Jase Robertson - Powerful Sermon

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey y'all welcome to church online we're so glad to worship with you today no matter what's going on in your world right now let's just take this moment and give all of our praise to god it's a good day it's a great day to worship the lord let's go jesus we lift up your name come on sing everyone needs compassion if everyone needs compassion the love that's never failing but let mercy fall on and everyone needs forgiveness the kindness of savior the hope of [Music] nations satan and savior he can move the mountains my god is mighty to save he is mighty forever author of salvation he rose and conquered the grave jesus conquered the grave [Music] so take me as you find [Music] again i give my life to follow everything i believe in now i surrendered [Music] [Music] author of salvation he rose and conquered the grave jesus conquered [Music] of the risen king jesus christ let the whole world see singing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] he can move the mountains my god is mighty to save he is mighty to save forever author of salvation heroes and conquer the grave jesus conquered he can move the mountains [Music] author of salvation heroes and conquer [Music] lord we thank you so much for today and thank you that you're so good that you're so mighty to say lord we just offer ourselves to you today god whatever we have who belong to you lord narrow as the road may see [Music] i'll follow where your spirit leads broken as my life may be [Music] i will give you every piece [Music] available [Music] i am available [Music] here i am with open hands counting on your grace again [Music] less of me and more of you [Music] i just wanna see [Music] available and i say yes sir i am to you you can have my lord [Music] here i am here i am here i am here i am you can have it all you can have it all here i am here i am [Music] here i am here i am [Music] and for the one who gave me life [Music] nothing is a sacrifice use me how you want to god [Music] have your throne within my heart [Music] and here i am here i am i am here i am you can have it all you can have it all [Music] and i hear [Music] you go i am [Music] and i say [Music] yes lord i am available [Music] exploring whatever you need whatever you want from my life god it's all yours but we don't ask what you can do for us tonight [Music] the lord we just say we are yours we belong to you jesus well we love you [Music] love your presence god we exalt you name amen [Music] hey everybody welcome back to church online we're so glad you could be with us today welcome welcome i'm thanking you for the bottom of my heart for tuning in we have something very very special for you for the very first time online we are bringing to you jace robertson from duck dynasty everybody he was here recently and gave a wonderful message i think you're going to enjoy so please check this out i'll tell you it's uh kind of warms my soul gets a little fire in the spirit because i have not been doing events because of the coronavirus and i thought everyone had postponed and my assistant said no we we actually having an event i said where's this at long longview texas [Applause] so i'm feeling a lot better about longview texas now look i say that i've been wearing the mask you know at first i i fought it just because a lot of people who don't know jesus they've attached their salvation to a mask these are the same people that say look i work out and i eat right and i say okay you'll die healthy some of y'all not getting this all right it's gonna happen there's a problem so my dad always says well we have something called i hate even calling it this eternal life insurance but this insurance is different than the insurance that you know about because this insurance is a guarantee it's called the holy spirit of god so we wear the mask because okay some of our older members you know this may be the one thing that puts them in the grave but the bottom line is if they're in jesus they'll be back we're coming back so i'm not worried about that so that's why i said yeah because someone said well you're going to do this during the corona virus i was like yeah i'm just happy that somebody will have me i'm tired of these zoom meetings you know it's just kind of weird but you know what same message same jesus so a lot of y'all yo you can relax because you can say well you don't look like a preacher great analysis i'm not a preacher but i'm a believer one of my favorite verses says first peter 3 15 because my biggest problem and everybody has a biggest problem in life you determine that now there's a few of you that your problem is you don't know what your problem is we'll get to you later but for most of us well mine was being shy because i was i was born into a family that did not have jesus at the center of their life and all i saw was a lot of drinking a lot of fights and a lot of flickering lights i actually didn't plan on that rhyming but it just it happened and it just happened over and over and over a lot of tears a lot of vehicles that were wrecked a lot of bruises a lot of bloodshed a lot of running a lot of chasing and it just it just happened over and over so as a young kid i just got real shy i learned to keep my mouth shut and head down when i saw my dad i ran no matter what i did so naturally what happened was my biggest problem was i was really shy my number one fear in life was public speaking and here i am today so you say what in the world happened it's weird about the almighty he takes your biggest weakness and turns it into his strength so i'm not going to take any credit for anything it's the power of god i'll explain how that happened now if some of you have seen our show yep well look we got a new show now uh and it's taken off just just about as much it's in the virtual world which is weird is because it's me and my dad and my older brother are we we have a yeah everybody has a