the Hardest challenge to beat in Minecraft Survival

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what up guys today I completed the hardest minecraft survival challenge ever it's known as how did we get here and it's one of many different challenges you can complete in the form of advancements today I show you how to get how did we get here as well as covering 9 other challenges for a total of the 10 hardest minecraft survival challenges alright so since this is a countdown we begin with number 10 zombie doctor which involves curing a zombie villager zombie villagers appear in game whenever a zombie decides to have his way with a villager eventually turning them into one of their very own yo what's up creepy and so our job is going to be to cure this zombie villager so in order to do that we're gonna need a splash potion of weakness a Golden Apple and a zombie villager happens to be one right over here what's good baby you bet to get cured so as stated in order to cure this zombie villager you'll need a brewing stand you'll need a water bottle and then you'll need to add a few different things in order to make this potion but you can start with a fermented spider eye since we're trying to make a potion of weakness here we don't necessarily need to follow the traditional nether wart path to getting there since as you can see right here the fermented spider I will turn this potion instantly into a potion of weakness now we'll need to dispense it to our zombie friend so we're gonna have use gunpowder as well meanwhile well that's brewing go ahead and make yourself a golden apple with a regular apple and eight golden ingots and just like that you have your first and soon to be the second thing you need and only two things you need to cure this little baby look at you it's as simple as hitting them with the splash potion a weakness and then feeding him a Golden Apple and just like that the transformation has begun you can tell it's happening because the villager will begin shaking out will punch you sometimes and will give off a red particles now this transformation process takes between 2 and 5 minutes however we've got a button right here to speed that time up nice and easy so check it out baby this guy's gonna turn real soon and when he does you'll notice something quite peculiar happening you'll instantly turn into a villager and we've got our goal reached in the top right corner zombie doctor baby hardest advancement number 9 return to sender which involves killing a gas with a fire bomb well that's why we did it as number 9 because I'm sure many of you have done this before but for those of you that have not it's as simple as heading on over to the nether finding yourself a guest and then hopefully a fireball that you can shoot right at it like yeah oh we missed worst guy and now it's all highlighted he looks cool too to the fact that I goofed that and bitten again look I'm gonna spawning a bunch of fireballs make it happen he's literally right above us um oh my guess I'll teach him jobs complete return to sender now this one can occur specifically involving fireballs only if you were to do this in the overworld well you'll see a different advancement achieved which we'll get to in a little bit this buttons for later on as well moving on we've got number 8 great view from up here levitate 50 blocks from a shulker attack and so down into the end we go so that we can find our way not to the center island no no no my friends but rather to the end city so we'll respond the ender dragon a little bit later for now we're heading on over to the N cities to show you exactly what's happening here namely I'm getting attacked by shulker bullets uh-huh and so up we go and it is going to be a heck of a journey on the way up because we need to travel vertically for 50 blocks which means I kind of need to go out of my way to make sure I'm getting hit by these shulker bullets otherwise I would run out of levitation every time you're hit with one of these you get hit with about 10 seconds of levitation so as long as you're hit by a good handful of them routinely you'll slowly be able to see in just a moment here that we have traveled enough blocks to be able to hit this advancement and we've even got some slime blocks down there we'll hopefully catch our fall ooh come on hit me yes good okay that one was really close I didn't know if I'd be able to make it now speaking of if you haven't yet seen the N city's yeah there's plenty of advancements to find here this is the area you get to once you beat the under dragon and so now at any moment here we should slowly see that we're gonna get our hands there it is Challenge completed great view from up here now I'm gonna do what I can to avoid all of these so that we can get a nice solid yeah give me that bounce Oh lovely I love slime blocks there's so much fun for now let's go ahead and head back and carry on with number seven the end again respawn the Enderdragon yeah I suppose I can do that the end portals behind you man area are once again except things are a little different this time around we've already killed the under dragon you can tuck us this thing's here it's the end gateway it's what takes us to the city so in order to respawn the ender dragon we're gonna need a few and crystals namely four of them and you can make these in order to make them you'll need one gassed here one eye of ender and seven different glass blocks but hey once you got all four place them on the different sides of the ender dragon nest found on the main end island and once you've placed all four down something magical will happen literally look at this as beacons call to the sky and slowly but surely begin refilling all of the different end crystals that you're used to seeing when you are in the end facing the dragon now don't blink because if you do you may actually miss the fact that the ender dragon is about to spawn in once again because once every single crystal is nice and filled you can look to the skies and there is once more time to cause havoc I think the ender dragons a girl whatever fearsome either way but our goal is reached nonetheless the end again nice work girl hey now we get to number six of our hardest advancements serious dedication use up a diamond to hoe luckily we've got