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serious what is your small town dark secret story this is a sad one to me there was an older couple here who ran a halfway house for troubled kids who'd recently gotten out of juvie they fostered a few as well they were loved in the community wonderful people one of them had an older brother who was a gangbanger in the nearest big city during a visit he snuck his 15-year-old younger bro handgun younger bro ended up holding up a local gas station and killed three people one of them was my friend's cousin the foster parents lost whatever credentials they needed to do what they did the kids went back into the system and the giant house has been abandoned since around 2009 about 10 years ago a lot of homeless people disappeared and when the police did the investigation they found out a guy was kidnapping and eating those people police found his hideout and found a half-eaten body and bones from another person people don't like to talk about it but everyone knows what happened two sisters got picked up by a group of men both were raped and thrown off a bridge that is 45 minutes outside of town one sister survived but later in life went back and jumped off the bridge this was around 15 years ago but there was a sheriff's deputy that was seemingly a really cool guy friendly cracked a lot of great jokes etc he was working at the local high school as a school resource officer and was apparently almost universally well regarded well it turns out that he repeatedly raped a 14 year old he told the boy that he'd kill his parents if he reported the officer i don't remember all the details but i believe this went on four weeks or months before it was found out and the officer was arrested and eventually went to prison oh i have a doozy short version popular kids in high school run a secret towel fight club and accidentally kill one of their friends in the house of a local politician who proceeds to bury the story tower fight club tape towels over your hands and beat each other up it's supposed to be just boxing but it sounds like they got out of control and hardly could call it that our local pizza place was a known kkk hub everyone knew it and still to this day if you google town kkk the first thing that pops up is this pizza shop they had some nasty ass pizza too edit this place is no longer owned by members of the kkk it was sold about a decade ago and the new owners have been trying to get rid of that reputation ever since some high school football players shoved broomsticks up freshman players asses in the locker room after a practice the coach found out and did nothing about it the whole town knew and nothing happened to anyone in the form of punishment every game for the rest of the year opposing teams fans brought broomsticks to games edit many people have asked which town this is i'd rather not say specifically but it is in the northern part of illinois c2002-03 edit number two the amount of different cases that have come up in this comment section have blown me away i'm so happy i shared this to shed some light on how much larger this problem is than i thought this is more comical than dark a house burned down in this small town of 600 population one block from the fire station it being a volunteer fire department nobody was at the station they tried to get the pumper truck out but one of the volunteers had run it into a brick building the week before and it was still at the shop we are still undecided whether the house owner burned you down for the insurance strange that there was nothing valuable inside as a teen in high school the health teacher got caught sleeping with student everyone magically passed that year including me who skipped almost every day lol then a few years ago in another small town two different scandals within the space of five years first one teachers at a preschool were dosing children with melatonin at nap time second one a very well known and respected funeral home went under investigation for selling body parts edited to clarify events were in different towns the new police chief's bachelor party was held at the local strip club it was videoed when video was new the cops broken looking for the tape which was also recorded new chief lost the job within a month where else would someone have one apple biz that's so dumb i used to bounce at a couple different strip clubs and taking pictures recording is illegal in the bulk of what my job required me to stop what did the club have to gain from releasing that footage if there's someone i want on my side owning a place like that it's the police chief there were rumors that there was a secret passage from the village's churchyard to the coal cellar on our grounds which were used by jews to hide and flee from nazis not sure that qualifies as dark really if those passages are real they should be located and preserved there are still things historians archaeologists and anthropologists can learn from them 200 years from now they would be even more important to those studying that time period in history the united states didn't preserve much of the underground railroad infrastructure mainly due to its necessarily transient nature and that's a shame as it could tell us things that personal accounts cannot the school resources officer ended up sleeping with a senior at the high school he was fired but they ended up staying together and now have two kids the cop now works at goodwill they are happy similar story here mcdonald's manager in my town who was in his 50s had an affair with a high school senior in 2011. they ended up getting married a year later and have been together since the weird part is he has a kid who's in the same class as his new wife so the poor kid not only went through a rough divorce but now he has a stepmom that is the same age as he is the mayor of the town i live just outside of was murdered by his girlfriend a little while back and there was a realtor that was using his company as a front for smuggling drugs other than that it's the usual small southern town crap that reminds me of another small town by me a local doctor was operating a pill mill he got caught and his wife murdered him because she was afraid of getting caught up in the fallout yet now she's in prison for life there's a half-submerged submarine from the war in the bay where i live you can walk out to it in the high tide in the late 80s somebody cut open the hatch one of the only visible parts left sticking out the sand climbed in it was having a look around the tide came in and he drowned if i remember rightly the whole hatch was filled with cement then welded shut to stop it happening again the town i was raised in wasn't exactly small but here's the one dark secret i know my hometown was where lots and lots of sports players had their mansions and so of course their wives and children were out and about in the community a lot every single sports player wife in that town was is comma heavily addicted to opioids every single 1. opioid addiction is obviously an epidemic all over the country but among the rich wives in