weird brother this guy a kid you not he's clean clean-shaven most of the time and he wears khakis on purpose hangs out at beaches i mean he's just he's a weirdo but we love him so he's like the moderator and then me and my dad talk and uh i think it took 50 episodes before my dad realized that this was actually going out to other people [Laughter] he said do we keep doing this for so it's called unashamed but uh you can check that out but a lot of people if you've seen that or you've seen the show you've seen my wife and uh you think whoa because you just can't help it how did that happen so i'll explain that and then you think well how did the success of the show happen you know what's weird about my life is that my dad and i briefly touched on it and i i don't want to sugarcoat anything as a kid i hated my dad with a passion and he deserved it and when you're a kid you don't know any better and so all of a sudden you know when you're living in sin you start making irrational decisions and one of the decisions my dad made was he said you know what the problem is it's my wife and these three kids now my younger brother would come later so he kicked us out well we were the only good thing that he had going so living a sinful life you do stupid things and so we left my mom got in her vehicle middle of the night we drove to west morrow louisiana she pulled in the church parking lot she wasn't a church person she didn't know what denomination to look for she's just looking for some help and fortunately there was a pastor there and he said we can help you and so he said we would like to share jesus with you of course she had heard about him but had never really taken the time to stop and consider and we'd also like to share jesus with your husband she's like good luck with that so they helped her financially at first they got a place to stay but you know they didn't want to enable anybody we're not in the enabling business they got our job started working three kids she started carefully considering jesus and she did what all of us have to do at some point in her life and the way i ask people to do it is to if you close your eyes you don't have to but if you did and you pictured god what would you see what i found out by doing this for the last 30 something years is the number one answer does anybody know what the number one answer is you can fire off we're all friends here huh so you say when you picture god people say see see your dad it's that's not the number one answer but i have heard that one before some people see a light that's the number one answer nothing so when you start thinking about your kids and you're like well i'm wondering why they're not you know trying to do what's right and serve god probably because when they picture god they're not seeing anything they are seeing their friends they are seeing facebook and so that's why when i said introduce jesus and i was gonna quote this verse earlier and i will in your heart set apart jesus christ as lord always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have so that's the short version on why i'm here tonight but do this with gentleness and respect and so when you close your eyes and you try to picture god and see nothing here we have and what they shared with my mom they didn't just read some bible verses fortunately they introduced jesus because jesus is the image of the invisible god you say oh so if i want to know what god's like evidently whoever this jesus is he is god he is the image of god so i'm going to teach you this because you might be like me when i was a kid i thought this was a rule book and most of the people who had it in their hands seemed angry [Laughter] [Music] the last thing i wanted to do was anything to do with that and i thought maybe it could be a collection of fairy tales because that's what one of my buddies told me in school i saw a bunch of made-up stories they didn't have enough room on that ark to get all them animals on there now somebody made that stuff up what i came to find out later they were wrong that it's a love letter from god almighty to his creation humans that's us he's for us not against us i don't care what that angry guy said and i come to find out that if you want to understand what the point of it is i'll give it to you in less than 60 seconds so if you've had trouble with this like i did i'm going to tell you i tried to read this thing hundreds of times when i was young and i never got past leviticus couldn't get past it so what does it mean and then a fella i heard him say this it really helped me out he said you want me to explain that to you i said i'd love to know what it means he said genesis to malachi says jesus christ god in human form the image of the invisible god is coming to earth i was waiting for the rest of it he said that's it now there's a lot of history there's a lot of stories but the point he's coming matthew to john jesus christ the image of the invisible god he's here on the same earth you're on you find red letters i don't know whose idea that was but that was a good one you'll find every time jesus talked you'll see red letters one of the answers that i've never gotten which is depressing when i ask people to imagine god when they close their eyes because i didn't really answer that question what are we supposed to see we hadn't see jesus well he was he came from a virgin but he was a normal fellow middle eastern isaiah said there was nothing that would draw us to him he was not wasn't like the movies you know they always make him they find the best looking guy they can and he just seems weird sound like to me it was a normal fella he was a carpenter he built houses he emptied himself and he became a human now we know later that he did that because god can't die he's eternal so you say well why'd he become a human so he could die this is when i started getting up on the edge of my seat when i was hearing this so jesus christ the image of god is here and then acts