Phil Robertson's Answer to Joe Biden's Afghanistan Debacle | Ep 335

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i am unashamed what about you before we um started rolling josh you were you were given a stock stuff that you've been working on how does this uh how does this afghanistan debacle did that affect the market and all that stuff all went down i mean it's just the uncertainty right uncertainty worldly chaos it but these are all short-term things that happen right i mean the stuff which is kind of it's an interesting thing about just chaos in general you know and uh it's just it which is interesting because you see there's always associated usually some kind of something of of the evil side or bad side produces chaos i was just thinking that whole situation which would be awful if you were there for whatever reason you would be in afghanistan but i guess there's different reasons why americans are there well the lesson of that i don't think it was what was happening it was how they went about it you would think somebody would have gotten a room and because it was embarrassing was the really interesting thing we didn't have any uh enough sense in my opinion if i'm gonna do something on a scale as large as spending 18 years in a country that they were attacked rightfully so yeah because you know what's the old guy they finally killed in some of bin laden but if i were in in the works and i was calling the shots i would always have me an exit strategy yeah in case we get out of here when we get out of here we better make plans and it's going to take a while to move all this equipment that we haul over here so if you don't you're going to arm your enemy you know leave them black hawk helicopters jim 16s ammo wait a minute here hold it you didn't have a strategy that before you left that you would at least destroy that if you couldn't haul it out of there yeah i would have had a strategy that covered that you know it's from the get-go it was really interesting dad because uh trump spoke this past weekend and i and i caught some of it and you forget i forget what it was like to watch trump and listen to him he's just uh he just tells you straightforward what what he would do and it was so clear now i've been watching the biden administration for you know how long they've been in and it's always murky and never clear you're never sure what they're talking about but look trump was like he just laid it out here's what you do here's what i would have done everybody said what would you have done if you'd been president he said the first thing you do is you get the equipment out of there because you can't leave that over there you get the people out all the americans you get them out the last thing you do is take the military out and then he said you go in and bomb everything we built there yeah so they can't use it he was like and then you're like adios and it was so clear because i thought that sounded like a pretty good plan but you don't pull the military out first then how are you going to get you've seen a a from energy to the stock market to wars i'm sorry but uh when they ran donald trump out of the out of the white house their replacement and what i've seen since then as far as our energy we were energy independent yes ma'am i mean we were we were paying half for gas when you pull up to a pump under trump than we are now some of it almost seems to me that like they were just to prove a point even stuff trump did that was working i mean just you know even though you didn't like that i mean did everything go south when trump left or what but i mean they changed everything the border stuff all of it it just it didn't make a lot of sense but it just seemed to benefit the similarity is you got to have a strategy whether you're in the stock market or whether you're pulling out of a of a country and you got to stick to it i i believe it's helpful if you are transparent about it where you can have discussions about it and see what's the best way to do about this but that's why i was saying with the stock market which is because we get a lot of questions because people know that i do my own account that's what made me think about when you're talking about but they're like well give us some recommendations or but you know if your strategy is to just try to get someone to tell you what stocks to buy without knowing your situation and what your goal is it's going to be impossible for me to do that could right i don't know what your plan is or so that that's what i'm saying it's not as easy as that i spend a lot of research and work and i have a little community of guys that we do it together and we talk about it we're transparent about it and we argue and we because what we're trying to do is we're trying to find great companies and hold on to them for a long time that doesn't mean the stock price is going to go up the stock price is unpredictable you can't time it you can't predict it but if you get the best companies that are innovative that are you know tearing down walls with new ideas and and they're well run the management knows what they're doing if you get enough of those companies with your money in it that you're participating for a long period of time guess what you're going to make a lot of money but you have to block out all the chaos all the noise and because two weeks ago the sky was falling oh no the market's going to crash we don't we can't even get some you know people out of afghanistan and all these other issues what that's these daily things that happen in the market they don't really matter they're they're buying opportunities if you know the right companies right and when it's way up you say you know what i might already trim a little bit of this and put it in something that's a little