What is the scariest thing that has happened to you? (r/AskReddit)

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[Music] what is the scariest thing that has happened to you I think I was about 10 when this happened my grandparents used to have the zipline that went from a tree out over the river that bordered their property lots of fun we spent many a day the summer it went up ziplining out and dropping into the river one day a bunch of family and friends were there and we were all using the zipline then my dad took a turn but the handle snapped when he left the platform and he crashed down onto the rocks on the riverbank I can't remember for sure but it was probably around a 10 meter fall my brother and I had just taken turns before him so we'd been coming out of the water as it happened he was passed out face down in the water and it took a few seconds for it to register for everyone a few of my uncle's ran down to pull him up onto the shore and then he started having seizures was swallowing his tongue just really scary [ __ ] like I said I was ten so I don't fully remember everything that happened and I was taken over to the other side of the yard with my siblings so we couldn't see how rough he looked my aunt called an ambulance and they came pretty quick and it ended up only being an overnight at the hospital and he just had a concussion broken sinus and a bunch of scrapes / bruises scariest moment of my life without a doubt I thought he was dead and he very well could have been thankfully he's still with us most likely will be get buried but here goes my parents went through a violent divorce when I was seven I was the youngest and be the last sibling out of the house for the school run my father would attack my mother with increasing violence as it went on one day I can down to the kitchen to find my father throwing boiling water over my mother he had already slapped punched kicked her to a crumpled heap on the ground she was spitting blood that I found later he had punched out several of her teeth once he noticed me grabbed me and threw me out of the front door and locked it I tried kicking in the door and all I could hear as my mother's screams I went banging on the neighbors doors and no one answered I had to get help but didn't want to leave my mother and returned to kicking in my front door my father stormed out grabbed me and threw me into his car by the time he got in my mother opened my door and tried pulling me out the car it eventually ended up me being used as a human tug-of-war rope with my mother pulling at my ankles and my father with his hands tied around my neck he eventually got the car started and drove off I managed to get out of the car in heavy traffic and I ran down the middle of the street until I spotted my mother's car I got in and we headed to my grandparents house it's been 25 years and I have PTSD from that day I still hear my mother's screams and from that day I have had a speech impediment heavy stammer the divorce took another five years to complete I haven't spoken to my father since I was 12 nor do I ever want to again homelessness I was a 25 year old college kid never did drugs barely drank never touched a cigarette however I'd always had difficulties with anxiety I had a bad year my first year of college with it and so did poorly however I got it together and pulled out great marks and was on track for medical school however then I started to have flashbacks panic attacks after a while it became clear it was because I was sexually abused as a child I saw treatment but treatment takes a lot of time and can make things worse before they get better at the time I was living at home because my city is crazy expensive one day I had that home the next I was kicked out no notice no time to get my things the locks were already changed my mother had decided I was too mentally ill despite never being diagnosed with anything to be around and she wanted me out of her life she coincidentally got a boyfriend at the time I had had a job earlier that year but lost it after a car accident I couldn't walk for about half of that year so there I was no clothes no food no income I went from being a great student with a bright future to having literally nothing sleeping in public places is scary not knowing when you're going to eat is scary not knowing how you'll get a job without access to most necessities or a decent outfit as scary this only happened relatively recently still trying to get things together I still wanted to go to med school thankfully it's not too expensive in my country I just have to work crappy jobs for a few years to get the money to cover living expenses during that full-on of a full I'm degree but homelessness is a terrible terrible [ __ ] thing this is more unsettling than scary but it had me shook up for a bit was at a restaurant with my fiancee we were the only ones eating there it's one of our frequent spots two guys came in one dressed like a construction worker and the other dressed somewhat nice they asked for take-out menus and just sat there by the front door we walked out to go to the grocery store which was in the same strip of buildings but about 100 yards away the nicely dressed man got up and walked out behind us as he said something in a foreign language to his friend we hopped in the car to park closer to the store when we got out we noticed he was standing in front of the store just awkwardly looking around as I walked by I could hear and see him talking into an earpiece in a low voice still in a foreign language I told my fiancé about this and we took our time in the store I told her to wait inside while I grabbed the car but she decided to come as she didn't want to be alone when we walked out the guy was gone but as we got in my car I noticed a vehicle with both doors open two spots behind me both of those men were sitting in there trying not to make eye contact we looked in the rearview and the man in a construction outfit was motioned with his head towards our car we drove behind the car and noticed it was an out-of-state tag took a picture and called the police station to let them know what had happened we're two of the most common oh but I've never felt more off about something in my life way too many circumstantial things going on to not have something up why follow us out why