What Conspiracy Theory Has A High Chance Of Being True? (AskReddit)

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serious what conspiracy theory has a high chance of being true Amelia red didn't crash she was shot down by the Japanese because she was taking spy photos for the US government the timeline and geography makes sense and other aviators of the time were approached with similar missions on August 5th 1952 a car came to pick up samira Mouser in Berkeley California the driver opened the door for the world's renowned scientist who was the first-ever female Egyptian nuclear scientist the 35 year old was the first woman to earn a doctor at an atomic radiation and the first woman to hold a teaching post at Cairo University thanks to her groundbreaking ph.d in atomic radiation in the 1940s Mouser sat in the back seat as they left the city and headed along the California coast she had completed her research and was preparing to return to Egypt but she had received an invitation for a dinner driving along the curved cliffs of the Pacific coast the car suddenly swerved and plummeted 40 feet over the edge killing her immediately the driver jumped from the car just before the fall and later disappeared and the invitation she received a California turned out to be fake the death of the brilliant young physicist is shrouded in mystery while no one knows for sure what happened some suspect that was targeted by Mossad Israel's Intelligence Agency to prevent Egypt from acquiring knowledge of nuclear technology though it has never claimed responsibility edit this is not the first incident from that time Ramadan was head of the National radiation Observatory Network at the Egyptian nuclear and Radiological regulatory authority Egyptian ambassador to Morocco Ashraf Ibraham said Ramadan felt sick during the conference and went to his room shortly after arriving to his room in a hotel in the tourist area of Ag for Ramadan felt a severe health disorder and called room service to ask for medical assistance however he died upon arriving to a private clinic the public prosecutor in the Moroccan city of Marrakech ordered the autopsy of the body to know the real reasons leading to his death the Egyptian ambassador to Morocco explained at the end he is following up with the Moroccan authorities since the death of Ramadan and will pursue procedures to return his body home medical sources said that Rama didn't felt stomach cramps before heading to the clinic where he died and erected blood samples to a medical laboratory in Casablanca to see if the death was caused by poisoning the Egyptian expert had previously participated in official meetings with Arab environment ministers in 2014 and was tasked along with other experts in 2015 to study the potential effects of the nuclear reactors buscher in Iran and a moaner in Israel the autopsy said that ramadan died of a heart stroke however many too many observers the probability that the egyptian scientist has been assassinated by the israeli mossad is very strong in 2018 a new book written by israeli investigative journalist ronen bergman titled back quote rise and kill first the secret history of israel's targeted assassinations was released in the book he referred to the Israeli assassination apparatus as the most robust streamlined assassination machine in history in fact nuclear scientists in particular are a real threat to Israel for a country that is currently in a state of backquote nuclear ambiguity that is it's possible possession of nuclear weapons has yet not been made clear it would be dangerous to have an Arab neighbor with the same kind of weaponry since everyone in this thread apparently only knows the Epstein theory I think the money laundering mattress firm theory is legitimate I mean why are there so many mattress firms and they are continuously empty something isn't adding up I've posted this before I'm still sure this isn't a case of we wouldn't be that clever new / original Koch apparently American coca-cola was made with sugar up until the eighties but they wanted to change to a cheaper ingredient known as HFCS not wanting to make the change and have people in an uproar over the change in taste coca-cola made new coke which tasted completely different which did indeed cause criticism the sneaky part is they said yet new coke is a failure here your beloved original coca-cola back except now that coca-cola is made with the cheaper HFCS and tastes different to original sugar coke but still better than new coke a long time ago I heard someone theorize about the private prison lobbyists taking advantage of the opioid crisis is a means of keeping sells for as well as their coffers since more states have been legalizing marijuana now after all these protests I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they are putting more popping a fresh round of incentives for prosecuting demonstrators on trumped-up charges Democrats and Republicans working together to spread propaganda that you can only be one of the other like the idea that third parties are way too small to even have a chance of being elected for president or for Congress and therefore should be ignored it makes sense because no one wants to waste their vote so they won't vote for third parties third parties then have no power that means Democrats and Republicans don't have to compromise with each other because they only have one competition which is with each other that the term conspiracy theorists was coined by the CIA to make a mockery of people who put facts together out of loop of mainstream media to se what was happening behind the scenes that turned into flat earthers reptilian royals and whatever else falling under the same umbrella and skewering the public perception of theorists many theories proved true CIA funneling drugs into the user but they fall under the umbrella as moon landing fake so people don't really pay attention the titanic didn't sink the olympic did the story goes that after a disastrous maiden voyage of the olympic it would cost millions to repair in a time where a million was a lot of money its sister ship Titanic was still being built so they hatched an insurance fraud Stan they swapped the name plates between the two ships labelled the Olympic as the Titanic and set sail they plan to take damage to the ship have a nearby ship save everyone collect the insurance money and party hard except there was a small boat illegally doing stuff in between the Titanic / Olympian so when the Titanic slash Olympic sent up flares for help the other ship responded instead of the planned one causing the messages to become confused so the ship that was sent to save everyone was late and a lot of people died that Diana Ross and Smokey Robinson are Michael Jackson's actual parents that's why he was the talent in the Jackson family and why there were rumors that he was Evan Ross's father they both looked like Dianna smokey whould have been 18 and Ayanna 14 years old when Michael was born so very gaudy arranged to have the kid given to his old boxing buddy and fellow musician from Chicago Joe Jackson who he would fund leading to the formation of the Jackson 5 Joe had a big family where Michael would get everything he needs while training him to be an entertainer and Motown could protect their image by taking the child out of the picture it turns out the kid is a talent and as we all know the Jackson 5 make it to Motown but even before that there were