slow moving or that's getting beat up that's a great company and so basically you move around money a little bit in those cycles but if you just hold the line stick to the plan and have an open transparent conversation about different companies you'll look up and you'll be successful but you know speaking of that speaking of style market judges you think about the people the whole afghanistan situation dad mentioned 20 years that people who were in positions of power that then could make decisions and do things that would make stock go up for a lot of these defense contractors and people that made you know flak jackets and everything you had generals that would retire and then they were making decisions on the ground in the theater as they say then they go and get on they're a lobbyist for a defense contractor because it makes perfect sense they know the business blah blah blah but then more decisions are made to keep you there because guess what you got a bunch of stock options with this new company that you're working i mean do you think maybe that would have pushed some of those decisions to stay in afghanistan i mean it happens you see that the figure i heard was we forked out about 85 billion on that caper yeah 85 billion and when we go to leave it's just complete chaos there's just hundreds of thousands of people surrounding an airport to try to get out of there i mean it did not really end well or is i guess not end is still going on yeah now they got this down but i think i think when you make the way i do the way i consider all the noise in the stock market i mean i i hear it because it does affect it so you listen but you disregard it as far as a long term plan and i feel like from a spiritual perspective you have to do the same thing with all the world that's going on you're aware of what's happening but you realize what we're in from a long-term perspective and i mean long-term as in eternity being in jesus that's the way to bring peace that's what i've focused on through the whole thing i won't listen to i don't listen i haven't listened to any politician make any speech at any time since the election well you hadn't missed much i've i listened to some and it's very easy it's not a little coherence it doesn't make a lot of sense no political pundits so i haven't listened to either right left or in the middle i don't listen to him anymore it's pretty sad it's in a tough spot that's for sure but i know this you're right jays the the ultimate goal the only way you really change people or any situation is from the inside out of a person yeah i mean until that changes you know you're up against ideologies and everything else and people love to abuse other people i mean you got a group of people there but you know think about it that you and i talked about this recently that thing goes back everything in the middle east the whole thing goes back generations to what we read about in the bible i mean there were there were this idea of this clash first against israel and that's against christians and the same thing because we're just fruit of that you know we've been grafted into judaism yeah so the idea is that clash has been going on for all the way back to abraham i mean empires rise and they all fall all of them he's still fighting over the same piece of real estate yep but how many have tried to go into afghanistan do so it's been going back to the tillage the hun even the reason jesus is so misinterpreted i mean because basically when you look at hollywood's perspective of jesus believing people if you watch a tv show or or some kind of movie where christian people are supposedly represented they always have them as kooky and crazy and or so radical they're dangerous yeah you know because they trying to make everybody comply they've taken some of the fringes because some of the fringes of religion is like that yeah but they never represent and i mean never unless it's a christian-based tv show like with people producing it right they never a lot of the people that i know that i run with are the most loving peaceful serving hard-working you know believers who are just solid moral based people yeah those aren't represented in that world and the reason i don't think it is it's the same misunderstanding they had of jesus you know when they predicted the kingdom that would come and destroy all nations and powers you know and daniel spoke of it in chapter two and seven there's tons of other prophecies that this almighty kingdom would come on earth well even jesus disciples when he's here he's like i'm the messiah the king you know bringing the kingdom they kept saying well when are we going to whoop them that you know you just saw it at every turn when or let's let's take on rome yeah let's because you have all this power because they know that he wasn't bound by the the laws of nature and atoms and molecules what most people would think well that's a weapon and so what they had missed is the same thing i think people believing people miss now is that this spiritual thing the spiritual kingdom that can't be pointed at remember when jesus said you won't say here it is or there it is because the kingdom is within you you know spirit-filled people on the earth today represents the eternal kingdom of god and is the most indestructible powerful force on the planet well when you say that that's why they portray you as crazy they're like do what now that's right you look at them they treated jesus worse yeah they look they walk into a church church building and look around say you're you're the you're the most powerful organization on the planet and that you're eternal and indestructible and have the ability to change the hearts of people literally just think what else can do that which is why that's our that's our