wait outside the store why drive your car across the parking lot to sit behind mine it doesn't help we live in a city that's one of the nation's highest in sex trafficking it may not be the scariest story but I've never been that freaked out in my life and I've been through some wild things this was more terrifying for my girlfriend at the time than it was for me but because it was terrifying for her it was terrifying for me we were Peace Corps volunteers in China and were stationed in cities that were about ten hours apart we had a nice long vacation for the Chinese New Year so we agreed to meet each other halfway and do some wandering around Yunnan Province the first afternoon we spent in the hostel she and I were having a beer and reading together out in the Sun when this Scottish dude in a straw hat uninvited sat down with us he appeared to be either drunk or stoned out of his gourd or both he wasn't so much talking to us as talking through us out of nowhere he started laughing uncontrollably it looks like a face he said what does I asked he indicated an electrical outlet in the wall it looks like a face he giggled it looks like a French face well okay a few minutes later his buddy showed up mind if I join you guys I stared at him he sat down his face was badly scarred and the flesh hung down from his jaw like he was wearing a cheaply made mask unprompted he launched into a woeful tale about how he'd been speeding on his motorcycle slammed into the curb and was thrown headfirst down the street the skin of his face had been abraded away and had to be grafted back on it was a pretty tragic story and he had my sympathy for the moment that would not last very long these two weirdos followed us around for the next three days they tagged along with us uninvited they butted into her conversations one afternoon out of nowhere the masked man said sans context to my girlfriend I want to [ __ ] your face I have no idea why he said this I told them both to [ __ ] off and they did looking back I wonder why my girlfriend and I even left our room by then a dude friend of mine had joined us so we at least had some extra muscle the three of us decided to go out drinking one night I needed to take a quick whiz before we left as I came back out of the restroom I happened to catch the weirdos standing on the balcony and talking to each other in hushed voices where are they going that bar down at the end of the road is the girl going to oh yeah I'd love to get a piece of that action you and me both brother this was 10 years ago so I forget exactly what was said but i eavesdropped long enough to learn that they intended to drug and rape my girlfriend we went to a different bar and laid low for the evening the following morning we caught a train to a town about two hours away this was pretty much the weed capital of China yes China has or at least had a weed capital we spent a day or two smoking a bit and going on hikes on the second night who rolls into the bar but the masked man an electrical socket boy we got the [ __ ] out of there we wound up catching a bus way up into the foothills of the Himalayas the one place perhaps where those two creepy [ __ ] wouldn't find us one year later as my girlfriend was about to go back home to America we were out with a huge group of friends in a city about 12 hours from where we'd taken our vacation we were eating at a Uighur noodle place I happened to glance up and out the window in time to catch a pair of figures walking down the sidewalk toward the restaurant there they were again I need my girlfriend and whispered to her okay look out the window real quick then look back down what why WH holy [ __ ] we both shielded our faces we held our breaths as they neared the door they hesitated in front of it for a moment then kept walking we never saw either of them again edit formatting my computer is acting funky when I was younger seven or eight me and my mom were driving late at night and we noticed was driving very close to us to the left the guy rolled his window down and was wearing a bandana around his face and was holding up a very large knife my mom started speeding up but he kept matching our speed he was trying to run us off the road on some Jeepers Creepers [ __ ] when we slowed down he slowed down he kept showing us the knife and dragging across his neck and pointing to us this went on for what felt like forever until we got blessed that there was a car ahead of us in the piece of [ __ ] slain and an exit ramp to the right my mom sped up and just in time the driver had to slam his brakes before rear-ending the car in front and we swerve to the exit at the perfect time and he was forced to keep driving ahead yeah I didn't sleep comfortably for the next year or two my parachute collapsed when I drifted over another canopy while I was jumping into JRTC and Louisiana this resulted in me burning in for the last bit I don't know exactly how high I was but the other canopy was still fully open so the other jumper hadn't landed yet what happened was that my weapons case was stuck and I spent too much time trying to get it unstuck after I lowered my rucksack by the time I decided to ride it in I noticed that I was drifting toward another jumper and I tried to slip away but it was too late when I pulled the risers they went slack and I started to fall training kicked in and I put my feet and knees together with my knees bent snapped my eyes to the horizon so that I wouldn't reach for the ground and screamed I landed feet-first and hit so hard that I cracked my right heel bone crushed l1 and popped all the surrounding discs luckily I never lost consciousness or feeling it just scared the [ __ ] out me and continues to hurt like a [ __ ] 20 years later I was robbed at gunpoint in college we had heard about a bunch of robberies that were happening around campus where the victims would get the [ __ ] beaten out of them there were two guys in three of us but one of the guys had a gun they walked up to us and immediately pointed the gun at me hit me with it in the chin and chest and then pushed us up onto someone's front porch while they were taking our wallets and phones with the gun still pointed at me the whole time the guys who lived at the house whose front porch we were on opened the door so at that point there were seven of us being