to the revelation anybody want to take a guess let me review because i don't want you to miss this he's coming to the earth he's here and whether you believe it or not you count time by it must have did something and acts to the revelation i heard it coming back so you know what the natural question is there's two kinds of people i mean just learn the whole bible in less than a minute you say i need to get to know whoever jesus is because he sounds pretty important he's the image of the invisible god he came here and he's coming back now wait a minute that's 2 000 years ago something's not adding up when you close your eyes the answer i've never gotten is red letters you can see those i went to israel i read this i looked around they said here's a sea of galilee right here all those stories i read in here i was like huh i could i could imagine that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see so contrary to what you might have heard in church he's not going to whisper in you you know you say well i hear voices yeah this you got a brain up here and you can do that so i'm waiting on god to tell me what else could he tell you besides give you the image of who he is and give you four books filled with red letters and the more you read them guess what the clearer the picture becomes you say well how come i'm not doing that because you know if god is real things change that's it that's why i said i'm not a preacher you know why you know what the biggest difference in me and a lot of preachers and the and the difference in what i do and a lot of people do in ministry is when i go and meet with the brothers on sunday you might say go to church technically you can't go because we are the church jesus is the head but if you want to say that okay i never say that when i go there on sunday mornings i rest i'm rested you say what are you resting for because most of the people in there are in jesus he said what are you resting from now during the week i'm introducing jesus that's that's the biggest difference you say well why are you making a point out of that because i believe god is real and god's eternal and he sent jesus every day of the week it's like if sitting in a church building made you a christian then sitting in a duck blind would make you duck on it i've taken people duck hunting guess what they're not duck hunters they're just visiting [Applause] so half the events i go to they're not christian sanctions they saw dunk dynasty they charge for people to come in they come in say let's go hear that duck dynasty guy why hold this up everybody's looking around like i've literally had people all with a beer in their hand thinking should i sit this down are we at church for the first time you say why are you introducing jesus to him because i believe we all got something in common we're all made by god we're made an image of god we're all going to reach an age where we start messing up we got that all in common and i believe that jesus died for everybody and then after jesus died he come back from the dead now i'm not going to say he was raised from the dead because in john 10 he said i have the authority to give my life and take it back up you just think about that that's some red letters for you i thought i might already start following this guy he came back from the dead yep there's a way to duck hunt forever possibly yep and he's coming back and he'll give me the spirit that raised him from the dead romans 8 11 the same spirit that rose jesus from the dead lives in me i'm in on this so my mom heard she was introduced to jesus she was cut to the heart she surrendered she was baptized now you know where i'm from i'm from the woods in the water we don't we don't wait for the baptismal service you know we're out in the middle of nowhere we introduce jesus and people accept christ and we say look we got a burial ground out here cemetery out here behind my dad's house it's called the ouachita river we take them down there it's pretty awesome so when my mom heard that she said go get him well this pastor got with my dad's sister and they drove to the bar that he at least that's how he made a living and it wasn't a nice bar and in that bar while my dad was sipping on a tall slits i believe was the brand they introduced jesus i probably wouldn't recommend that now you know i wait till they come out but that's what he felt like he needed to do so he did it and my dad was crushed he was crushed in a good way by the good news of jesus christ that he wasn't just supposed to be here wandering around trying to get drunk high and get laid he looked around and he had lost everything that was important he had a moment of clarity and that's what jesus does he started thinking about what's going to happen in the end all bad even if you don't believe guess what what's your options we're going to freeze you and you're going they're going to fix me later good luck with that well i'm gonna my spirit is gonna become engrossed in the energy of how i was made because actually we were made from this energy that was floating around that had sparked life good luck with that they teach our kids this in school and it sounds just as bad right here you're like no wonder they're panicking i look around like oh we have a virus people are panicking of course this is an opportunity to introduce someone who can give them confidence and security because he said death is not a problem so my dad drove down to my mom's work and for the first time in her life she saw him she had tears and he said i want to get my life right i want to surrender to jesus and in an effort to make a clean break from his past and his friends and his and the list was long he said i'm gonna move to the middle of nowhere it's called mouth of cypress creek he still lives there today and despite having two masters degree and the talent to be an nfl quarterback which was a side issue it was a different issue he didn't want to play football because they played football