What is the FASTEST Way to Travel in Minecraft?

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lots of unique forms of travel have been implemented into the latest minecraft updates and so in today's mind busters we answer the following what is the fastest new way to travel in game we break it down into four easy sections including one section that features a secret way of travel involving this guy right here that i know most of you guys have never seen before so stick around to watch that okay so before we begin we've got a few different blocks that are going to act as timer assistance to help us really determine how fast each method is redstone blocks will begin a time which you can see on the right hand side of the screen right here hopefully my face isn't covering it blue blocks lapis will stop that time green will reset it and of course we have here seconds as well as the actual ticks there's 20 ticks per second in minecraft and with that in mind we can actually start showing you some of these methods the first is regular you know this is stuff that doesn't require any items mobs things like that as you know there is of course walking plain old walking which was the only thing that was originally available when minecraft came out you mean you could not get anywhere if you were late for a meeting you just had to deal with it now each of the areas we're walking through are 100 blocks in length so that's going to help us determine that 22 seconds for this one but more specifically 459 ticks okay let's try sprinting instead which was introduced in the adventure update way back in minecraft 1.8 where you could finally start moving around at a fairly decent speed we're about to find out how much time this saves right now so 17 seconds so it saves us five seconds how many ticks does it save us we were at 459 now we're at 353 which means that sprinting is about 23. faster than plain old walking so keep your food on you because the moment you get hungry you're gonna be able to run anywhere or you know sprint the equalizer swimming introduced in a major way in the aquatic update which i believe was minecraft 1.13 oh my gosh i'm like literally forgetting when updates have come out okay so now we're going to go ahead and just swim we've got a potion of water breathing so we're going to see exactly how much faster or slower this is compared to sprinting and walking now we've already we're already moving slower than in fact this seems to be even slower wow i was not expecting that this is actually slower than walking and sprinting i should say sprinting and walking 508 ticks 25 seconds now this is way faster than the old swimming which essentially didn't exist and you just had to move around underwater like this it would have taken us about a billion years a scientific fact but okay all in all between walking running and sprinting no item distance moving we max out at 25 seconds and we have the floor at 17. but now let's introduce items into the mix because this can really change things up we start with your base speed potion you've got different levels of it here as well now we could very easily just extrapolate out based on the fact that there's percentages here big word extrapolate i'm sure most y'all know what happens if you do please leave the comments because i have no idea what it means but anyways you should be able to guess if we were sprinting before 17 seconds and there's a 20 speed boost well 10 of that would be 1.7 seconds so 20 percent be 3.4 seconds so we should be right around 14 seconds and and as it was we are so 14 seconds 294 ticks and so naturally with a 40 speed boost we are that much faster as well 12 seconds wow that's pretty decent spread okay for fun let's flip this on so we can get an ultimate speed boost instead this is with the max speed boost okay zero seconds ten ticks wow i'll tell you what that was something else i don't know if you guys blinked but we went start to finish in literally half a second okay how about with depth strider boots when you're in the water huh okay let's see depth strider is an enchantment you can get and place on your boots that allows you to move more freely when you're in the water there's three total levels depth rider one all the way up to three and we're gonna go ahead and walk across or boy maybe not i think i forgot to turn off that lever for speed boost okay let's try this again we're gonna sprint now again you can't really actually sprint with the new aquatic update anymore so you're just gonna swim all the way through i mean you could technically walk and that's just not nearly as fun to be perfectly honest with you but we are in fact moving a little bit faster than we would be without doing any sort of sprinting now this number is a little bit skewed but we'll go ahead and give it a clean one in just a second here with our depth strider three okay so for this one we're literally just walking all the way through shouldn't be any problem now you'd think that by walking we'd match the normal walking speed when you're not in water and it appears we've done essentially just that so walking through water with depth strider 3 is the exact same speed as walking on land now obviously if we were sprinting instead it'd be a different story well not sprinting but you know actually swimming like this okay next up is ender pearls which is an item so we are counting it for travel now ender pearls you can't use a whole bunch of them because you take a lot of damage but if you had some healing potions you could in theory mitigate that so i'm gonna do my best to line up this shot come on and the moment i hit this redstone let's see maybe even shoot over yeah yeah that seems to be a good idea okay okay well that is that is that working egg oh boy hey not bad okay so with some terrible aim we managed to get all the way down to six seconds time 135 ticks how about with a good shot right because it's all about trajectory right if we shot it just a little bit higher up what we would see is that i'm completely lost and i no longer really know where i am oh wow hey yeah we landed legit right on it that's amazing sevens that it took longer so really i guess your best bet is just going to be to have good aim so step one be good and step two don't be bad i mean that makes enough sense how about tridents riptide is an enchantment that you can add to your tridents of the sea or whatever they're called that you can get from drowns and various other