What is the weirdest thing you have seen on a gas-station night shift? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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ah / ah screw it night shift gas station clerks of Reddit what's the weirdest thing you've ever encountered not a gas station but a train station cafe there were overnight works going on so we stayed open until 1:00 or 2:00 a.m. for the builders one night this elder gentleman comes in well-dressed asks for a coffee but can't pay when I make it I give it to him anyway since I'll just throw it otherwise and he asks me for some cake I refuse and he goes I sing for my supper and then starts to belt out Frank Sinatra right there in the shop and he just won't stop he's there for like half an hour I tried to get security to look after him because he clearly wasn't all there found him later singing for the builders who were giving them sandwiches eventually called the local police who got him supervised Dhin till he could catch a train home in the morning when I was in high school I worked at a gas station and this one night I heard a loud crash and stuff started falling off a back wall puzzled I just sort of stared at the wall and then a guy clearly intoxicated walks in and says yeah sorry I backed into your building but I'm not paying for any damages so do you guys have zigzags and proceeded to shortchange me for a pack of the mumfie Oh a few things one is a man came in very drunk and told me that the key to happen as his cocaine hookers a new truck and a bottle he then tipped me 20 bucks another time I had like 20 police officers in my store at the same time for no reason a drunk guy tried to fight me for stealing his job at the gas station he started chasing me and fell down in the street the police called and questioned me and then the police sergeant blew her cover when she started yelling at me for beating up her son he was in his mid-20s 6 feet 275 I was a short skinny 16 y/o nothing really weird happened per se I worked at a Florida gas station for three years while in college I saw a little kitten one night near midnight wander through the gas pumps crying out cars were driving around the lot and it could have gotten squashed at any moment I ran outside leaving customers at the counter and scooped him up he was filthy brought him around back and since I had no Cajun nothing to put him in I placed him inside a Lay's plastic tote closed the top and put a brick on top so he stay in it took him home after my shift put him on the patio surprised my family the next day with a surprise kitten but to my horror his colon was prolapsing out of his body in a bloody infected mess took him to the vet who said he probably got attacked by some animal they gave him a bath gave him shots and put him on an antibiotic when old enough I got him neutered the antibiotic fixed the prolapse in colon within a week and he's still alive today about 10 years old and more of an inside kitty now than an outside kitty his name is kitty too always in the bathroom I had to call 911 a few days ago at work because we had snakes in the bathroom a blow jobs in unlocked bathrooms crack ho prostitute blood on the toilet walls floor toilet paper dispenser I watched a man try to rob a drive-through liquor store window with a wooden baseball bat a few weeks ago while I was on shift - I used to have this woman come in the store all the time she constantly told people that we were married and had seven kids together and that I didn't really work at gas station and sons but that I worked for the US Marshals had to have her removed for threatening customers and eventually permabanning her moral of the story kids don't do drugs a man with the thickest Texan accent coming in at 4 a.m. asking me if the diesel was winterized we were in northern Canada in February a drunk woman threatening to shoot me if I didn't sell her a carton of cigarettes after her card got rejected for the fifth time that was my third day on the job there was a blizzard and they said I absolutely had to come in for the night shift even in spite of the state of emergency that was [ __ ] up and how I managed to get to work was a story in and of itself anyway halfway through the storm in the middle of the night a barefoot man with open wounds all over his face came running in then he suddenly stopped stared at me for a moment and asked if he could have some napkins I simply pointed at the napkin dispenser he took a huge [ __ ] handful then he looked at me and cracked a huge smile and said thank Y oh you you you you in a very childish pit squeaky voice he then disappeared into the night before I could even say anything and I never saw him again he was the only customer we had that night besides a guy from the cloakroom needed some coffee my guess was meth I worked at a subway when I was 16 two guys came in about 830 for food with both being high as a kite they tires too covered he steal about five bags of chips like chip bags are completely silent when being crammed into a jacket I worked in a rural gas station garage when I was in high school one evening I was working and there were some pretty bad storms brewing it didn't take long for there to be a fairly large group of people stopped at the station to find some shelter guided and think much of it wasn't the first time it had happened but then they started blowing the tornado sirens all the sudden there's a bunch of adults in families looking at little sixteen-year-old me looking for answers there's no basement so I did the first