one that's almost already used up in our hot bar here but yes the idea here is that how often are you actually farming to begin with right you're not farming too often you're probably killing cows and you know just eating on that meat but maybe you're vegetarian you want to eat pumpkins all day does kitty power TVA we do whatever you either way you need a hoe to plant all these different seeds and so the idea here is that there's probably no chance in heck you're gonna actually use up a diamond hoe anytime soon that's because if we look at the durability here you'll see that a diamond hoe has about 1560 uses on it before it completely breaks away you're gonna till 1600 they're plug now so let's just use this one that's already mostly broken instead look at that serious dedication guys oh I love you so much that's how betta goetta abuse it's good we're already halfway done guys only five more beginning with very very fight tuning phaeton ting it's supposed to be frightening and I suppose it is the spelling leaves something to be desired sorry I got A's in English class baby spelling matters to me anyway strike a villager with lightning this one's easy got a villager somewhere in here where AC where is he oh yeah you should probably get inside you're gonna catch cold out here there's lots of rain in fact you'll need rain as well as your Trident that has channeling placed on it because channeling is what causes the lightning to appear boom so that only appears when you hit another mom so where is my boy BAM okay well he I guess he actually has to be the rain come outside yeah it'll be fine come back here this is for your own good oh man this is like very dramatic look I'll tell your wife that you love her okay look we don't have to okay but goodbye I missed so sad died there we go and then you get a witch and then you get an advancement very very frightening see it doesn't say fate nning up in the cart it just confirming now of course this one's particularly because it has to be during a thunderstorm or rain you have to get a try it and it has to have channeling on it and you have to choose one of these poor poor villagers - innocently slaughter I'm just kidding that's the easiest part let's get out of the rain huh we move on press this button to clear weather Oh power of technology but anyways we move on regardless number four uneasy alliance kill aghast in the overworld and so back into the nether we go because this is the place where it all happens in fact I believe this is where we were before right exactly remember these mob eggs well they're gonna be a little bit more easy in seeing this achievement accomplished so I'm just gonna previous back of the upper world for those of you that want to do it right though you'd probably need a gas and you'd want a fishing rod to lure onto the gas and see once you've got that you can kind of just tug him in and look at that he just went through baby oh I love it so check this out on the other side wait where'd he go oh there you are hey what up dude please don't blow up my showcase area I owe ya I'm stuck but see as you can see here rescue another bring him safely to the overworld and then kill him so I'm sorry man I'm just doing what minecraft wants me to oh he's so nonchalant about it goodbye probably just got to monetize for that one we're gonna hold on to these mobs spawn eggs for now we'll need them later but for now it's time for us to join number three adventuring time visit all 42 biomes this one is a little bit difficult needless to say I've never actually done it in a survival minecraft experience so for sake of ease we've got a button here that's gonna do that for us so which is nice but I did want to show you all the different biome options we have so I'm gonna press this button and as you can see every single different biomes gonna show up and when we click them it'll actually take us to each one so here's badlands here's badlands plateau here's the bamboo jungle bamboo jungle hills cold ocean we're gonna move on to dark forest now after that we've got deep cold ocean yes I will be going through of these deep frozen ocean we've got lukewarm ocean heck we've got some desert coming up real high after that naturally we'd want to get some desert hills I'm gonna let them load a little bit here's a forest frozen river giant Shree taiga giant tree taiga Hills here's jungle edge one of the most beautiful biomes we've got jungle hills here it looks like with tree more than anything but lukewarm oh Sh Mountains which may be updated soon mushroom field Shore mushroom fields standard Plains we got ourselves a river savannas up next we also have savanna plateau as a variant of that snowy beach snowy mountains snowy taiga slowly taiga Hills yeah goes forever snowy Tundra Stone Shore I'm gonna click that one again cuz the sea stone Shore right we got the swamp which also might being updated and quick shouts out to Badlands which also might being being updated and this is the one I want to win by the way so if you're gonna vote do boat Badlands Tyga Tyga Hills warm ocean wooded Badlands plateau wooded hills wooded mountains the beach birch forests and finally birch forest hills we did it thanks for your patience everybody but by the time you've seen every single bond you've probably seen every single mob and so number two our follow up to the number one most difficult advancement is monsters hunting kill one of every single mom I'm gonna assume pressing this button yeah does something kill one of each of these 25 moms so I can't click them this time that's so sad but oddly enough turns out you don't have to kill every single mob it just seems one of these 25 and I know there's more than 25 mobs in game but hey no problem we're gonna make it happen right now I'm gonna be killing all these mobs guys I'll be back a little bit ever nether mobs clear ocean monument time get mob eggs oh this is very convenient punch punch punch I don't know why I don't know why the Joker's are hanging out with some of these guys any questions okay we gotta go ah ah baby now we head to the desert get some mob eggs spider dead witch dead zombie build a dead dad I go I'll because I'm going to final button and so I assume we'll be done after this the village get those mob eggs okay goodbye oh yeah that