What are your most creepy moments? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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I found a dead girl when I was 12 with it what are your unforgettably creepy moments when I was 13 me and my friends were hanging around town like usual we went to the park first in the morning we saw a man who looked to be in his 40s he was wearing a hood and he had a long beard he had a can of beer and got up and started walking towards us so we ran later on we were taking a shortcut through the libraries car park to go to McDonald's and we saw the same guy standing by some bushes staring directly at us two of my friends girls started dancing for some reason they hadn't seen him it was only me that saw him I told my best friend Walter and we tried to get everyone else to hurry up Walter turned around to check everyone and saw the guy in the bushes now his flies were undone and his dick was hanging out we ran as fast as we could we didn't see him any more times after that when I was seven years old my parents were going through a very tough time they decided to split up for a while because my mom was going through a crazy partying phase she got custody I was too young to understand what was going on but I hated my father we're best friends now and my parents have been back together for years my mom was just too young when they first got together and she had my sister one night when my mother went out drinking with friends she left me home with my 12 year old sister we lived in an extremely bad neighborhood apartment complex that was full of miscellaneous crime I was playing warlock on Sega Genesis when I stopped hearing yelling outside we had a double glass door facing the porch area that connected the apartments we got up to look out the window and saw a white police officer talking to a black man the black man pulls out a bag of something and leaves it the cop instantly takes his baton and hits him across the face it knocked the guy to the ground in the cop gets down and starts bashing his skull into the concrete after a minute or so the cop stops and calls in for an ambulance he killed that man for swallowing a bag of an illicit substance my sister was on the local news the next day explaining what happened but no one believed us even though there was blood all over the concrete the officer claimed he choked to death after swallowing the bag it's one reason why I will never trust police officers that I don't know on a personal level when I was 18 and invincible I drove down to local place where teenagers and creepers hung out with a couple of my friends a few minutes into the ride one of my friends gets a call to pick some dude up to go as well but they were arguing about it not being safe for him he was also young and invincible so he persuaded her to let him come and I picked him up in the car they started arguing again and I found out that he got some skeevy gang leader dude sister pregnant and ran out on her and he had a hit on him I didn't take this seriously because we lived in a place with 70k people well when we got there we took a couple laps around the cruisin and he was attracting attention so I went to park no sooner did he get out of the car than five cars surrounded mine a dozen or so people broke it out and beat the everliving [ __ ] out of him with wooden and metal baseball bats he ran around screeching trying to hide on the various sides of my car while we were forced back inside to witness within probably two minutes it felt like gays , the cops came and the people with bats fled and we were just left sitting there in shock while he lay dented on my also dented cart bleeding against the white paint I have no idea if he lived or died but they shut down cruising after that and I really disliked the sounds of bats hitting things can't watch monster movies they always seem to want to whack people with bats : see it was the day I realized that I'm not invincible and I needed a new set of friends I was flying to India and we had just stopped in Germany I was 14 and sitting next this old guy who I though was asleep of the whole time I shocked him because we landed because he was kind of laying low me no response I was an unaccompanied - so when the stewardess came to get me she looked at him checked his pulse and then everyone was ordered to stay where they were including me the paramedics came and declared him dead I never knew for how long I had never seen a dead guy up close before and was surprised at a time I thought he would smell of something rotten when he died or would make a noise or something beforehand to this day I always think if I had noticed earlier I could have helped him I also had a dead guy lay on my shoulders for eight hours and I fell asleep during that flight as well so there was a good chance I used his head as a pillow while I slept creepy but that's life I was driving to an out-of-state funeral in the early with my elder sister early morning in late December in New England as my sister and I drove on the nearly empty route 95 n we came around a corner which was a little slick with ice so we slowed down come to find around that corner was a huge wreck a jeep had rolled and smashed into the guardrail and only a few cops were there the young man who was 16 had been thrown from the car about 20 feet and a blood-soaked sheet covered some of the body you could see his bloody socks and jeans we slowed down just because of the initial shock then we saw this guy who we later learned with this kid's dad on the news pulling his car over in the opposite side of the highway and sprinting with this