These People shared their Scariest Experience r/AskReddit Reddit Stories | Top Posts

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serious people have predict what is scariest thing that happened to you that was not paranormal i f was traveling in egypt with two male friends all of the 17 stroke 18 at the time 1989. we were walking down the street in alexandria and two men got out of a black car grabbed me and threw me inside my friends jumped onto the car and held on while it tried to drive away then other people started crowding around it and shouting so they opened the door and shoved me back out and just drove away the 10th of may 2019 i was turning into the end of my street when a dump truck rear-ended me pushing me head-on into oncoming traffic where i hit another car the dump driver was texting and never hit his brakes he was going 60 miles per hour technically i was dead a cop was two cars back he pulled me from the wreckage and performed cpr reviving me i was medevaced away i remained in a coma for 42 days where i expired twice more i awoke to be a pair of plague i woke up feeling sticky and gross i thought to myself gross did i drool all over myself while sleeping so i go to the bathroom to wash up and look in the mirror i'm covered from my lower lip to upper chest in blood i head out of the bathroom toward the kitchen and tell my mother to call a doctor she nearly faints upon seeing me but i tell her i'm okay and imma wash up i clean myself up and after washing most of it away i see the wound dead center on my neck where a pimple was it is doing the thing you see in movies where blood squirts out with each heartbeat a band-aid does the trick for now and they cauterize my neck as a longer solution what i had thought was a pimple was in fact a blood vessel that decided to make a wide branch except the new branch was straight out my neck a simple surgery fixed it but damn was that scary falling to what would have been my certain death before hitting catching a branch on the way down while falling instinct took over and i wasn't scared but as soon as i was safely on solid ground and it's anchored i could barely walk or breath for a couple minutes when i was in college i had gone to a classmate's apartment for a group study session the area was crowded with cars parked along the curve took me a while to find parking and it was about two blocks away by the time i left to go home it was around 1am as i was walking back to my car i heard footsteps behind me i looked back and saw someone in a big coat and wearing a hat it was dark so i couldn't see their face i got a little creeped out so i quickened my pace again i heard their pace quicken as well i began to feel scared but i didn't want to convey that to him so i just kept walking and occasionally would look back and see him about 10 feet behind following as i approached my car i took out my keys and got ready to unlock just the driver door instead of using the remote i quickly got in and locked the door and he stood right in front of the passenger door just looking at me i turned the car on and right when i was about to leave he waved but in a very slow creepy way trigger warning for our pay and abuse my ex raped me when i was left crying and broken i told him i was leaving him he grabbed the sides of my face and looked me in my eyes and told me if i tried to leave he would kill me then he would chop my body into tiny pieces put them in ziploc bags put them in a cooler and go on a road trip cross country throwing the pieces out along the way so no one would ever find me it took me three more months to get an escape plan together and move across the country to get away from him and once this pandemic is over i'm moving to another continent 737 i was on encountered a coincidence of air currents and jet wash from a plane ahead of us on approach we were fairly close to the ground and the plane turned f king sideways one wing pointed at the ground the other at the sky happily the pilot recovered and we were fine but for a moment i had calmly accepted that this was how i was going to die i went to my job a grocery store to pick up my check and this guy walked in behind me i went and grabbed something to buy and he was behind me again in the line with nothing in his hand he finally picked up a thing of gum and when i walked out the store he put the gum back and followed me out once i got to my door of my car i quickly got inside and locked the door to find him right behind me and acting like the car next to mine was his when i guess he realized i wasn't in his reach he went back inside the store it might not seem so scary to most but i had a full-blown panic attack in my car that day i had been back parking across canada after walking for 21 hours and not being able to find a place to camp for the night i just kept walking i had been walking on the right side of the road and kind of dozed off while walking anyone who has walked dead tired knows how this is done lol and a truck passed me on my right side while walking i had inadvertently walked out to the middle of the highway my 28 f old late 60s mentally ill non-medicated and drunk of a neighbor developed a fixation on me we lived on the bottom floor of an apartment complex just my apartment and his every time i left my apartment even just to smoke or do laundry he would come out and try to talk to me invite me to dinner at his apartment talk about sex told me he loved me just said really often creepy [ __ ] the last straw was when he bought me a bunch of gifts and i refused them so he stood outside my apartment without me knowing and i guess just chewed a bunch of sunflower seeds and spit them at my door i ended up telling the landlord and got him kicked out maybe one week later after he was kicked out i was outside smoking at 6am and he walked up to me out of nowhere and confronted me madly but i ran inside