, forced to fire, fired, fired on, fired on the spot
Id: OPWaLmEbgUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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