What kindness helped you greatly? r/AskReddit | Reddit Jar

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mic Shan slipped off on my way to work today when I left work nine hours later my chain was back on good as new ribbit what random act of kindness has completely turned your day around when I was a kid like 5-6 years old I was bicycling with my mom we were going downhill and at the end of the road there was a crossing road T cross for some reason I panicked took my feet of the pedals and accelerated towards the crossing road and I started to scream at the top of my lungs in a matter of seconds a guy Sprint's out of his front lawn and grabs me off my bike probably saving my life my mum thanked him and for some reason I believed the guy was Jesus for most of my childhood non-christian though the day my daughter was born my water broke around noon and of course our post car shows of moment not to start we had just moved into this little trailer park about five miles out of town so we were on our own the neighbor two doors down a scruffy bearded tattooed Holly whiting biker saw my husband panicking and mosey down the drive to see what was up this angel loan to people he didn't even know his car to get to the hospital and some time later brought keys to our car to the reception desk he had replaced the alternator and brought a car to the hospital so we would have a way home never judge a book by it's cover and all that he looked like the stereotypical scary biker dude but was really a great guy I have several stories in high school my boyfriend at a time and I had the same class together and one day he broke up with me in the middle of class I went to the bathroom because I couldn't fight back that says any longer some girl I didn't know came in and asked me why I was crying after I told her she gave me a hug and told me you're too pretty to cry and proceeded to tell me about her bad hair day to cheer me up one night in college I was pulling an all-nighter in the study lounge and by 6 a.m. the Sun was starting to rise some guy that came by earlier to meet new people came by again and gave me a bottle five hours energy he noticed I was getting exhausted and hoped it would help me the rest of the day I'm a cashier and some customers can usually tell when I'm exhausted or having a rough day even through my tone of voice and smile those that do notice usually compliment me on how well I do my job compliment me on my appearance or attempt to make me laugh I once ran out of gas while pulling into a gas station the entrance was a slight hill and my Jeep simply died I immediately panicked because I was blocking an entrance and I'm a small girl so pushing a Jeep Wrangler would be a task a guy parked at the closest pump saw me and came over to help the power steering is gone when the car is dead so it was near impossible for me to steer he made his three sons get out and help him push it to a pump for me I thanked him profusely and I'm not sure what I would have done without their help similarly I was behind a woman and line at a gas station recently and she was putting one dollar forty-seven in gas in her car that is less than half of a gallon and would do virtually nothing so I gave her ten dollars to put into her tank as well her smile made me pretty happy today I was on campus feeling like [ __ ] eating a slice of pizza during a break and I hear hey I look up and accuse female is walking towards me she says I like your mustache and flashes a tiny smile as soon as I could smile back and say thank you she had passed and disappeared into the crowd of people walking by one random compliment from a complete stranger can do wonders a guy I used to teach with lost his mum suddenly a few years back he was a reception teacher so the kids he worked with were four and five years old he'd explained to the children that he'd had some very sad news and that he might be a little quiet one afternoon it all got a bit much and he couldn't quite find his feet one the little girl saw that he was struggling bless her she was a sharp little thing marched to the front of the classroom picked up a storybook and just started reading it aloud it took ages but he read the whole book and had the whole of the rest of the class listening to it on the carpet by the end after that he felt able to face the world again and she was super proud that she read a story to everybody I was having a [ __ ] day tanked a job interview and went through the Starbucks drive-through to get two coffee as I pulled up to the window I couldn't find my wallet I was searching frantically through my bag and kabat alas it was nowhere to be found thoroughly embarrassed I pulled up to the window and told the woman that I must have forgotten my wallet and apologised I offered to go home and come back and pay for the drink that they had already made that I assumed would have been wasted she smiled and reached the coffee into my window and said this one's on me have a good rest of your day for some reason her kindness totally caught me off guard I thanked her profusely and drove off I may or may not have stayed up a little it had been a bad day I had just broken up with my live-in boyfriend well he broke up with any and had just gotten my own apartment in the town I moved to to be with him after spending the past couple weeks on couches I was in Marshall's and had purchased a new piece of furniture my first living room chair it was a [ __ ] awesome chair I walked in soy and had to have it so I take my newly acquired chair out to my car I fold down the seats of my former Jetta it does not fit [ __ ] every way I turn it every door I put it through the chair just will not go I'm trying everything possible and every [ __ ] angle just to get my beloved chair in my car and bring it back to my house and have my first piece of my