What Is The Female Equivalent Of A Neckbeard? (r/AskReddit)

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what is the female equivalent of a neck boat the female equivalent of a neck that is are not like those other girls girl yeah you're a female but you're not like you know those other girls other girls are stupid and vapid and only care about boys and shopping other girls only watch Sex in the City and their favorite activities are gossiping and stabbing each other in the back other girls are [ __ ] who wear tacky clothes and too much makeup and have no self-respect you're not like that you watch shanem subs only of course and play video games you don't read Twilight or any of those shitty paranormal romance novels you read comic books and a soy off which you liked before the show time you'd rather fling yourself off an overpass than wear something jelly or pink all your friends are guys and they know you're one of them you're one of the cool girls you're smarter than all those did see popular girls and that makes you better than them you're a unique and special snowflake amongst to sea of cloner but other girls and maybe just maybe one day some cute nerdy guy will see you for the catch you are and be the dirty order Pinner she doesn't take care of herself at all she may be very overweight because of this but not necessarily she's weak her hair hangs in some blank nan style unless she's on her way to a nan incon in which case she wears some wig or does it up with multicolored dreads and extensions her skin is bad she alternates between not wearing makeup and wearing deliberately unflattering makkac a dark purple lipstick because she thinks that by defying typical beauty standards she is above them when in reality her defiance is evidence of her obsession with standards of beauty she dresses in lots of baggy black things because she is ashamed of her body she has very low self-esteem she claims to be bisexual because she thinks some girls are pretty and she once kissed a girl to show off or prove a point about how daring and unconventional she is she has never dated a woman or had sex with a woman she claims to be a pagan because she once shoplifted a silver oven Woolf book and set up a Wiccan altar in her bed which is now gathering meld under some old containers of Manic Panic and dirty t-shirts she doesn't know any other pagans and doesn't remember when any of the holidays are except for Samhain she would desperately like a boyfriend but she is too awkward and ashamed and fearful of real intimacy to have one she covers for her low self-esteem by pretending no man is good enough for her she has a laundry list of trays she says she is looking for for instance he has to be tall muscular athletic a genius kind to animals and he has to look like Ryan Gosling and be a stallion in bed and he has to love all the same things she does until she meets this ludicrous fantasy man she derives her inflated sense of self-worth from the two or three awkward and scrawny teenage boys often younger than her who follow her around and sit at her feet even if you look past her pompous facade and try to talk to her you find she has little to say she only talks about herself and her friends and their private in jokes she constantly makes pop-culture references to her favorite TV shows and movies and if you don't understand them all then she rolls her eyes and stomps away indignantly force girls how has nobody said this yet it's like some switch was flipped in their brain at an early age where horses come before all else the cosplaying super random girls who meow to each other it doesn't matter how far I get from home I still see these groups and they usually function in groups of two cat ears go meow fedora guy laddie cat ears go hiss fedora guy creams owned again Nightmare Before Christmas hoody person kinda Universal 300 pounds slipped nerd shirt wicked necklace the fat rackable ego who is often seen at metal concerts or and in conventions she's often in her twenties attending Community College and is caught somewhere between dressing like a goth up top and a punk down below she claims to be random by wearing her invader zim or Johnny the homicidal maniac shirt even though everyone stopped caring about them about 10 years ago her favorite shirt is Slipknot concert shirt that rarely gets washed but worn almost every day to Japanese class which she's failing because the teacher is a total backer a backpack covered in pop culture pins a Doctor Who t-shirt and Paul he dyed black hair she complains that she has no friends at a girl's but also rants about how she's not like other chicks I met a girl this weekend who proclaimed to me within the first 20 minutes of meeting her that she is a Calvary she also made sure I was aware that she's a true feminist and doesn't even own a bra nor has she shaved her legs since she was at red high schooler so I do want to make a point that the girl in question was not completely socially [ __ ] either I actually had a decent conversation or two with her over the night nor was she overly unattractive which as I realize this baffles me about as much as her open carefree ism she's actually a decent person with these really weird beliefs she apparently has to share with people upon meeting them those weird furry animes let us not forget the intentionally awkward girl a social justice warrior other kin demisexual Tam Brillon are are yes the lady neck nerds curtseying their skirts to all the lords while they post their gifs it's on tumblr always complaining about how they get friend-zoned by guys who only care about looks yet never go out of their way to interact with guys in any meaningful way if you can't handle me at my worst then you don't deserve me at my best the pansexual genderqueer other can free bleeding weeaboo rad from he's woman of color all over tumblr come to mind fat girls who think they are beautiful and that guys are shallow for not wanting to date them instead of those anorexic [ __ ] i have a a friend that might fit overweight doesn't take care of herself smells like button cigarettes pansexual or B I forgot tumblr social justice warrior will try to debate you in everything which usually turns out to be a pushed lecture to which we live in a patriarchy and how women & LGBT have it the worst I'm not saying I don't agree or anything but can we talk about something else