main theme that understand i do want to say something as we kind of wrap the discussion up about this afghanistan thing i know there's a lot of vets that listen to our podcast and a lot of you serve there and so i don't in i don't want to get to get lost in all this happening right now afghanistan that americans are very appreciative for the guys and gals that went to do the mission of what they had to do and that was because you got to you got to go back to 9 11 in your mindset because that you know james i got event coming up in two weeks i'm super pumped about it i'm gonna be in delmont pennsylvania and it's on 912 but it's going to be the honors called let's roll america it's the honor we're a few miles from that where that plane you know just some normal americans were on this plane and they were headed to the white house or the congress that was the fourth plane and they were going to fly it into there but a bunch of americans said you know what that ain't happening we're all fisting to die but we're going to give our lives to make sure that they don't get one more victory so i'm going there to speak at a big event to be able to honor those folks that did that and so that you got to remember back why you went it's now it gets lost in the messaging of how bad it turned out to leave but you got to remember the mindset going in it's the same analogy about christian people doing this day in and day out whether it's you know helping the homeless or you know having a session with a married couple that are trying to kill each other you know and you're trying to change their hearts and minds and not only save a family but you know change their eternal destiny the true heroes of those guys no matter what you think about politics or what we're doing over there well these military people are just putting themselves in harm's way that's right representing all of us for the you know good of ourselves both sides i feel the same way about the coronavirus the true heroes of the whole thing or these healthcare workers you just think of what their life's been the last two years i'm talking on the front lines giving up their home time their free time putting themselves at risk you know i feel that's the same way as far as christianity it's these people that are out there working on a daily basis with people from the rehabbers to the whatever but representing jesus in a favorable light and giving people hope and peace and and patience you know through what god has given us i mean those are your true heroes i think it's what you got to step by step back and look at in any situation and then rise it to the greater conversation which is what we try to do here let's take a break so i heard an interesting uh one of my neighbors jay's down in the southern lair he had an interesting observation we were talking about hair loss the other day and he said you know i'm not really losing my hair i just look at it like i'm growing my forehead that's things that make you go that's one way to get around it that's like that's like being so positive at nauseum that's right and i said well yeah i like your spirit but you're still losing hair so i told him a little bit about actually our sponsor keeps i said well you might want to check out keeps if you're if you don't want to grow your forehead maybe that's a different way to put it maybe we've added some things for keeps it's kind of like wrecking your car and saying but look at all this recyclable stuff i have that's right so so keeps is uh has more five star reviews from any of their competitors hundreds of thousands of guys have trusted them to keep their hair which that's their whole idea uh you go to their website uh they're gonna you know you're gonna have a licensed doctor there reviews all your info it ships straight to your door uh and then you can track your progress so you go to keeps k-e-e-p-s dot com slash door you're going to get 50 off your first order of hair loss treatments that's keeps dot com slash door yeah my own son-in-law i mean he went over right after 9 11 and built the help start building the bagram you know air base he was out there on the bulldozers and they're moving the dirt and getting ready because we're going to be coming so he was at the very beginning of it you know and so there's a lot of guys like him and gals that you know went into a tough situation so we appreciate your service all of you guys and love you so i want you to know that americans support you so i had a question we had a couple of listener questions that we wanted to do today and one of them was was interesting i'm not read the entire thing because it's pretty long but he he the the gist of his problem is is this he said i'm very confused on how all future sins are not counted against a person because he talks about being a born-again believer but he's struggling with the idea that how do you then live you know and sin and and he made a couple of statements james that i thought i'm not sure what he means here but i think this is where he's running into problems he said if i were to slip and fall i must go back and do my first works and he says ask for god's forgiveness of those sins and look trying not to commit that sin he says that a couple of times i think that's where probably his thinking is a little bit office i thought we'd have a little bit of discussion about grace and how it works especially for once a person becomes a son or daughter of god because we're not perfect and yet something has changed in our status right and how we live going forward but people really struggle with this and we get a lot of questions about it which is why i bring it up because there's they think somehow still it's back on them to somehow make this thing right which goes back to what i said the hollywood's