What’s the Wildest Thing You’ve Seen While Deep Sea Diving?

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what's the wildest thing you've seen while deep sea diving i was diving the day before a hurricane on a small south pacific island out of nowhere a black and white venomous sea snake wrapped itself around my arm apparently this happens from time to time before major storms they can sense it and look for things that are heading towards the shore so they don't have to put in so much effort to get out of the sea as soon as i was in the shallows it uncurled and headed up the beach where it hid under a breadfruit tree i thought i was going to get bitten to death by a snake at sea turns out i was just a taxi for a very calm but rather rushed reptile if it wants to bite you it's not going to climb onto you first well you've never met my ex-wife i once had diarrhea at 100 feet below sea level that sucked it was amazing how warm it made me adapt but it was a nightmare to clean up being wrapped in a warm suit of my own diarrhea 100 feet underwater is now my greatest fear it was christmas time 1998. i was at home mourning the loss of my girlfriend she wasn't dead she was just a but anyway this was in my surf club days one of the greatest moments of my surf club life was when i got my padi dive ticket so i could go diving for the coast guard who were in the neighboring building this was a great moment because it gave me and my immediate family access to the coast guard surf club bar i was popular that year all of a sudden so there i am bitterly complaining to no one about my ex-girlfriend because they are all drinking at the circle when all of a sudden my lounge is lit up with blue and red police lights the policeman had driven down the driveway and parked outside and decided that knocking was too hard so he turned on his lights my father was sitting in front of the car laughing at my face when the officer told me to get in the car there had been a boat accident three guys had taken a boat out and managed to sink it one had made it to the shore and raised the alarm but he didn't know where his friends were the commotion had spit into the bar at the surf club and it was realized quickly that the on-call diver had been drinking for a few hours the time is 7pm at this stage enter my father my son is the diver for the surf club he's at home probably complaining about his ex-girlfriend he proclaimed i'm guessing but i would suspect he would have stood up before declaring that and with that i was conscripted i was on the coast guard boat with all my kit and getting the rundown 22 foot boat stuck anchor middlely choppy seas tanner's rock two missing tanner's rock was a popular fishing spot a large rock formation about 30 meters deep that fish tended to rather near i assume it had an underwater nightclub or something i don't really know what attracts fish to rocks i am suited up and my game face is on it's now close to 8 pm i'm about to roll backwards into the sea when the skipper says well i don't see any sharks good luck over i go they had dropped a rope with a sandbag attached so when we got to tanner's rock i could guide myself down i grab the rope and start descending the dark closes in and the lights on my helmet and wrist penetrates far less than i hoped you can't really crash dive 40 meters or you will get knocked pretty hard and you can't crash surface from 40 meters or you will get the bends so slowly does it but there is no sound and it's a closed dark bubble with swaying edges so you need to make your mind pay attention to anything other than the shapes in the water because you will see things there are sharks and squids and octopus and demons all just outside of your line of vision your mind plays major tricks on you in these types of situations it's so dark you can't see the surface at all no stars no moon is that a shark no no it's fine bump the knots in the rope are 10 meters apart three more to go bump the dark seems to be getting closer somehow bump nearly there the bag has stirred up the bottom a bit and there is less visibility i didn't see the bottom at first because the back of the boat came out of the dark at me it was nose down stem up standing at about 45 degrees from the bottom this was the moment i realized there could be two bodies in the boat the lights now had something to bounce off of so i could see a little more than before and i started to check the boat the cabin door was closed so i knocked i have no idea what would have happened if they had knocked back but there was nothing i had to gently but violently rip the door off and repeat the process for the onboard toilet room but that was thankfully empty too i grabbed the epir beacon which was in a plastic bag meaning it didn't go off the anchor had gotten stuck and the winch was strong enough to pull the front of the boat down i think the finding was that a wave came over the front and flooded the front section of the boat and then the winch took over and happily wound the boat to the anchor then it jammed up on the chain and stopped i undid the bolt on the anchor and the boat started to slowly rise i tied the sandbag rope to the bollard on the front and started the long ascend back into the dark i started thinking