underwater happenings that will allow you to travel through the air essentially when it is raining outside so what we're gonna do is get this tried it nice and ready and similar to the ender pearl the moment we take off yes beautiful and you can kind of you can really get some pine some air yes good okay so that time it took nine seconds and that was with the riptide one we can actually go even better as you can see though depending on how you aim your riptide you can do some other exciting things with it so check this out we're just you know i don't think this is gonna end good let's go for a more straight up shot with riptide three enchantment instead there we go baby five seconds i think that that's the fastest one we've done so far five seconds 109 ticks so if you happen to have one of these enchantments handy when it is raining outside or if you just happen to be in water right both technically work oh boy yo oh my gosh oh boy i'm gonna have a very very very hard landing next we've got the elytra the elytra elytra whatever the heck it's called go check out we got wings now i said check out funny you can pick these up from the end city dungeons once you defeat the ender dragon and explore further into the end but you're also gonna oddly enough need to enter pearls in order to get there now again for this we can just fly you can literally just jump again while you're in mid-air and take off baby now with any luck yeah not that bad okay so check that out we cleared some serious time 118 ticks five seconds which means it's technically incontending for the riptide trident although that is in theory subject to error because you know you got to be really good at throwing tridents i'm not particularly good at throwing trends but i am particularly good at bouncing with these wings interesting you could in theory combine these two features together and use the riptide trident to then glide through the air oh baby oh wow oh my gosh the best way to oh my gosh the best way to travel oh we're going so fast i we've literally stopped loading minecraft um i think i gotta fix the map oh well that wasn't sp uh now we've got soul speed boots was another enchantment that was recently added in fact it was added in the nether update it comes through soul speed one all the way up to three we've actually done a totally separate video on just the soul speed enchantment essentially all by itself when it was majorly glitched during the snapshots you want to check that out you are welcome to for now it's been nice and fixed but it essentially allows you to have an interesting form of travel when on soul sand or on soul soil so we're gonna go ahead and sprint through and as you can see we pick up some major speed when we're walking on top of these things and apparently we also pick up gunpowder for some reason i'm not gonna look at the details of that but all you need to know is that it is a major pickup in speed compared to just walking around on regular blocks 11 seconds 222 ticks now i know you know most of these different ways to travel around but just wait at the end of the video we're going to be covering some really cool ones you've probably never heard of this final item based test though is going to be a mixture of soul speed depth strider and riptide 3 while moving through water so don't mind if i do oh boy all right super going pretty fast hard to tell yeah yeah i'd say it pretty fast not bad combination there's six seconds for that one again pretty pretty up there with respect to the other speeds okay let's change it up guys our next section is all about entities that can affect your speed and game we're going to start with a pig mount yes one of the most efficient ways to travel in game simply place your pig get on him and then go nuts you can literally right click with your carrot on a stick to you know have you all subscribed yet for this for this epic contest leave me alone okay so we max out at 23 seconds which is actually roughly the same speed as yeah you should be looking at the wall it's basically the same speed as walking maybe i should have given a little punch first yeah oh now you want to move around big boy huh biggest of all boys okay yeah he's going a little bit faster actually okay so worth noting do not ride on pigs if you're trying to get anywhere anytime soon okay but doesn't strider happen to fare any better this was actually introduced in the nether update so with any luck we should have a new change in the speed at which these suckers move all right buddy this boat has legs okay yeah and we're going nuts i'm literally spam right clicking my warped fungus on a stick now it appears to be faster by a substantial margin compared to the pigs we just need to get past 460 in order for this to count and so it appears as though we've done exactly that so 15 seconds which actually makes it faster than sprinting when you are on lava of course the downside is that you need to have you know love in your body i'm not going to give you this this is mine well okay there you go oh it burned sorry man what if you happen to get your hands on the fastest horse in game well a horse's movement speed shut up gosh horse's movement speed will range between that number to that number wow so fast so we're gonna summon in the fastest horse and we're gonna go nuts with it check it out check it out check it out check it out check it out almost to the end to the end to the end to the end to the end of the wall okay so seven seconds time on that that's a total of 140 ticks so seven seconds exactly because there are 20 ticks per second in minecraft so good job silver away i don't have any hay freaking man sorry okay so how do mine carts fare this is one of the oldest forms of speedy transportation we've got wit shut up we've got with and without powered rails now i'll spare you here this is this is gonna be a nightmare new record alert for slowest speed travel yet 1 319 ticks which is 65 seconds don't use minecraft without powered rails okay let's try with powered rails though let's see y'all ready bam oh yeah this is going way better now this may even be competitive to one of the horses in game almost there and boom it's actually faster than the fastest horse although it takes way more supplies to do you're gonna need so much gold for all these powered rails i mean that was entirely powered rails so 249 ticks 12 seconds now i know you guys have been curious about what this device is and we're gonna get to