thing I could think of and shoved them all in the walk-in cooler shut us all in and rode out the storm when it passed how I went out and there was a big plate glass window busted and some [ __ ] blown around the store all the people came out of the cooler and were pretty much like see you later and left I was pretty much left there by myself like what the [ __ ] just happened I was a 19 year old female working the night shift who was grabbed from behind by a guy he was the only one in the store at a time with an attempt of sexual assault I was a gym rat and he quickly realized it wasn't going to be easy he let go profusely apologized and pleaded for me not to call the police I got his license plate number and cool my buddies from the department who were able to stop him about an hour later found out he had just been released that day from federal prison after serving time for a rape charge my buddy worked overnight at a gas station and occasionally I would go up to hang out with him it was one of the ones where the toilets were around the back not accessible from inside the store one night while we were shooting the [ __ ] up in the store area somebody came in and stole the toilets we didn't know until he needed the bathroom who steals a gross bathroom toilets car pulled up driver started getting fuel in the backseat passenger came in to look at Suites the driver came in paid for his fuel then went back out to the car the passage in ER never bought any sweets and spent 30 minutes begging me to sell him beer can't sell alcohol past 10 p.m. and let him play video games on the PC in the office he casually mentioned that his friends were taking him to her Andy to get treatment for sepsis but his friends had to come in to get him to leave on his way out he stole a crate of blood the driver who is a regular customer later told me he had stuffed his pockets full of sweets too one time while working late I was chilling at the counter bored when suddenly three dudes come in one wearing cardboard knight's armor the other a bathrobe and a paper hat thing and the last one a bunch of other random crap that did not go together in the slightest all red eyed and hires crap haha all had the munchies and got a bunch of chips and sodas and the usual junk food suspects came up to the counter with ye olde English accents that were horrible with mostly just overuse of the word he and paid in gold just regular cash with one Canadian coin and said it was D&D night then all wandered off to their carriage which was a sadly rusted old boot LeSabre made me laugh so hard it was amazing sight to behold a man with his frying-pan Swagger's by saying sucked by the way then another one comes by and so on until I start hearing some banging pan noises and I find a bunch of guys just in using pans and shopping carts in the middle of the night and I joined them this is a secondhand story but you reminded me of it sir my friends working this gas station around 1:00 a.m. small town not a lot of diversity here this white van pulls up and out piles like 10 big black dudes they all run into the gas station as one suddenly in a thick Jamaican accent one of the guys yells out the door to the one left behind filling the tank hey Mon what you want our drink my friend relaxes knowing that he's safe my friend realizes he might be a racist not a gas station but I worked nights at a college dorm once got a call that some guys had somehow snuck onto the roof and were peeing off the ledge onto people walking by had to get security to go check turns out it was a bunch of drunk frat boys on a similar note also got a call about a drunk homeless person blocking the gates to get into the dorm turned out to be a passed-out resident who couldn't find their key watched a very flamboyant gay man pepper spray a girl and then flip his hair and walk out apparently she looked at him wrong everyone was drunk ended in a fight in the parking lot cops came couldn't confirm if it was pepper spray or hot dog grease on the counter someone a random patron taste tested it to try it was a good night we ended up hiring bouncers they broke up a fight in the store once and a rather large bag of pills fell out the bouncer looked at the pills then he looked at me I looked at him then with the pills he looked back at the pills grabbed them looked at me and made direct eye contact as he slipped them in his pocket dude was huge I wasn't about to say [ __ ] I worked at a gas station and fried chicken joint where you know it was in the south when I was in high school one evening this older guy came in reeking of alcohol wearing a bowler hat a ratty old Hawaiian shirt boxers and slides no pants he walked into the store looked at me and my coworker and his eyes went real wide like dinner plates then he promptly turned around left the store I thought this was odd but went about my cleaning until I rounded the corner to where he was and lo and behold on the floor was a solitary turd that was previously obscured by the counter this man had walked into our gas station and [ __ ] on the floor and immediately turned tail and left without so much as a word really makes me wonder what kind of life this fellow was living needless to say I refused to clean it up with 7.50 per hour isn't enough to pay me to clean up human excrement thankfully the shift lead cleaned it I guess she valued her job more than I did we printed out the guy's face from the security cameras and made sure he was put on our [ __ ] list eighteen years old working the 2-10 shift at 7-eleven a guy walked