This Is How Police Officers Spot A Criminal (r/AskReddit)

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cops have read it a lot of people get jumpy and try to act normal around law enforcement how can you tell genuinely suspicious people from self-conscious idiots acting weird another police officer England here for me it's the little signs that give a criminal away the sideways glances you drive by them behind going to a mates house stock-outs of Al way gift when you ask them where they are going and also the mannerisms they display when challenged after a while you can pick the criminals out with relative ease and a few well-placed questions and a lot of the time you are dealing with repeat offenders so you get to know faces as well members of the public who are nervous just tend to stumble through sentences and will be overly polite which is nice and I would never give someone a hard time about that I normally smile and ask the about their day to try and lighten the mood and to make them more relaxed I will pretty much talk to anyone and love it when people approach me for a chat in the past few days I've had really interesting conversations about Harley Davidsons I stopped a biker and we got chatting as I was interested in getting a bite license growing climbing plants with an elderly lady having trouble with her neighbors and no man's sky with some skaters causing trouble at the local shopping centre if you see a copper come up and have a chat a lot of us are quite friendly once you start interacting with someone you can very quickly tell if something is up yeah people are sometimes nervous around cops but it's a very different nervous than oh [ __ ] I have a kilo of coke in the back there are also other indicators present when criminal activity is involved it all adds up to grounds for arrest the only time I've had a false positive is a kid who was so nervous he lied about his name and gave his brother's info instead he wasn't drunk wasn't trafficking wasn't committing any offence other than driving with a broken headlight the only reason he was detained so long as cause he lied to us about his identity and of course we are thinking what's he trying to hide turns out nothing we spent 45 minutes finding a whole lot of nothing I got pulled over for speeding and the cops asked to search my car out of the blue I politely refused and had to wait over 45 minutes for a k-9 unit to show up and obsess over my car before they would let me leave after I asked why did I get singled out I was told my eyes where ad I wear contacts it was a dry cold day after a 12-hour shift [ __ ] me right the first cop was visibly furious that I did not have drugs on me he glared at me so hard if you are in law enforcement please don't be like that guy I was very cooperative and polite during all of it bTW I was waiting to cross an intersection on foot when a cop car pulled up to the light about six feet from me the k-9 and the back stuck its head out of the window and started barking at me i frozen thought oh [ __ ] do I have weed on me I haven't smoked weed in over fifteen years whenever I have a cop next to me while driving I start picking my nose the way I see it the cough sees me picking my nose and thinks I have nothing to hide just a guy acting casually ya know police officer here lots of people are nervous around police that's perfectly normal we can typically gauge a R I'm nervous around police or talking to police person from the R I'm nervous I just committed a crime I will say that teenagers will run from the police for even the most minor things I think movies and TV plays a big factor in it we can approach some teen smoking cigarettes weed or drinking none of which we consider a big deal simply to tell them that we got a neighborhood complaint and want them to stop said nuisance sometimes we just approach them to ask if they saw the real criminal go by I honestly don't care if you have a weed grinder in your pocket in the roach you're saving for later just don't run another thing just because someone looks suspicious doesn't mean they are up to no good so if there is no crime you can't be arrested a good police officer will calmly approach people and talk to them norm suspicious or otherwise as long as you keep your hands out of your pockets you will be okay big offices safety concern I'm a police officer in a busy city not a sleepy town with bored police we have enough real crime to deal with that we don't just break up parties and give teenagers tickets for frivolous things we were all kids once I consider running from police one of the stupidest risks you can take with your life and well-being I'm not going to lie if I have a legitimate offense and a suspect and that suspect runs away I enjoy chasing them down interesting them but if the police dog gets involved it gets really ugly why risk your life and limb for something minor I personally think it's better to chance it out or walk away casually than run from the police my mother is incredibly annoying for doing this at customs as a child we also used to go to France on holiday every year and on the way through customs at the port she would get all panicky and start acting really weirdly blurting out non sequiturs and sweating generally resulting in us having our car singled out for a full search as possible drug smugglers we look at more than just the way you act everybody is nervous when they get stopped by the cops I've been a cop for nine years and my stomach still drops when I see a patrol car coming up behind me we look at the whole picture what is the context for our interaction am i responding to a report of a crime do you match a suspect description am i running traffic enforcement or am I just walking through the park trying to be friendly after the context comes the content are you being truthful is your story plausible or are you obviously lying through your teeth people lie to me every day for a variety of reasons and I have become very good at cutting through the [ __ ] then comes history if I stop the suspected burglar with a backpack and he has a history of burglary and he has no reason to be in the area his nervousness is more likely because I caught him red-handed if I stop the soccer mom for speeding with no history her nervousness is probably just being worried she's going to get a ticket but at the end of the day people who are nervous because they got caught act differently than people who are just nervous the body language is different they just give off a different vibe cop for 21 years retired just about one five years this question is difficult to answer since there are so many factors involved examples might be clothing location time of day number