Workers Reveal Disturbing Things Their Company Does (r/AskReddit)

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workers have read it what is the most disturbing thing your company does and gets away with fast furred cooperate retail government i attempts for years at a time just so they don't have to pay for heath care holidays paid time off etc i guess you can't be 44th richest man in the world by being decent a michael dell when i used to work in retail we had these things called great values every sale we'd put yellow tags on top of items that weren't actually on sale which we were allowed to do because it didn't actually say sale or special just great value it was always funny to see people walk by them and say something like zaps a really good deal and buy the item even though it was regular price i've seen similar stuff at other department stores so i assumed it must be fairly common attorney here i have a duty to protect my clients at almost all costs which means at times i have to take positions against people who I know have suffered it doesn't mean in the eyes of the law that the opposing party is necessarily automatically deserving of something in return but it does take a lot out of you to require a paralyzed little girl to prove her case my last job was at a science museum with elaborate exhibits on recycling water conservation how to prevent contamination from runoff etc the office area of the museum did not have recycling bins I kept a cardboard box on my desk labeled recycling do not throw out and personally delivered my recyclables to the bin in the parking garage every week worst of all the museum contracted with a pest control agency to have the building sprayed regularly to kill spiders that lived on the outside of the building not ants or watches or any other pests that is actually problematic but spiders predators that naturally control the pest population the extermination was ordered regularly solely for aesthetics and the pesticides were not green the worst part about this the science museum is built directly over Lake Michigan so all that pesticide runs directly into the water below just a couple exam of the ridiculous hypocrisy at work at the institution and one reason I quit that job TL DR a science museum I used to work for does not practice what it preaches regarding conservation and preservation we have a zero tolerance violence policy basically we are told that if another employee assaults you you should just lay on the floor and wait for someone to call security to assist you if you try to defend yourself ie blocking punches kicks repeated stabbing with a knife you both get fired it's completely insane if I'm on the street and someone attacks me and I defend myself I can press charges against them but in work note they even make you sign a form stating that you cannot sue the organization for damages we spent eighty five thousand dollars apiece to kill people with a yearly gross income of two hundred dollars sorts US military I'm using a throwaway account for obvious reasons my company has no quality assurance I'm an engineer for a biotech company that doesn't hire Quality Assurance engineers for the products they are way more concerned about selling it and making money our engineering team is horribly understaffed and under qualified the seer would rather invest more in sales people more than anything we have been threatened by our customers to be reported to the government but somehow we keep sidestepping the issue last week a customer reported that our reseach amana Turing product was screwing up majorly for kids under 1 year old for [ __ ] sake we have children's lives at stake the ECG monitoring product also doesn't work for people that have heart attacks and are admitted to the emergency room our product is so shoddily built and the seer is always against rebuilding it from scratch since it works just fine for all hopes of the future I want this company shut down as soon as [ __ ] possible it is a plague on the health industry and the seer is only interested in money and market tío I think you guys just better read this [ __ ] I can't [ __ ] sleep at night sometimes knowing that I work for a company that gets away with this [ __ ] a company I worked for installed 800 fake fire doors in a rate floor building that is home to police officers occupying important posts in the force they charged around 1,100 pounds for each door the real doors were just panel doors made to look like fire doors with everything including the men installing them they cost around 130 pounds I felt like a criminal no one cared many retailers put a tremendous amount of pressure on employees and especially managers to open a certain amount of loyalty accounts customer credit cards I have watched managers outright bribe customers to open new accounts to meet the daily goal even if they were not likely to be approved because the managers still get credit for attempting to open new cards I have also watched employees basically prey on younger people who don't understand how credit cards work in order to open new accounts I used to work in a restaurant where on busy nights or on nights when staff was sake they would bring up people to come in for a 3-hour trial and get them to run out food and drinks to the tables all unpaid of course followed up at the end of the shift by sorry you're just not the right type of person we are looking for I worked for a gas station access to the 75 thousand gallon underground tank is protected by a single lock less strong than the ones on high school lockers the four digit password on it was written on the lock and Sharpie not that you needed it it was the store address I used to work at it's camera they went bankrupt several times and were always cutting corners after the first bankruptcy the photo lab stopped properly disposing of the printing chemicals instead they poured them down the sink or on the ground outside the store I watched over 30 gallons go down the drain on my last day our Snivy ships throw all times of [ __ ] overboard paper plastic metal has waste insane amounts of jet fuel the casualness that everybody has with it is pretty disturbing two state government the governor can appoint his friends and buddies to prominent positions and state governments even though the people don't even meet the bare minimum requirements for the jobs rounding the government runs everything up estimating your budget will be dollar sign 500k just rounded up to an even million need one dollar five meters make it two million dollars need five million dollars make it ten million dollars the rounding itself doesn't bother me nearly as much as the forced spending got your approved budget of 1 million dollars that you rounded up from dollar sign 500k spend it all or you get less next year my other annoyance is the massive reliance on contracting you can't get extra budget to hire a single person but you can get 2 million dollar slasher indefinitely to contract that work out to be fair agencies devise their budgets 2 years in advance so most err on the side of caution and estimate far more than they actually need to operate also because of the reliance on contracting for so long most agencies don't know how to do anything themselves anymore instead they're solely a bureaucracy for the management of third parties some others contracting just adds to the