own furniture nothing worked people walked by and channelled and joked having trouble so then a car pulls up next to me a young couple gets out maybe a little older than I am 23 but still young together we were able to maneuver the chair in such a way that it got into the car I don't know what I would have done had they not helped me the thought of going in defeated to return the awesome chair I just purchased with such pride pained me I love that chair I'm gonna go sit in it when my father passed away a few of my friends went to great lengths to put together a benefit show for my family my dad was our primary source of income so we had fallen on hard times financially and had to prepare to sell the house it was incredible to see all of these young punks many of whom I didn't know give what little they had to help my family out because we were going through hell this will probably get buried held open a restaurant door for an elderly woman in a wheelchair her family was right behind her and I was assuming someone would take the door from me I didn't want to be a dick and let it go in their faces they all walked right past me and didn't even acknowledge me as simple thank you would have been more than sufficient after the last person I walked up to the house to be seated he said I saw what you did I want you to have a free appetizer mind you this was a pretty upscale place and those things of cheap so I was riding my motorbike cross-country and back so searching I now think epiphanies become greater with greater hindsight or something and in Indiana I ran out of gas after pushing mostly uphill for about a mile and a half in 100 escheat I coasted into a station while basking in the glorious air-conditioning this guy and casual business attire asked me was that you pushing your bike from the off-ramp what have you run out of gas to which I breathlessly replied yup double quote I bet you don't let that happen again double quote yeah thanks for the help double-quote I apologized profusely to the ladies working the registers from my candor after he left in a half they were gracious and told me to stay and cool off for a bit I used to work as a cashier at a local supermarket this supermarket was located downtown so most of our customers would be either alcoholics drug addicts elderly people or students however the two latter ones were unfortunately not as frequent as the alcoholics and the drug addicts during a regular shift a pretty burly guy comes over and asks me to take care of his bag whilst he's shopping so I'm sure he doesn't steal anything this was a nice gesture however the thing that really made my day was when he came back and offered me some of his little bro some people could really learn from that I remember my freshman quarter at Cal Poly I was dealing with a lot of loneliness and depression just not having a good time of it at all I remember one bad night I drove to the local Safeway to grab some food I had been crying earlier looked terrible and was just an all-around mess the checkout lady asked if I had one of those discount cards and mentioned it was save me three or four dollars on my purchases I shook my head prepared to pay full price after a quick glance at me I think she realized I was having a bad day and swiped in a card code real quick that little discount was the most trivial act of kindness I can ever remember getting but it meant so much to me after a long time of feeling alone I noticed and cared for to feel like one person gave a [ __ ] I got back to the truck and just sat crying because the nice gesture was the most kindness than I had seen in a while it turned my day around and brightened me up quite a lot I know I've had other random acts of kindness happened to me but this one stuck in my mind as the top one TL DR checkout lady gave me the club card price I was in Glasgow and needed cash for the underground the cash machine was out of order and I was running late for my train to London I asked a passerby if she knew where another cash point was she said the nearest one was about a 10-minute walk away I was getting a bit flustered as it was looking like I would miss the last train of the night and said as much to her she said that if I just needed a couple of quid for the tube then he'll go and gave me the cash in the process ploughing at least two Scottish sterotypes out of the water and making my day by bicycle pretty much everywhere I go because I can't afford to have a car and doesn't want one most of the time I'm well-prepared for the occasional downpour that the Danish climate offers but yesterday it totally took me by surprise I'd already gotten up late and was late for work but as I left my home the weather was ok not pouring down like it was five minutes later so I'd gotten on my bike and driven to work but as I said it had caught me by surprise on the way and I was completely soaked when I got to work needless to say I was a pretty sore sight and it immediately got the attention of my co-workers before I could even make it to the bathroom to try and dry off a co-worker came to me with a towel another came with a spare set of socks and pants which he'd bought a day before and a third had taken off his pull over so I could use it if that wasn't enough the secretary took my wet clothes and drove home to put it in the dryer since she lived right around the corner the sheer generosity and coordination by them shook me a damn shame it's just an internship and I can't stick around I love this place it's been a rough quarter in nursing school for me I'm working through some intense grief from losing my grandfather who I was very close with among other life happens type things and I've had a tough time finding my groove again this quarter it left me with a pretty significant confidence crisis unfortunately today I was working with a