depiction of christian people most of these fringe radical dangerous groups they're not grace based would you agree with that right correct it's rule-oriented religion that leads to when you have a rule-based theology you get people making up rules that are not biblical whatsoever and bring out the worst in people instead of the best right and so i mean i i say that right off the bat to answer the question because i you know i think this is a legitimate issue sure in christ is you feel like you can do this or somehow you know we just went through the whole book of romans which one of the main pillars of the book was you can't do that you can't do it this is god's righteousness that's why we surrender so you know i think i would start off saying you know hebrews 13 8 is an interesting verse because it says jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever well that's a statement that we can't make any human and jesus became a human so what does that mean well so when you think about the nature of god the characteristics of god and what's different between god and us right he's all-knowing he's all powerful he's omnipresent which is he's not bound by space he he's completely aware of us wherever we are our thoughts so in our minds we think well if i messed up i've ruined everything he did for me and i'm i'm back because i know about jesus and now i've messed up so i think based when you look at it from god's perspective well he he knows what what you did he knows what you're doing and he knows what you will do but jesus is the same yesterday today and forever it's because i believe his forgiveness once we encounter that then becomes that that fact that he is the same yesterday today and forever and he knows your heart well he just combines it all at the same time we're not able to do that right so we say yes he forgave us for all our sins he forgives us what we're doing now and he forgives us of what we will do because the cross and the resurrection is for the entirety of your life right so if you look at it from your perspective you feel like you're falling out of grace all the time but from his perspective that's almost comical we just we just covered that so so write this down whoever wrote it who have asked the question write this down uh when i find this law at work when i want to do good and and he's saying he's trying evil is right there with me but he makes mistakes and he's saying well i got to go back and and i'm worried now because i'm not perfect you're in romans 7 romans 7 we covered this here a few weeks back for in my inner being i delight in god's law but i see another lord working the members of my body this is pre-jesus and after jesus waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the lord sin of sin at work within my members what he's missing is this he spoke the truth when he said what a wretched man i am and that's what the guy that contacted us is what he's saying i'm a wretched man because i'm not doing everything perfect i'm not a perfect person his position makes him perfect in jesus but he hasn't realized that yet he's young in the faith who will rescue me from this body of death because he's still thinking he's attached to adam but he's now outside adam and he's in jesus thanks be to god through jesus christ our lord so then i myself with my mind i'm a slave to god's law but in the sinful nature a slave to the law of sin what he said is he's missing is that he's under grace he has constant 24-hour seven days a week he has constant cleansing i wrote it down he's in a constant state of cleansing as he follows jesus he needs to turn over to first john chapter one and read that try your best to walk as jesus did and you'll be a lot better person than if you didn't make that decision try to walk as jesus did you say can it be done yes it can be done no profanity came out of his mouth you be the same way a lot of these things you can beat these things stuff like cursing profanity getting drunk being immoral you say you can't live like that john said you're in a you your pattern is loving god and loving your neighbor and doing what is right check this out everyone who sins breaks the law in fact sin is lawlessness that's that's before you get in jesus now you're under grace because you put your faith in jesus you obey the gospel sin is lawlessness but you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins they've been taken away and never forget this your position look at your position you're in jesus you were baptized into his death buried with him through baptism into death and all of that you may live a new life in him first john 3 verse 5 is no sin your position when god sees you he sees the blood of his son and he says he's one of ours lord he freely told us he's struggling he's not realizing we're not counting him against him he just needs to get up and move forward walk in the light walk it jesus did do your best trust god and try that's all he demands and you'll be all right but i think it's because we put god on our level of understanding like he didn't know what we were thinking or he doesn't know what we're thinking now or he he's fully aware he's the god of comfort but he's always aware of what's going on in your heart right so your heart your spiritual heart the decision-making process and your how you feel about things and why you did certain things and we we're we're looking at everything in our society it's whatever you can prove yeah you can commit a crime and get away with it actually but god if he has all these characteristics that the bible points to well he would know that you did it yeah so you're not it's not gonna he he knows how you feel about him and and so once you embrace jesus's death resurrection you're he's moving in yeah and to my point