look of terror and anger and fear towards the body we had stopped the car at this point so he could run past and the cop stopped him and he just broke down screaming we couldn't hear him because the windows were closed but it was even creepier seeing this go on silently so we continued to drive and then we see the kids shoes in the middle of the road brand-new green Nikes sitting in the road a few feet from each other we accidentally ran over one and the thud sound just broke my heart this kid was 16 still bothers me to this day a few weeks ago a woman was repeatedly stabbed outside my window I won't ever forget her screams and her rattle breathing when I went out to flag down the police I feel guilty for not doing more than calling 911 but I am also angry because I heard the police interviewing a girl asking if she heard anything and she had heard the screaming she said yes but didn't call the police how do you [ __ ] not call the police how horrible are you to not bother to try to help I hope she feels guilty the poor woman deserved better and now she is dead and the guy hasn't been found yet my friends and I used to climb onto the roof of my high school latest night because well it was fun one night my best friend and I brought two girls whom we were crushing on onto the roof to show them what we thought was a harmless and exciting discovery after some time exploring as a group my friend and I thought it appropriate to go explore the rooftops alone with our respective crushes in the distance I saw what seemed like a fitting spot to have a seat well it turns out it wasn't so fitting because it was a skylight I only remember up to this point my friend describes what happened next is the most horrifying experience of his life after about a few minutes he came looking for me as it turned airily silence he approached a shattered skylight and it clicked we were down there he yelled and yelled until I finally muttered back a week help I can't move police and paramedics were called he never got a response from the girl I woke up two days later with a concussion a few broken bones and some minor internal bleeding my crush was diagnose dead on impact I'm not sure if this is even appropriate in this threat but [ __ ] it I guess so this was pretty weird for me my mom used to take me and my brother to the beach every summer for a week well one year we're walking along the beach and we get pretty far I was probably around 8 - 10 years old so it felt far to me whatever that's worth - where the beach got kind of desolate there we saw something lying in the sand my mom just said it was a sea slug or some kind of worm form the ocean and I bought it well a few years later I have this distinct memory of having a sudden clarity Clarence moment and thinking to myself that was no worm that was a penis yes someone had cut off a man's penis and it somehow ended up on a beach on the East Coast I used to live in a funeral home literally in a funeral home my parents owned it but we didn't have enough income to really support a home for ourselves so we took part of the building and kind of converted it into an apartment due to some pretty bad planning on my parents part we had the living room like right next to the area where we kept the bodies which was right next to the embalming room basically every day I'd see a random naked dead girl - sitting on a table right outside where I was playing sometimes my dad would be working in the embalming room you know what I mean by working and since there were pretty big windows on the door God knows why I would get to see almost everything from a guy getting stabbed and having his blood let out - the egregious stitching that would have to be done - guys coming from the morgue but as Kanaks was getting at all this stuff isn't really that bad I mean you don't really know any of the people that you see dead so there's no real psychological impact on you the only scary thing is when friends of the family gets sent to the funeral home that could put a man in the mental clinic well actually ended well but really stuck with me this summer I was working as a nanny my charges and I went to Bethesda pool a few times a week one day the older girl 11 saw something at the bottom in the shallow end brought it to my attention and when I went over to check it out it was a little boy maybe six comma all curled up into the fetal position when I reached him to pull him out he was completely limp in my arms and he wasn't breathing I brought him to the side West's and lifeguards who didn't notice him even though there was no one anywhere near him obstructing the view of the bottom and didn't even noticed me yelling for the till I got to the side of the pool and lifted him up onto the concrete gave him CPR called the paramedics etc I put on a brave face for the girls but I thought he was dead for sure until later when the cops let me know he wasn't thankfully this is a pretty happy story but the image of his body curled up on the bottom of the pool and the feel of his body limp in my arms just stuck with me for some reason not me but my uncle he told me this probably five years ago when he was very drunk and I haven't heard anything about it before or after I guess when he was around seven or eight some kid who lived on his street had gotten his dad shotgun and was playing with it in the street with another kid he pointed it at him and yelled freeze the kid put his hands up jokingly and turned to walk away but the kid pulled the trigger on him he said there was a red mist hanging in the air the kids had was literally gone no idea what happened after that though right so