i hate confrontation i should have gotten a restraining order but i never saw him again after that i was on an airplane that had to drop 500 feet to avoid an oncoming aircraft there was no warning one minute i was playing pokemon with my brother the next the plane just dropped there was shockingly little screaming just a lot of gasping after the pilot told us what happened the flight attendants went around checking on folks she got to me and said wasn't that fun double quote no you're crazy [ __ ] that was not fun my mom boyfriend kidnapped me when i was younger i have no memory other than me in the car screaming and clawing trying to get out all he said was we're going to the park i hope that man dies dozing off for a split second while driving which led to a panicked overreaction to my tyres moving into the gravel on the shoulder of the roadway my overreaction jerked the suv back onto the roadway so fast that it turned a 40 plus degree angle and then flipped four five times rolling down the interstate about a quarter of a mile i was conscious through it all including the two bounces of my head against the asphalt vehicle came to rest in the ditch and i climbed out in a panic over what just happened [Music] i was driving to work in a pretty substantial snowstorm i ran over something hidden in the snow and it immediately flattened my tire causing my car to spin out while i was trying to regain control another car hit me right in the driver's side door at about 50 miles per hour pushed my car right into a concrete barrier and the force pushed me in the driver's seat into where the passenger's seat is that was almost 10 years ago and i still get anxiety driving in the snow on my 18th birthday a guy broke into my house while i was home alone when i shouted what the fck are you doing he apologized and ran off later that evening i was sexually assaulted by the cop who drove me home after i filed a report about the break-in the latter was much more frightening i'm really really sorry that happened to you i am also really really sad to hear how often people are sexually assaulted by cops when we're at our most vulnerable a friend in hs was raped by a cop when she tried to report a rape turns out it's pretty common a guy who we did not expect to be a mafioso threatened my mom i have heard everything they said on the phone call he said he had a gun so then i started to worry because i thought he was gonna kill me and my mom i was like 13 when this happened i can't go to that place anymore without the fear of finding him and getting shot things like this can easily happen in my country but you're more likely to get threatened by a mafioso if you own a company keep that in mind thank god now this guy has a restraining order so he can't bother us in my hometown i hope anyway sorry for my english and thank you for reading three a belt was wrapped around my neck by my garbage piece of tx and i struggled to stay conscious while he screaming want to f kin die [ __ ] then he somehow snapped out of his rage and started to apologizing and crying like a little [ __ ] f king bastard i can wholeheartedly say i will be relieved and overjoyed when that dude deaf king dies the first one that comes to memory is at my old job as an overnight nurse at a veterinary hospital it was just me and one other nurse at about 4am in a fully locked hospital taking care of hospitalized pets my co-worker had gone upstairs to take a food break and i suddenly hear the outside door close two men carrying rifles with their faces partially covered and wearing lots of insulated clothing walked into the treatment area i froze trying to consider all the options of heavy items i could hit them with they started laughing and then i realized it was two of my co-workers they had met in the parking lot to go on a hunting trip and thought they would come in and say hi they got some choice words from me and a stapler almost thrown at their heads i was at the beach in the water holding my boyfriend's two-year-old son in my arms made the mistake of turning my back to the waves and a breaker hit me in the back i went underwater and the boy was ripped out of my arms i stood up as quickly as i could but i did not see the boy anywhere just as i was about to start screaming for my boyfriend the water receded and i saw him revealed and rushed to pick him up that panicked feeling of losing a child will always stay with me me and my sister were oblivious to potential child predators long story short we went with some dude's backyard to see his vegetables he was growing he wanted to teach us golfing and he placed his hands on my sister's hips and spoke in a soothing voice telling her it's okay let me guide you i felt uncomfortable and took my sister by the hand and said we gotta go it could have been worse tbh we were eight and 12 years old one day in the middle of my civics class the intercom came on and said we were in a lockdown this is not a drill there is nothing more terrifying than the words this is not a drill fortunately nothing came of the event and what they thought was a potential shooter was a police officer there to get his kid who had apparently forgotten he had his gun on him it was still terrifying at the time because my sister younger than me also went to that school she was in the other building for younger students and i immediately thought that any shooter would be in that building because less people would be able to fight back fell in very deep snow while snowboarding it was the first time i've experienced that i couldn't breathe because my head was covered in snow almost got trampled to death in a crowd i was on vacation in spain and went to the soma music festival there were two venues one for the day shows another for the night shows once the day shows ended they piled everyone into buses or others including us took the subway when we all arrived they hadn't