was phil brought romans hang on jess let's take a breath we got a brand new uh sponsor uh called start mail s-t-a-r-t mail and it's really interesting because their whole basis is trying to privatize your emails because people they think you know it's oh gmail and yahoo and all these emails they're all free but they're really not free because they're selling your information that's what they do they say you know they get your you get medical information you sell it to doctors who are looking to email people stuff so it's kind of the new currency that is privacy it's interesting because i was on the phone talking to these guys in the the main guy what if you don't send any emails well then then you're good but i'm good dude yeah you're good so they probably represent about about one percent percentage of the world that you don't have to pay some money if you want to say something well that you keep things private you're pretty private down here so start mail it keeps your email private period you can they encrypt your emails which is really good when you delete an email and start mail it's gone forever and that doesn't happen on any of the other servers the other thing is they have their own server they're not having to use amazon which is really good so they're a great company uh protect you from with cyber security and give you privacy which is the main thing so if you want to check these guys out start securing your email privacy with start mail sign up today get 50 off your first year really good deal 50 off go to start slash unashamed that's start mail with the t start unashamed 50 off your first year check these guys out [Music] so you have this famous passage in romans that we went through there's all of sin fall short of glory god but here he actually i don't think we talked about this when we went through romans but you know he says there's no difference we all sin and we're justified freely by his grace and then he kind of says this about time here he says god presented him as a sacrifice of atonement through faith in his blood and he did this to demonstrate his justice and then he brings up the past he said because in his forbearance he had left the sins committed beforehand unpunished he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time so as to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in jesus and my point is why is he all of a sudden going back in time saying that cross what he did on the cross was forgiveness for not only right now the sins committed but all the ones before now he didn't say and all the ones in the future but since jesus christ is the same yesterday today and forever and the more you read this you put two and two together with other places like i could go to romans eight as an example but it says you know the creation is groaning at the present time we're waiting to have our bodies be resurrected or whatever but then he throws in this statement in romans 8 that says verse 26 in the same way the spirit helps us in our weakness well what does that mean well we're weak and because we're weak we may have some future issues when it comes to sin so my point is when when paul said that in romans 3 there's no doubt in my mind that jesus's death went past present and future sure that's what it did that's what he did it for yep it's called god's grace and it it it is it's not for something i did it it just is it is for what i did for it is what i do and it is what what i will do so god knows our heart i think if you looked at it from that perspective you would then say oh so when i sin what do we do as believers and first john addresses that he says if you claim to be without sin you make god to be out to be a liar so when this guy wrote this letter you can't say that you don't sin because then you're saying god's a liar well that's horrible so then you're like well so when i do sin what do i do well there's nothing you can do you do the same thing you did when you first came to jesus you say just lord yeah just give them to him have mercy so you confess your sins not that so he's gonna forgive you he already forgave you it's a past presence it's hard to understand the status so he quotes two things in his letter and i want to deal with both of them because i think this is where a lot of people go off the rails the first one he quotes is from hebrews 11 26 and he says his version is a little different than ours but it says if we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth no sacrifice for sins is left but only a fearful expectation of judgment of raging fire that will consume the enemies of god he applies this text into the the thought process by especially the word willful is his word but deliberate in the niv as if somehow there's a different way to sin something is deliberate or willful versus i guess accidental i don't know but i've seen this but it isn't any sin deliberate they all are that's my point and here's here's the biggest point you that's missed by taking this first out of context who was the hebrew writer writing to and what was the context in which he was writing these are these are people who were hear about jesus yeah it sounds pretty good but i'm gonna go and stick with law because that's what i've always known this entire book is that law won't work jesus is what works so when he's talking about this deliberate sin if you want to put it in quotation marks he's talking about going back under law which is ironic because the our listener that sent it in is exactly what he's talking about doing when he when you say i have to go back to my first works you're putting it back back on the law of works because works wouldn't have gotten you there anyway right so that's what this context is in hebrews 10 most people miss it in fact they even make it worse