maybe she's just an [ __ ] I'm a librarian and I would have to say library science majors females are the weirdest bunch of people I have ever met who does with animal ears on the mur de fangirling over everything never left their dorms or apartments unless it was for class or for comic conventions some of the things that came out of their mouths were the strangest things like I almost changed my major the cause of all of the female mech boots leather corset pushing the fat up to look like huge tits which doesn't fool anyone frequently uses a British accent despite everyone visibly cringing sings louder than the radio so people are forced to listen says things like thank goddess it's Friday and wears crystals to charge up her energy or some [ __ ] listens to any DeFranco and Tori amis wears too much Mac hoop and notwell goes to land parties or magic tournaments because the ratio suits are well think about it neck woods are basically gross guys who pass judgment on girls even thought they themselves aren't trying to be desirable physically the guy who wants a hot girl and has super high standards probably to avoid having to try with girls even though his personal standards for himself are zero the equivalent is girls who pass judgment on guys personalities and then bring absolutely nothing to the table themselves no sense of humor no intellect no interests just boring girls who want to be with renascence men and nothing less she's not like other girls and she hates drama she doesn't wear mock hoop because it's fake and see also not like other girls she's super into wicker and magic and often goes by Akasha moonlight she wears neckties / charts and fingerless gloves tablet top RPG s are her weekly night out she keeps offering to make her friends reusable cloth sanitary towels she supports PETA when it suits her she's celibate by choice because her alum crush isn't real and no one else measures up she throws random Japanese words and phrases into English sentences and even though you don't watch Adam you know she's using them wrong when you call her out on that [ __ ] she pouts and mutters backer under her breath she made her own prom dress and you were so embarrassed for her you contemplated burning it off her she boasts of her sewing skills to this day having made one or two miss shapen uniden terrible flushes and a purse out of a pair of old skater jeans she claims to smoke clove cigarettes but you saw her awkwardly pose with one once without smoking it whatsoever also you know her parents would kill her if she smoked she's secretly happy they're illegal now so she can whine about not having any without anyone being able to call her on it when it benefits her to be one of the guys she will break her net trying but the second it looks like being a woman will score her some points she'll hand that up to the best of her ability one minute she's all I can take it don't treat me like a girl and the next it's you wouldn't hit a woman would you she goes to the cool goth store downtown just to look at all this [ __ ] she can't afford to the point that she's starting to be some kind of store groupie the staff all know her by name and are sick of letting her try on pewter jewelry she's not going to buy you can't remember the last time six months went by that she didn't have some sort of crisis slash illness slash bereavement slash reason for everyone to be super nice and supportive and let her get away with being a brat 90% of these things --is you suspect made up but it's not worth accusing her because she hates drama it used to be me I was chubby got dreadlocks to show how different I was shocked only at a topic and sat cross-legged ramen in hand while I watched sub danam for hours on end I hung out with all the neckbeard guys because they formed over me had strong but uneducated opinions and was briefly vegan before a made-up illness made me stop blacked out my windows collected swords and thought those Naruto Hey bands were literally the most amazing thing ever made then high school ended and I realized I was a little [ __ ] and became normal there's still hope for all the she-bears out there I think the female equivalent of a neck that is one who has a jaded cynical outlook on society she is extremist about the things that matter environment animal rights politics world hunger etc yet she is largely uninformed and spouting what she's recently read on social media she is under the impression that all she does support serb beliefs and everything everyone else does is wrong and wasteful she will constantly attempt to push her lifestyle on everyone she knows then wonder why no one spent time with her her fandom is the only fandom falling in line with her obsessive outlook hypocrisy is the name of her game and God forbid you call her out on it I have a faster book friend through a hockey team she knows what she's talking about when it comes to sports but she fences herself a little bit of a puck bunny i.e someone that chases after professional hockey players when she's about 50 pounds overweight and clingy as hell she has a boyfriend that she talks about on Facebook that he doesn't believe in fessor book and refers to him as himself because he doesn't want his identity on the grid maybe he's embarrassed of you or doesn't exist so you had to cover your tracks she posts on FAFSA book about her traditional values cooking for her brothers and her really boring nephews that she obsesses over she has this obsession with things like real gentleman treat women like this et Cie because I think her version of men is Disney romanticized and not based in actual fact she has a white knight friend who comments on her posts a lot like a puppy dog she seems to ignore him because he's like a 4 or 5 in attractiveness about where she is but she still thinks about hockey players she played volleyball with I'm pretty sure she's single goes to church all the time and gets drunk with gay male friends about how no that he pays any attention to her [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 855,998
Rating: 4.8384647 out of 5
Keywords: neckbeard, neckbeard cringe, female neckbeard, Equivalent, female equivalent of neckbeard, female, sjw, feminist, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Id: WlkWoTZat8o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2019
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