and said hey I I girl like he knew me his entire life and leaned across the counter for a hug that I reluctantly reciprocated then he gave me daps and left to bakiyev weed in my hand like a pretty decent-sized nug then he turned around and left without another word my coworker just looked at me and shrugged I stuck the bag of weed in my bra and finished my shift and yes I smoked it later dumb as hell I know I haven't smoked in years and I definitely would never smoke random weed given to me by a stranger ever again especially not with fentanyl being all over the place years ago I worked overnight to guest station in a pretty bad neighborhood in Florida my first night working there an older guy came in walked up to the counter and reached across and punched me in the jaw pretty hard the guy I was working with chased him out the door while I called the cops to send someone over my coworker came back in pretty quick looking frightened and said to send an ambulance because the crazy guy just died outside EMT and police came guy was alive but had a pretty bad heart attack every other shift was pretty timid compared to that I worked in a 7 - 11 and the mid-90s of the grave shift there was a woman who would come in and face the store every few days and stock the shelves we were not supposed to let her in but we did anyway since it made our so much easier crackheads just generally I worked on a reserve where we give natives no tax guy comes in claiming to be native but no card gets mad when we refuse then takes a [ __ ] on the sidewalk around the side of the building not an employee but I live in an area of Tulsa people describe as a bit [ __ ] I guess kkoma one time I was about to walk into the corner store and I was texting and as I was texting my phone died in my hands I looked up and through the door to see one man pacing the aisles and another holding a gun pointed at the clerk I turned and got back in my car and I went to call the police phone's dead remember so I pulled into my complex and knocked on the maintenance guys door to call the cops and he wasn't home I knocked on the door of a neighbor I knew and they weren't home either I went upstairs and charged my phone and by the time it finally turned on the police were at the convenience store nobody was shot thankfully but I remember the helplessness coming off me in waves the clerk's name was Sanjay and I had talked to him numerous times my most vivid memory of him is the day after his daughter was born he showed a photo to every customer who came to the counter I left in fear and the whole time I waited I was terrified he would have been killed in that I would have been the last person to see him alive between the mutant raccoon that lives in the crawl space beneath the gas station in the hand plants I torched out back it would have to be the bathroom cowboy but don't get me started on Spencer [ __ ] Middleton one of my first Jobs was a gas station night clerk at a truck stop weird was kinda normal for example we had this homeless guy come in he grabbed a few cookies and began to eat them he poured a cup of coffee spilled some cleaned it up with a rag then put the rag in the coffee machine next he went up to the register and handed me a receipt he asked me to charge the cookies and coffee to the receipt I nodded and said sure thing you're good to go and he walked out I then threw out the coffee with the rag on it and made a fresh pot I worked at a Dunkin Donuts in a gas station but one night at like 3 a.m. some dude got mad at we were closes I was baking the bagels and dill notes and he tried telling the cashier at the gas station part and proceeded to pull a gun out until his friend puts his gun down and rushed him out the store super odd experience my friend is an overnight clerk at a local gas station chain he said he once had a woman coming with tear tracks of mascara running down her face in full club attire she purchased a pint of ice cream a box of tampons and whiskey small town gas station but we were but the biggest stop for like 150 miles weirdest thing I ever encountered was a girl who claimed to have graduated high school with me I asked over a dozen people about her and no one has any recollection that she ever existed she wasn't in the yearbook no one remembers her in any classes we're in a relatively small town anyway this girl would show up while I was working keine sit around loiter the premise and ask me the occasional question and then would follow me home I walked or used a bicycle nine times out of ten and she would just walk behind me about a block back it was basically the most benign version of stalking that has ever happened I worked thirds in a local convenience store and a regular would come in when it was dead and we'd have at it in the bathroom happened a good half-dozen times then I never saw her again when my aunt was in high school she worked night shift at a tiny little gas station one time in the dead of night when she was alone in the store a man came in walked right up her and plopped his wiener right onto the counter my aunt said she jumped over the far end of the counter which considering she is four minutes and 10 seconds is quite impressive and took off out of the gas station and down the road to the nearest still open store and called the cops and her boss there she got in trouble by her boss for leaving the store unattended and for not but she said was wasn't sticking around to figure out what dick dude wanted I had a friend who worked at a gas station he said someone came in one