Retail Workers, What's Your Black Friday Horror Story? r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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retail workers of reddit what's your black friday horror story store is absolutely ducking packed and a larger trailer trash looking woman gets up to the register with four coffee machines about 30 different pieces of clothing clearly none of which would fit her a set of pots and pans and a blender i'm at the register serving a line of at this point probably 20 people she gets to my register and i ring everything up total comes out to about 200 because most of the crap she's getting is cheaper that we sell even cheaper on black friday of course as soon as i tell her the total i'm wrong so is the register apparently you double scanned most of it it should be half the price hell no i didn't lady learn to count duck i wish i could say that to her but my manager is literally right behind me on the other register and would chew me out like no tomorrow so in my nicest read most sarcastic tone of voice i reply i don't believe i did you can even see it right here on the register if you really want me to i can start over to make sure nothing scanned more than once though of course she ignores the whole damn thing and just tries to pay she's clearly not been to the store before because our oldest duck register system requires us to take your card and swipe it ourselves she spends a few seconds looking around for where she can scan her card and i chime in we have to scan it up here um system is too old for us to have something where you scan the card i'm so sorry about that she's already pissed enough and trying to fight with me about her scanning it herself finally after spitting in my face for a few seconds while i'm forced to smile like the brain dead monkey corporate thinks i am she hands me the damn card i check the name because legally we have two and we have to see id as well well i see the card and immediately expect a chow because the first name on it is david she hands me her id and lo and behold her name ain't david i'm sorry mom i can't legally charge this card unless david is with you in which case i'd need to see his id are you ducking kidding me this is my son's card he's letting me use i.t he's at home with my husband duck me as if this it wasn't bad enough already i'm sorry i can't swipe this card unless it's yours do you have a different card on you with your name on it after grumbling for a bit mckich face hands over a different card go through the normal motions card ducking declined duck how can this get any worse your card was declined mom me getting screamed at in front of an ever-growing impatient live audience let amy talk to your ducking manager at this point i can only pray that hell itself will swallow this demon up or at least end me so i don't have to deal with it my manager turns around from her register says just a moment mum i'm finishing up this transaction then i'll be right with you of course this little old lady ain't got the time for that at this point i'm pretty sure my line of the register should be paying me for the entertainment they get out of this lady unloading all of her bat it on me my manager finally turns around and has me switched to her register for the time being while she handles the crazy i manage to get a few people through the register while i hear screaming coming from both sides as my manager isn't great with being yelled at how the duck did anyone think that was a good idea i get a few comments and looks from customers basically saying i'm so so sorry we're not all terrible finally i hear mikach face over there yell that she'll put all her it back and go shop somewhere else thank duck turns out that's not what she did instead she ended up going to the exit on the other side of our department and trying to walk out with everything in the cart my manager sees this and calls lp and so does the cashier on the register down there lp send some of their guys over to her and they try and stop her after calling the police now i didn't get to leave the register because we were ducking packed but i was told she tried to fight a few of the people from lp before the cops got there ended up with her getting arrested the rest of my day sucked anyway but that made it a bit better i am not an employee but i stood behind a lady at target who was returning a newly bought ipad she was livid because her ipad wasn't charging she claimed that the tablet had wi-fi connection to the store and it wasn't charging like it was supposed to she was told that the cord came with it was the only way to charge it she booked at the statement and adamantly said that since it's hooked up to target's free wi-fi it should be charging sadly this is not the case and left spot not obscenities sad to think she thought wi-fi charged her ipad worked at a store that had a service department they couldn't ring up anything at the service counter but they had a computer which made it look like a register guy is standing there patiently waiting to be rung up finally somebody notices him and asks what he needs i'd like to pay he says i'm sorry this isn't a register replies the service tech the guy then proceeds to try and convince the service tech to let him pay because the line for the main registers is three hours long of course the service tech couldn't because he didn't have a register he just had a computer for making appointments and such so after 15 minutes of argument the guy moves off to find the line here's the fun part while he was arguing somebody else saw him standing by something that looked like a register and so got in line behind him then people saw the shorter line and got in behind them with nobody to control it the line to nowhere grew quickly 15 minutes was all it took for the knot line to snake all the way around the