What is the story of the kid never allowed back at your house? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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what's the story of the one kids never allowed back over at your house I was that kid once I was looking behind a friend's dresser for something that rolled off the back of it I used a lighter to see behind there and his mom's curtain jumped from the other side just as I sparked it whoosh the cat's face fur went up in a flash the flames were gone as quick as they came a little bit of burnt hair not bad but I felt terrible turns out the kitten had been in the bathroom with my friend's mom while she was doing her hair she used loads of hairspray and it was fresh on the cat I couldn't talk my way out of it was banned for life this was probably when I was like five or six but there was this boy who was my brother's friend and he often came over uninvited like he lived across the road and would just be there at our door no prior warning anyways my mom never really liked him and he'd tell his mom to stop letting him come back at least with no permission but he did anyway aka the band never really stuck however I do have a vivid memory him coming over in the summer to hang out in our cool stepping in dog poop then wiping it in the pool the pool was ruined small cheap one and he was immediately sent home hated him so much for that since it wasn't too far into the summer and it was extremely hot his name was Jacob this was my 10th birthday he was messing around and found B B pistol my older brother had he was pretending to be gangster with it holding it sideways and talking tough we kept telling him to put it down and he keeps yelling about popping a cap in our ass and he accidentally shoots my dad in the lake my parents call his parents and tell them they need to come pick him up immediately while they were upstairs on the phone he accidentally took a bow and shot an arrow down the hall aimed on my bedroom door neighbor kid started just coming over to hang out with one of my kids he was never respectful of my kids stuff and would occasionally throw toys the day I saw him throw a toy and a rock at how dog was the final straw I told that little sheet to get out of my house and I said he was never allowed to be near my house or my kids again he lived across the street and I don't think I saw him more than once after that his family moved away about a year and a half later we lived on a farm and my best friend came to stay for the first time we were outside in the field when we found the blind rabbit we went to call my dad who came out to investigate I was pretty used to this sight by now there's a common rabbit disease in the UK called myxomatosis which is a slow and miserable death for a rabbit the best thing to do is put it down immediately so that's what my dad did picked it up and twisted its neck I don't know why neither me or my dad warned her that it was about to happen but she was crying non-stop until her mum came to pick her up she's still my best friend but her parents never let her stay again this girl I was friends with grew jealous that I got along with my little sister so well and that we always looked out for each other this girl is like 5-6 years older than my sister one day when no one else was at the playground she hit my little sister on the head for no damn reason other than jealousy she was so proud of it too banned from our house and apparently her mum banned her and her brother from the playground more than a decade later and I still want to punch her in the face hug f ck you Vanessa remember pop rocks the broken up rock candy that crackles in your mouth they were all the rage when I was in third grade I lamented my longing for pop rocks to my dad turns out he worked for the company that made the pop rocks he was thrilled to feel like a superhero to his little girl and that Christmas I got a manufacturer's box full of pop rocks there were probably 100 packages of Pop and I felt like the coolest kid never making it rain and giving them to my friends as spring broke the neighbor kid John came over he saw the box full of pop rocks before I could stop him he grabbed the box and ran outside I chased him down to the creek near our house and got there just as he flipped the box upside down and emptied the contents into the creek my heart broke as the reason for my newfound popularity crackled fizzled and faded away in the sunlight I asked him why and he said he just wanted to see what would happen my dad asked what happened to all the pop rocks and I didn't have the heart to tell him but I didn't let John into my house after that my first year of college I had a huge birthday party the one person that I didn't personally invite blacked out walked into a house a few doors down took his shutoff and sat in a closet until the dude who lived there found him the residents were unbelievably cool considering the situation and kind of laughed it off sooo blackout kid comes back to the party continues being a huge-ass trying to fight people making girls uncomfortable typical dalchi college bro stuff finally there are a few of us left ready to crash the person whose house we were a said something like does anyone need any pillows or blankets and blackout bro yells [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] I'm a fairly pacifist type of person but four or five of us looked at each other and somehow without ever vocalizing it like we all just knew what we were gonna do grab them duct-taped him to a plastic chair and left him on a porch until morning when we woke up and went out to free him he was completely silent and had the most embarrassed and regretful look I've ever seen a person have my