night and produced her gun and told my friend to empty the register being completely dumbfounded by the situation my friend told him that he had to buy something first this is because to open the register an item from the gas station needed to be scanned of the register according to my friend they stared each other completely silent and bewildered for a few seconds after that my friend had regained enough of his faculties to explain this to the robber then the robber skander Twix took all the money in the register and left not me but my dad it was near Christmas time he was a student working part-time at a gas station that is within city limits but not really central say you Jer all the kind of people a man stormed inside looking around wildly before asking my dad do you have rack FISC sauce rat fisk is a traditional norwegian dish that isn't really eaten that often my father kinda confused told him that no they did not have rack fisk sauce the man's eyes darted around the store some more before settling on a small Shui plastic Christmas tree with tiny lights and was placed on the counter he then said I'll take the tray put more more money than the tree was worth on the counter took the tree and disappeared into the night him and the tree was never seen again my husband worked at a huge truck stop so it had showers and laundry so one night two female truck has come in and pay for shower tokens they start tying up the workers and go over and shove $100 into a utility guys pocket and tell him there is a lot more if he joins them in the showers so a bit later he comes out the shower hair wet and a couple hundred dollars richer was the 1st of April and abouts noon kid walks in with his jacket partly unzipped while his friends were outside with a camcorder kid reaches into his jacket and shows me the handle of a pistol give me the money I look at him look out the window at his friends and then try to judge whether I would be able to get around the counter fast enough to grab this punkin [ __ ] his [ __ ] up I decided that he would probably be able to scurry away before I could get a good hold of him for the beating he so richly deserved so I looked him right in the eyes and very calmly and quietly said you better turn around and leave right now before I [ __ ] you up and make your parents cry kid just looks at me backs away giggles nervously and takes off if I had been two feets to the left though I would have just gone to town beating his ass one night I was ringing up a woman there was a loud snap like a whip and a sudden jerk under our feet being from Cali I knew this was an earthquake but this was New Hampshire and when I told the woman if that happens again we have to get into the freezer she looked at me like I grabbed her ass and hold it out of the store a chick high on meth came in with her big fake stripper titties completely out without realizing it her trashy looking bf started knocking on the glass from the outside pointing at her chest and laughing over summer I took a job at a gas station in a fairly bad part of town to save up some money before moving out for college the station was on the corner of a relatively busy intersection so I would see speeding cars crack heads the usual one night around 2:00 a.m. I stopped seeing police lights down the road and figure it's just some late-night call but then I see more and more appear then all of a sudden there's five cruisers parked in the station with two others blocking the road for one of the streets I start to wonder what's going on because I'm just this 17 year old kid alone what enjoyers be a blasting through the store speakers my phone speakers didn't work so I improvised suddenly I see our two trucks pulling a giant mess that took up the whole road and I [ __ ] you not it looked like the submarine food truck from the Spongebob episode once it passed my intersection the cops all put their lights back on and dashed after it watched a bum drop a handful of pills once and then he frantically ate them all at once and casually left he didn't even get 5 feet in the door a friend of mine that worked overnights received a call from a guy asking if had seen the crack a guy came in to buy some Red Bull as he was handing me a $20 he asked if Carl coworker was there at that very moment Kol was sitting in his car in the parking lot waiting for his pay to be deposited so he could buy cigarettes I told him yeah he's outside in his car the guy then proceeded to beat up Carl and left thanks for the $20 dude Rowe do I have stories not now but almost 30 years ago first night training with the US 10gr around midnight a man stumbles in the door clutching a hand to his head Falls against the window wall and slides down unconscious he left a trail of blood on the way down apparently he was stopped at a traffic light nearby when someone ran up and clocked him with a crowbar through the window first night on the job another night one of the local prostitutes comes in asks if she can clean up in the restroom very apologetic she was holding at least three of her teeth in her hand and bloody all around her face no explanation no cops just lots of apologies I don't work night shift exactly but this will work so my store closes up at 10:00 p.m. I come in one morning at around 4:45 ish to find an old Native American man passed out in our kitchen we have a rather large kitchen because we work next to an industrial area W lots of truck drivers oil field workers who stopped their work day early so we make lots of food for breakfast and lunch so I call