most people in our fellowship because right before that says let us not give up meeting together so they'll say if you don't attend every time the door's open on some place you're deliberately sinning and there's no sacrifice for yourself i've heard that used as well and you're taking some situation in your what you're looking at and applying something that's not what the holy spirit meant talking to these hebrew christians that had come out of law you're trying to put them back under law is your walk known is your walk the way you live your life is it known to all your neighbors your kin folks the people you meet on the street the people you speak to maybe you're whatever you're an insurance man are you known to be walking in the light or walking in darkness uh god is light in him there's no darkness if we claim to have fellowship with god yet walk in darkness if everything you do every time you turn up you're known for a person who walks in the dark we lie and do not live by the truth but if we walk in the light as he's in the light we have fellowship with one another and the blood of jesus you're under grace you're in jesus his son purifies us from all sin if we claim to be without sin it's it's eating at this particular brother because he makes mistakes well if we claim to be without sin we deceive ourselves and the truth's not in us if we confess our sins he's faithful and just he'll forgive us of our sins and he'll he and righteousness will be yours in other words just be honest with him and say god look lord i don't know why i did that forgive me you're all right get up let's go let's go we all make mistakes but your walk is known to everyone what kind of person you are pretty well how you live is known by everyone you're right let's take another break and to your point dad that's why it's to the romans 6 point when paul says well man i know what some of you are going to say this sounds so good that we're just going to start sinning like crazy because i mean if we got grace we'd just go willful deliberate saying god then he says wait a minute whoa whoa you don't you died to that you're living in christ which to me the best passage that refutes this whole concept paul says in ephesians chapter 2. but he says all of us lived among the these pagans at one time gratifying the cravings of our flesh and following his desires and thoughts like the rest we were by nature objects of wrath in other words the way we lived was obviously wrong but because of his great love for us god who is rich in mercy made us alive with christ there's the new birth even when we were dead in transgressions it is by grace you have been saved and god listen this past tense raised us up with christ there's new birth seated us with him in the heavenly realms in christ jesus in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace expect expressed in his kindness to us in christ jesus for it is by grace you have been saved through faith this is not for yourselves it is the gift of god so that no one can boast yep so john makes the point in his letter try your best not to sin he said but if you do it's not counted against you he said i write this to you so that you will not sin right because we're back in romans 6 again but if anybody does sin which this guy does this guy's seating he's sitting here talking to you he does too so do all of us we have one who speaks to the father in our defense which is the key thing jesus christ the righteous one he's the atoning sacrifice for our sins not only for ours but for also the sins of the whole world so he's saying this can be done but you're going to make mistakes as you go forward try not to but when you do you give them to jesus and you get up and you move again well that's the way it works to feed off of what al said in hebrews which i think is it was a great point because that's where all the i think that's where all the confusion and the chaos is that's right you read a verse like that and there's people right now probably saying they're saying if you deliberately keep on sinning somehow they're but you're right it was because they were trying to obtain forgiveness through their performance of the law exactly but when you do that you've now said and one of my favorite passages galatians 2 20. you're now saying that christ died for nothing because it says if righteousness could be obtained by observing the law christ died for nothing so a very hard controversial we've argued about this passage for years i'm not going to get into what our argument was over we can do that another time but in hebrews 6 i did a class one time called grace or disgrace you might already get you a sermon here i like that so i'm gonna read this this is a very difficult passage to wrap your head around but if we just go after one principle grace or disgrace i think we'll see the point because you've already laid the reason i want to do this is because you laid that foundation where are we going to put our faith and trust in the law our performance which was god's idea to give them the law to show them what you can you can't do it to point them to jesus are we going to believe that jesus is greater because of his grace so he says this in verse 4 of chapter 6 of hebrews it is impossible for those who have once been enlightened who have tasted the heavenly gift who have shared in the holy spirit who have tasted the goodness of the word of god and the powers of the coming age if they fall away to be brought back to repentance because to their loss they are crucifying the son of god all over again and subjecting him to and here's the where i got the disgrace subjecting him to public disgrace now a lot of people say what in the world is that saying you can't fall away you can't we can talk about that later but let's