nurse in the ER for clinical and at the end of the day I found her and thanked her for all the learning opportunities she allowed me to participate in and she gave me some pretty genuine compliments she said I had done really well she really liked how thoroughly I looked into any medications I wasn't familiar with before giving them to my patients etc they were very basic compliments but it was exactly what I needed right now I nearly cried on the way home because I was so thankful someone took the time to say some kind words to me I once had a farewell on the platform of the train station I was leaving to go back home and my girlfriend was going to Australia for a year it was sad i sat on the train waved to her through the glass and the train set off no surprises came on shuffle and off I went ticket chap rolls up realise I left my ticket at her house so I mumbled through the tears I'd have to buy one as I couldn't find my return Sheffield to Bristol was about you acute 70 you are cute 80 absolutely gutted he said don't worry about it mate looks like you've had a [ __ ] enough day already Cheers ticket man it didn't turn my day around but it sure helped xxxx I was fishing at the beach a few years ago in a spot where many people fish a jetty I had been there all day as had an old man who was right next to me and he had been catching stripers and Founder all day I wasn't catching anything despite all of my time and effort the man turned to me and said hey you've had really shitty luck lately traveese he handed me a small cup filled with sea worms that he dug out of the mud the night before I offered him a cold coke in return but he said I'm not taking that I wonder help a fisherman with more time left than me I'm 88 years old and I think I'm about done with fishing I want you to have these he gave me his fishing pole which was clearly at least 60 years old tackle box filled with all kinds of fishing leaves and other goodies and half of the fishing had caught I began to tear up and he just looked at me and gave me a well-worn business car that was blank except for the worst we all have a purpose I plan on passing it all on just as he had done not me but my sister during the financial crisis back in 2008 my sister had taken maternity leave from a local factory for the birth of her second son but when she went to return to work her job wasn't there anymore and Christmas was two weeks away so she went into Kmart to cancel a few gifts she had put on layaway and the cashier came back with all of them and told her they had been paid for already an anonymous stranger paid for one thousands of dollars worth of Christmas gifts that several parents had put on layaway and my sister was lucky enough to be one of those people that's one of the nicest random acts of kindness that I've ever witnessed this year on behalf of my sister who never really got back on her feet after losing that job I plan on going to a store that has layaway and paying for as many kids toys that I can afford missed a flight coming from Hungary to Norway due to being up all night partying and forgetting to adjust my watch due to time zone differences booked a second one missed my flight from Norway to Stockholm because the guy in Hungary told me I had to collect my bags and there were no audible speakers for me to hear the announcements in the luggage area I got in line to speak to the customer service rep I was pretty relaxed about the whole thing even though it was going to cost me a lot to get a flight early the next day to get to work [ __ ] happens right dot she had just finished dealing with a particularly abusive customer and I was next so I had a laugh explained what happened the whole day and when she told me I had to rebook I just nodded and smiled and said oh well serves me right et Cie etc I walked away to check some stuff before coming back to make the rebooking and as I walk away she calls me back and says well I can see that your incoming flight was a few minutes late so we can offer you're free we're booking in a hotel for the night if that works for you with a glint in her eye of course they had no need to do it at all but she milked the system and they to help me out amazing what happens when you maintain a positive attitude in the face of cavernous of [ __ ] TL DR airline staff at the air Court gave me a free hotel and flight for being nice to them I'm a bartender and I get some amount of abuse from customers sometimes if I spill their drink I replace it but if they spill their drink they have to pay for it regardless people get really pissed off when they find out that basically throwing their drink over the bar means they need to pay anyway this happens quite a bit and really pisses me off one night I was on last week and the place was pretty busy customers are getting really noisy and drunk surprised and a girl walks up to the bar and asks for just her water I grabbed one in hand Herot and she says aw thanks gorgeous with a big genuine smile made my night formatting as an extra thank-you for the persons involved I will share mine due to increase of migraine attacks I got the chance to finally visit the hospital for a specialist so let me picture the context I biked 220 kilometers in two days first day 170 the rest the second day and on the second day I had to take the train back home to be in time for the appointment in the hospital so being suited up in bike gear muscles that hurted and joined by my recumbent bike I arrived at my home city with 30 minutes left while arriving at the hospital I found out that I did not have a bike lock with me and unfortunately I would not leave my recumbent bike out in the open in the middle of the city I asked around in the hospital to put my bike somewhere and literally nobody even cared nothing yes we have our employee bike shed but here you are