department so when the doofus who started this whole fiasco went to find the right line he found the end of the line he had started then the guy behind him heard that there wasn't a register so he followed the first guy then the next customer followed the second and so on they walked around in a circle for an hour before somebody noticed them we almost had a riot when a manager had to tell 100 people that they weren't in line and had just waited an hour for nothing that same year we had several scuffles at points where the register line had forked into two lines from then on we marked off a huge register path and had several employees just manage the line about 15 years ago i was working at a bookstore in a mall somehow around 5 pm maybe i found myself the only employee in the entire store not a single co-worker to be found and we were slammed with customers we usually had music playing in the store controlled by an ordinary 5 cd stereo in the back office and of course this is the day the inoffensive holiday music gets brought into circulation around the time i found myself alone i noticed the stereo had become stuck on repeat just playing the same song over and over it was at least an hour before i was able to get away from the counter and so that was the day i was forced to listen to some kind of generic a very jazzy jingle balls some 30 times back to back i worked for a golf superstore as a cashier black friday customers come rushing in and the line starts i proceed to scan the first item and nothing the registers are completely down and the lines are growing fast the only thing we could do is take every transaction manually write down screws calculate tax and use the old credit card swipers for three hours i never worked retail during black friday again and tilde a cheat customer who took a written one letter fnf my fitting rooms and then wiped hadousas with a 125 dollar polo ray florin doe hat nothing more needs to be said just today i sold a couch to a guy who drove a prius with no roof rack we do not deliver and he wouldn't leave until we found a way to get this thing secured to his car somehow not only had he clearly not planned ahead or thought it through he was a total jerk about it and insisted on making it our problem we ended up using half a spool of twain to tie this thing down and he had to climb in through the window because the twine went through his doors i really wish i had taken a picture at one point he complained to our gm who had no idea what we were supposed to have done to appease this finally we insisted that he sign a waiver before leaving because we were not about to be held responsible for his own stupidity of course this was also during the busiest part of the day i don't mind helping load or tie down for customers but this guy took the cake i worked at toys r us some years ago no standout bad customers but it surprised me how many parents brought their young children out at 3am and then got mad and would yell at their children for whining crying because you can't get any toys christmas is next month ask santa your kid is exhausted and you drag them to a toy store of course they are gonna be pissed off working there really changed my perspective from being annoyed at litty kids in public to being annoyed at itty parents i saw someone get the crap beating out of them for the toy of the year a hatchimal when i worked at best buy i watched two elderly ladies get in a fist fight over a nintendo ds that and the cleaning the aftermath of black friday looked like a grocery store before a hurricane worked greets at american eagle today my job was to stand at the front and tell you what the sale was some lady walked in with like eight bags and the alarm went off so i smiled and said that it went off most likely because there's possibly still a tag on one of her items this was her response i just walked in and you're already accusing me of stealing and then stormed off nothing special honestly just another day of retail yeah small canadian town life i worked at a grocery store in high school black friday was my favorite day all year hardly anyone goes food shopping the day after thanksgiving duck it too many horror stories i'm gonna give you my last customer from today i am a service advisor at a very large toyota dealership my typical qtof was rolling around i usually stop riding cars an hour before my shift ends but i got a car that came in for a wheel rotation wrote it up and immediately got it into the shop my text knocked it out lickety split and i got it over to the wash i was bored and wanted it done right and washed it myself i even vacuumed the car drove the car up to the drive drive-out section called the customer and turned in the paperwork to be closed out asked my boss for some of the knott's berry farms tickets at all toyota dealerships in sokol are handing out and when he came to grab his car i let him know that i was able to wrangle some knots tickets for him his face lit up like christmas hope he has a great holiday season i worked at walmart during black friday about 12-13 years ago the hot items that year were 10 dvd players and trampolines the dvd players were stacked on two tables near the registers and the trampolines were in sporting goods i'm walking to the receiving area in the back and someone from sporting goods asks if i can grab a u-boat or el carte to load up the last trampoline i had to go all the way to grocery to get one and as i'm coming back someone asks about an item so i walk two feet away from my cart and some woman grabs it and runs towards sporting goods i get there and the woman and husband are loading up the trampoline and it wasn't even for them the other lady that had it and purchased it had receipt and all just needed a carryout said hey that's mine and the husband got in her face and said what are you gonna do about it they started to