just go into what i know the the fact is of what he is portraying is that if you try to obtain salvation without jesus that's not going to work based on what i read here if you subject the son of god to public disgrace whatever you do or whatever you believe if that's your your mode of operation that would be the worst possible move you can make that's it so now what here's what i think verse seven and eight i think explains the point is so he has this illustration he says land that drinks in the rain often falling on it and that produces a crop useful to those for whom it is farmed receives the blessing of god so i want to stop here so now he gives an illustration on what he's talking about he said what is he talking about well he has a field where that's being worked that rain has fallen on it and it's producing a crop well that's god's field god is you think about what he does for our life he he's plowing it up he's planting it he's sending the rain and guess what crops are happening but he's doing all the work we're just sitting there coming out of the ground you know he's doing the work by his grace and he's produced something that was dead so imagine all the illustrations you have a dead kernel of corn he puts it in the ground he gives us everything we need in jesus to start over and literally a dead plant comes to life that you see that all over well the second verse of the illustration verse eight land that produces thorns thistles is worthless and in danger of being cursed in the end will be burned well if you alienate god's grace and his work in your life what do you have left in with you doing it on your own trust god weeds weeds thorns and thistles guess what you're not going to produce the fruit you want to be a you know everybody loves corn you want to be a big ear of corn it ain't going to happen you know why because there's no jesus there's no grace it's not going to happen so people come to this passage and they argue about you know whether a person falls away because they're not looking at it from god's perspective he's saying no jesus and only law guess what thorns and thistles you ain't coming no your point is perfect uh let's take our last break because you're right it's not the point of we're all in christ and now it's about us you're either in christ you're not that's it it comes back to that because here's your here's the flyover point you what you read in hebrew six which i agree with you go to seven eight nine and ten and the hebrew writer lays out all those old elements the sacrifice the temple and it happened away no sin that's right he and he he's making the case so then he gets to chapter 10 and the verse i read earlier look what's before that after all that explanation of jesus is the way none of the other stuff will work therefore since all that's true brothers since we have confidence to enter the most holy place by the blood of jesus by a new and living way opened up for us through the curtain that is his body and since we have a great priest over the house of god him let us draw near to god with a sincere heart listen to this in full assurance of faith having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from a guilty conscience so the whole deal is in jesus you don't have to worry the this our listener that sent in is worrying about something he doesn't need to worry about that's correct because in christ we have been cleansed even the conscience is clear this is one of the few things in life and i mean being a follower of jesus a state of cleanliness yes i wrote this this is one of the few things in life where what you do doesn't matter as much as why you do it a squid point i mean if you figure out this is grace motivated if you focus on that whatever you do which i mean that's a quote caution three i think that was his point doesn't matter whatever you do you do it as working for the lord not for men well he's including you in that category of men you're in that category you're not working to somehow figure out how you're gonna be righteous right that ain't gonna work nope so and i love the the way he wrapped up that ephesians 2 passage he says that we are created to do you know we're god's workmanship created to do good works which he prepared in advance so the idea is is that anything good that comes from us it's because we're in christ in anything bad that we do and sometimes we do it's in christ he takes it either way he gets the glory for the good and he takes the bad and says i'll cleanse it and wash it you don't have to worry about it i mean what a what a way to live i mean that that's that's how we should be that gives us confidence once you were alienated colossians 1 21 from god and were enemies in your minds because of your evil behavior but now he has reconciled you by christ's physical body through death to present you here's what our man who's sinning in these understand to present you holy in his sight that's what because of what jesus did without blemish that's because of what jesus did and free from accusation that's what jesus provided for you if there is an if you continue in your faith established and firm not moved from the hope held out in the gospel and that's the gospel you heard so we're back to jesus and his death burial and resurrection again because of that you're free from accusation sodded as a rock perfectly holy and you'll stay that way just trust god and try get up let's go and you know it's interesting because one more thing that this guy said he said jesus also said if we love him we must keep his commandments which jesus did say that but it's interesting because what did he also say what all the commandments that are out there i'm going to boil them down to two things love god love god and love your neighbor because you know what that's