the police because what the hell am I supposed to do there's a very bad neighborhood behind the store that's constantly hit for drug busts like hard [ __ ] plus we find bloody needles in the bathrooms all the time the police show up like 15 minutes later with some paramedics and the guy was just asleep Lal apparently he came in around 9:30 p.m. the night before to use a bathroom and got locked in when the two nightshift employees locked up he didn't have a phone and didn't think to look for hours so he got a six-pack of beer ate some of our bread and went to sleep next to the grill I was robbed at gunpoint twice over the course of three weeks by the same guy different gun each time I wasn't working at the time but I was at my job to get some things with my friend then we just heard a bunch of screaming and we have a lot of tweakers in our town but there is this one chick who is straight crazy and the cops do nothing about her so her crazy is unchecked well I assume it's her cause I look out and see what looks like a figure in a dress so as we are finishing up my purchases and I'm talking to my coworker about it I finally leave and hop in my friend's truck person still screaming at high-pitch and as we pull out the headlights shine on the person and it's not the Tweaker chick but a bald dude in a dress with a beard leaning against the wall screaming like a girl my friend kept driving but I told him cause we all thought it was a chicken he was as surprised as I was I know it's not super crazy but thought I'd share cause it was the weirdest thing I've seen when it's my old job 11:30 p.m. dude went to our bathroom and injected himself with some drugs ended up holding in a very low lit area of the parking lot and a dump truck driver found him saying he thought he was a garbage bag or something guy got lucky cause ambulance was nearby for one thing but also cause the dump truck driver said he almost ran him over I don't have many good tales as my store was in a pretty quiet spot I'm just excited to see and ask that I qualify for all the most memorable things I guess was an old lady who threatened to pee in the parking lot when I told her we didn't have a bathroom our toilet was busted so we had a porta potty for employees only another guy got mad I wouldn't sell him alcohol without his ID local police have been doing stings in my area for the past year and I can't afford to lose my job so I card everyone I don't know I called the non-emergency Sharif BC he wouldn't leave and I was starting to worry the officer told me and the guy that it was my choice he then argued that I could sell to him BC it was my choice and I'm like correct but I've made my decision very clear no ID no sale he was really angry but left after ten worked a gas station in college the only weird thing I ever encountered was a trail of blood that seemed to come from nowhere as best as I can tell it started if the hotdog rollers looped around the store then stopped at the checkout counter it was a super slow night so I think I would have noticed someone bleeding out all over the store I thought of another weird time guy comes in paying for gas in $100 bills we had these pens until fake from real bills two of his bills were fake I told him they were fake and showed him the difference he then said to not worry about the gas and started walking around the store I called up my boss who said well did you keep the fake bills I motioned the guy over asked for the bills and he hands them over I go back to the conversation with my boss on the phone ok I have the fake bills now what she says well the cops are on the way I'll be there in a bit I hang up the phone and try to get things ready for my boss coming in I then see the cops talking to this guy and it hits me he could be in for some major trouble and he just handed me the evidence without a second thought I'm not night shift but last night I got off work at 10:00 p.m. I go outside to my car and there's just a horse chilling on the porch I live in Jacksonville Florida I'll write this on behalf of the gas station attendant I found tied up after midnight this was in Austin Texas sometime in the 1980s I pulled into the gas station in the early hours and went inside to pay there was no one at the counter so I was like hello I heard a voice from inside a storage room behind the counter saying hey I'm in here help I've been robbed I pushed the door open and the clock was there loosely tied to a shelf I move toward him and he said no don't untie me call the police um ok the police arrived in minutes and I told him what I knew the cop was laughing as the Clarke had been so loosely tied that he could have gotten away at any time he just didn't want to move until the cops had witnessed him tied up as he was afraid of being accused of robbing the place himself worked overnights for about a year at a huge gas station dealing with lot lizards a car parking lot [ __ ] had a guy walk in looking a little panicked he asked if he could get some water I said sure he's filling up his water and asks if I know why feet would swell up I said no did you drop something on them he said no my feet are swelling and my heart is beating really fast I told him I didn't know what that was I was 18 and didn't know much of anything anyways those are classic signs of a heart attack and heart failure he hops in his car and drives away I still wonder if he made it home meth-heads that just need to be let in for a second because their car broke down injured sick granny anything to try to trick you into letting