walk off and i was shocked at that point and the husband looked at me and said the ducks your problem i just smiled and told the sporting good guy to call management the husband then said run honey and they booked it to the front they made it out of the store with a trampoline too then i get to the front near the 10 dvd players one older woman grabs the last one left on one of the two tables another lady grabs the same one they scuffle one lady decks the other one into the other table full of 10 dvd players and they all fall over and she runs never ducking again when i was 15 i got my first actual job it was at a clothing store and my first day was black friday i thought it wouldn't be a big deal because i was hired for men's formal wear when i show up at 4 00 am day manager tells me i'm working women's shoes today only absolute madness the worst part is shoes salesmen get commission but since i didn't have employee numbers i got only minimum wage losing out of hundreds of dollars extra pay worked at walmart years ago one of my mangers thought she was being sneaky and swapped my black friday off shift with a knoll at 9 00 am my shifts normally didn't start until 1 and ended at 9 so this was utter bullet i was in the bakery department and had to work all of thanksgiving the day before and they ended up needing more help i came in at 6am that day and worked a 14-hour shift because most of my team had been given the holiday off my managers excuse being your young they have families they need to be with and kids to celebrate with so i was pretty angry i found out that the black friday sale was a 65 inches lcd tv in electronics and ps3s so needless to say it was going to be a bloodbath i stayed in my department because there was literally no one else there and caught up on much needed sanitation when the manager found out before the sale started she came my way to rain down fire brimstone and bullet on me thankfully i could use their own bullet policies against them there needs to be at least one member of the bakery crew on hand to write on cakes and since i was the only one there they were it out of luck i got out of black friday bullet got an easy day of work and a perfect spot to watch the chaos all while screwing over a manager i hated it was a beautiful day my black friday two years ago was just the opposite of crazy i used to work in a grocery store so it was absolutely dead the whole shift i have never been so utterly and thoroughly bored before or since i would have killed for some crazy it to happen just so i could have a chuckle about it the next day it was technically the day after black friday but it was still busy as all hell i worked as a customer service supervisor at a comp user before they closed down think best buy and all of my checkers called in sick that morning all of them so i am the only ducking one ringing people up for the first like six hours of the day when i finally got a 15 minute break i went into the back area and blew up at the first manager i could find i was so pissed and stressed he just sat there and let me vent at him after a little while i went back to him and apologized to him and he was cool with it all that day sucked this happened just today actually i work at starbucks went to do my routine lobby and bathroom check just to clean up during the craziness went into the men's restroom and there was it smeared all over the walls toilet seat and mirror really had no other choice but to clean it up with my co-worker definitely the most disgusting it literally i've ever had to do in my life update while this blew up so i talked to my manager and showed her this exact post reading a bunch of the replies she wasn't mad but in a sense of all that we were willing to clean up it even she said she would never ever do that we went over the policy and reviewed our resources in case this happens there gets a point where your mind is literally go go go from the craziness of customers and orders the poop didn't seem to faze me at all i'm still baffled now to wipes poop on the walls at a starbucks i don't think we pissed off anyone that bad the good news is that my boss said she's so thankful to have me and all that good stuff but yes we do have a number to contact in case someone decides to smear their faces everywhere in the meantime we are supposed to just lock the door and put a sign on the front thank you everyone for helping me out i did not expect the load of replies i now know not to clean up the poop i feel stupid for doing it but i'm glad i now know i work at a kids store where almost everything was half off today but the thing is i normally help moms and grandparents at the register so i don't see best buy style murder over televisions i get old ladies yelling at my co-workers over the price of smiley face pillows and women bringing in hundreds of dollars worth of clothing and kiddie makeup they bought weeks before at full price just to buy it all back right away at sale price after the return's over a grandpa shouted this is bull lit at me because i told him we were out of bathrobes good times edit reading all these replies has taught me that the store i work in has a completely trash return policy we do all our returns right then and they're in front of the customer's face sometimes without receipts and i have to get a manager to come look at every return before i do it at the register so there's no way for me to lie to them to make them leave sigh last year my store had some seasonal cashiers start on thanksgiving black friday and with enough the first hour of his first shift some idiot tried to steal cash out of his drawer and stuff it in his apron our ap guy simply walked out his office and escorted him off the floor until the police arrived without the customers noticing i work at the largest lingerie retailer in the country we had a security guard last night