that very soon we only have a couple more travel methods to get through this one is very secret very exciting next is boats which might be one of the fastest ways to travel on water maybe not in water but on water indeed so let's get our hands nice and wet get those feet wet and see roughly how much speed we can pick up by the time we make it to the end of this path here so far so good looking real nice and bam just like that 251 ticks aka 12 seconds which matches that's the same speed as the mine cart interesting all right now let's throw some blue ice into the mix which boats can move exceptionally fast on i mean look we're essentially done four seconds time three times faster than with no blue ice at all 83 ticks in fact it moves legit faster than you do in creative mode okay finally for this section is the ravager launcher which is kind of a secret form of shut up secret form of travel now you'll need a shield as long as you have that as well as the setup you've seen here where we've literally trapped the ravager which you can do by placing it inside of a minecart stuck on top of a rail which you'll have to look at a different video for in order to figure out how to do you've got a serious travel beast on your hands no literally the ravager has a special ability that allows it to attack you but if you happen to use a shield on it it will stun the ravager which then will give a pushback i said goo a pushback attack that will knock you flying backwards this one's a little bit harder to time so we're gonna go ahead and have to include the wait time on this time here so with that let's go ahead and there we go with any luck he'll go ahead and there we go oh my gosh and you got to sprint the rest of the way but as you can see there we cleared something absurd like 60 blocks so technically it's faster than minecarts it's faster than horses it's certainly faster than walking and sprinting even with speed potions i mean we legit cleared like 80 blocks let's look at it again okay so we set our camera so that we can see super far behind us we're gonna get as close as we can to this guy okay well that time he's a little finicky he hasn't eaten in a little bit look i get i i get the same ex we looking at okay with that oh boy yikes okay that one was big and i didn't even you're better to look at it this way okay this is where we landed yeah we got we got moved a whole mess of blocks in that direction pretty absurd if you ask me again let's see can we get our hands let's see let's see wow imagine setting up your travel highways with a whole bunch of ravagers ain't instead of mine anyways guys our final section game mechanics that's right there's lots of different ways to travel that don't really involve any of the previous means we've used it all such as the nether port now obviously if you're in creative mode you can instantaneously go into the nether and begin your trek but what we're going to do instead is do it in survival because that's what all of these tests have been thus far now if you didn't realize there's an eight times block travel range that you have in the nether so moving only a slight amount of blocks out here will allow you to travel way further in the overworld and we legit traveled 100 blocks in 12 seconds time which puts it right on par believe it or not with mine carts as well as fast horses their boats yeah obviously the faster you go through the nether the faster you're going to be able to go hundreds or thousands of blocks apart and in theory you can set up ice paths in the nether that will allow you to go way further it's more than likely the true fastest way to get around in game because you can replicate most of these methods while you're actually in the nether so something to consider you've also got flying machines that we could check out you know honey block you know slime block-based machines i mean check this out you all ready we're gonna get moving baby hannihany it's not particularly fast but i gotta say it's impressive you're a redstone whiz if you make one of these if you guys even hear me it's kind of loud now these are way more impressive for vertical travel as you can see they're a little bit laggy when it comes to traveling you know just horizontally 1077 ticks 53 seconds which is roughly twice as slow as just walking there but again you can use these to travel over lava travel through the air so it is far more versatile in the terrain that you can cover finally we've got the tnt cannon now this one must be done vertically ticks will increment after the button press so we're going to do this one in creative mode as well you couldn't clearly have a bunch of blast resistance potion of turtle master all of those things but the idea here is using a whole mess of tnt to launch you like like legit like a lot of tnt somebody help me oh boy hey movie backwards does that count as negative time what were we supposed to stay i think we're supposed to stand on the fence gate yeah that one seems to make enough sense okay so let's go ahead and see what it looks like this time or yeah much better so five seconds to get a hundred blocks vertically which again puts it right on par with a lot of the other fastest means of traveling in the game because you're you know creating this one so what's the answer today's mind busters well by and large the fastest way is always going to be the nether but if you happen to have rain out i would recommend getting a riptide trident and an elytra we literally unloaded the chunks around us style points for our ravager launcher and with that i'll leave the question to you guys which of these methods do you use to travel let us know in the comments below alongside another riddle you want us to solve in my gosh stop
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 956,665
Rating: 4.9090533 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, fastest way to travel, fastest travel in minecraft, fastest way to travel in minecraft, fastest vertical travel, what's the fastest, minecraft fastest travel, minecraft travel, fastest, minecraft fastest way to travel, swimming, speed boost, sprint, flying, minecart rails, minecarts, depth strider, ender pearls, riptide, trident, strider, minebusters, elytra, mumbo jumbo, logdotzip, fastest travel, soul speed, fast minecraft, fast minecraft tavel, ravager, minecraft update
Id: DzV5XdJnFys
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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