here is the only throwaway account I have had to make and yes my story is probably the most [ __ ] here I was born in South Africa when apartheid was ending and I had a best friend that was older than me because of all the violence and [ __ ] happening there were dead bodies on pretty much every construction site around I was young like this all happened before I was seven so I didn't understand death much but after we stumbled upon a few bodies we were bored so we would mess around with them they were all pretty fresh the construction people would clear them away eventually bit early in the morning they were there pretty soon it was fun to pluck out the eyes and maybe a tooth for just drop big rocks on their heads or jump on their stomachs or hit them pretty much just mess up the body I didn't know any better that I knew to keep it between me and my friend then we left South Africa and I just pretend like it never happened nothing shocks me cause when you were running around collecting eyeballs and popping peoples heads when you are young nothing you ever do later compares to the terrible things you did when you just didn't realize how bad what you were doing was in fact this is the first time I have ever told anyone have fun with it I guess TLDR I used to take eyes out of dead bodies in South Africa yeah I grew up near San Francisco and for my fifth birthday I wanted to walk the Golden Gate Bridge for the first time about halfway through a guy climbed over the guide rail and jumped I had no idea what it meant at that age but I still remember almost everything about that day where we had parked what I was wearing the weather everything my grandma ended up picking up his wallet he left for someone to find him turning it in to the police it was still warm from being in his pocket I saw what happens to the human body when you are burned alive suicide bomber detonated his car on a crowded Street killing several civilians including children the burned bodies of children curled in fetal positions is probably the worst of a large number of horrible things I've seen humans do to each other when I was in grade one one of my friends was murdered just outside the school in the woods a week or so later my friends and I were walking through them like the dumb little shits we were and found the knife still covered in blood one of the guys picked it up and took it back to the school luckily it was a simple case and the guy was already arrested or we could have missed up the evidence for the case comma but needless to say that was what put it in my mind that the murder actually happened and to more careful I was working at am ice cream shop when I was in high school and it's night in the winter it would only be me and another manager it was in a pretty nice area and behind the store there was a giant park that got really creepy at night that night the manager was a girl like myself not too much older than me and when we are closing we have to do trash we were both pretty small but we could easily do it by ourselves I decided to take the trash out that night because she was counting money so I get all the bags out and I walk outside and in the parking lot next to the trash there is a man standing there he was wearing sweats and there was just this look of hatred on his face that I've never seen in anybody before I ran back in lock the doors to be safe and did some dishes thinking that I could the trash later I walked into the main room of the store where there are all the windows and he was standing there in the window just looking in and I will never forget the smile that came on his face when he saw me again it was the worst mix of evil and complete joy I can't even describe how his eyes were they were filled with hate I hate that I've never seen on anybody before I ran into the back room with my manager and we hid there for what felt like two hours until the police came by then he was gone however he was arrested a few weeks later for brutally raping and killing a female girl my stature and hair color when I was in primary school six or seven year old while lined up waiting for the bus to arrive one of my classmates who was tossing a ball up in the air and catching it missed the catch and ran after the ball and was struck by the bus and was coming to pick us up the front wheel crushed her skull this happened about ten feet from me I saw her brain literally pop out of her head when I was learning to drive my father would accompany me there was a football game in town that the rest of my family with that but I was not going for some reason on my way home and into my neighborhood fairly large neighborhood we went past a plain white van that was off it turned on and followed us all the weight of the road that my house is on it went to the cul-de-sac my father took the truck to the game leaving no vehicles in the parking area and myself alone at home that white van decided to pull into my driveway so I ran into my father's closet grabbed the 16 gauge shotgun two shelves and walked out onto my front porch with it drawn out of the van that van went into reverse and backed out of my driveway faster than it came in it was a very strange experience and I sat on my porch for a good thirty minutes before going back inside for the night TL DR plain white van followed me home this might be the caliber of the other stories here but this freaked me out when I first saw it so like four years ago when I was in high school I used to exercise in the basement of my house which is connected to the garage because my house is built into the side of a hill anyway I'm exercising when I hear this loud