overall budget bloat developers basically figure out how long it takes to actually do something then double it that number is handed to management who pad it further with general overhead patter work pushing etc which inflates the total cost even further I've seen estimates of up to dollar sign 100k just to make modifications to a handful of static web pages those costs are frequently approved once something makes it into the budget it never comes out I've seen line items for dollar signs 50k PLAs to print a report that isn't even circulated anymore now they just issue a PDF on the website but the cost to print paper copies is still on the budget it gets brought up every few years as something can remove but the decision-makers on top would rather keep the line-item lower-level people don't fight it because why make waves over something so trivial grifoll x-bar' medusa they strategically put their donation centers next to anya liquor stores to exploit the fact that it will attract more donors you get paid roughly thirty dollars to make a donation you should not even drink coffee for several hours afterwards because plasma donation dehydrates the [ __ ] out of you you absolutely shouldn't drink but don't mind the liquor store right there especially if you're an alcoholic like 98 percent of the donor population is addicted to insert a substance here they employ people for near minimum wage jobs run their employees into the ground and create such a dangerously violent and entitled donor crowd that employees have been attacked the door has been ripped off the building vandalized the donors go opposite because they know they can get away with it and get paid ten dollars to go away it's led to people quitting out of fear I carried a concealed weapon despite being against company policy because the donor screening rooms are set up in a manner that places the donor between you and the door most of us were short little ladies that is not okay people get fired for Ratan dents anything that isn't a scheduled absence such as being in the hospital from a car accident is an infraction doesn't matter if you have sick tired people get write-ups because of court dates illness children being or literally everything one of my co-workers was fired because her son broke his arm at school and she had to leave work to go to the hospital I was given a write-up because I had to have emergency oral surgery I was literally going to die if I didn't get it done in the next two days to top it off the center I worked in ended up having the whole management staff replaced with Mormons who came up from Utah it was all fine and dandy until the quality department and the lab staff began to notice everyone was getting fired and replaced with Mormons six months later I was fired for a $20 shortage in my cell on money sticks together particularly when you and you can't tell or peel it apart with nitrile gloves on but you can't not wear gloves bhaisaab about three years later I run into an old co-worker who ended up fired 10 months before we encountered each other and he informed me that the center was under investigation for exactly he conspiracy we were joking about they were firing all non-mormons and bringing in their Kim [ __ ] insanity I have five years of hellish stories surrounding this place and everyone who knows me knows how inhumane the Griffons company treats its employees you aren't people you're just shitty equipment with an expiration date to them the day you refused to bend over and take it up the ass you're taking too long it just has to look clean washing dishes at a restaurant I used to work at a family restaurant in a state that did not pay minimum wage to its waitresses the owner of the joint was this religious guy who was big at his mega church he encouraged his fellow churchgoers to attend his restaurant after services and in return they weren't pressured to tip after all he still got paid us hundreds of customers who did not leave a dime former copier throw away for obvious reasons yeah we have quotas they are unoffical but you get [ __ ] duties if you don't call in so much money for the department per month so what that means is say it's the 30th of the month and you haven't met your quota that means you pull over someone preferably black since they are less likely to fight it or sue who is doing 55 and a 54 and give them a ticket also I'm lucky enough to work in a shallower SDV state which basically means that if we get a domestic violence call against you for any reason whatsoever we are required to arrest someone it doesn't matter if a neighbor who hates you calls and when we show up you are the only person home we are still supposed to arrest you I've literally been yelled at by a superior because some [ __ ] called in a DV against his neighbor who he had a land dispute with and I refused to arrest the guy because his wife wasn't even in town we got there she had been out of town on business for a week it doesn't matter to the higher-ups because once you are arrested for even a [ __ ] reason its money getting pumped into the system you are going to pay bail if you can which doesn't get refunded under any circumstances you are going to spend 12 hours in jail minimum and unless you lock up and get a decent public defender which happens occasionally if they aren't already overworked you are going to pay for a lawyer even a [ __ ] arrest can easily turn into multiple thousands of dollars oh let's not forget the experiment paperwork you have to file which is another five to six hundred bucks just to get the arrest removed from your record the arrest will stay there even if you are found innocent or the Dera fuses to press charges let's not forget the money being pumped into parole officers probation officers etc oh and in my County in particular evidence that is confiscated gets auctioned off and the money goes back into the PD so if you are arrested for spotlighting or hunting out of season or even some BS charges mentioned above we are going to take your car your firearms and possibly any other firearms you owe that we suspect you may have used for other illicit activity and unless you can afford a good lawyer to get them back we are going to auction all that off and the money is going to go back into buying us new squad cars and laptops to look at fatter book while we sit in those squad cars so yeah don't think the police are here to protect you we are here to put money back into the system when I started out I was a starry-eyed kid thinking I was going to be helping out people and protecting and serving after a few months I realized that it was all [ __ ] and we are here to use anything you say against you and twist any facts we can against you it was so bad at least where I live that I had to quit I didn't have the moral ambiguity to keep on I know not all pd's are like this and my hats off to the people who could keep on trying to change the system from the inside but yeah at least around here and as far as I'm concerned for the most part justice is a racket [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 61,653
Rating: 4.8494272 out of 5
Keywords: workers, disturbing thigns companies do, company, business, company secrets, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit, TZ Reddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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