during duck season i don't care what you're offering me i'm out true story he moved down there and he said i'm gonna work hard well let me back up i'm gonna trust god i'm gonna work hard with my hands and i'm gonna try to get my family to heaven and anyone that comes down here i'm going to assume they're lost that was kind of a joke but not really because when i'm telling you it's in the middle of nowhere if you get down there you're lost he said i'm going to share jesus with everybody i see everybody that the lord sends down so he fished the river he had this idea he said i'm going to build duck calls that sound like ducks how many y'all duck hunting in here what the rest of you people eat chicken chicken deer y'all sound like willy you know why willie's a deer hunter and i'm a duck hunter all you can eat buffet versus appetizers have you seen willie he looks like a whiskey barrel he said that deer i can eat a lot that little duck not much on him i'm going to be a deer hunter that boy loves to eat my dad came up with the idea because he started reading this he said i'm gonna trust god i'm gonna work hard he fished a river didn't have much money but he read in genesis 9 that hunting is not an accident it was a plan it was god's plan read genesis 9 after knowing the art what happened there was an announcement you can go home and read it but i'll quote it to you because i love it so much i haven't memorized god said the fear and dread of you he was talking to the animals i mean think lion king up until this time humans and animals were getting along but he said from now on after the flood a lot of you i can tell you're even questioning that this is in the bible so this would be a good experience when you read this god said the fear and dread of you will fall upon the beast of the earth the birds of the air the crawlers of the ground and the fish of the sea said the fear and dread they're gonna not like you they're gonna be wild whatever the fear and dread is i took that to me and when they see a human they better run you say why because the next verse it says everything that lives and moves will be food for you just as i gave you the green plants and i'll give you everything so at a few events i'll have somebody you know probably not in longview but i've had them they'll say i'm protesting that you're shooting those little ducks protest no that's not what they say but you you can imagine i say i got orders from headquarters it was his idea genesis 9. so look i love animals we don't eat them all i have pets you know they're delicious but they're also we have a responsibility because i read from romans 1 that you have god humans animals in that order read it the lie is when you worship and serve created things or you elevate the animal kingdom above humans or god we basically have it backwards in our society there's some places where they value an animal way more than they would a norm unborn human and god never and you're like well what happened well read romans 1 there's a lot of corruption and a lot of immoral behavior that spawns from that but before you get too high and mighty remember what we all have in common we all mess up we all gather at the cross that's why you say what do you think about this social injustice i say i put everything in the hands of god almighty and in the life of jesus because at the cross we all gather under that cross i don't think anything was as bad as humanity killing the creator of the world who was perfectly innocent and what did he say i'll tell you what when i come back i'm going to burn you to he said father forgive them it's the greatest love story ever we don't like it it makes us uncomfortable because we always want to get somebody back or we'll say yeah i am into that and then your neighbor will come up there and cross the line when he mowed the yard and you say hey stay on your own property what happened all this love stuff and you know so it's nothing that we hadn't been saying my family you know when i surrendered to jesus i became colorblind it just happened just like that so a lot of people say how long has that's been going on if you go back and look at my wedding picture you'll see i have my best men there i had four caucasians and i had one african-american a lot of people look at that because i heard people talk i'm out there you talking about some hillbillies where my dad lives you say why is that happening we're all made in the image of god we all make mistakes and we all gather at the cross that's what we do if you're in jesus you're my brother i didn't notice what color you were after that and so we've been preaching this for years but the world they're looking around they said we could just all be equal we all be one that's what brings us together that's what jesus does and he's for us not against us so my dad started building duck calls and they said well that's not going to work because you see in the duck hall world to win the world championship duck calling contest that was the prerequisite for building duck hauls and some of you i can tell i've lost you because you're eating chicken you ain't eating ducks and i told you i love a chicken because when people who come to me who don't believe in god i say so let me get this right millions of years we're talking dinosaurs natural selection you know the strongest will survive i'm sitting on my back porch i'm looking at my chickens pecking around in the yard and you're telling me after all this the chicken made it address that and then we'll continue there's a chicken place on every corner everybody loves to eat those things how did they make it the dinosaur didn't make it but that chicken so i had a boy didn't believe in god he's you know they're tougher than you think i said wait a minute so now you're gonna defend the toughness of a chicken people will digest a lot to keep their habits and their pleasures going they just will it's just a narrative you do the same thing you do the same thing that's