for the beginning of black friday a southern belle mother decided she didn't want to wait in a 50-person deep line and she would cut our security guard asked her multiple times to step to the back of the line or leave she proceeded to ream him with every curse word in the book and ended by threatening him with a gun she had in her bag this will be my last holiday in retail be me working my first job second weekend and i'm working the floor at a best buy on black friday i wasn't that great at my job so they had me running people from the line they had set up to different registers and quickly answering questions from customers no big deal at about 1am as i'm running customers back and forth we hear a commotion on the other side of the store and a few police officers come in turns out some guy had broken a bit of plastic off one of the information plaques and tried to use the pointy bit to stab an employee in the neck i never found out why he did it people are crazy i am so incredibly thankful not to be working retail anymore i've worked quite a few black fridays but the worst had to be radio shack it was my first day and i had no training all i could do is point and hope to god they didn't ask me questions i work at a gas station so i'm somewhat immune to black fridays the worst we got this morning was cars lined up to get gas on the other hand we had a few walmart workers come in and they looked like they just came back from the war both of them had ladies rammed their cards into their legs to get at the merch the guy said it was just a flurry of shredded plastic and hands when they kicked off the sails nobody got a full break and the catered food was cold and well picked over by the time they could break a car had sideswiped another car damaging the paint pretty bad and tried to drive off on top of all they're not getting time and a half for working thursday night into friday morning cause it's not technically a holiday anymore at least he got to homemade cupcake i brought in cupcakes for the ladies working thanksgiving at my job edit i had that walmart employee as a customer again today he told my boss and i about how one of his co-workers was practically trampled she's a petite little thing and got tripped accidentally this time not on purpose like the card rammers by one customer fell down and had several more walk on over her she's okay she's just sore and has bruising all over her legs he seriously thought he was bulleting us at first on this story but he was dead serious when i was working at walmart me and another co-worker had a lady come during our black thursday sale with her children she was going around shopping with her kids for a while but then she saw me and my co-worker in the bedding department and left her children with us asking for us to watch them while she went to get some products before we were able to tell her no she disappears and doesn't come back for her kids for 20 minutes both of us are just standing there watching her kids slowly freak out and cry for their mother wondering if she is going to come back my supervisor then walks by and sees what's going on and when we filled her in she was quite annoyed with the mother who by this point has yet to make an appearance when mom finally showed her children rushed to her and my supervisor had a chat with her unfortunately i didn't catch what my supervisor said to the her about six years ago i was working at a mall bookstores cafe i had the opening shift which thankfully because it was in a mall was 8 a.m to 2 p.m unfortunately the late shift person called in sick so i had two hours off before a 4 pm close shift while that sucks it wasn't the worst part of the day i actually had a customer who was stalking me and spent the entire day sitting in the cafe reading a book and occasionally coming up to order something new anytime i wasn't behind the counter or in the back room he followed me around including during my two hours shift gap i didn't dare go to my car on my break because i didn't want him knowing what it looked like and my manager didn't want to call security on him if he didn't actually approach me worst black friday ever luckily two weeks later he didn't approach me while i was working and asked if he could clip my fingernails as a keepsake that was enough to get him banned from not only the store but also the more my manager also made sure someone walked me to my car for the next few months so it was all good i'm working in a high-end clothing store that rarely goes on sale it's a small storefront so any more than 20 people inside and it's pretty packed it's ducking 930 in the morning and this family comes in with two kids who were ducking wired on sugar running around acting like idiots and the parents are doing duck all because their favorite douchebag jeans are 40 off the store has a bunch of metal pots and baskets used for display which we couldn't put in the back because corporate would throw it fit ducking little timmy almost dies by near falling on a large metal basket with sharp pokey things on it my manager in a calm but obviously annoyed tone says kids it's not a playground this led sally soccer mom to lose it how dare you talk to my kids like that who the duck do you think you are this naturally cues her husband to become billy baddis and try to fight my manager who is all of five feet six and maybe 130 pounds soaking wet i walk over being six foot and 190 pounds and slightly more able to defend myself from billy badass and ask them to leave the store or i'll call security get told to duck myself because they aren't leaving so i better call the panzer small security mall security shows up and by the grace of the black friday retail gods the one security officer who is actually intimidating response former university football player like six feet six and built like a brickette house billy badass suddenly