opened the venue yet people kept arriving and a weird thing about spain is people just don't queue there so they all tried to push through from the back no one had anywhere to go for a long time my feet didn't touch the ground and i felt elbows and knees jabbing all over my body some people were smoking and we all got cigarette burns it hurt like hell and i was scared we might actually die if any of us toppled over eventually they opened the doors but it was so upsetting we ended up not staying long we watched half of craftworks set and went home so at least i got to see craftwork live myself my wife and our nine-month-old son were on vacation in hawaii it was a calm sunny day and we were very close to shore where the water went up to my waist at best i was holding my son when all of a sudden a larger wave taller than me approached instinctively i raised my son to my chest to shield him but the wave managed to sweep me off my feet the water pried him away from me as i tumbled in the water i got up frantic to see my wife looking for our baby in the water by the grace of god he didn't recede with the water and we found him a foot or so away from me on his back that was the scariest thing i've ever experienced and i often have flashbacks about it that leaves me in a cold sweat i'll never underestimate the power of water again i once worked for an agency that sent me to a castle on the moors as if it couldn't get creepier enough i'm driving home at around 2am in fog and rainfall headlights on along this dodgy road i go over this bump and i'm met by a pack of ponies just chilling in the road i've never done such an emergency stop in all my life the car actually swung to the right the ponies were fine but i think i aged five years i just woke and i was just half asleep and then i saw somebody walking at the garden of my house and he came closer to the window and he looked inside then i looked him and he ran away i got up i put some clothes and i went out in order to find him but he was gone another time some kids tried to rob me and some other guys but we ran away in high school i was a graffiti writer one night i was on a bridge that was built for an amtrak train short story in order for me to avoid getting killed by a full speed train i had to crawl under the wedges of the train track it was like being inside of a tornado not fun i was rushed to the hospital with such abdominal pain at 3am i thought an organ had ruptured and i was going to die turned out to be an excess of acid buildup in my stomach had eaten through the lining they gave me some serious antacids and i felt better but wasn't allowed to eat for a few days after i was never very social as a child and my parents forced me to hang out with a disturbed classmate who ended up pulling a knife on me got hit by a car got jumped got kidnapped and stuck in a trunk for the better part of a day swat raid got robbed don't do drugs kids when i was eight i was in a pants store a woman walked up to me and grabbed my wrist natural born idiot i walk with her she gets to the front of the store and my dad tackles her he holds her down and tells me to run i run backwards a bit and my dad got up she pulls the fake parent card and dad plucks the drain cap revealing a picture of my birth certificate showing his name as the father the lady runs security gets her bad thing is she didn't spend much time in there that's how screwed up the courts are i'm sure many people have experienced this my scariest and most recent experience was my cesarean section although numbed i could still vaguely feel everything i felt a sting and burn as they sliced through everything then my body jerked around as they pulled my child from me and what they said would just be pressure actually hurt quite a bit i could feel my child being forcibly ripped out of a small open area in my body and at some point i think i passed out i woke up a couple seconds later and could feel them forcing my insides back together and could even slightly feel them sewing i thought the only thing i was supposed to feel was a pressure when they pulled the baby out but i felt a bit of everything i've never passed out in my life before then i was scared the deeper they went the less numb i'd be and was shaking terribly most painful and scary moment of my life i was working overnight painting the set at a theater i arrive around 10 p.m as everyone else was heading out when i get back to the dressing rooms to put my stuff down before setting to work i find that a belligerent not very coherent homeless man had somehow slipped in a back door and was trying to get me to let him sleep in there i'm a young woman alone in the building with this guy and there was no way i could let him stay but i was terrified he would get angry and attack me luckily i was able to calmly convince him to leave but hugh forced off the road by an oncoming snow plow turning a sharp corner on my side of the road spun i think about 4-5 or so times it seemed cable box on a telephone pole softened my impact in a trailer park development lost a grill to my den ford ranger but was in a fog after the fact being able to walk away thankful my first poop after major abdominal surgery also my first sneeze is up there on the list the poop was pretty paranormal though tbh never seen any tea like that before my rapist was knocking on my door once and asking to come in scared me shitless it was like i was frozen in time my sister who he had molested was sleeping and i remember holding her hand as i listened to him i told him to leave in the most stern manner and proceeded to cry afterwards i love you i truly do i hope that you'll both fully heal gross to be beautiful strong smart and successful he is the scum of this earth and he will pay for the harm he has caused take care of yourself now getting lost in grand central station at five years old i'm mixed and when i was