why i got on the sunday morning christians makes me nauseous it makes the world nauseous they see you act one way when you go in the building especially your kids and they're thinking boy is your dog's act different when he leaves what's going on because we you got it worked out in your mind oh i i put my time in now now it's my life what happened to this you were made damage to god stuff so they they told my dad they said you'll never be successful because my dad made fun of people who win the world champion.com contest because i'm aware about that i'm saying if you want ducks on your grill get one of my duck calls cause they sound like a duck they said it'll never work so if you ever go to stud guard this is what you'll hear that's what you do they just keep it goes on and on and on i got all night so i didn't want i didn't want you to think the reason we don't sound like champions is that we couldn't do it you see you just hurt that's what you're gonna hear down there same thing now some old boy said yeah but i'm better than you because he'll take this and go he just raised it up a little bit yeah my dad said here's a problem ducks don't do that they don't do it why are we doing this i'm sorry if you've ever entered a contest but i'm just why are we doing this so he came up with the idea and it came from reading his bible and every duck that's edible on the flyways he came up with a duck call that sounded like he made his painted pieces of plastic become real and look and we're honest with people we would have people call our company and say hey what kind of duck call do you recommend to and i'm going to use this terminology because if you're not a duck gun you won't know i'm talking about there's there they'll say these ducks are lighting wide and we need to walk them in there what call do you recommend i could walk them into my decoys and i'm like oh well let's just back up move your blind to where they're lighting and save your money because it's more important to be in the right spot than it is to sound like a duck that's where the beards came from see this because if ducks see you and you have a gun in your hand and you're looking because people look at ducks he's not coming in your painted pieces of plastic you say why remember genesis 9. they're like you better fly away from there there's four men down there with guns they've lost their cousins their uncles their ancestors they know boom boom boom boom they know so we got to get hit way more important than being good on a duck call so god provided the greatest camouflage for the face right here and you duck hunt during the winter guess what my face is warm so it was it you said oh i thought tv show came up with that no we just wanted to be hidden and wanted to be worn that's it so people say well how come you're growing a beard he's doing that on his own how come you're shaving it i'm a man created by god so i don't want y'all to feel bad look there's a place for smooth-faced people in our society it's called the ladies room i'm just kidding but i save money i save time and guess what nobody tries to mug me number one they don't think i have anything and number two it just ain't worth it if the other boy looked like that he'll hurt you so that's how the beards came about we were trusting god working hard and then one day they said boy y'all got a bunch of characters why don't y'all get on tv okay we're gonna love god we're gonna work hard we're gonna love each other why don't y'all do this no we're gonna be who we are and through the years it evolved into what you saw in duck dynasty with a prayer at the end she said well how did this change your family i bet it ripped you apart you know because now all of you got plenty of money yep we had some good opportunities to do some grace giving that's what that was but i was fortunate to come from my background and see a hell raiser and have no money and see the transformation that jesus christ can provide i didn't learn about god in the church building god doesn't live in buildings acts 17 he does not live in buildings built by hands doesn't live there so i act the same way in there than i do in my house that's where it's way more important you say yeah but you know i'm going to learn about god on this cell phone yeah you can there's positives there's positives to a church building there's fathers just about a cell phone but boy you don't have jesus in the center you're gonna do a lot of cutting up on a cell phone am i right i've already taken away two of my kids i said let me see your phone i'm i'm no i'm paying a bill for this phone right ain't your phone my phone i i paid let me see what's going on whoop corruption two weeks two weeks no phone we got corruption here they didn't think i knew how to do it but i know people and so with my daughter here a couple years ago i just became her so i went to her little you know tick tock and snapchat talking with all the friends you know i was like boy this this conversation needs some jesus there's a lot of four-letter words i said i'm gonna introduce a five-letter word jesus so my brother called me after all the smoke had cleared because i had all her friends and i said if you want to continue being my daughter's friend oh yeah i'm not i'm not who you thought i was i'm her dad you will need to come here and we'll have a talk or this relationship ends and to my surprise most of them came you said what'd you do introduced jesus they cried moms cried a dad never came which was sad but it was the mom and the daughter so willie called me one night and he's like my daughter just come in and said something weird i said what's that he said uncle jesus preaching jesus to people on snapchat i said well i didn't even know she was there so give the phone back guess what same thing bad decisions so guess what she don't have a phone it's weird she talks more we play games you know there's a two-week withdrawal period just like any addiction and i've had these people say