no longer wishes to engage in fisticuffs with the panzera small security and quickly leaves with his family with security in tow i don't think it was on black friday but i was working for payless show sauce at the time and oprah had some sort of coupon thing on her show for 50 off our store was pretty small and it was completely packed we didn't usually do very much business so we're out of the door at 9 10 p.m every night we didn't get home until one in the morning the store was destroyed we couldn't do any store maintenance during the five six hours rush so i'm amazed that some people could even find their products at staples i watched two grown men get into a brawling fist fight over a 30 label maker comma it wasn't even the last one mine is the anti story i went to work today at a big grocery store my job is to shop people's groceries we normally do 40 orders in a work day today we had maybe five the store was deserted too the caches were just standing around waiting for customers this year was surprisingly tame people were all in really good moods which in turn makes me happy last year a woman yelled at me for taking too much time to finish her transaction that her kids were in the car and she didn't want cps to take them okay then i insisted that i did not work at the store to two different customers i used to work at walmart during the late 90s i worked overnights unloading trucks and back then the store i worked at didn't have mechanized lifts to get stuff up into the bins in the back so stock reserved for the blitz sale was all thrown up there by hand anyways three hours to go we had to get three pallets worth of 19-inch symphonic crt tvs down my co-worker alan didn't want to throw them down one at a time so he pushed a pallet of pampers down first followed by all three pallets of tvs over the next few days several of those tvs came back as returns i try to think that they were crap but also wonder how many were damaged during the fall definitely the woman who came out of the dressing room to tell us that a pipe must have broken upon checking said pipe we merely found that she had peed in the corner of the dressing room water doesn't smell like urine actually work asset protection for a large retail chain and worked 17 hours straight from thursday until today among other things the worst thing to happen on my shift was that every single person was receipt checked at the exit the sheer amount of curses and yelling about racism gender discrimination etc was absolutely awful i got hired at borders to be seasonal help from november through the holidays it was the location on michigan ave in downtown chicago and was the flagship store for the company had her a couple of weeks of regular work right before black friday and it was pretty busy then and i thought black friday would be easy i was so wrong i had never had such a stressful experience we had a constant line of about 30 people the entire day and no matter how fast we tried to go it would never die down on top of that we had people getting mad that were sold out of certain books and would flip out even more when i offered to order one for them i mean you would expect these kinds of things at walmart but i never thought i would working for a bookstore worked at a car wash in college we're busier than a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest but we're keeping up then and a shot comes in with a minivan now this alone would merit a fine story in and of itself but here we get to the good bad part puke all over his dashboard by which i mean puke of mythological biblical proportion apparently a guy out selling the car washes was too busy to notice said puke and put him in line so the guy makes it to the sit the vax i see the puke on the dashboard as i start to slide open the rear door comma and that's when i see it we're talking an honest-to-god pond of puke in the back turkey stuffing pumpkin pie grandma's own whipped potatoes and gravy sid ashat says uncle ned had too much to drink yesterday so my brother offered to drive him home uncle ned up chucks first that's when my niece lost it in the back seat two he smiles do you think you're going to be able to get it up now mind you if we were slow we wouldn't do it but to pull shenanigans of this caliber when we're this busy i'm about to go full a pitch and start clubbing him with my vac nozzle when my quick thinking partner on vac steps in and says sorry sir our union contract prohibits us from removing biological waste slams the door shut and sends the car down the conveyor the guy stands there slack jordan stammers out i but i i didn't even know car washes had unions we do today he grins and walks away i saw an incident involving an extremely racist obese woman on one of those carts that are normally reserved for the disabled when the doors of our store opened at 12am she was on her cart in the back of the crowd there was a bottleneck to get into our store so the lady started plowing into people luckily a black man grabbed the back of her cart and lifted it up to prevent her from injuring anyone when the lady turned around to see what was stopping her from driving she exclaimed help this is trying to steal my cart then the black man shouted shut up b you ain't even handicapped the lady tried to turn around and hit him with her purse but she lost her balance and fell out onto the ground as she shouted for someone to help her get up people just laughed at her and walked around her not sure what happened after that because i had to help other customers you
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 31,340
Rating: 4.8992805 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, memes, r/
Id: HYX2sZeMU-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 51sec (1851 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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