of people around actions observed prior to the subject noticing you and actions after the list is pretty long an easy one is laughter generally if someone is giggling like a school kid and surrounded by others they are typically just nervous but not worried about your presence it's when you see someone joking around and they suddenly freeze up when they notice you those would be the people I'm interested in sweat is another good indicator of truly suspicious behavior you would be surprised how much people sweat when they are trying to hide something this goes along with trembling although I stopped 16-year olds who are just flat out scared they did something horrible and shake like they are having withdrawals I've also stopped kids who were trembling because they actually are hiding something this goes back to considering all the other factors I brought up in the beginning I contact is another indicator but can be tricky someone who is incredibly worried about your presence may stare at you the whole time watching your every move either looking for a chance to get away or watching to see if your next move is towards him /home on the other hand no eye contact at all especially during a traffic stop or a street contact is a pretty good indicator you are petrified of being caught there is no telltale sign but there are many indicators the more experience you have the more you can spot trouble and one huge factor is your gut instinct more times than not if you feel it you are probably right I'll probably get rekt for being the only cop answering this that I just thought I would chip in suspicious people focus on how they are guilty if they are holding they keep putting their hands in their pocket if they've got a concealed gun they'll keep touching the clothing over it if they are driving and they've had too much to drink they'll put their hands over their mouth to smell their own breath do you know why I stopped you I didn't do anything wrong nervous people make bad jokes do you know why I stopped you I know it's not because I'm a child molester because you can't see the kids in the trunk haha I mean that was a joke sorry has not a cop I have a story my uncle hammered into me act like you belong so being in rural gap I had been driving since I was 12 you know back roads and such but my uncle had me go and get him a coke one night and threw me the keys so I get out from store get in the car I'm 12 and look 10 I get out on the road and coming up the road is a police car and he flashes his headlights I panic but realized my headlights are off so I turn them on as he passes me I look him straight in the eye and wave he waves back then with my stomach in my feet I watched the raid view mirror without turning my head just kind of glancing he never turned around and I took the two liter coke to my uncle throw away because I'm a cop in my experience nervous people who are just 9 to 5 average Joes driving home from work are a little shaky and nervous but waits to respond to your questions they might have stupid answers or not be thinking straight but it is fundamentally different from ask FC nervous person a sketchy nervous person will start talking before I can even introduce myself and the reason for the start officer I was speeding because my grandma just lost her cat and I'm going to her house with my three gangbanger friends and a couple of large bags because we are going to help her find her also there are no guns in the car that's obviously an over-exaggeration but not by much all I can say is I've made a mission of always driving exactly seven over the speed limit and that doesn't change when I see a speed trap I figure they see me cruising and casual and assume I've nothing to hide I'm ticket free after 15 years if I could go back in time I would have been a great drug mule while driving someone makes the first right turn possible after pulling out behind one in seven years of being a cop I never never learned any hard and fast rules but one thing that stuck out to me is that the innocent folks were usually both cooperative and upset at the same time I'd give them the cliche talk of everything will be fine if you've done nothing wrong and 99% of the time innocent people were cooperative but vocally upset at being accused or investigated for a crime not that I blame them that sucks one example that sticks out to me as a traffic stop I made I pull over in South full of college students this self had made a big swerve into the oncoming lane as I was right behind it I stopped it and when I approached the car the smell of alcohol is overwhelming the driver had turned 21 that day she was visibly shaking and dropped her license as she handed it to me she insisted several times that she had not been drinking and was just the designated driver yee-aw right DeeDee on her 21st birthday with all of her friends [ __ ] I have her exit the car to do field sobriety tests she tells me are mine clumsy so I don't know how I'll do but I swear I haven't been drinking you're wasting your time sure okay fales a one-leg stand fails the walk and turn we get to horizontal nystagmus the test I put the most stockin because it never fails me I notice her eyes are bloodshot as I begin she explains that one as all the cigarette smoke she's been around she passes nor horizontal or vertical indication nothing what the hell I go ahead and give her the breathalyzer zero zero zero I check the calibration records it expired the following day I call for another machine that had just had its calibration tested triple zeros she's clean turns out this girl was in fact a TD on her 21st and clumsy as hell this does go to show something though cooperate with law enforcement arguing with a cop in the field is not the way to go that's what we have chords for had she refused sobriety tests and/or the breathalyzer she'd have been charged with those crimes which are just as bad as actually driving drunk in my state and spent at least that night in jail because she cooperated she went on her way that night to her house party where she finally got to stop drinking she was later arrested for assault when she found her boyfriend in her bed with her best friend which according to everyone at the party she herself had suggested in her drunken stupor she was so close [Music]
Channel: ToadFilms
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Keywords: how police officers spot a criminal, police spots a criminal, police, police officer, criminal, officer, how police officers are trained, reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, Updoot Reddit
Id: JAclPtpq-n8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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