younger i could pass for white if you didn't take my hair into consideration i was separated from my mom and step dad and i had just stopped and froze in the crowd of people trying to commute a middle-aged white lady came up to me and asked me if i wanted to go home with her and i said no and i refused to walk away with her another woman with bright red hair came and saw i was in distress took me to the lost and found and i was reunited with my mom she explained to my mom that the first lady and me didn't look right together and i seem to be pulling away i don't remember much else of that day but the bright red hair lady always comes back in my dreams edit for this missing parts i witnessed a murder a man getting shot in front of the convenience store the assailants were professionals they stepped out of shadows dressed identically and pulled out harmless revolvers they emptied them into the man as he exited the store then they slipped back into shadows and were gone i was in my car stopped at the stoplight i saw it over the hood of my car the man laid in a bloody pile and i called him ambulance but i did not stick around one night it was so incredibly dark and foggy that at most you could see up to three meters in front of you for some reason my friends and i decided to go outside since on paper that sounds fun as hell and it was for a while until we started getting kinda creeped out i had i gotta get the fck out of here type feeling and i'm glad i did couple minutes later we hear a group of girls screaming like they were about to get murdered so we just ran legit thought somebody was dying within 20 meters of me edit i was 9 years old so i didn't help nowadays i would without a second thought was with my sister's ex-boyfriend in her car that morning we learned someone was after him because he stole some drugs from them we had rang the police and were on the way to the station when a car appeared behind us and forced us to stop we were bundled into the car threatened and driven to their den i was imprisoned for a few hours whilst the ex was taken away he returned what he had taken and i was free to go a few hours later i was on my way home with my dad at night time here in maine we have a large hill on our road where we can see for miles as we were cresting the hill there was a very large deep purple flash in the sky unlike anything either of us have ever seen it lasted less than 10 seconds and expanded from the size of a p held out at arm's length and super bright to the width of four fingers held out at arm's length and super dim it wasn't symmetrical and the edges were jagged and expanding at different rates it basically looked like a stargate opening up then fading away it was probably one of the coolest scariest things i've ever witnessed i find this scary because to this day 15 years later we still have no idea what it was my cousin almost drowned me once because he decided it was perfect timing to start panicking in the middle of the pool he shoved my head underwater so he could get above water and closer to the wall to climb out he was always the weaker swimmer i have many including history of abuse but i think in terms of seemingly benign it has to be the time i got a concussion i worked at a dog daycare and was unlatching a gate to let a dog out when another one jumped on it ramming a bolt into my head i blacked out for a minute so they sent me home early actually went to the doctor and they said i was fine just keep an eye on it and stay awake i lived alone though and no amount of self will could keep me from nodding off when i woke up 18 hours later i couldn't move my limbs and my vision kept fading in and out it was not sleep paralysis i was fully oriented to my surroundings and could sort of lift my left hand but my legs were frozen and i wasn't able to sit up to reach my phone about 10 minutes later i was able to call my mom back because i had many missed calls from her but none of the words i was saying made any sense at that point i should have gone to the er but i couldn't afford it so i just stayed on the phone with her for a couple of hours i'm okay now obviously but i dealt with after effects for a long time take concussion seriously when i was 18 i was helping my grandmother get from her car to the front porch she collapsed right at the front gate no pulse and stopped breathing did two-person cpr on her with my mom me doing chest compressions her doing mouth to mouth we brought her back but i will never forget the wet crunching sensation of her ribs breaking beneath my palms so basically one day i was walking home from school and it got dark because live two hours away from my school i was about an hour away from home when i noticed that a guy had been followed me ever since i left the school grounds i started freaking out but kept walking he started getting closer to me so i started running the guy then started running after me i ran all the way home and told my dad about what happened two weeks later my dad shouts me downstairs on the news was the same guy i ran away from he was put in jail for murder and arson [Music] this happened back when i was deployed to iraq in 2008. one day we actually got allowed a 12-hour refit period at the free on board this base was huge and pretty secure and had beds hot water laundry barber px decent food all of that so i get geared up and shaved that morning and me and the rest of the platoon crew leave our vests behind and go for a light-hearted walk to the dfac excited at the prospect of non-mre food we're all walking and joking and whatnot when a loud whistling sound cuts us off before we can even react an object falls out of the sky hits the ground clang in the middle of our 12 guy group and bounces away one of our more dense comrades goes and gets the object and holds it up it was a 60 millimeter motor shell that did not detonate that free on board hadn't