guy had some extra help took two punches on it yeah exactly now with any luck they should do us boom look at that challenge completed monsters hunted do you like my string but now my friends the number one hardest advancement to achieve let's head on over much better number one how did we get here have every single effect active in-game in order to do that we'll need another star a Golden Apple a suspicious stew using the azure blue ape flower a wither Rose a pufferfish spectral arrows as well as turtle helmets diamond armor elder Guardian chokers and dolphins but what we have here is everything we need to actually do this in survival mode and the list goes on forever and ever and ever but if you manage to get all of these done you will get the hardest advancement in game huh right all right I hit a Ledge now I'd like to note there's a different advancement from a furious cocktail which is to have every potion effect applied at the same time we're going for every status effect which means before you do anything else you'll need to find a pillager outpost so that you can kill the pillager leader he's the one with the banner that's gonna get you your own advancement voluntary exile but more importantly it's gonna get you the bad omen status effect from there it's time to find a village and complete a raid I'll spare you the trouble of watching the whole raid all you need to know is that once you do complete a raid do we give it a special reward known as the year of the village status effect which is right here and once you've done that it'll be time to find another outpost to kill another pillage your commander so you can get another set of bad omen and hear of the village at the same time this is not gonna be a cakewalk now we'll explain the rest of the status fixed though I should make note for the sake of this map we've given ourself permanent strength and resistance you can normally get those from eating a Golden Apple and drinking a strength potion so we would have got him anyways but a turtle shell helmet on will give you water breathing perpetually so long as you're above water next up you'll have needed to figure out a way to trap an elder Guardian somewhere nearby so that you can get the mining fatigue effect applied to you and you'll see that that'll apply to us very soon here he'll do his little thing where if face appears bub right for now we move on and start something quite similar you'll need to have obtained a shulker in some sort I actually have a video guide on how to bring Joker to you overworld in survival minecraft you can check that out by clicking the I in the corner by the way but all you know for the time being is that we're gonna trap a shulker in a nice little area so that he can only attack me in one specific location and for that we're gonna also need a trap door which is right here ya see there you just did the effects and now we got mining fatigue too they're starting to stack up so chakras gonna go there like teleported there he's nice and trapped we're gonna open this trap door at last so the levitation hits us as one of the last things next up we'll need dolphins grace which means we'll need a dolphin nearby and we'll need to leave that dolphin in such a way that's going to allow him to swim around for the most part fairly freely so we're gonna have to leave come here mister I'm here to lead you to victory see look we already have our Dolphins grace it's already active right there so we'll have to quickly jump into the water take advantage of that later next up we're gonna set up a conduit for the conduit power effect and for that we'll need prismarine as well as a conduit okay and so now this should be good to go there we are we now have conduit power spectral ours have their very own status effect as well so we'll just need to place down a dispenser with a button on it so that we can fire a spectral arrow at ourselves I'll show you for now though see look we've got a nice glowing effect on us we'll need a place down a beacon and activate it with haste one place the beacon down give a little bit power hit that haste wall goodness and now we're gonna have haste in a hot second to final few steps we'll place down this wither rose because standing on it will give us weather effect instantly the azure blue at suspicious - will give us blindness the pufferfish will give us poison and the Golden Apple gives fire resistance regular resistance region etc all right guys it's time we've got a little bit of a different setup this time a little easier on the eyes a little easier for me to use still have everything we need still have these effects currently going we got rid of the strength and the resistance that I walk so I could prove to you we're doing this in survival minecraft now it's gonna all be very quick and so I'm gonna do my best to just focus on what's going on okay cuz that's the best thing I'm gonna be able to do for you guys okay alright guy did a little bit of inventory management it's good to go place these down let's begin the process look at my sidebar it's already going insane yes okay so far we're looking pretty good gonna let him hit me once with it come on now hit me that's good okay one more time for good measure he missed that time hit me come on alright poaching the turtle master looking good hit that good that's fine am i levitating that's exactly what I want to see now sprint over here drink this please quickly yes we got it we got it oh my gosh just literally took me well over an hour to get the clip for I am so pleased I'd like to thank all my fans my mom I told you I could do it look at me now oh but yeah say yeah that's it
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 3,131,106
Rating: 4.8754873 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, survival, secret minecraft, minecraft 1.14, update, minecraft update, new, new minecraft, new minecraft update, secret, minecraft secret, logdotzip, no swearing, minecraft logdotzip, no cursing, 1.15, blocks, features, challenge, random, minecraft survival, random nether, diamond, advancements, hardest challenge, challenges, how did we get here, hardest survival, hardest, nether update
Id: J4JPc4Pj7BE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2019
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