them in so they can stab and rob you but [ __ ] your corpse plenty of stealing things trying to steal things people angry for no reason and threatening hell on earth but the weirdest boss relapsed and tried to rob the store while strung out figured he couldn't take the money when no one was there he'd be a suspect so put on a ski mask and swung by while we were open junkie logic not a gas station but worked night shift at a little mom-and-pop grocery store on the west coast in a quiet tourist town during the off-season in a time that is not considered summer had a non-local guy come in around midnight who was drunk beyond measure I watched this guy go down one of the Far aisles and after a little bit of not seeing him I decided to make rounds and see what he was up to considering it was just him me and another person working with me when I located him and went down the aisle this guy had his pants down to his waist and was pissing on the floor I proceeded to grab a mop and bucket and made him clean up his mess luckily he didn't put up any resistance and I think was kind of ashamed of what had just happened by the way I wasn't too pissed considering he cleaned it up thus resulting in me getting a pretty good laugh a 350 pound woman wearing nothing but socks holding a Chihuahua she wanted change for the pay phone a couple years ago this guy was working at a gas station as night in our really small town the place is not even 20 minutes from me and somebody set the place on fire knowing he was in there I didn't witness this but I got to see the footage shortly after I quit working at my old convenience store job a guy drove through the glass front still some beer about lost his pants then got back in his vehicle and crashed it into the carwash the very large double bay concrete block carwash he didn't get far well the weirdest night shift gas station clerk I've encountered involved being solicited for sex I had this really weird [ __ ] of a man come into my just clean bathroom and I'm assuming [ __ ] in his hands because it was nowhere else except smeared all over the bottom of the sink to try and hide it I'm guessing cleaning that was disgusting my mom has a funny story about working in a seven stroke 11:00 during the night shifts the one she was located at was directly in front of a university which meant frat boys one cold night a drunk frat boy drove straight through the large front window and she wasn't even allowed to close go home so she had to keep working that night all the way to like 4:00 in the morning with this shattered glass all over the floor and snow blowing in I had the tow bus for Pantera common for some diesel this was around the time there far beyond driven album came out the week before that I went to my first Pantera concert very cool and weird at the same time not a gas station club but I do work nights on the road and have to get gas and such but the weirdest I've ever seen is an old pot-bellied man in John booty shorts and Jean vest holding a pot-bellied pig lit yeah I decided to visit the next station down the street idk if this was necessarily weird but Morlock during and after high school I worked to this crappy gas station that closed up at 11 p.m. I started doing my cleaning duties when I noticed a penny on the ground I picked it up kept sweeping until I noticed a dime by the door but this wasn't unusual since people dropped change all the time as I was picking it up though something caught my eye as it blew past the door I went outside looked right nothing looked left and there sat a fat wad of cash it was nearly $300 laying on the ground yes I kept it no one ever stopped back by asking about it ether once had a guy who was very high on speed attempt to sell me a soggy pill he was literally raining sweat another time I had a very unattractive middle-aged female customer looking like shed just wrapped up a shift at one of the clubs nearby she lifted her few paw grabbed a five-dollar bill then handed it to me I washed it thoroughly afterwards oh this was kind of funny kid comes in with his buddies about 2:00 a.m. and steals my whole rack of vapes off the counter a few weeks later I'm just starting my shift and lo and behold the kid walks in with his dad I tell him to get out dad asked me what did I do I replied NASA yeah fine it's just a kid laps gotta go I have never been so sure that a kid is gonna get an ass-whooping as I was then I've also seen held my fair share of 9-mil point four five point two two and a few really large knives I was the chow don't talk to nobody kind of guy never got held up though a security guard for one of the nightclubs in town came into the store one time near Christmas and as he turned to leave the counter I saw he had massive amounts of blood soaking the back of his shirt when I shouted he said it was okay he had been attacked by someone who was wielding a tomahawk and was part of to an original families who were fighting in town he was super casual about it maybe from the blood loss and said he was on his way to the emergency room right after buying smokes from me guy comes in ambling of the street clearly high on something did you see that dragon he says I reply yay it went that way and pointed down the street man then exits the store and walks down the streets to follow the direction to the dragon that I gave him I [ __ ] you not I was working alone on the night shift and had a guy stagger and bleeding heavily from a head wound he collapsed on the floor so I rang an ambulance and kept him calm till they arrived