had a mortar attack in 18 months and there were no shells that followed needless to say our pants are collectively shut i'm from mexico and like 10 years ago i was just on the street in front of my house cleaning my dad's car and out of the blue a car with people full with guns and rifle stops near me five of them step out of the car point the guns at me ask me to kneel and start shouting that i should know better than keep selling on their turf i was scared af didn't kneel and told them that i didn't knew what was going on they asked me to kneel two times more and put the guns in my head before another one looked outside the windows of the car and said now he's just a neighbor i've seen him around here let's go i was driving with my wife and infant son in baltimore at around 10 p.m one night and had just pulled off the highway a few blocks from where we lived there was an older trucking coming toward us without headlights on so i gave it a quick flash to give them a heads up the truck immediately flipped around in the middle of the street and started following us i flew through a few neighborhoods before i felt the coast was clear and parked somewhere random in between a few larger cars and turned everything off a minute or so later we watched the truck drive by looking for us still after they went by we pulled out and drove away for about 30 minutes before driving home probably almost got kidnapped when i was on a road trip with my mom we stopped at a gas station and i hung around by the car while she went in to pay an suv circled the otherwise empty station a few times before pulling into the spot up and across from ours it had tinted windows nobody got out had i been more aware of things i would have gotten into the car and locked it but i just stared when my mom came out it sped away well i was in fifth grade it was recess time i usually stay with my good friends but one time we said that we should go stay with the majority of the class they were playing with rocks throwing them in the air until the classmate his nickname is doo doo he got a very big rock and throwed it at the sky the next moment i knew the rock landed around two centimeters from me that was the scariest moment of my life just two centimeters and i would have been done for was cliff diving with some buddies the day before high school graduation well there was this cliff that was separated from the lower portion there's about a four foot gap between them on the way up the cliff about 30 feet up and across the two i slip and lose my balance it's either fall in between them and risk dying or jump as far as i can i jump i land on a huge boulder that is flat luckily but my ankles and legs are destroyed i ended up swimming back to where our vehicles were which was about two miles i didn't break anything but i was on crutches for months it was awful and to this day i refused to jump off anything sketchy that to the time i flipped and rolled my truck and escaped with only scratches being slammed against the center divider of the highway and being conscious throughout the whole ordeal long story short as i sat on the pavement leaking blood i called my mom and told her to tell everyone in my family that i love them thinking i wouldn't make it after that i sat there propped up against the center divider feeling the life pour out of me until the ambulance arrived my mind was going crazy but the fear of leaving behind my daughter and wife was something i'll never forget sitting in the front passenger side of a car a truck next to us made a last-minute jerk of his car to avoid hitting a car on the shoulder of the road he hit it anyway the truck did a 360 and the end of the truck swung three inches from my face while i was looking out the window hart was pounding afterwards realizing how close to dying i was robbed at gunpoint by four dudes who were clearly blazed on crack or meth it was a hostile takeover of a home improvement store during the night stocking shift they pistol-whipped us insulted us shoved and kicked us threatened to kill us they got six thousand dollars and got away after a three-hour ordeal pretty scary for a 17-year-old kid so one day i got a text from some unknown foreign number i opened it to see a msg saying hey darling i'm momo wanna have some fun and the profile pic was some weird girl i didn't know what was all that momo challenge and so i replied not interested then it replied that she hacked my phone and has all my contacts and images and said she would hack all of them i didn't believe it and just left it without replying then after an hour she sent a pic of me with my friends saying you look cute i completely freaked out and panicked i mean how did it get my pick and number did she really hack my phone i simply blocked that number but was worrying all day and felt someone was stalking me then the next day it was found out that all this was done by some guys in my college for fun they got our numbers from attendance records and pics from facebook nasa and that it was the momo challenge prank i was driving home from a late shift and cut through a pretty sketchy residential neighborhood as i turn onto a very dark street i quickly came up on a guy dressed in all black head to toe i had to slam on my brakes not to hit him and he glares at me and subsequently lifts a gun he was holding and points it at me for what feels like 20 minutes this masked dude trains his gun on my head and i just sit there wondering if the next time i blink a gunshot will be the last thing i ever hear after that though he quickly lowers the gun and runs off i'm only alive today because that dude decided not to kill me my uncle is a boat mechanic he works the night shift working on the boat motors and stuff through the night in 25 years he had never taken a sick day or asked for time off but one night he was just horribly horribly sick and he called in to say