What happens when you Remove ALL Gravity from Minecraft

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hey what's going on guys logged ID zip here gravity it's always working against me I'm always falling over tripping on the ground some of my toe on the worst of things thankfully minecraft only has a few different types of blocks that are normally affected by gravity you've got anvils you've got gravely you've got both different types of sand and if you're in the newest versions of Minecraft you've even got the latest concrete powder look at oh they're so really but that's about it until now oh yeah we've had a mod made Oh get a load of this and a world to go with that will change and add gravity it's so many different ways to your Minecraft world oh you ain't ready for this one and if you want to see us change any other aspects of the Minecraft world you are normally used to and you let me know by dropping a like on the video of course you should subscribe so you can see that meteorite as it comes out it's gonna be a good one and a final thank you to my friend mr. Fenix SC who kind of was the original inspire of making a world like this so you can check out more videos like his in the description as well all right you all want to see gravity I'm sorry these always take forever so my friends today we're gonna mess with gravity oh yeah y'all didn't know we're on Mars right now look at this jumping this is great if you couldn't tell this gravity is a little bit.i than what you're used to in regular minecraft I mean look we are clearing some serious gap over this block right here where's the foremost the mod is beifuss feeling worlds by dragons think so much both them all linked in the description you can find the channels Twitter's satiric cetera et cetera we got some great steak here I'm so gonna get hungry for this now gravity 1.3 is just enough to make one tall jumps if you weren't aware there's a gravity level at one it is normal minecraft gravity any guess as to what the ground level is currently set to well if we open up our new secret options we can change it and it was set to 0.7 now like I said if we go all the way back to 1 you can see this is normal gravity you're getting over this at a normal rate you see is play all play if you were to set to 1.3 though things would be a slightly different story get a load of this we can still make it over the block but if you couldn't tell like it is just barely just barely getting over in fact if we were to look you can see I am just clearing this gap hardly even it's just enough to get on a block now one other thing is that no matter what you can get on slabs at any point it does not matter the gravity level you will be able to walk right up these at least the feet are good for something up but if we were to set gravity to just one point for just point one more than before we can no longer make it up this thing like no matter how hard I try I'm like try to come on man if is have challenged log boy can't jump anyways gravity also takes into account the levitation effect if we were to press this you could see that when it ends up going we start to drop like a lead weight you see no more levitation falling instantly now we're gonna change the gravity once again I don't know point for the story to be a little different look at this and we just drift pretty much we just drift on down you can cover a lot of ground with this nice I should be the Olympics pole vaulting towards danger logged up zip saves the day from the evil pole vaulters sure but of course enough about the boring facts it's time for us to do some cool stuff and I'm glad to have these stairs because you can always go up on you can reach that target with a gravity level of 0.5 aka half the gravity level normally minecraft we could actually jump to that now we're at point 6 so I'm gonna switch to point 5 so it switched and good to go now we're gonna jump oh look at this floating right to it right on the wall imagine having this jumping just in plain old Minecraft man think of the parcours you could do that's lovely however this is a 10 block jump 8.6 crowd in order to make it careful if you miss you'll still take lots of damage what am I supposed to be able to get over to this somehow I'm interested where I jump up to it now this sign is totally off I've been spending time researching we are currently at point zero 7 gravity in order to make it up this block and I still can't make out the plug here we times I've tried this and I totally thought I was gonna have at that time I was really so confident they started recording we now at a point zero six five gravity and hopefully this is enough come on love I thank you thank you right okay great now land on that target what - oh that target oh geez all right I'll give it a shot boom Luther this jump that's good oh we're gonna overshoot the target so Graf he's pretty crazy right now we're in fact I want to make a point well probably the best time to note this but with this Mon unfortunately we still take the same amount of fall damage when we jump so this is me in actual survival mode this is me that's it and we're slowly falling but look what happens when I hit the ground angle be pretty sky I because of the fall damage bouncing us back now if you'll excuse me no matter what I gotta wait for me to just fall all the way back down to the surface of the earth but I'm so we don't die that literally took like three minutes so what happens when we change the gravity velocity to zero mm well let's find out huh a gravity of zero feels like a slow version of creative mode if you throw an item it won't have any idea what to do speed of all look at