Which creepy urban legend turned out to be true? PART - 2

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which creepy urban legend turned out to be true I went to school in a very well-to-do area so of course there was nothing seriously wrong like murderers or rapists but one story from elementary school stands out here there were rumors that our school had a basement under the gym floor that contained torture equipment people described it as racks whips chains etc this was of course denied by absolutely everyone at the school and of course parents besides our single-story school was built in the 1920s how could it have a basement kids of course doubt of the denial if you jumped pretty hard on the gym floor it sounded Hollow when I was in fifth grade someone brought in a disposable camera and snuck away to the gym when nobody was using it during the lunch break this was in the 1990s so not much teacher supervision a week later he came back with the developed photos they were really blurry grainy and not good at all because he was 10 but it was still enough what was saw was actually shocking the legends were true there was a basement under the gym floor inside the gym storage room there was a door to a boiler room and inside the boiler room there was a staircase that led to a basement inside the basement there was what appeared to us kids at least to be torture equipment there were whips chains racks etc just as described the kid showed his parents who of course brought the photos to the school staff demanding to know what the deal was the photos of course weren't good enough quality to see what the stuff actually was so of course there were questions the staff investigated and eventually brought us all into the gym for an assembly about the photos which we had all neither saw or were told about by other people the school basement was storage from when the building used to be the city's high school more than 40 years ago the school used to use white benches which explains the racks for the sports teams the school also had a very successful equestrian horse riding team who would go to competitions there also used to be a horse barn on the property but it had been torn down this explained the whips ropes and there were also saddles and other horse equipment I don't remember all the details exactly this was more than 20 years ago they showed us some of the stuff that was down there and then all the rumors were put to rest but the legend of the elementary schools dungeon cemented itself in the school's history not creepy but a fun little anecdote I lived in Madagascar for a while to do mission work and kind of get to know the culture of the local residents I was asking people through a translator about their local myths and legends and I was told about the Veii Simba a powerful sorcerer slash creature that can bless or curse people he's much smaller than a normal man but very agile and he's invisible to everyone except the Malagasy people essentially a leprechaun I asked around and all the other Americans confirmed that it was a popular myth I kept asking around about the vision but because I found it interesting and even talked to some people who said they had actually seen and talked to him then one guy told us he lived under the train station in the town then one day we saw him it was a little person and he actually lived in a hollowed our den under the train station the Malagasy were amazed that I could actually see him he was very elusive and I only caught a glimpse of him once but it was cool to see the truth behind the legend there was an older guy in my hometown that we would call the squirrel man or Aqualung after the Jethro Tull song he wouldn't really talk to anyone but he was always in one of the parks and he always had squirrels on and around him he'd feed them and apparently raise them he always wore a black and red flannel jacket the legend was that he could talk to the squirrels because the guy was on some sort of permit trip talking to my dad years later it turns out he kind of knew the guy before he was like that and that one night he had fallen asleep on a park bench with an entire sheet of acid in his pocket and it had drained so the guy really was permanently messed up in a way whether or not he could actually communicate with squirrels will always be up in the air however far as I remember even massive amounts of LSD will leave your system eventually I know I can't find the report there were two guys who ingested an 8-ball of powdered LSD after mistaking it for cocaine and after the initial traveling to another planet part of the acid wore off which admittedly did take like three days they were pretty much back to normal in most cases there is a little truth to the legend at my my old high school there more than a little everyone told this story of a this ghostly baseball player that you could see on the field sometimes fun T context my graduating class was about 120 people so it's a pretty small school and all the building are facing the baseball field this made it extra creepy because you were always so closed the ghost the story was that he got killed because a pitcher threw insane fastball that hit him in the chest supposedly it was so hard that it went in his chest essentially replacing his heart I never believed it I asked my dad about it he also graduated from that school and he said he had a teacher that actually was there when it happened I also found some newspapers to prove the teachers story don't know where they are now the real story is the guy got hit in the chest and it ruptured his heart due to a pre-existing heart issue that no one knew about before he died on first base a guy in a flat block near my house that was a creepy urban legend back in the day people said that they saw him fake emergencies so the ambulance came lure kids inside with a paramedic uniform to see what happened I thought it was BS no way a dunking guy would do that then I walked past the flat block when I was seven ten ish I see an ambulance and asked to a guy hanging out of the window what happened he was on his smoke break and he was a paramedic investigating a death of an older woman in the flat he asked us to come up and I said okay sure me and my friends immediately started