that he wouldn't be working that night that night some guys came into the shop short and killed the two other night mechanics and stole a bunch of stuff [Music] when i f was 18 i had my own apartment and lived alone my bed was right next to a window and one night i awoke to a strange man halfway inside the window i don't know if i was too young and dumb to understand the gravity of the situation but i literally sat up and yelled at him he said he thought it was his apartment i told him to get out and fix the screen before he left he did it wasn't until long after that i realized how much danger i could have been in but since then i always arrange my room so the bed is as far from the window as possible i lived behind a gas station where a guy was selling puppies i asked if i could pet one and it jumped in my arms he told me it was 600 so i told him i would be right back after two side shuffles and lots of giggles i thanked him for letting me pet him return the pup went into the store and left he went crazy about a week later and kept interrogating the gas station attendance as to my whereabouts he found me and left me a note on the back of a bud light lime 12 pack saying he has kittens and college money for me if i let him in he covered his truck in palm france and parked in my front yard to watch me my front yard was the size of two parking spots so i figured it out rather quickly after calling the cops he would circle the block in his camo truck and pound on my door at 3am every morning until i got a cop buddy to park in my yard every night he tried to charge me with stealing his dog case was thrown out and he was arrested for murder a year later hey not much just my car catching fire me and my friend were doing a service that required us to open the gas tank we were using the electric pump connected to a car battery to drain the petrol one of us him got distracted and the cable moved and sparks were generated with more than two gallons tank and the bottle where we were draining the fluid that she ignited really fast luckily we had our fire extinguisher right there just in case so we were able to extinguish it right away it lasted like five seconds lol but it felt like five minutes to us also when i robbed at gunpoint me someone who's never touched a fire gun i'm not american edit when i was robbed at gunpoint not me assaulting someone else a random drunk deal walked up to my family while we were enjoying the evening and watching fireworks when i was like kate it was weird he also was ranting in spanish i am taking spanish in school and now understand some things he said like how he was looking for his girl and he stole some flowers for hit i was at a water park when i was about seven and it was a water slide i was going down like you would at some point i flipped and did a 360 on the slide while going down because i guess i was moving next to the walls too much luckily i landed completely untouched note this was an open top slide or whatever they call them i could see the sky i guess i'll call them semi-slides when i was a child i was at my grandmother's house a man tried to break into her home while i was there with my siblings my grandmother had to fight the man off to prevent him from entering her home she locked the door once she had him out the door he tried finding another way in and i watched from the window praying he would just run off eventually he took off on foot snatched a woman from her car and stole her vehicle i still wonder what he would have done to us had he gotten inside i've told this story here before when i was about 10 or 11 i was standing on a bridge over a lake near my house there was about 15 of us watching some kids ride their bikes off a jump into the water all of a sudden someone picked me up and threw me over the side into the water in the middle i was a strong enough swimmer to make it to the side but it was quite tough as i was wearing hiking boots and there were enough weeds to tangle my feet pretty good i remember hitting the water in such shock that took a deep breath and sucked in a stomach lung full of water when i finally got to the edge some older kid came up to me and said oh sorry i thought you were someone else and walked away almost choked to death when i was home alone cheese filled bread sticks are delicious but when melted cheese slips down your throat it gets real really quickly thankfully i remembered a clip i saw about the self-performed heimlich slammed myself down on the back of a chair three times on the fourth try i could feel myself getting weak and it worked i haven't eaten cheese filled bread sticks in years now dear lord i actually choked on a triangle-shaped cheese sticker petaiser as a small kid i was so scared and i don't think i he sticks again until i was an adult the feeling of the mitten cheese might as well have been cement terrifying and you're the only other person i know lol who has had this happen to i was sound asleep upstairs in my apartment i woke up and must have heard something i jump out of bed and run downstairs yelling about someone being in my apartment my front door was actually a jar i ran butt naked to beat up someone in my apartment i was 23 and i'm a five foot tall woman haha i once had the same exact thing happened to me however i ran out in just my boxers holding a kill bill battle ready replica sword in one hand and my pitbull by the collar in the other my gf hasn't let me live it down but fck that my door was open and i heard a noise i too was a dumb ass i was about nine year old and i was messing with a really big and hostile dog while he was in chains i did not hurt him or anything i just made him angry by just standing near him and i was watching him trying to launch at me but the chain was violently pushing him back after a couple of minutes i got bored and started walking away and that's when i heard the chain snapping i