this look at me walking around not only my slowed but it gets weirder I didn't jump the actually can't jump when I try and jump nothing really happened you see cuz I never I'm actually hitting the ground right now even though you got the particles like we're running around I'm not able to jump up try to seriously now let's throw some items and you can see they kind of start to go crazy too they have no idea what they want in fact what do y'all do where did it go I beg your pardon hold on a second I'm just gonna start look at the look at the beat oh what is it doing it started to bounce it what uh-huh why is it just beef is it what's for dinner let's see what do we got No okay it's all starting to act up I have no idea what is going on this is great where is the showcase area okay well here's the next little nice this is funny they're like just watching it slowly what can I collect it what happens if I kill it can I collect it let me see give me added ooh I did grab a few in that nice okay well I don't want them anymore prosit zero-gravity have no clue either they just go straight up okay I want to see this what do you got huh oh wow is it it well I mean I threw it straight well I look like they're appearing anywhere can i oh yeah just just go straight up that's funny why huh well I guess we're messing with some interesting things on what about this guy let's try some zero-gravity combat oh yeah oh yeah give it to me what we got what do we got hey that buddy Oh what well where did he go did he can I um what are you trying to tell me can we not have zero-gravity combat I don't understand what you playing games with me Xavier what about if I summon in a creature myself how about you hey hey where you going I want jeez Oh he brought a friend too hey now come on I want to hit the chicken with with come on just minced come on yeah now we can fight wait wait where am I going Hey Oh what is my why level at holy moly we're literally climbing sky-high I'm not sure to do at least the chickens caught up so we're gonna change the gravity velocity to 0.3 and try later but if a mini-game got a bow here and it's our job to use it amongst other family I have lots of jobs the water buckets are in case you get launched into space Oh gray well what what can I do use the water bucket somehow I hope to not need to find out the months have no idea what they're doing a point through gravity let's see yeah well they certainly don't they just disappeared back to chickens those seem to work so here you go boom whoa the arrows are mad with power - what am i a this is what I love hold on a second I'm gonna just spawn in a whole bunch yeah well yeah whoa whoa what if I formed the chicken black hole or something look at the it's literally just why hold on a second can I hit it that's what's important to you come on yeah yeah get it yo yeah they're all over the place your funniest thing how about now we changed a game rule I think they'll all stayed one nice little place look at them well it's like a giant chicken is growing hoop is growing like what am I supposed to do with this thing are you are you the new leader are you the supreme chicken sandwich oh that looks tasty I can like see it visualizing now just this giant its sandwich in place of the birds per se right yeah that's funny let's disrupt the world oh nice look at this I think it's spelling something out to me eat more chicken I'm sorry I'm hungry right now now we're gonna try - gravity I haven't done this one yet this will be interesting oh we just stuck to the wall I mean the ceiling whatever same thing leave me alone okay stairs can't move you down so now we actually are stuck it ain't working my stupid heads in the way I see a chest over there yeah snowballs okay it's almost like levitation except it affects everything oh yeah I got to see this let me what are you oh whoa um that's weird I don't this is cool it just keeps on going doesn't it I think it just goes out of distant draw distance maybe that's why I disappeared yeah I like this this is fun okay now what else say gravity 2-1 and throw some snowballs okay now wow oh wow oh whoa yeah it does hey this is sick oh I can think of like many games to like use this for like Oh what am i doing well at least I've got my snowballs it's Ertz it's lonely at the time where to go stupid mod and now we've changed gravity 20.8 alrighty I'm gonna throw some snowballs now ooh they've got a nice like heavy feel like like it takes a lot to make them come back down like almost like it's a baseball I can be a good baseball that dances at the end of its song what are you doing why does it bounce like whatever this is the gravity needed to jump a fence now you're gonna hurdles oh this is lovely ladies oh it's nice yeah I like this can I just get up on this guy now I jump a stupid ah okay well how about this oh this is good okay now hold on a second we got a nice little fun parkour a park horse nice par for course so far we're doing pretty good can I where do I jump to next though ooh there now hold on i'ma do it yeah oh well well I mean as long as I made the goal right try the eletric point one gravity oh I like this my friends we have reached my new favorite version of Minecraft it's one word gravity starts to do this with an electron are you guys like you guys understand what's going on here what yes yes this is the best I don't have any idea what's going on that's okay though because we're slowly what all great know the N approach I and capture me now huh look at this this is like I feel like we're just bonding together like this is a motional experience as we slowly drift down to earth just kidding back up we go now here's with