clicking noise coming from the garage I had no idea what it was it was like 10 p.m. and everyone else was either asleep or in their bedroom on the other side of the house I opened the door to the garage and I can't even comprehend what I was looking at a bat had gotten its wings stuck to sin Phi tape and the clicking was it's teeth against its bone it was trying to bite off its arm the clicking was so loud coming back from Spring Break in Key West Florida the group I was traveling with had to stop in North Miami at 2:00 a.m. for gas keep in mind that we are all blazed out of our skulls for the is story we got of the interstate and stopped at some sketchy gas station some of the guys went in the others went to the bathroom on the side of the building while inside I got this really weird uncomfortable feeling everyone in the store was making eye contact but not saying anything not a single word you could hear a pin drop I gave my friend ahead of me and lined some money to pay for my food I had to get out of that store too many creepy vibes the second I walk out the door a lady starts screaming bloody murder a huge black guy with no shirt on was beating her through her car window he was punching her rights in the face as hard as Mike Tyson she eventually got her car and drive and started to take off the crazy guy hung on and was drugged down the street for about 50 yards he eventually pulled the door off its hinges and the lady drove off so we are all standing there watching this huge crazy guy walk back towards the gas station covered in blood carrying a car door on his shoulder we all jumped in the truck and took off about a mile down the road 15 cop cars past us no one said a word in the truck for the next hour or so we were all trying to wrap our heads around what we had just seen so I was one of the first class at UC Merced basically they built a brand new campus in the middle of nowhere so the only roads to the school were to two-lane roads the kinds of roads that are straight and flat for miles but have no street lights me and some friends were driving back to campus late one night off of getting some fast food and saw another car probably about two miles away coming towards us with their bite song when the cars saw our lights they naturally turned their lights back to normal I wish they never did this our two cars are getting closer and closer together as the car coming towards us is about 10 feet away both cars are traveling a proxy miles per hour mind you I see the shadow of a figure directly in front of their car and in a space second we hear this thickening crunch it happened so fast that you are just in shock I pull over and we find out the other car full of college kids has just hit some guy who was walking down a pitch-black highway 50 mile per hour I was at work just over three years ago while it was a slow day we still have a few minor things we can do to stay busy on our slower days and this was most certainly slow until now I was walking around our parking lot to make sure nothing was suspicious I work at an airport it's really not uncommon for people to park like ourselves and to leave their car for an extended period of time while walking about the parking lot I noticed a PT Cruiser kind of parked funny and all a mess and when I looked inside through the window I saw what appeared to be hair under a blanket I initially thought it to be a dog but found out it was all a woman who had committed suicide she had been there for four months and only her hair nails and some skin remained intact the proper authorities were contacted but b/c of the company I work for I was chosen to remain on scene and watch her being pulled out scoop by scoop and spew onto the ground when I was less than ten my kalise officer father had picked me up from school and was dropping me off at my grandparents while he was on duty there was a call to a park near where we were every time we've talked about this he says he knew he shouldn't have taken me but also knew he didn't have a choice we pull up to this Park in his squad car next to another couple of cops with their guns drawn pointed towards a man sitting on a park bench under a tree facing away from us my dad gets out and tells me to stay in the car from my angle I had no idea why they're here for this guy a negotiator showed up and tried talking to this guy for a few minutes but to know prevail he pulled the trigger on the double-barrel shotgun he had between his legs blew his head completely off I didn't scream didn't cry just kinda stared shocked the part that sticks in my mind was what fell from the tree the brains and blood dot my dad took the rest of the day off took me to my favorite place to eat and talked to me about what all his job entailed TL DR at 10:00 I watched a guy blows his head off with a shotgun in a park not me but my dad was a first responder when he was in his 20s for a while and this incidents made him quit he was called to the scene of a motorcycle accident the guy on the motorcycle was following a large truck so he couldn't see around it and went to pass him and instantly hit an oncoming car the guy went flying over the car and for lack of a better word was splattered all over the road declared dead on scene the worst part was that the woman who hit him it wasn't her fault at all had two toddlers in the back they were all fine thankfully but their car was totaled when the woman's husband arrived he started screaming at her about totaling the car and how expensive it's going to be to get a new one insurance all that stuff arsal never asked if his wife or kids were alright infuriated my dad and