robbed the robbers took whatever we had and then walked away I thought the gun was faked the entire time so it wasn't as scary as you'd think but when we all rushed inside the house after they left we saw the robbers walk back up to the porch and then shoot through the glass door I was so close to the shots that I could taste gunpowder and feel the dust from the glass on my face I bolted for this random row house for the back door and tried to hide under the back deck stairs but was completely exposed and couldn't go anywhere I could only hear everyone running inside the house and I was convinced they were coming in to shoot us the robbers ran off instead TL DR I got robbed and shot at falling out of a boat while whitewater rafting in Colorado it was many years ago when I was with the Boy Scouts I was probably 13 at the time we were having fun on the water paddling through the rapids and such when suddenly our boat turns up on a large rock I was towards the top end of the boat hanging on for dear life when one of the other kids grabs on to my ankle presumably in an attempt to grab on to anything that would keep him from being pulled into the water needless to say we both ended up in the rapids and the next thing I knew I was being pulled along violently with the current I had a flotation vest on which kept me from going under but the water splashing into my face made it seem that way I tried grabbing onto rocks and such but they were slick with algae and wouldn't give me any hold at all finally another group managed to grab the drag handle on my vest and pull me into their boat I was shaking and sobbing uncontrollably by that point it has to this day been the only time in my life and hopefully things will remain that way that I was genuinely scared that I was going to die what I remember being the humor of the whole experience though was the guide shouting to me grab the oar and my response to him screamed at the top of my lungs forget the dam or save me when I was about 14 I was at the Evergreen State Fair in Monroe Washington with my friend this was in 2008 we had left and were waiting in the main parking lot and I was calling my dad who was on his way to pick us up as I'm on the phone my friend starts tugging my shirt and frantically trying to get my attention while I was on the phone she said a group of older guys look to be in their early 20s had all be staring at us and one of them took a picture of me with their phone we got freaked out and started walking in the direction of where my dad said he would meet us the group of guys started to follow us so we linked arms and started to walk faster we looked back and realized they were now catching up and had started to fan out and surround us from all sides we panicked and ran as fast as we could in just in time my dad pulled up and we jumped in the car and when we looked back the guys were nowhere in sight my dad looks at us and goes well you guys look like you're being chased and started laughing we had to tell him that yes we actually were just being chased I don't know why we didn't think to report that to the police look back we think they were tying to kidnap us for sex trafficking it was easily one of the scariest moments of my life and I now try to be very aware of my surroundings out walking on the outskirts of Moscow Russia at about 3:00 in the morning back to her housing with four others there was a stretch of road on the home stretch which ran by a junkyard or something like that all of the stray dogs apparently stayed there at night as we walked by we caught their attention it was dark enough that you couldn't really see the dogs just all of the eyes I don't know how many there really were wouldn't surprise me if it was twenty dogs or fifty anyway they did not like us so all we saw were all these eyes along with hearing snarling / barking / growling of a few dozen dogs of all sizes within a few meters of us by far this was the scariest moment of my life because if they all decided to attack us we were in deep trouble as we had no way of defending ourselves really one of the only times I ever thought that I might die one of the people next to me ended up getting bit and her scream thankfully seemed to keep the rest of them at bay though they followed us for a long time we finally reached our housing I don't remember sleeping much that night I like dogs but to this day any angry sounding dog brings up massive amounts of anxiety was 13 a family friend from church a man about 35 was always at outhouse he was new to our church and one every one over with his personality he came over one Friday night and kept asking my 16 year old sister to go to the movies with him he was persistent she kept telling him she had plans she snuck away from him and ran upstairs to her bedroom me being a 13 year old boy wanted to go I kept saying he'll go can I go he finally gives in it was at night on the way to theater he was oddly quiet he then said he wanted to stop at a store to buy candy cause of the theater it costs too much he turns down this abandoned gravel road with trees on both sides far outside of town he pulls over turns car off and sits in silence staring out the window him naive and clueless about five minutes later he says there used to be a store here he starts car and drives to the theater he slept through the entire movie a week later it's revealed he was fraud and his only intentions was to seduce the women and girls in the congregation he had ruined a couple of marriages and had prior convictions for rape and child molestation he wanted to get my sister alone with him he took me maybe to make it look like he was sincere about going to a movie looking back at it when older I got chills cause he was obviously contemplating molesting me or worse something made him change his mind thank goodness but I was young and not suspicious at all Wow it still rattles me when I think back to that night [Music]
Channel: Reddit Aliens
Views: 28,497
Rating: 4.8724637 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit, ask reddit creepy, creepy stories, true horror stories, ask reddit scary, best horror stories, sir reddit, sirreddit
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 5sec (1085 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 12 2019
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