was already 10 meters away and started running like the wind i didn't look back all i could hear was the chain that was rattling while the furious hound was hunting me i knew i would not be able to run for much longer before he catches me so i saw a big brick fence it must have been twice my height without any thoughts i jumped and tried to pull myself up a second before i was able to climb it the dog scratched me and bit my butt but thankfully it let go after a second or two and i managed to fully climb the wall not to mention that i actually shot myself so that might have been the reason that he let go was body surfing on some big waves one time in hawaii got sucked under a swell and lose my sense of direction of which way was up while having no breath while panicking to find the surface time seems to slow down so quickly at that point first time having a gun pointed in my face i was seven years old at the time it's either that or the time i had a knife to my throat being robbed of my wallet and phone at the traffic light i've been robbed a fair few times pretty much got used to it barely react anymore i just make sure my insurance are always up to date i brushed ways with a pedophile serial killer when i was in elementary and lived he lured me into his misery then with the promise of puppies in the backyard and locked the front door behind us he took the lead down the hall and i flipped the dead bolt and bolted home just around the block still chills me even now in my 30s that i could have been a dead child on a milk carton in the 90s had i not trusted my very young intuition to me it was scary but i remember when i was a kid i dreamt about killing myself the dream itself i couldn't exactly remember but it seemed to me that i was dreaming of drinking bleach lo and behold i was sleepwalking in my laundry room drinking bleach i was really groggy but the instant i opened my eyes the jug i was holding and the taste of bleach hit me like a [ __ ] luckily my godmother heard me gagging and choking on the floor and immediately called an ambulance i didn't tell anyone at my school what happened or why i was absent for six days mom just wrote fever context my room is in the first floor it is the eerie far away from the kitchen mom's a doctor i was once driving home from work at night there was a traffic jam in front of me at like 10 p.m nonetheless and there was an 18-wheeler in front of me as i was slowing down for some reason i switched lanes because i did not wish to be behind the 18-wheeler and thankfully i did because two cars proceeded to slam into the back of the 18-wheeler in a pretty terrible wreck would have been me sandwiched in between two vehicles and an 18-wheeler can still hear and see that wreck when i think about it once when i was little i was walking with my younger brother and sister we had gotten a guitar that we bought from my school and there was a person following us at first we thought they were just going to a bus stop but then we noticed that they were still following us and we're trying to steal the guitar when we were going home my older brother opened the door and let us and she had noticed that there were people looking so she ended up not trying to snatch it lost motor control in my 97 feet cherokee bodily function not the car motor while still conscious punched the gas drifted into oncoming traffic hopped the kerb into the easement i'm doing 50 miles per hour ran through a foot thick tree flipped the jeep three times was pulled out of my windshield by a bystander i saw all of this happen while not being able to do a thing about it i walked away with literally a scratch on my head i found out a month later that my firstborn was due in 9mm sheriff said he's seen less kill people i have trouble staying composed in vehicles now i rarely nap but one of the few times i did i woke up to loud bangings on the front door by the time i was able to open my eyes and sit up there were three guys already going through our stuff they made me look for our non-existent money and then had me strip and lock myself in the toilet that busted cut my favorite bra with scissors because i was too scared to take it off myself fortunately there were not much to take and they didn't actually touch me went bowling with a friend when i was a kid and was waiting for my mom to pick us up across the road at a small park a van drove by and then stopped and turned around so we ran and hid where we could watch the van pulled into the parking lot and just drove in a circle three times before it finally drove away edit for more info we were the only two at the park at that time and it was off to the side of a small town so not many people drive by last friday i was giving a friend a ride to a school event our gps wasn't working and we weren't sure where we were going we had taken a wrong turn and was on a very secluded back road when a car who we assumed was one of my other friends starting following us after a while we called him to make sure we were going the right way because if he was following us and if he knew the way then we must be going the right way right well when we called he answered and said he was already there and had been for an hour we freaked out there was nowhere to turn around so we had to keep driving until we found a big driveway that we turned around in very quickly and made sure the person was no longer following us it took us a whole but we ended up safely making it to the school event as two high school girls it was terrifying but we got there and home safe thank goodness when i got in my first car wreck i had my bf at the time and two of my sisters with me i remember the sound of tires screeching from the other guy i remember the sound of the impact of our cars i remember the feeling of the airbags on my face and i remember the smell of the smoke at the time remember desperately hoping that it was a dream