after seeing the motorcycle guy's body in this jerk yelling at his wife my dad quit the next day I know that this will get buried but that's okay I used to work as a biohazard remediate er I cleaned up after the coroner took all of the body that he could care to take there are probably a dozen or so stories I could tell but the first that comes to mind is the time of 40-something single woman died of an apparent heart attack they didn't find her for a week or so but she wasn't alone when she died she lived with three dogs after a while the dogs got hungry and AIDS her not all of her but they drugged her all over the house in the process when I got there it looked like a slasher movie there was blood all over the floor and halfway up the walls there was so much in some places that had seeped under the walls and into the trough that the walls were set into I still get that sick feeling in my stomach when I think about that when I was 24 my best friend's girlfriend lost her little brother during the funeral one her great-aunt started to shout in the middle of the church about the heat we all laughed because it was February and the church was freezing cold anyway the lady keeps shouting so some of her relatives took her outside and some friends and I go outside to see if everything was right it was as soon as the lady got out of the church she collapsed and fell down without a shout or anything she just fell to the ground one of the relatives who was the doctor called an ambulance and started the CPR that he was useless I remember going back to the church to talk with my friends and to calm down my friend's GF because she was already devastated for the loss of his little brother I remember the moment when the doctors and the paramedics stopped it's weird but the thing I always remember of that moment is the laughter of the father who was in the funeral of his son and just lost his aunt in front of his eyes that [ __ ] laugh I know this will never be read but I've remembered after reading these comments something I've blocked out of my mind for a long time we were driving home from the lake when I was 10 or so suddenly as we are at the crest of a hill we see a car wreck it happened a couple of seconds before we were there we call the police and my mom gets out to try to help she's a doctor one person died she was scrunched in the front of the car where your feet go my mom gave the person in the passenger car CPR or something like that and he lived it was crazy seeing a person like that all scrunched up also something I've never seen but heard about and just cannot get it out of my mind my sister was killed when I was 3 after doing some research of how she was killed I found out she was shot in the back of her head her car lit a fire with her body in it and rolled off a cliff getting shot in the back of my head being burned and heights on my biggest fears so obviously this triggered some extreme mental images I can image her on her knees with her long black hair with a gun pointed to her head then someone shoots the gun when I was 16 some friends and I decided to go for a drive because we had just gotten our licenses we headed up to a local Canyon but on the way we came to the scene of a motorcycle crash seconds after it had happened a car had apparently run a red light at roughly 50 miles per hour and clipped a motorcycle traveling through the intersection the driver of the car was just getting out of their car crying frantically a friend and I walked up to the man lying in the road because we had some minor first-aid training the man was laying on his back and his breathing was slow and visibly difficult blood was coming out of his nose mouth and ears and I remember hearing a gargling sound when he breathes only now does it occur to me that he may have been drowning in his own blood the fire department was a few blocks away so they arrived before we could do anything not that we would have tried this situation was obviously way more than we could handle once the situation was under control of the police and fire department we set out again for our drive up the canyon we drove for maybe two hours but nobody said a word we just sat in silence we found out later that the driver of the car was drunk the man driving the motorcycle an off-duty police officer died a few hours after being airlifted to a hospital that gargling sound has stayed with me ever since I can still hear it and I can still see his face covered in thick coagulating blood that almost looks fake TL DR showed up seconds after a drunk driver hit a guy driving a motorcycle and watched helplessly as he clung to life in the middle of the road until authorities arrived I got a call one night from a friend saying she was in the hospital because her boyfriend got drunk and beat the [ __ ] out of her she asked if I could go over and get her cats the guy had already taken off and wasn't captured yet so I was kind of nervous anyway when I got there I saw Caudill of blood in the middle of the floor bloody handprints on the wall blood all over the mattress pretty much trails everywhere ending in puddles of blood the scene freaked me out into my shaky hands grabbing freaked out cats didn't help the situation by the time I got out of there I was pretty upset after dropping off the cats I stopped at the hospital and sat with my friend as they finished stitching her face it was fractured in parts and she was almost unrecognizable that is a sina i will never forget just so no one wonders what happened to her she pressed charges and moved far away from him and is doing well once a tanker truck crashed about a minute in front