doable i mean i can handle that what these people don't realize is that there's no rule system that's going to it's not going to work anyway correct i know this from colossians 3 where he says since you died i think it's verse 20 since you died with christ to the basic principles of this world wise though you still belong to it do you submit to its rules don't handle don't taste don't touch this these are all destined to perish because they are based on human commands and teachings such regulations indeed have an appearance of wisdom with their self-imposed worship false humility harsh treatment of the body but they lack any value in respect restraining sensual indulgence now every time i've had a discussion with somebody about this but they're like yeah but those are human commands and human teachers i'm like that's what we do with everything you can't find five church girl uh meeting people to agree on what are the rules if we went with the world system you're not gonna get five that agree well the rules are yes because everybody like you said some people think it's a sin a sin if you do not show up on sunday morning with a group jesus in a willful deliberate sin that therefore you have no sacrifice for sin i mean that's where you get to that's how you're out you're out you're blind god and i and other people are meeting at my house today they're like sinful you're not at the you know i mean there's people we laugh but there's people believe that that's right you're in the habit of not meeting so my point is what if you met you went up there and you cussed under your breath the whole time and then cussed the preacher out on the way out so you didn't sin by meeting because you were there even though you cussed everybody out and threw a fit they'll say well but you got another sin that's my point what road are we going down so i gotta come but if i just hadn't come because i didn't have anything else to say well that would have been sin so i'm deemed so now you've got me a situation where i just can't win you know joe joe beam tells a story uh in his book getting past guilt that i think is a great way to wrap this thought up he he tells about he was a young preacher and this guy comes in and he was a deacon in their church and he said i just got in but joe's young you know he says this guy was just like he looked up to him so much and he said i'm having a problem preacher he said what is it he said i committed a willful deliberate sin 18 years ago and i i think i'm going to burn in hell of course joe is thinking oh man he's had an affair he's thinking all these bad things and he said what was it he said well i was stationed in germany and i never met with anybody you know i had an opportunity but i just didn't do it i didn't meet with a group of things and then he quoted this verse and so joe said you know the holy spirit gave him this wisdom he said you know your son jeff how is he now he's he's about eight he said if joe you had told your son to go jeff to go and to feed your dogs and you came home that afternoon he didn't do it what would you do he said well i'd go over and chew him out i'd say i thought i told you to feed them dogs he said and what what and if he said dad i'm so sorry what would you tell him he said it's okay just do what i told you to do it's okay he said what if he came back the next day he's still out there moping over and he said well i tell him that's over quit worrying about that he said what would you do if when he was graduating high school 10 years later he just was all sad and you said what's the problem son he said i should have fed those dogs i mean he said what happens when he's 25 years old he's 18 years after he's you've got a grandson you're so excited he says dad i just can't get over not feeding them dogs he said by this time the guy is looking at him he gets he said what would you think about that he'd say i think he didn't believe his daddy which i thought was a brilliant point because it really comes back to it's a faith issue yeah when we can't believe it's just too good to be true because we're just too bad well we keep thinking you got to get yourself cleaned up before you can go out there and show god off and the fact is he uses us despite our flaws he forgives us we're honest about it we confess our sins and it's the old legalistic approach uh jim mcgregor had it right uh you know legalism it's a killer it's a killer with that irish brogue it's a killer and he's right he's right but it's amazing because people still want to go back and put themselves under law so by the way thank you for the question we weren't trying to beat you up over it we just wanted a lot of people struggling with us i was just throwing hay makers but jesus is you know he likes to beat people up no i'm kidding no we we love you all right you're all right my man whoever sent that embrace the grace man it's so much better to live out people that have come out of that thinking they do it and they accept grace and take a deep breath it's one of the greatest deep breaths you'll ever take oh it's fantastic i'm saying you know what i'm bad and god loves me anyway and he wants to use me and he's gonna forgive me yesterday today and forever i love it great question great great podcast thanks for listening to the unashamed podcast help us out by rating us on itunes and don't miss an episode by subscribing on youtube and be sure to click that little bell to get notified about new episodes and for even more content that you won't get anywhere else subscribe to blaze tv at unashamed
Channel: Phil Robertson
Views: 221,775
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Length: 52min 41sec (3161 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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