several documented instances of Diana Ross and Gary Indiana such as at the school talent show where the Jackson 5 performed she has said multiple times on live television that Michael is her baby slash child says she's doing it all for him and joked about him playing her son in a future movie she has also said publicly she was in love with Smokey Robinson growing up living on the same street as him in Detroit which is odd because he had a girlfriend during that time who he later married Diana also changed high schools around the time Michael was conceived when she would have gotten pregnant she was going to Cass Tech to study home economics and smokey also enrolled in an engineering college around this time because they were soon to be parents and Motown hadn't broke the yet a decade later the Jackson 5 auditioned for Motown in Detroit then did a second performance at a Motown get-together at Barry's house and Michael has stated that at that point Diana told them she wanted to take special interest in their career there's a movie called double platinum which stars Diana Ross and is about how she gave up her kid for her career and later reveals to the kid she's her mother when she sees that the kid has talent then goes on to help her with her career which would parallel the real-life story with Michael her daughter in the movie also wears a dress that has the same design as the shirt Michael wore for Billy Jane at Motown 25 it's written by Michael in his autobiography moonwalk that he and the Jacksons lived with Diana Ross in Hollywood Hills when the Jackson 5 first signed to Motown and moved to LA and her and Michael used to go out almost every day just the two of them this would have been when Diana Ross revealed to Michael she's his mom he wold have been about ten years old and that's why he became quiet and shy from then on this wouldn't be her only time doing this when she had a daughter with Barry Gordy she didn't tell her who her father was until she was 13 Smokey Robinson also stated when he was leaving the Larry King interview shortly after Michael passed away that one of his fondest memories of Michael was when he used to go golfing at the age of 10 or 11 with him and Bobby Taylor who is said to have discovered the Jackson 5 even though their first album at Motown was presented by Diana Ross this was also what Michael meant in the song Billy gene when this happened much too soon she called me to her room Diana was the one who said I'm the one but the kid is not my son she meant I'm your mother but you're not my son you're a Jackson now Diana Ross is Billy Jane Diana plays a character called Billie Holiday and Lady Sings the Blues which came out a few years before the Wiz with MJ this is also what the song Dirty Diana is about it's about Diana Ross the groupie who seduces Smokey Robinson who she grew up on the same street as conceiving Michael then there's a song who is it which is about a mystery person who abandoned Michael and in the music video he holds a card that says Diana the song wanna be startin something also talks about how if you can't feed your baby then don't have a baby and again refers to the mystery Billie Jane character he references ain't no mountain high enough in the song leave me alone and says don't you come walk-in beg and back mama he also references ain't no mountain high enough in the songs baby be mine speechless and keep the faith this is also why you see a weird sexual dynamic between Michael Jackson and I but you will never actually see a picture or video of the making out recently a video surfaced of Diana Ross singing you are not alone - Katherine Jackson just like how she probably used to say ain't no mountain high enough - Michael when he was living with her this is seen in the aforementioned movie double platinum as well Diana sing say lost daughter to sleep with a famous song and in TMZ's video the last time we saw Joe Jackson an old senile judge says I raised Michael he's my son and Quincy Jones knows better I don't talk about it no way he's defending the supposed fact that Michael is his son for a seemingly unknown reason and even in past interviews he always emphasized he's a Jackson after MJ's death Joe when interviewed said he was doing great meanwhile Smokey Robinson went on the Larry King show and praised MJ as an artist this theory explains why Michael not only looks like Diana Ross and has the same features and eyes as her but also explains why his facial structure looks like smokers and their profiles and ears are completely identical and why he was a musical prodigy who had the stage presence and songwriting abilities of his real parents Diana smokey and Michael are the only three musicians besides the Beatles who have two stars each on the Hollywood Walk of Fame one for being a member of their original groups and one to celebrate their success as a solo artist as well as having a very soft voice which both smokey and Diana and Evan Ross have in common here you can see how much different his eyes looked from his brothers and how much they looked like Ross eyes now you can see why his personality developed the way it did it's why he acted like an orphan and called himself Peter Pan and built Neverland to help disadvantaged kids why he isolated himself from his family and could never manage to have a normal relationship with women it absolutely explains why he had such a severe identity crisis and it explains why Diana Ross is second to Katherine Jackson in his hole regarding who would take care of his children and why Joe Jackson has been known to dislike Diana Ross at Michael Jackson's public memorial the first person that comes out is Smokey Robinson reading letter from Diana Ross who writes that she's mourning so hard that she cannot attend the memorial and that Michael was part of the fabric of her life when smokey speaks about MJ later he calls him his little brother which would imply blood relative in the movie hits Volusia the making of Motown Barry Gordy jokes with smokey about how some of the babies that the group is were having were his and that MJ reminded him of a little smokey also the movie an American dream was about the Jackson 5 and world beam propaganda to reinforce the cover-up story so it wasn't that Michael was ever trying to look like Diana Ross like people thought he was actually displaying features of mannerisms that he inherited from her in one of the clips below she says he has the same features skin tone and bone structure as her now you might say well Janet looks a lot like MJ but growing up in his shadow she adopted many of his mannerisms and used mchupe and plastic surgery to replicate his appearance like Latoya did but their vanity was merely deception Joe and Barry branded and marketed the Jacksons a certain way to make Michael seem related such as with the matching outfits and afros but if you look at their features it's clear the only similarity to Michael is the way they smile a learner tray MJ has much more defined features and is rail thin like Diana Ross and his nose and chin match Smokies now it's clear why Jo told him he had a fat nose and singled him out so much with the abuse [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
Views: 18,559
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Id: aeWB130A-oA
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Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 27 2020
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