of us the whole freeway stopped he ran into a lot of cars and they all burst into flame no saving the people inside we were there for three or four hours while the police and fire department cleaned up I saw too many dead bodies all burned and barely recognizable but recognizable enough to know they were people who died a horrible death and when I worked in downtown LA a young man was shot in the head right outside the office I was in I didn't see him get shot but we all went out to help as soon as we heard the shot I worked with a lot of ex Geng members and I watched him die none of this is fun on Labor Day weekend my sister mother and grandmother were all in the car together out on the highway when we came upon an accident that had just happened two girls in the exact same model car of ours had gone to pass a semi and been hit head-on they had survived the crash but the driver's seat belt had slit her throat people were just standing there watching her bleed to death on the pavement when my mom jumped out and tried to stop the bleeding and save her I remember my mom covered in blood screaming at about 20 people while none of you helping her and she tried to perform CPR while compressing the wound eventually seriously out of [ __ ] nowhere two nuns in full nun robes and habits walked up and placed their hands on him mom's shoulder and told her to stop the paramedics had arrived and they took her away dead my mum got back in the car and we kept driving I'll never forget how we drove up to the scene and how everyone was already there watching this girl thrash and kick on the pavement not even trying to help when I was ten five years ago my best friend and I used to go airsofting across the street from my house was a pond and on the other side of the pond was in railroad tracks we'd follow them about four miles and stride down a hill to a wooded area you could tell this place had been inhabited once old rusty refrigerators and oil drums laid all around if you can picture a call of duty like scene where it seems like it's old and loked that's what it felt like walking around in there it was really cool there was a trench that ran perpendicular to the way we'd play if you followed the trench down father you'd hit water in the railroad tracks above turn into a bridge huge wooden beams crisscrossed each of the like a checkerboard on the bridge one day we had gone to play some capture the flag it was difficult to climb back up the hill after we'd gone down so we decided to see if it was less steep on the other side of the bridge we're walking along the bridge watching our step there's probably a good foot in between the squares created between the crisscross Kama my friend had a lot more balls then I am decided that he would hop along them to cross always trying to be a crowd-pleaser he makes it about half way right over the trench and water and right as I want him to be careful he looks back not paying attention his foot catches the edge of one of the beams I can hear his ankle snap and it slides out of the beam I stop and stare in horror as my friend plunges into the abyss below the waters kind of deep but shallow enough that he died on impact I've never ran faster or harder in my life I was working at a restaurant in my hometown the restaurants was on the corner of this very sharp curve in the road one of the dinning rooms used to be a porch in an earlier form of the building but had since been converted in a dinning room with a large window overlooking this curve I was in there taking some orders when a guy on a motorcycle came around the curve too fast and crashed into the ditch I ran out there and when I got to the motorcycle he wasn't anywhere to be found this was in the late evening so it was a bit hard to see I searched the woods a little farther up the road and found him upside down in the brush already dead from a broken neck the worst part was he had on full riding gear helmet and all as safe as he could be I had to pull him out of the woods myself before the paramedics got there just to put him in a more dignified position than hanging upside down in some brush I hardly slept for two weeks when I was 10 my family found out my dad had cancer after the operations and things went wrong and he was an IQ for a while one of the days we were visiting the man across the hall I don't know remember what he was in for had either a heart attack or a stroke and I watched him collapse the next day when we went back to see dad we found out the man had passed away doesn't bother me much because I was 10 and while I understood what happened I didn't know him it bothered me more than though nothing super gore elated but definitely scarred me and will probably be burned into my head forever I'm 20 now my younger sister was shot in the back of the head a few months ago somehow survived the doctors said there was literally no reason for her to be alive and after hearing the news rushing back from school the whole day seems like a blur I got off the elevator in the eye crew prepared to see a few close family friends and was greeted by almost 50 people most of which were sobbing or had been the doors opened for us to go back to the room from the waiting room and she was barely conscious with eyes everywhere a breathing tube and a drain in her head I couldn't even cry [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 119,202
Rating: 4.8697844 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: Fr8Q1e_A8a4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 45sec (2145 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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