sprinting to my house him still spooked because I see the guy around in 14 now but apparently he only got small children I have four kids to back me up on us I doubt it but anybody from the Bristol heart cliff area probably would have heard about the Laughing Man there was this rumor in my hometown that there was an ax murderer going around for years it would pop up every new school year so everyone was like nah I've heard that before how cliche is that every couple of years you hear about an ax murderer etc turns out it's one dude who kills people every couple of years he finally worked out the courage as he put it to whack his ex-girlfriend her hubby and her mom it's crazy because that was literally the first murder in over 20 years in my town nothing usually happens here do just rang the doorbell standing on a busy street with an axe and when new guy answered he just hit him with the axe then bashed in the door as the dying guy was trying to close it and went for everyone in the house he had separated from the girlfriend years ago and everyone thought he was over it guess not when I was in elementary school there were rumors that a satanic cult operated in the woods behind the school the forest was pretty shady because homeless people lived in it and local teenagers get up to shenanigans like burning down the wooden beam bridges because of this most parents told their kids to stay away from the woods and most kids were afraid to go into the woods kids at the school started saying that the satanic cult skins stray cats alive and sacrificed people they caught wandering in the woods at night one day someone found a satanic summoning circle in a clearing with the parts of baby dolls cut up and hung in the trees covered in blood police were called and it turned out that the blood was fake but they never figured out who did it recently I found out that a photography student who had gone to my high school years prior had created it he set it up for a photography shoot he had taken pictures during the night and had planned to go back in the morning to clean it up but before he got around to it the police had already arrived and he decided it wasn't worth the hassle TL DR people thought there was evidence of a satanic cult in the woods behind my elementary school but it was really just edgy artwork I grew up near a small town of scheria known as Lake Eliza it's mainly comprised of redneck homes grouped around said Lake the story was when the area was first established the lake was originally named fish lake there was a couple that owned one of the first houses to be built along the lake before being able to start a family the husband died from unknown causes the wife lady Eliza grew very depressed after the passing of her husband the only time anyone would see her is when she would take her dog out for a walk on the lake during winter time when everything was frozen over one of the times she never returned from her walk when locals went searching for her they had found a hole at the center of the lake where she had presumably fallen under they then changed the name of the Lake to Lake Eliza in memoriam over the years her house remained the only one still standing it's now directly across from the town hall and a nice path down to the lake a lot of people claim the house to be haunted by her ghost which is fun that's not the real urban legend though it is however the urban legend that drew me and my friends into checking it out my friends and I in our teens were obsessed with ghost hunting we checked out all the haunted places in our area gypsies graveyard circus trainwreck salesy in prep school we even looked for Diana of the dunes we partied at all the sites and never saw a thing nothing fazed us until we went to lady Eliza's house we went out there at night there was six of us a few stayed behind in the car that were too chicken to check it out me and three other friends decided to check the house out the front door was boarded up but we noticed a nearby window was exposed we climbed in through the window and immediately the smell hit us we were not quiet about it which in hindsight was very dumb we ventured in through the living room one of my friends decided to wander and nobody thought anything of it he didn't get very far from the edge of the living room was a staircase in a hallway and across from that the kitchen my friend took one look in the kitchen and turned pale he shined his flashlight at us to get out attention and said we have to go now our first reaction was to laugh at him but the chance to mock him was quickly interrupted by a what the duck that came from upstairs we booked it out jumped into the waiting car and told them to GTFO while driving away we noticed an Escalade that came from the opposite direction pull up to the house lake eliza is also not too far of a drive from a city that will just say used to hold a murder record in the united states the rumor was that gangbangers would take victims to this house and drop them there we didn't hear about this rumor until after the encounter what my friend saw and what I swear I caught a glimpse of while we were leaving was several dead bodies lined up across the kitchen floor we had stumbled upon the gangbangers at the worst possible time the house may not have been haunted but it sure as hell scared the piss out of me and my ghost debunker friends from then on my friends and I have a natural distrust for Escalades and will ridiculously duck and hide if we see one cruising by living in salt lake city sugar house I used to hear about the doll man basically just a crazy man who would wander around the city with one of those my body type dolls that he would sing two stories varied from him being a child murderer or a pedophile to him having lost his kid in an accident and it drove him crazy hence the Dallas surrogate it wasn't until I was in my early 20s working in the shop Co imagine a Kmart then maked 20% shittier when I actually met the guy sure as [ __ ] he was always carrying around a three-foot tall Cabbage Patch asked doll that if memory serves always wore an outfit that matched the doll man he'd talked to it and pretend to give it drinks from his thermos off-putting to be sure but largely harmless he would come in about once a week and