but it was very real i was so scared for everyone in the car and the other guy i'm told by my mother and my sister that i made sure everyone was okay before breaking down and having a panic attack i still have nightmares about driving and i am a terribly nervous driver i was almost lured by a group of teens to the river by my home we lived across the street and i was playing alone at the playground near my home but as we crossed a lawn in front of a church my gut suddenly kicked in and my brain screamed run i turned around to get away and they started beating me up a priest ran out of the church and stopped them brought me inside the rectory to help me with the bruises and bleeding these kids would have killed me had they succeeded getting me to the river i'm not pedaling religion i'm atheist it just happened to be a church that we had to go by to get to the entrance to the road that led to the river i still shudder when i think about this i was around 10 years old my three-year-old sister went outside when no one one knew idk who she opened the door when i found out she was gonna i was crying like crazy my sister said she saw her two minutes ago so she couldn't have gone far i wear a hijab outside i am a muslim girl but at the moment i couldn't think about anything except my little sister so i ran outside to see she was at my neighbor's house who is two houses away i had a huge sign of relief i have never been so scared in my life my little sister means the world to me when i took her inside i broke down in tears telling her not to leave the house ever without telling anyone while i am typing this i am crying my eyes out whenever i talk about this is cry so bad i don't think anyone understands how much i love her recently we returned to our old house to do some final cleanup before the sale went through only to find squatters had moved in overnight and one wanted back in to get his stuff we tried to insist he went outside and could get his stuff from police when they arrived but he was having none of it it was very scary especially with our kids with us very loud and confrontational escalating until he began threatening us with a stick and then a knife it was the closest i've ever come to death saving my sister from getting sexually abused by a drunk family member i got completely beaten up stabbed and drugged and woke up in the hospital several days later my sister managed to escape and my parents later found me almost dead i was seven and my sister was three multiple super close calls on a motorcycle almost got hit head-on at 90 miles per hour when a dude swerved into my lane around a corner i yelled so late and so primal it's so weird how when scared for your life it's a totally different kind of yell mug that knife point i was surprisingly more calmer than the mugger but lost my phone and my ipad didn't really sink in that night but took me months to get back to feeling normal and being able to walk around in public without constantly looking over my shoulder this happened two years i was 21 year old i am a male i was taken as hostage by my friend's friend i was beaten with a bat and a camping chair for 4h and stabbed multiple times for nothing he even made me write a letter to my mother last words type deal the person who did this to me was a drug addict and he thought that i had beaten his female friend while hanging out with her i wasn't and he kept saying i owned him money i didn't this was so scary to me that i cannot be alone in a house with people i don't know well i carry a knife nowadays sorry for typos english isn't my native language near-death experience that i have told before so i will just give the short version this time after a car crash happened i had power lines snap right above where i was standing showering me in sparks and at the time it was also raining and i was standing in a puddle i really thought i was taking my last breath and about to be electrocuted to death but i ended up walking away unhurt there is a hell of a lot more to the story this is just the condensed version because i see bff writing a novel again skidded out on black ice tried to even out and slow down car said lol nope and spun a full 360 across both lanes of busy traffic in blowing snow and low visibility ended up on the opposite side of the highway in a three-foot deep snow bank facing the opposite direction that i'd been driving wondering how the fck i was still alive and didn't manage to hit another car a nice guy in a truck with chain tyres saw me wipe out cayman towed me back onto the road and home i went normal winter in canada this happened in april or march it was noon of a tuesday if i badly remember a guy entered up by the front door and stole my dad's bicycle and left the scary part he entered like nothing giving me and my family and extreme feeling of feeling unsecured even in on our house and if it wasn't thanks to my sister today we wouldn't know that happened when i was 5-6 i almost got abducted i was lucky enough to watch unsold mysteries and my mom always instilled in me not to trust strangers so the temp school bus driver took me to the wrong house there were two men on lawn chairs claiming i was their daughter they were from ghana i think i'm not from anywhere near there then a ganon woman came out of the house saying i was her daughter and luring me out of the bus i ended up trying to explain in my scared state that they weren't my family i'm not adopted eventually the bus driver took me to the correct house i didn't tell my parents because i somehow thought it was my fault or i was too scared to bring it up i was just relieved to be at home [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Reddit Jar
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Length: 52min 26sec (3146 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 23 2020
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