husband ordered pizza for my daughter and her friend will call her t he put the pizza dollar sign on the table next to the front door when the pizza arrived the dollar sign was not there after he paid for the pizza he had the girls empty their pockets of course he had the exact amount he had left on the table in her pocket she insisted she has brought it from home after a call to her dad he insisted she returned the money but never made her apologize instead made excuses for her in retrospect my daughter realized that there was a direct correlation before T's visits in dollar sign missing from her bedroom she was banned from our house Kevin the underwear thief we were around 10 and playing with Lego in my room he left to go use the washroom I vaguely remember thinking he was gone for a while and was planning to joke around with him about having to drop a massive deuce ten minutes later I hear my mom exploding and yelling from my stepdad he had snuck into my sister's room and was shoving her underwear down his pants and she caught him when she was coming up to see if we wanted a snack apparently this wasn't the first time either never saw Kevin again and his family moved a couple months later when my sister started the date casually at 16 she went out with a boy in her class he was a nice-looking kid but from a family of weirdos the boy became obsessed with my sister waiting for her outside school telephoning constantly and following her home trying to get her to like him one night my sister noticed him standing across the street from our house in the shadows of some trees he was just staring into our house my sister got scared I noticed how dad slipped quietly out the back door sneaking to a darkened window I watched his dad went down the alley behind our house crossed the street and strolled up the sidewalk to where the boy was hiding behind a tree my dad who was 6 feet 3 inches tall and weighed about 230 pounds came up behind the boy who was about 5 foot 10 inches and grasped him by the back of the neck I saw dad turned the boy to face him and gets in his face talking quietly the boy shook his head no a few times then nodded yes a few more times dad pointed down the street and released the boy walked quickly away never looking back dad casually crossed the street and came in my mom asked where have you been oh I just got some air dad answered nobody else had seen this my sister said the boy never bothered her again we never actually banned anyone from the house while my daughter was growing up but from grades 1-5 we did ask for prior notice before one particular friend came over we needed time to childproof the house for a good four years every time this girl came over she would manage to break something sometimes just one thing sometimes multiple things sometimes just small items sometimes it was actual structural damage if we knew she was coming over all flatware and glass drinking vessels were put away in paper all plastic was used also the yard lights were quickly removed from the walkway anything that could smash squash or feel physical pain was shepherded out of the vicinity she wasn't maliciously destructive she just had no idea where her body was in space happily this turned around for her by middle school to the point where she actually became a pretty good athlete and she was always a sweetheart but man for those few years she was a human wrecking ball me and the kid were around nine and were playing games on my DS after she went home I noticed that one of my games was missing asked her later if she had it she said no but I wasn't really convinced few days after that I was on the phone with another friend and told her the story and how I still believed the kids stole the game turns out my friend had her phone on loudspeaker and the kid was over and could listen to everything I said next time I met her she threw the game at me and insulted me didn't want her back at my house afterwards idk if this counts but basically in high school my house was the place everyone went to go and smoke bud hi mom and so one day me and my friends had just enough left to roll a nice joint somehow the joint mysteriously disappeared and we went looking all over for it this [ __ ] can and Lee points in a random direction as he says maybe it fell over there and it falls out of his sleeve Amadeus was never allowed in my home ever again he came back once with about a nose to make it up to us and we took his weed and shut the door on him he has not had a single person trust him in our home town since then [ __ ] you Amadeus welp kind of sad this one I was the one never allowed back not because of some shitty thing that I did it was because I was the only half-blood heir all of my friends who were there were full blood wealthy Chinese and I was the mixed one from a poor family I found out the Monday after that single weekend when my friend host told me that her mom told her not to invite me anymore because she did not like me I was confused so my friend told me about the half-blood thing from then on I have grown up extremely insecure I never told any of my family about this I still feel bad about it every summer between the ages of 5 - 9 me and a group of my friends would all spend entire week set a time at our one friend's house who had all the cool sheet none of the rest of us had pool go-kart dirt bikes et Cie one day while all of us were in the above-ground pool one of our more rambunctious friends found out that it felt really good to press your junk against the jet that expels water into the pool well we all did it and after a good hour or so of doing so the ground part of the kid whose pool it was comes outside and yells you kids stop [ __ ] the goddamn pool dirt apparently