just wander around the toy section for an hour or so he avoided contact with any of the customers and would visibly shrink away if any member of staff asked to help him so we all learned to just let him be the only time I saw him be any kind of problem was one year during Christmas he came down an island to the main thoroughfare and got a face full of big display of these porcelain dolls all dressed in preparation for a proper Dickensian Christmas the man froze in his tracks turned his doll away from the display and started having a panic attack on the floor swatting away anyone who came over to try to help him he eventually scooched his way back down an island managed to compose himself enough to beat a hasty retreat in retrospect I feel bad that I don't really know anything else about him it feels dehumanizing to just call him the doll man I call Columbia the country where the urban legends are true there is a frog there that can kill 100 people with a poison in its skin there is a serial killer that riped and killed 167 kids he went free there is a plant that can be used to mildly poison you and get you to do things against your will narco-traffickers did stuff dead babies with drugs to make them go through customs the Colombian Thai is the national garment it gained prominence during the violence drug lords would come to you and demand you to sell them anything that they wanted from your house to your kids either you sell it to me or your widow will ordering somebody killed was only $100 cops were $500 firearms are illegal and permits are extremely difficult to come by so this is just in my experience not some kind of proven fact I guess though I would love for someone to figure it out because it's terrifying there's a bridge near where I grew up in bum Duc Tennessee that is notorious for screaming at people at night the screams are audible to the houses nearby and supposedly you have to sit on the actual bridge to hear it at all though I personally haven't tested it or anything the common explanation is that it's a bobcat that lives under the bridge but people have checked with dogs and such and never find signs of any well some friends and myself had heard this story for years all growing up but never tested it so one night after a few beers we get up the notion we're going to go test the thing so five drunk guys pile into a beat-up car and we drive down and park on the bridge this is 1:30 a.m. or and it's dead silent out we sat there for a good 45 minutes and nothing happened we had the windows down and had started debating whether or not it was all bullcrap when the scream happened we had the lights off and there was a moon so you could see pretty well and there for sure wasn't anything outside the car but it was ducking loud and it sounded just like a woman with particularly powerful lungs having her skin ripped off right outside the window on the rear passenger-side that faced off the edge of the bridge now I've heard Bobcats in heat while hunting and they do like a scream scream scream kind of thing it's hard to describe but they do it in little repeating bursts this was a good three to four seconds extended scream at incredible volume we tore out of there like a demon was chasing us a couple of miles down the road we finally stopped and actually processed what happened my adrenaline was going so badly and I was so scared I was just shaking uncontrollably one of my friends had actually pissed himself which I had never seen anyone actually do one friend immediately left the car and vomited to give what I think was a good frame of reference to how actually terrifying this was my friend whose car we were in wasn't even mad at the friend that pissed all over his seat it was insane to this day I have no explanation for it with apologies for the length I'll share a story from my high school years a story among my own friends a personal urban legend it's semi true and that our idea of what happened was sort of a bastardization of the true story so while it's not true true it's also not a story that turned out to be a completely fabricated bunch of crap either there was this old mansion that we all said was haunted it was the kind of place where teenagers would try to break in on Halloween it was a seriously messed up place it looked like an old mental institution with bars on the windows and the front yard was all rundown at the back was a huge built-in greenhouse all glassed-in that overlooked the little bay slash Inlet there anyway you didn't have to hear stories about it true or otherwise to get the sense that this wasn't a happy place or a place you wanted to be various people live there at various points during the time I was aware of it and the story I heard was during at least some of this period people lived there for free they only had to maintain the house and I guess pay utilities even still people never lasted long we like to think it was because it was haunted but in reality it was probably because the place was a dump in the kinds of people you'd get to be caretakers of your creepy dump of a mental institution are probably not the most reliable / sober / etc anyway the story we used to tell among ourselves not the actual truth was that the guy who'd lived there had picked up a few hitchhikers like in their teens or early 20s and let them stay at his house he turned out to be a psychopath though and ended up Ruta Lee butchering them all with a knife largely in the greenhouse section leading to this terrible image of a poor innocent victim being hunted among tall plants with no real escape the real story was that the man who'd lived there did pick people up and bring them home notably young men from the gay district and that he was a pretty awful guy but it was the young men who killed him with the knife in the front hall a la clue I wanted the real story back then but without the internet it was hard I figured I'd have to go find microfilm of it or some [ __ ] now I can google it there are photos of the crime scene blood and stuff written on the walls all that when I knew the place his estate still owned it but couldn't get rid of it in the end the whole lot was sold in condos were built I assume those condos are haunted I don't think this is a well-known urban legend or if it's