not an employee in that sort of dollar sign so I decided to bike around and knocked on some health insurance office totally sweaty stressed and asked explain the guy that the hospital was being really hard on me he said off-course come in I stalled my bike and ran to the hospital totally we'll had and made it at my appointment funny fact I was explained later is that they had an ex-employee that put his bike in their garden for one five years that ex-employee picked up his bike two days before I came around imagine their thoughts that I came around and asked to put a bike in their garden again two months later I came over again and gave some sweets for the whole office and sure they remembered the recumbent bike guy second kindness dealing hitchhikers Artie's present on my 21st birthday during winter and being stuck on a gas station in the middle of nowhere and got a fare and to XXL coffee from a Gwang who said that we could use something hot , shouted at him that it was my BD and I think I made his day by saying that out loud I was out for a night of clubbing in Gangnam yes liked the song and I was beyond wasted drunk I was wearing my favorite cute sandals and was dancing like a maniac one sandal snapped I said f it I'm going to keep dancing with one shoe on then the other one snapped I danced for another hour and finally decided to go to the Kwik shop outside the club and glue them back together somehow South Korea is filthy there are no trash cans and garbage is everywhere until early morning cleanup people spit and vomit and sometime pissed in the streets freely my feet and ankles are black I get super glue and spill it all over my shoes and feet but they were fixed I continued to dance they busted again but luckily they were super glued to the skin of my feet eventually the glue wore off so I threw my shoes in my purse drank more and danced I realized I had no money left for a cab ride home when I went back to the Kwik shop for more glue I said this allowed and another foreigner handed me eight dollars to get home I was bombed so I took it and thanked her graciously as I stumbled through the black streets of Gangnam without any shoes on a random young Korean woman runs up to me and hands me a new pair of plastic sandals for free I was on cloud nine so my drunk filthy broke-ass took a nice taxi home grinning like a Phil I was on the way to the gym with my wife she was giving me an attitude and being argumentative over something I thought was no big deal I was not in the best mood we stopped at the gas station to grab a water but once my water was scanned I realized I didn't have my money on me the guy behind me offered to pay for it it was only a $1 but I was really appreciative my own wife is giving me a hard time making my life difficult in this complete stranger does something completely awesome it brightened up my day and reminded me that there are genuinely kind people out there I once was sitting in a train without a ticket I'm not sure anymore whether I forgot to buy one or I simply was too lazy to buy it of course I was checked by two conductors and one of them wrote me a fine of 50 euros about $65 fines are crazy in the Netherlands I had no money at all at that time so this was a serious problem for me I was sitting in thinking how [ __ ] my life was when the conductor that wrote me the fine came back and said I've till you're fine apart it's Ramadan and I try to do a good bed every day so this one is for you have a nice day made me feel extremely good about humanity in general it wasn't just a day but the day's counting down to an international move I had to sell a car fast I was living in a state with no friends and barely any friends to help me out plus my husband was already overseas but a patron in the bar I worked at I was the regular bartender at a time there most of the week overheard my predicament he ended up making a phone call to a car dealer friend of his the next day I'm driving the car over to the dealership less than a week later I'm finishing up the sale because they sold my car they expected no money no Commission nothing I later sent a pretty sweet gift basket to the dealership and bought my bar patron lunch plus quite a few rounds of the bar they really saved my ass my freshman year of college I was hanging out in my room when I realized that I had put a load of laundry in the dryer hours ago we had so few washers and dryers in my dorm because of the relatively small number of people at my school but it was still a laundry room for around 200 people and there was usually some kind of vigilantly justice that went on with regard to scumbags like myself who hog the washing facilities so anyway I basically left down three flights of stairs to get down to the laundry room and when I arrived all of my laundry was neatly folded on a clean counter my roommate said I had good laundry Karma as she had recently had to dig her laundry out of the trash for doing the same two years ago I was plumbing my trailer through a small town Marlette in the thumb area of Michigan as I crossed the RR tracks one of the shackles broke causing the leaf sprints to scatter and flatten the tire on it a guy who lived across the road started helping me pick up the pieces and let me put it in his driveway for the weekend until I could get back to repair it when I came back two days later he had already repaired the shackle and put a used tire on it for me unfortunately he was gone when I came to pick it up so I left $20 all I had at the time with his super nice neighbor who promised that he would make sure that guy got it thanks Cory on the flip side I worked as a service manager at a small town in Michigan shout-out to bad acts c'mon two couples pull up with steam coming out of the hood they are kind stranded since it's late Saturday afternoon and all the parts