the town it had a 100 infection rate so to speak i know because one of my friend's mom was a hairdresser for basically every single one of those wives i was homeless my senior year of hs and one of the sports player wives heard about me from her and she gifted me an iphone that phone was pennies to her but i still wish i'd expressed my thanks more because that wife died of an overdose not long after sorry if that wasn't much of a dark secret but yeah there was a woman who was cheating on her husband and got pregnant with him when she has the child it was quite clearly not the husband's child so he kicked her out of the house the woman broke down and went out drinking then when she was about to return to her husband she picked her baby up dropped it down a rubbish chute and left it there the next morning she remembered what she did and went back to find the baby but of course only people with access to the shoot can go inside so she had to wait hours possibly days for someone to unlock it and go inside the baby was long dead by then the woman killed herself shortly after this developed into a ghost story later people say you can hear the baby crying from inside the rubbish chute and you can hear the woman crying on one of the stairways maybe not dark so much as wild when i was in first grade a guy called the police from multiple different phones saying there was a bomb in each of the schools in the town three elementary one middle one high school and all of the schools were evacuated turns out while the entire police force was split up he robbed a bank and got away with it we have a vineyard hill next to our village on that hill there's a big wooden cross lots of people go there to drink have a walk or with their dogs but almost nobody knows why the cross is here during war a vineyard keeper lived there with his son his son was recruited and the man was left alone when war ended his son survived and wanted to prank his dad by sneaking on him at night but vineyard keeper saw him and thought he was a robber so he grabbed his rifle and shot the robber when he found out it was his son it broke his heart he dug a grave on top of the hill for his son and directed a big wooden cross next to the grave when he was done he laid next to his son and shot himself from that day no one worked on the vineyards and there's a big wooden cross on top of the hill now you can't even recognize there's a grave i used to do pest control in rural west texas and one of the places i serviced was a church in a town called hamlin turns out joel osteen's father was a preacher there decades ago before he went to houston and started his mega church there but why did he leave hamlin texas and head south one may ask well according to the pastor of the church in hamline and everyone that worked there it's because joel's father had an affair and knocked up his mistress word quickly spread in small town hamlin and papilstein was pretty much run out of town he went south ran another church somewhere for a bit and then made his way to houston where he founded the mega church that his little bastard antichrist would eventually become famous for in taiwan there used to be a serial killer that would murder females in his taxi and turn them into xiaolongbao pork soup dumpling he would eat them and sometimes sell them look up the gainesville ripper killed a bunch of students and dismembered the bodies in really gross ways this was about 30 years ago i guess it's not really a secret if there are podcasts about it but it's slowly being forgotten not the dark but yeah shady af guy blue collar but running for a local political office comes home to his wife of seven years finds her being shagged by some guy he whips out a gun and shoots the guy a few times the man survives finds out that his wife was cheating on him and it wasn't rape here is where it gets dirty so the police want to press charges against him for attempted murder since they say he knew his wife played around so the d.a comes to him and tells him to stop running for office and withdraw he does and the charges go away no crime here folks we had a pedophile that got caught because he told his friend his plans to go kidnap a girl and our pay her and not plan letting her live this was a senior at our high school so he was 18 and not to mention his collection of child porn town in africa i visited as part of a uni thing basically had a guy way back when he was running to clean up the area apparently there had been a lot of white murders some ritualistic thing where their ears were being cut off and at the time white voters had a lot more power than black voters there anyway his campaign is he'll stop the white murders and he gets elected on this hard on crime attitude and suddenly they stop everyone's super stoked until time goes by and they are not just reduced but non-existent overnight with no real action or people brought to justice anyway everyone starts investigating him eventually this spills over to a bunch of folks forming a bit of a mob and charging into his office to try find a ledger for paying off the gangland people they don't find a ledger they found an ear box where i grew up there were murders swingers sexual abuse pedophiles corrupt law enforcement and gang violence place had a population of about 600 people some dude that owned a froyo shop knocked one of his female employees unconscious and she woke up inside this soundproof room and said yogurt shop bound up and wearing a diaper she managed to escape and get the cops called this event was so bad coatesville was removed from maps for a bit i borrowed this from our wikipedia page in august 1911 steel workers a career walker was lynched in coatesville he had left his wife and children in virginia while seeking better work this african-american man was accused of killing deputy constable cole and iron policeman edgar rice a popular figure in town walker claimed self-defense and was hospitalized after his arrest he was dragged from the hospital and burned to death in front of a mob of hundreds in a field south of the city 15 men and teenage boys were indicted but all were acquitted at trials the lynching was the last in pennsylvania and is said to have left a permanent stain on the city's image double quote i got fired from my first job bussing tables when i was like 13 for taking a dare to snort a line of sweet and low one day when we had no customers the boss had heard about it and flipped his [ __ ] and x200b turns out it was because he was not so subtly selling tons of coke out of the shop and it became a well-known drug front until he was busted shortly after some decades ago one of the teachers of our elementary school was a pedophile and would regularly take a pupil with him up to his lodge where he did stuff the people that were harmed are now in their 40s and either need lots of therapy damaged beyond the point where therapy can bring them back or dead suicide knowing this and then looking at the poor widows of our village i feel so sorry for them open bracket in my country crime is pretty high and which tea happens all the time basically