considered one but one of my best friends went to college up in eastern Ohio and claimed that there was this back road out in the woods slash mountains we're really weird things would happen to your car I was up there visiting one weekend and we decided to go get some snacks and drinks some of our other friends came with us this was probably 1 a.m. or so one the way back we made a detour to go drive on the road my friend and told us about we were driving along for almost the entire length of this road and nothing had happened then right as we pulled up to the stop sign at the end of the road to head back the engine shut off all the interior lights came on and the door slid open it was a Ford minivan naturally we were freaking out but after we calmed down a bit we decided to loop back and try it again after doing this twice we discovered that it would only happen if the vehicle came to a complete stop if we did a slow and go at the stop sign nothing happened I still have no explanation for this and haven't seen anything about it online crazy stuff edit sorry if the formatting is bad I'm on mobile also TLDR drove on a creepy back road and when we stopped to turn at the end of it the engine shut off and the interior lights came on in the sliding doors of the minivan opened but only if we came to a complete stop at the stop sign this one is from my village in India nisard ik apparently there is something that called people by their given name at night it could call only twice for some reason and if you would answer the call you would find yourself walking into the nearby woods and people would find you're horribly mutilated corpse later this whatever it was turned out to be true however no one found a serial killer a holy man came to our village and performed a big ceremony with much pomp and show strangely the murders stopped the last victim was a brave woman who had been waiting with a sharpened sickle to kill the bastard her husband had died that way to the fiends call however we found her the next day she was not abused wax Willie just strangled to death the holy man visited our village soon after even today when I go back home to my family in India we are told to strictly adhere to the following rules one don't answer immediately when someone calls your name from outside at night to the fiend can only call twice a human will call thrice or more answer only then I went back home this January 2018 and according to reports the fiend is still active but it only kills pets now a Turk man in Scotia New York there's an urban legend of a deranged man who for some reason was called Turk man legend has it that one night his wife and kid were killed on their country is road buy a drink driver in a red car so every night Turk man patrols the road looking for red cars on the driver who killed his family funny thing is my friend had a red car one night we were high and decided to drive down the road to see if the rumor was true we drove slowly and passed by without seeing anything the road is dark and flanked by nothing but woods in the occasional house on our second pass we saw someone it was a man wearing what looked to be a really short cutoff shirt long hair and he was carrying what looked like a giant stick he had a Hills Have Eyes type of look to him we knew it had to be him we slowed down brave enough to try to say hi or something that's when he immediately started charging at us the stick was actually a shotgun we peeled out probably as fast as we could in that little red Honda I turned around and all I saw behind us in the darkness was the man sprinting full speed after us it was definitely Turk man and we finally knew the stories were true I never went down that road again since that night in the early 2000s I was stationed at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio TX in the basement of our shop I was wandering around one day and saw what looked like a tunnel in a generator room rumor had it that the tunnels went all over that part of the basin connected all the buildings they were apparently used to move animals back when they did research tests on them so it wasn't obvious they were testing on animals well one night a buddy and I decided to explore and we had to have spent an hour wandering around all these tunnels we ended up finding out that the animal thing was all true but that there was something even more secret there was this one small brick building that I never saw anyone go into looked like nothing more than a storage shed or maintenance building where telephone cable would come up into but being a telephone guy I found it on and never went in there well as maintenance guys would have it I came into possession of the long lost keys for this building so another night we decided to go check it out there was just some boxes and wood leaned against the wall but when we moved it all out of the way there was a freight elevator behind it the power worked and and we went it seemed like we were on this thing for 10 minutes but it was probably only a couple down it went into the pitch-black the only light coming from those cheap military-issue flashlights when we hit the bottom we were in a room found a light switch and they still worked the fluorescent light slowly flickered on like it was the first time they were powered up in 50 years it was a small white room with a table and some chairs nothing interesting left behind each side of the room had these heavy-ass lead-lined doors with glass in them about a foot thick going through the doors led to a small narrow room with metal shelving and racks and big thick windows looking into the main room only thing we could figure was that at one point radioactive material had to be stored in there no one on base knew anything about it or that it even existed except a couple really old guys that had been working there since the 70s around the time I left I know the city bought the base and converted most of it to commercial real estate [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
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Id: xT2BXaFbxw8
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Length: 23min 27sec (1407 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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