we were causing the lights to dim and brighten in the house somehow by what we were doing long story short none of us could come back for the rest of the summer I was friends with a neighbor kid like third or fourth grade same class same bus we would play video games together after school and sat together at lunch I was absent from school one day and him and the rest of my lunch table decided to rework the lyrics of the Linkin Park song in the end into a dirty song he called me day after school and bragged to me about it and sang it to me I remember being like oh cool dude didn't really think about it after that well a little while after that his mother called my mother and was livid and told her that I wasn't allowed to associate with her son anymore because I was a bad influence the little idiot sang his song to one of his team mates at basketball practice and the kid ratted him out for some reason he decided to pin the blame on everyone at our lunch table including me despite me not even being there at a time [ __ ] you Cameron I took a bus home listening to some music when a random girl started talking to me of nowhere I have never seen her let alone talk to her and she wasn't bothered that I was listening to music it was a very odd conversation however about 20 minutes after getting home she was standing right in front of my door she had more or less invited herself to my home and she had brought her eight and ten-year-old brothers with her she insisted coming into my house while her two brothers were scaring our bunnies that we keep outside my parents were working at a time so I just yelled at them she seemed to get the message because she left immediately yet her brothers continued to mess with our bunnies by hitting against the cages so my 15 year old me literally kicked them out of our property and x200 be when I told my mother this story she contacted their parents she is a part-time teacher at the boys school who saw absolutely nothing wrong with the behavior of their kids guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree mom drove us all home from soccer practice and while we were taking our dirty cleats off in the utility room she let drop that she had rice krispie treats waiting for us in the kitchen my best friend snap to attention made a dash to the kitchen with his cleats still and then stuck his greasy hands right in the middle of the pan and pulled out the center crispy treat maan was aghast and called his parents immediately to come get him from the nun the poor kid had to wait an extra hour after soccer practice for his dad to get off work and drive him home I had a friend when I was in my early teens who was a habitual thief he always stole wherever he went but never from me that I knew of one day I noticed a bunch of my floppy disks were missing this was around 1995 when they were still in use I thought it may have been him and confronted him on it he absolutely denied it fast forward a few years and I moved to another town about an hour north and he would stop by every now and then I got my driver's license and ended up dropping by his place we were going to throw King's Quest on his PC together to go and begin reminiscing about old times when he said let me go grab my disks he came back with a pile of them including a few that looked like they had my writing on them I popped one in his PC that I recognized and sure enough it had my homework on it from back in the day funny thing was the king's quest disks were also mine I grabbed them and said WTF he shrugged it off and said it was so long ago it doesn't really even matter anymore I walked out with my disks and never saw him again the disks went right in the trash out of spite I was in elementary school when this happened I had this clueless phone that if you pressed buttons that said this says like as if to the people on the other line well the neighbor girl Allie would dial 911 press those buttons when they answered and the cops would show up with my parents she did it twice when finally my mom realized what she was doing the cops would show up she'd run out the door and sprint home and my mom would make me stand there and talk to the police and I got the blame her parents never cared she peed on my bike three times after that and her parents still didn't do [ __ ] she didn't come back after that she moved about a year later and is now a teacher it wasn't my house but my best friend got banned from our other best friend's house because we were leaving his house and as we were leaving he texted something along the line of tell your mama I got the message and pay peach Allah will be coming back but he texted it to our friend's mom instead of our friend she was pissed and banned him from ever stepping foot in their house again it's been years in the band still stands it's pretty funny but I feel bad cause his mum was really hurt by that she only hugged us cause she is caring and wanted us to feel like family 11 or 12 year old boy family moved into a house two down from me that the owners decided to rent out when they moved first thing my nine-year-old son tells me it's how cool this kid's throwing knives are then tells me he's allowed to pee in the corner of his bedroom then tells me he and another neighbor were drinking his mom's wine then he smashed another neighbour girl in the face extremely hard with a nice ball wet snow he must have worked on for a while made her bleed after all of that he pulled a knife on another neighborhood boy and kicked his bike over also he came into my garage and started going through my tool chest parents are tweakers and getting kicked out of the house feel bad for the boy you can hear his mum going crazy on him at all times of day and night late