about the two missing men floating around drowned just beyond my sight in the dark imagining hands reaching out for me sharks eating them and looking for more humans bump check my watch i have to go slow enough that i do one minute per bump i could do two but better safe than sorry let me tell you that it's a long minute up we go again bump again timer again this is easy you have done this before start rising again bump i am about 10 meters down with an overactive imagination when it suddenly goes nuts beneath me i can see movement fast movement with one hand i point my light while my other hand goes for my diver knife a huge solid object is just below my feet it slides up my leg and i strike it with my diver's knife only to realize that it's the effing boat the boat had risen up quickly displacing more water and accelerating the ascent the boat goes past in a few seconds and in my relief i actually laugh i resheath my diver's knife and then i realize my mistake the rope is gone that boat has stolen my rope so i do what my training tells me to do and i piss myself i look at the watch and it's been a minute i start to rise with no reference points and no guide after what feels like a year i surfaced to the yells and abused from the coast guard trying to figure out what to do with the capsized but new floating boat i swim over and get back on the boat we managed to flip it over and tow it back to shore i had to debrief with the police and then went to see my dad i get a viking heroes welcome beer and cheering and much storytelling was had turns out all three of the boat people got to shore two were close to each other and went home and got drunk while the third raised the alarm the only scare i've had is some jack in the odd cruising through our dive location at full throttle you could hear the boat coming for a solid minute or two before it flew over our heads our boat had a dive flag on it and we had a buoy with the dive flag on it they didn't even slow down barracuda sharks rays manatees dolphins all cool humans are the dangerous ones i work as a padding coach on lakes i swear the number of times i've attempted to gesture at a pleasure craft for them to stop only to have some dude and cargo shorts wave back like an idiot is higher than i can count i free dove to about 160 feet in dean blue hole in the bahamas it's where a lot of free diving world records are set super neat place google a picture anyway i'd never really been past a hundred feet while free diving but this was the perfect place to do it no current and there is ropes to keep you straight and allow a slight pull back up scary part is that you become pretty strongly negatively buoyant after like 60 feet so you're basically dropping down while doing nothing and using very little air so i'm feeling good and counting the lines that mark depth and all of a sudden feel pressure like my trachea is going to collapse and realize i've counted to the line that's around 160 feet or so very scary moment because i wasn't sure if my body could take the depth or if i had gone too far and wouldn't have enough air to get back up which is a much slower and more air intensive process i've been scuba diving a few times and really enjoy it but the thought of this kind of free diving makes me want to throw up i saved someone from drowning while scuba diving person had an epileptic seizure at 85 feet of water in a pitch-black cavern that i was diving also i was hovering above just watching the flashlights move about when i noticed one flashlight not moving i swam down and was met with the other diver with no regulator in their mouth eyes open and just on their knees the diver's buddy was next to them and in complete shock to what was going on and was not assisting whatsoever 15 years of diving and instructor training came over me like it was second nature i thought her regulator just came out so i popped mine out and offered it to her that's when i noticed she had mentally checked out i popped my second regulator in my mouth and attempted to put my first regulator in her mouth but her teeth were completely clenched i then pressed the purge button to get air into her mouth and noticed her cheeks moving so i know air was getting in there that was good enough for me i grabbed her under her arm and got the regulator flowing in her mouth and swam to the opening of the cavern then we went up 60 feet to get to the surface once on the surface i did everything i was trained to do dumped her weights got her on her back and started towing to land as i'm towing her in she's regurgitating all the water she swallowed and inhaled it seemed like gallons of water i got her to land where other divers assisted me in getting all her gear off she was breathing fine and alive but in shock for a while and slowly came around like nothing happened we were very lucky that we were only 10 minutes into the dive or we would have both been bent and spending time in a hyperbaric chamber the crazy thing is she didn't tell anyone she had epilepsy and when we later reviewed her consent form she checked off no to epilepsy i put myself at risk shooting up to the surface like that but if i came across that situation again i would not hesitate to save someone's life well here's my story i was