for 1.75 gravity and we are like a bouncing like we have to constantly use fireworks or we instantly lose momentum in fact we don't even gain will easy you can still aim a little bit but the moment you start going down you start going down super fast this is at 1.75 gravity can't even make it up blocks anymore you can barely take off with elytra but what do we have or out of a heat curious let's see oh something's on fire let's try to swim at 1.5 gravity and at point zero 5 or 0.5 in point - I had a lot of gravity requests this takes a long time to do every time because I always mess up and click the wrong options then click this and then that and then you see how much stuff goes on in the behind the seeds it's wild it's annoying - it's ok those so here we are swimming in 1.5 well that was anticlimactic how am I supposed to I it doesn't let me swim I'm like trying to swim I'm holding down my swim B my swim Queen I get faint at least we got squids to keep us distracted from my problems hold on oh there we go what can they do they all they are they all sinking - no no they get to have fun right well no they are all sinking look at that he's slowly making their way downtown oh man that's crazy we're gonna compromise and hit him with at point O three gravity because I ain't trying to spend all day working what am i bobbing look at me Bob nice look and they're all they're all coming up for air so what happened to these guys are they gonna just slowly suffocate I wish I could I mean what am i I guess we should just spawn and more for good measure and we'll find out and if we're right we're gonna run into a whole bunch of calamari and ink sack wrong with that although they look like anything we're gonna start suffocating so it looks like we may have to just move on and we're gonna let them do their things over here hey this is funny this is it's like they're trying to swim now slime blocks don't generally seem to be affected in any meaningful way by gravity as you can see we slowly make our way back to just normal level of Bounce it doesn't continue to bounce us in a fun way ladies squid man distracting me even if we were to jump up at a fairly decent height it's gonna kind of work in a similar way just slowly but surely yeah and now I'm stuck on high gravity bats cannot fly they crawl around like bugs instead and they also drown now hold on a second well let's see let's see what happens are y'all gonna yeah they are just hanging out super low we're gonna change the gravity even lower I mean high or high gravity gravity of 10 whoa jeez they hit the deck man and I think this whoa where does it come from I have literally no idea where that pig came from but the poor bastard they've seen better days can you oh man this is like upsetting what kind of I already like bats that much it's can't breathe look I can't even jump though what is this garbage I've got one lone slab oh wow huh hey this is funny to watch [Music] that's hilarious it just starts going wild boom boom boom boom boom boom man I like this gravity stuff but I still can't get up blocks gas have a similar problem where our gas sprints where do they just disappear you I'm afraid I don't under can you why maybe he's a difficulty maybe is the difficulty not doing its thing come on right back down what do you got from there we go now they're hanging out well that explains why I wasn't working before that's my bad look at these guys they're like land dwellers now imagine running into this in fact I got a good idea and by a good idea I mean a bad idea oh yeah this will be fun for sure great I think I might be able to survive the storm surround myself with squids are dead let's try fighting some look at 0.7 all they do you see this they just slowly float up just like me for the most part huh hold on now you're gonna try and take him out now where is he is the are we below them oh he floats a lot slower than we do if anything it's kind of like a regular cast unless we oh well that was ahead that was simple this is just fun in general just fighting a couple get oh wow well then I guess we got to be a little more careful come on oh wow they're coming at me real fast aren't they hey I try this kiss my LE truck hey this is great I'm just seriously I'm just hanging out oh man I want to oh boy hey this isn't gonna end well get to the water quick come on well at least we spun right here huh that was the whole point check out how all these different mobs behave in gravity instead and hopefully I don't know oh yeah no that's it my friends is we're leave things off gravity going insane in Minecraft let me know if you want to see more on some mods using special well mods buy a job I call this video of course you should subscribe as well be notified of the next video rides it comes out and quick that Mel that's gonna be the easiest way to do it to special thanks miss gweal as well as drag on you guys odd men and with that we'll leave things off oh that's a great challenge nice great view from up here we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,900,533
Rating: 4.7678633 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, gravity, zero gravity, minecraft gravity mod, zero gravity mod, zero gravity ride, minecraft zero gravity mod, zero gravity command, logdotzip, funny, new minecraft update, mods, minecraft mods, gaming, no swearing, showcase, custom, mod, game, challenge, no cursing, how to, comedy, minecraft logdotzip, custom command, commands, no bad words
Id: tN8kY2Zx0T0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 17sec (1037 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 09 2017
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