applying pressure to the wounds he asked how bad it was it was bad but I told him it was okay maybe a couple of stitches he said that some guy just came into the railway station where he worked and started hitting him with a very large adjustable wrench he was fine until the ambulance arrived and then he went into shock the police later told me he was having an affair with the guy's wife his wife apperently was disabled and in a wheelchair not sure that means anything but maybe contributed to the angst I found out later the guy almost died I'm not a gas station attendant but at 11 o'clock at night I went with my friends to the gas station I bought a cap gun my friend bought condoms and my other friend was there too by flex tape what the gas station attendant saw three high schoolers buying condoms flex tape and a cap gun once an unoccupied taxi van parked in our lot left running slipped into gear and took off jumped a curb which caused the wheels to turn and started doing perfect reverse Donuts in the middle of six lanes of traffic police responded and took turns trying to jump into it before finally getting tired of messing around and shooting out one fro the back tires one night a lady with scars and scabs all over her arms came in and started washing her hands and the sink we used for coffee and stuff after about a minute I noticed she was literally scratching her skin off and muttering get out of me I called the police and they came and checked on her they couldn't really do anything because she wasn't giving any signs she was on drugs so they let her leave she drove over four curbs and crashed into the building across the street I'll spare you the long story but I had a guy come in one night lower his pants come behind the counter and masturbate against me this was a long time ago and there were no cameras I told him the police were on the way so he'd better he ignored me the first time and I said it again then he said who me WTF else in this empty store at 2:00 a.m. at least my store went from zero security to building a cashier cage where I could lock and unlock the main door while I was locked inside I only worked there a few more months though I worked years ago at a gas station alongside my mom I worked morning shift we started at 3:30 a.m. the store is on the Kentucky Virginia Stata line so we've seen a lot of [ __ ] there a few of the most memorable things that happened was a car pulled up to the diesel pump clearly there was a fight going on we got close enough to see it was woman beating a man and looked like she was stabbing him the woman left and we locked him in the store until police and ambulance arrived she stabbed him with a screwdriver stole his car and his medication according to him another time a man had an argument with his wife and casually started stabbing himself in the parking lot my mom and another co-worker was robbed at gunpoint one morning the dumbass came into the store bought something and then came back with a mask minutes later he is in prison malthus strong armed robbery my favorites were one but evil with actual heroin in it under the bag and the trashcan for a drop we changed the bags every night like we wouldn't notice it to the bag of drugs a guy left on the counter when he paid for his stuff three the pair of panties in the trashcan dead look clean but smells so strongly of vagina that the whole bathroom smelled like that all night four and you know how people put a cig over their ear maybe a J at the least try full-on needle over his ear super casual I stared and said oh you got a little thing there and he's like Owen puts it quickly in his pocket and said you didn't see that I just asked him to please not leave any needles around as I was sick of picking them up and it's not safe a friend of mine worked nights in a convenience store by herself and she told me about a time when a woman came in drenched in blood when asked she said flatly don't worry it's not my blood she bought a pack of cigarettes and was on her merry way I worked at a convenience store but not with gas pumps one night at about 11:45 p.m. a bunch of cars started showing up in the lot no one was coming in though I looked out in thought ha it's pretty foggy out there then I realized it was smoke in the house behind the store was on fire like flames shooting out the windows it looks much scarier in person - the cars belong to the firefighters I don't believe anyone was hurt I just locked up the store and went home had a guy wandering drunk from the hooters next door wanting to use the phone to get a ride home this was years ago kept trying to make himself sound like a tough guy by bragging about being in the Hells Angels he also said a few decades ago he killed for NS I just kind of grinned awkwardly and asked if the police knew about that I didn't believe him of course he was there for about an hour waiting for his ride and kept telling me he was going to come back the next day and give me a motorcycle and a gun I guess he wanted me to join the gang - working security in a bad neighborhood this guy walking minding his own business in a cowboy hat cowboy shoes and a phone carrying around a raccoon it looked like he was feeding the raccoon something I locked my doors a SAP edit wearing the thong law if you want to get nothing in return you can like and join my discord there is a link in the description
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Id: 7-hNVV4L35M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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