diving in a local pond with a group of much more advanced cave divers than i was i was leading the dive as to get used to pressures and responsibilities of leading the procession they were mentoring me it is a texas puddle visibility 10 feet max not too deep the horrible visibility makes it impossible to navigate by compass so we follow a line put by other divers these lines go from one sunken item to another i know i'm about to hit a small sunken boat i don't remember which one but there are a few similar in a row in a similar state of decay being first in the group i get to the boat and see someone's black army boot sticking out from the inner quarters curious thing is it looks somewhat new not like items you find on the bottom it was hard to see too much muck in the water i touch the boot thinking it is by itself but it won't lift like it's attached to something heavy i put my hand further in and feel the leg continuing out pants the calf and i see the second leg now big letter f right i turn around and show a sign for the emergency ascent to the group behind me everyone has a sour face no one wants to surface but it is a rule that if one says up others in a group must abort no questions they wanted me to explain with signs why but what is a diverse sign for a cadaver i rush toward the surface even though trying to stay calm and take time we are on the lake surface and i have this adrenaline rush i can't breathe enough i tell them there is a body down there i see rolling eyes from everyone a fun bunch right so i describe in detail what i saw we go down i don't lead anymore we make a group search pattern for the line but once we locate it we don't know if we should go forward or backwards as there are a number of boats on the line and who knows which one the body is in well we find all boats before finding the original one our customary leader goes into the cabin of the boat and we wait i'd say he was rather courageous at this point he went right in then he emerges from the cloud of muck and tells us all to surface so gluing information together from what we learned later on it turns out the police had a body recovery training in the same lake on the same day when they went for lunch they stuffed their fully dressed and atomically correct rubber doll in one of the sunken boats for a few hours of safekeeping i died a little that day not my story but my parents they like to scuba dive when traveling and have gone several times over the years once they visited mexico and went diving there before i was born i'm not sure where they went exactly but my mom was slightly lower down than my dad and looking at the ocean floor he was looking up and around my mom had on a golden necklace that was floating in the water around her it was a sunny day and a fairly shallow dive so it was sparkling from my mom's point of view she was going along having a grand old time looking at the sea critters below when suddenly my dad grabbed her and started frantically shaking her arm to get her attention she looked up and the barracuda was directly in front of her closer than was comfortable and staring intently scary teeth on full display it was focused on the shiny necklace and was just hovering there transfixed she slowly moved up her hand to cover the necklace and they slowly and calmly moved away from it and it took off without bothering them anymore but still pretty unsettling and taught my mom to be a little more aware of her surroundings when diving i got the bends once i was careful followed my charts and my computer had appropriate depths and surface time but i didn't drink enough water so i was all out of whack felt fine until i got home mild headache then i woke up and it was just pain in my left arm elbows fingers couldn't even bend them without bad pain my headache was intense and i was so dizzy called my older more experienced dive buddy and i got rushed to the hospital dogs got me hooked up and flew it checked my dive logs while the decompression chamber was set up and then got me in there with a nurse 8 hours in a tube about the length of a car but as wide as maybe a double bed i was on oxygen and hooked up to an iv and it was so crazy loud with all the air rushing in as soon as i got to quote-unquote depth the pain vanished it was scary i'm fine now obviously but i wasn't allowed to dive for a month which sucked but hey the dives were pretty great [Music] night diving is incredibly creepy you don't realize how dark the ocean is until you are in it i don't like closing my eyes in the swimming pool during the day f that night dive crap fun fact closing your eyes in a swimming pool instantly summons a great white shark thanks for supporting ask planet [Music] you
Channel: Ask Planet
Views: 4,681
Rating: 4.8538208 out of 5
Keywords: ask planet, ask planet wildest thing, radio tts, updoot, toad films, toadfilms, ask planet wildest thing seen while diving, creepypasta, r/askreddit, #R/askreddit, deep sea diving, creepiest things found, ask planet strangest things in the ocean, scary stories, creepy stories, diving, ask planet deep sea diving, r/, #reddit, askreddit, Ask planet under the sea
Id: 0wta5Y11FtU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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