to this but when I was in fifth grade my parents asked if I wanted to have a big sleepover party at the house I was bullied a lot and didn't have many friends so I figured if people had a good time at my party they'd want to be my friends my parents went well out for it even setting up my room as a mini salon so we could give each other makeovers and stuff two of the girls there offered to do the makeovers for everyone since they always did each other's in the past in between makeovers they had to set up the room before the next person that were actually going through my stuff and stealing they took a bunch of CDs playstation games most of my money I had saved and some of my jewelry I didn't discover most things until about a week later when I was looking for things it's super hurt my and I was too embarrassed to try and get any of it back I told my mom and she advised me that maybe they weren't the right people to have in my life had a friend over at a sleepover when I was in middle school and he disappeared for a while found out later he went into my room and rummaged through all my stuff like every cabinet my cloths and everything was shoved all around I found out initially because he came back down the basement playing my game boy advance that I had in my room I was like how did you get that weird kid never had contact with him afterwards another was when I was in college but visiting home for the summer and had a few friends over one of my friends from high school invited a friend of his from college and the dude had no concept of cleaning up after oneself we got fast food and brought it back to the house in the moment he was done with something he threw it on the floor half-eaten chicken sandwich on the ground finished my drink made conversation on the ground not even a minimal effort to find a trash can this was just normal for him never allowed in the house again and eventually our entire friend group stopped hanging out with him I don't have any not allowed at my house but I did go to my friend's house and call a few hundred IRS scammers numbers and learned that every call was one minute at least no matter if they picked up or not and racked up $90 on overseas calls on their number his mom was also concerned that we were calling sketchy numbers as parents do with their 11 year old kids and asked for every number I called not too bad but I get really worried whenever I could have the chance of being yelled at I was that kid once I went to a private school where everyone was filthy rich we were middle-class and my parents were only able to afford to send me there because my mom was a member of the faculty when I was in first grade a friend in my class invited me to spend the night at his house his house was massive there was a pool tennis courts and I'm pretty sure there was a bowling alley in the basement he had two bedrooms all to himself most importantly he also had a Nintendo which I had never seen before this was around 1987 and the only console I had never played prior to this was an Atari the Nintendo was so much cooler than that anyway I was totally sucked in all I wanted to do was play Nintendo and I pretty much ignored my friend I played so much that my friend went to bed without me I don't know how long I stayed up but eventually one of his parents came in and told me I needed to go to bed we were still friends after that but I was never invited to his house again she wasn't really banned but my parents weren't very happy to allow her over again when I was about 13 I had a couple friends over for my birthday I lived on an open acreage by a highway with fields surrounding it and only one other building at the time besides my house on the property but there was also my dad's boat we all were going to play a game of hide and seek outside despite there being not a lot of places to hide because we didn't have any trees couldn't go in the shed and certainly not in the boat it was April so it was muddy and cold and we played for a bit but couldn't find one girl and my dog was missing we all went inside and about 30 minutes later she comes in with my dog all dirty despite me telling her under no circumstances are you to hide in the boat she did and she brought my dog into there was muddled in the carpet of the boat and let's just say I and my parents may have chastised her for a good while it made me mad because it made me look like a bad kid by allowing her to do that even if she did it without my knowledge why she chose to ignore my telling her not to I'm not sure still makes me a bit mad [ __ ] Joe Joe was a guy my husband went to high school with we were having a party and one of our friends invites Joe I don't know the guy but hey the more the merrier being the responsible person I am I'm pulling blankets and pillows into makeshift bed so people can sleep off being shit-faced my husband takes a waterproof sleeping bag out and is laying it on our couch apparently Joe doesn't know how to pace himself and every time he gets sheep faced he pisses himself I didn't really believe him the dude was a grown man fast forward a few hours and everyone is asleep and Joe is still being highly obnoxious he's told to quiet down gets angry and belligerent and then threatens my husband who isn't having any of it the situation thankfully de-escalates before any punches are thrown and everyone goes to sleep the next morning I am greeted with a sleeping bag full of piss f ck you though Joe was a guy my husband went to high school with we were having a party and one of our friends invites [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Length: 25min 2sec (1502 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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