stores are closed I locate a hole in the upper radiator hose and pull out a tool I just bought a day before recut the hose and reconnected no charge it was an easy fix that completely saved their day a week later I get called into the boss's office and he hand me a letter handwritten praising me for helping them out in a huge time of need TL DR got a corporate pat on the back for a 5-minute fix it was another Valentine's Day spent single and also my first year away from home at university so I didn't have my family to spend time with and distract me all of my friends either had plans with their souls or were too busy to hang out I was struggling with midterms and several very difficult classes I missed my family and I was very lonely I was starting to hate college not a great day then I get a package in the mail it's from a friend of my mom's I met once at a New Year's party and talked to for a couple of hours she doesn't have any daughters of her own and we got along very well but I never really spoke to her again when I open the package inside is a gorgeous long grey pearl necklace with a note every girl deserves a Valentine and no one deserves this more than an independent hard-working beautiful girl like you I still cry every time I wear it or even think about it no one has ever been that sweet to me or done something so thoughtful for me like that with no obligations whatsoever I want to do this for someone else some day I was supposed to meet a group to work on a project on a school holiday we all previously agreed that this date would be the best time despite canceled classes but nobody showed up but me a lot had already been stewing in my head boyfriend's house had just been foreclosed on relationship was on the rocks work and school were overwhelming and just general daily [ __ ] our designated meeting space was an area behind all of our academic buildings where there are some vending machines seeds etc anyway I'm sitting alone feeling pissed and dejected and I probably looked as miserable as I felt then walked by one of the cafeteria staff this guy was really tall tough and as rumor had it recently released from jail he made a beeline straight to the vending machine and on his way back he stopped and looked at me and brought me the soda strawberry Fanta , he just bought and said hey looks like you need this I thanked him and told him that he didn't have to give me his soda but he smiled and just left it was an unexpected yes chill that really picked up my spirits at afternoon I left my iPhone in a niqab thought it was gone for good but when I went to work the next day one of my co-workers handed it to me it turns out that the lady who got into the car after me called one of my recent contacts a security guard from my job who had one of the other security guards of a car drive him all the way to the other side of the city after work under the opposite that they were headed to get it for me and to top it all off they refused to take any money for their trouble although I ended up putting it into an envelope and having the receptionist give it to them when I wasn't there so they couldn't say no close bracket I have had some great encounters from free coffee to someone buying me a meal because I had left my wallet at home I always carry those experiences with me and try to pay it forward when the opportunity arises for example a couple months ago I was standing in line at the grocery store and heard the woman in from of me exclaimed that she had just had a horrible day she looked tired and stressed then to make it worse she didn't have enough cash fro her groceries and her card was being declined she asked if they would hold on to her groceries so she could go home and try to get another card she looked like she was going to break down and I told her I would happily get a grocery bill at first she seemed unsure and I just told her it wasn't a big deal and that if she really wanted to thank me just pass it along to someone next time I hope she has made other people's day just that much better colon capital D me and my brother were on our way to church in the morning on a bad snow day the highways were barely played and it was still coming down my brother driver was on the highway and before we knew it we fishtailed and crashed our front end of the car into the guardrail both our lights were out we were facing against traffic my brother was digging for his phone in panic and I was shell-shocked keep in mind it's dark and foggy out so since our lights were out anyone could have slid toward us and we would dive in a head-on collision then some random guy in a white truck parked in front of us and he got out to check on us he then lit flares in front and behind us as the police came to help me and my brother the guy who lit the flares disappeared if it went for the flares and the guy helping us contact the police we probably wouldn't be here we never got the chance to thank him nor did we know his name to this day I wish I could properly thank him this happened seven years ago [Music]
Channel: Reddit Jar
Views: 22,382
Rating: 4.8981481 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, r/AskReddit, ask reddit, askreddit, updoot, toadfilms, sir reddit, reddit jar, askreddit funny, askreddit dumb, reddit ama, reddit ask me anything, r/askreddit, reddit stories, reddit story, askreddit scary, askreddit stupid, scary stories, askreddit new, top posts, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, askreddit top posts, subreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, askreddit stories, best of reddit, reddit best, funny askreddit, storytime with reddit, r/
Id: 57aoeIKwqYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 43sec (1903 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 29 2019
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