yeah but i want to know you know where my baby is tell them where to be until they make better decisions i don't hand kids guns without any training and say good luck cell phone way more dangerous not saying i'm any better if i was their age and you handed me that and i could see sex instantly well of course that's what i'm gonna do so it helps you make better decisions when you put your faith and trust in jesus so here i am you say well the one thing you did you answered how the show came about his god thing he wanted to get jesus to the world he chose us wasn't our idea it's a struggle for me to get my family to heaven because i speak so much about jesus outside the walls that i have to have come to jesus meeting in the walls of my home so as soon as i leave here i'll go see my wife and my daughter i'm going to ask her about jesus because in the end it's every man and woman for themselves just because i'm sharing jesus with you doesn't mean she's going to fall in love with jesus so the last thing i'll say is how i got my wife in closing because even though my parents came to jesus what about me i'm filled with bitterness hatred even though my dad changed i'm still mad i'm just mad just because i'm mad i start cutting up not heavy because i'd already made a decision i ain't getting drunk and you know i'm 51 guess what it's never happened didn't learn that in church i just looked at my dad and said that's stupid ain't doing it never done drugs you know i looked and said that's stupid never cheated on my wife that's stupid so thank you lord the best way is god's way so i wasn't i'm as attracted to the opposite sex as a lot of you as a lot of you are and i met my wife because i decided that after i surrendered to jesus i had gone to my dad i read the red letters i fell in love with jesus he walked me down to the graveyard my dad that was my idea because i said i'm not going to ask god's forgiveness at the foot of the cross and not be able to forgive you told me that that and a lot of you the reason you turned out the way you did is because you have bad childhoods like i did that's the reason but that's not an excuse because in christ it's always a new beginning that's what he specializes in so i thought i'm not going to be able to stay a virgin and get married the way i'm headed here because for some reason good looking women were coming around me and i was noticing them so i came up with a plan as soon as they got in the car i said you want to go out yeah let's go out since i got in the car i said to every one of them so i want to explain something to you from this point forward i'm going to love jesus more than i'll ever love you but i will never do anything inappropriate and if i try i want you to stop me because i'm looking for a woman that will help me get to heaven and i'm going to help her get there the first girl i said that to open the door got out and slammed it i said well that's a time saver but my wife said well you're just the kind of guy i'm looking for now i acted cool i thought but inside i was thinking oh boy home run and so my wife and i to this day have nothing in common nothing except jesus and i'm gonna tell you right now i'm a walking testimony that that's all you need and out of respect for her i don't look at porn i ain't into that i i just went all in with this one woman and i i'm not going to believe the lie that somehow another it's greener on the other side of the yard because i know from my dad he's told many stories he said it ain't greener it's meaner the greatest sex on earth is god sanctioned between a man and his wife god's way is always the best way i'd love to tell you that it was a romantic liaison and on our honeymoon night it wasn't it was more like a biological experiment truth but i got three kids we figured it out i didn't have to worry about getting a disease i didn't have to worry about some kind of comparison free now was it hard yeah it's hardest thing i've ever done we prayed look i cried first time i ever cried was over battling temptations while dating my wife it's not easy none of this is easy she said what do you do here's my challenge i'm not going to ask you to respond tonight so you know i'm not a preacher i'm not going to ask you to give any money tonight i know he's not a preacher now here's what i'm asking you to do every person in here this is my advice and this was the greatest thing i did while on the earth i want you to go home and get you a bible don't do it on the cell phone that's too close to the to the enemy get your bible and you read the book of john don't read it like you're going to take a test i want you to ask one question what is jesus like has everybody got the assignment you go them you read the book of john what does jesus like because if you're going to say jesus is lord i accept jesus so a lot of you have done that you're not living jesus the lord of your life be honest we're looking around saying i know one thing that guy ain't a christian well he said jesus says lord read the red letters and see what he's like and then if you fall in love with jesus you surrender to jesus christ and then show people that's what happened and then you'll memorize i guarantee you always be prepared to give an answer everyone asks you to give the reason they say how come you act different i'll come here how come you don't do that jesus christ is the lord of my life hey if he can do it for me if he can use us he can use you so if i don't see you again i plan on seeing you oh we're gonna do it i'm gonna see you hey we'll be back so don't be surprised when jesus comes back thanks for listening [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] wow hello
Channel: HighRidge Church Longview
Views: 327,486
Rating: 4.904283 out of 5
Keywords: jase robertson, sermon
Id: weTso3jaHB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 47sec (3707 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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