the closest i have to a small town dark secret is when a manhole was overflowing and two aborted fetuses from some back alley abortion clinic washed out of it the police released a statement saying that you shouldn't use these clinics despite the fact that there are literally adverts for it everywhere for years oh so many guy killed his cousin in a hunting accident as teens except both were experienced hunters and the cousin was wearing orange few years later the guy was arrested for killing a man and kidnapping raping and then killing his wife many also believe he committed another murder arson that happened in the years between the two other incidents but it's never been proven a girl was abducted from her car and her body was found several days later 100 miles away nobody was ever arrested although the boyfriend was accused also a girl i went to high school with had an affair with her friend's dad when she was 17 and he was 45. it's not actually a dark secret it's something a lot of people now but the younger generation does know in my area we had a mental hospital and that was shut down 10 or 15 years ago but at the time a lot of people was killed by the way they tried to treat the patients what i know around 150 patients died either from trying to kill themself or get killed by the treatments some of the treatments were electrocution to the brain removing a part of the brain there were a lot more type of treatments but these are the only ones i remember being told our small town had something our china buffet would take the female employees from the restaurant across town to a massage parlor and forced into giving massages happy endings i always suspected that some of my local china buffet and similar style restaurants were involved in trafficking people constantly new employees there ones i never seen before or ever see around town with some of the others straight up disappearing and when asked about there they deny they even existed adam lanza we've moved since but fck him yeah that [ __ ] basically caused wwii in our house sold i really wish they got him alive so he could be punished he not only killed those children but like all the families are screwed up because they lost a child some have had more kids but they realize that it doesn't fill the whole of losing another and some parents have committed suicide pretty much just left a massive gaping wound in that town not so much a secret but the city where i grew up in eastern emmy became rather infamous thanks to the opioid epidemic one of our tea stations neighborhoods became a mimetic junkie central that's how bad it was there's also a number of bodies found here that have been attributed to whitey bulgar and his gang found buried under bridges along beaches even one in a tuxedo found in a car riddled with bullets that was submerged in a quarry and a torso stuffed in plastic found in a creek where i took part in a yearly summer sailing kayaking program for kids in the mid 90s this is my sister's story i was five and she was 11 at the time i lived in georgia for a few months while my parents were deployed there and we stayed on base in a relatively small area in our neighborhood everyone knew everyone and since ours was connected to a civilian neighborhood we would all play together i was on a walk with my older sister and apparently this old man started following us we didn't notice at first but he started walking faster when he got too close my sister turned around and he walked up to her house and went up to the door my sister started to freak out and we hurried home she told our mom and she asked around no one knew who that guy was she contacted the hour president of the other neighborhood and he said the same thing later we found out he had tried to kidnap another kid that lived a few houses down from us there was a police investigation and my sister had to give a statement i'll never stop being grateful to my sister cause we could have gotten taken that day there was this girl that was in the grade above me and she became a teacher at the same school we both went to she was very stuck up and thought she was better than everyone else apparently she was working out at the weight room and this underage boy came in they go in the back she gives him head while someone walks in on them both you would think she would be arrested for something like this but no her father was one of our football coaches health teacher and i'm sure he pleaded with the boy's parents not to press charges it must have worked because she didn't go to jail she did lose her job though being privileged shouldn't pardon you for your inexcusable actions this might get lost but there was and i think there still is i don't live there a small local charity society that met at a local restaurant one of the biggest things they did was a clothes and food drive usually around the holidays between thanksgiving and christmas they would take donations throughout the year but this was the only time they advertised it or had members actively out collecting clothes canned food there were rumors that some members would use these donations to lure in homeless people in a large adjacent city and murder them there was an investigation by the police but it went nowhere there is however a small spike in missing persons reports around that time of year in that city [Music] the [ __ ] baby young woman hid her pregnancy from everyone ended up giving birth in the pit out house at the ballpark baby went right down into the hole and i think it was the volunteer fire department that had to rescue him the [ __ ] house baby not very secret but our neighborhood school was so cheap it stayed open full time through the school year until now just to get a bonus from the government it had a total of 30 kids who got corona in my grade alone and that's out of the 140 people in my grade three cases were hospitalized and the state finally came in and shut the school down right before thanksgiving break the elementary had 20 kid cases and 30 faculty cases middle school had 73 cases in all and the high school had 85 cases including me i wasn't asymptomatic either it sucked a dead girl washed up on a beach in my town pumped full of heroin i guess everyone knows who did it but the evidence to convict was lacking the guy who supposedly did it is a local schizophrenic who posts on facebook paragraphs of nonsense and pictures that make no sense his older brother is actually a great young guy who owns a small business and is a great addition to the community me and my friends were all 13-14 when this happened so it became almost a dark kid-running joke about how he just got away with murder there was a serial killer in my hometown who was never caught in the 70s we always believed it was one of our neighbors who was extremely creepy and met the age timeline but there was no confirmation the neighbor kept wolves on leashes he had purchased and bred so nobody could come near his house he always gave my dad the creeps and he came and snuck in our yard and tried to talk to me and my kid sister when we were five stroke seven playing outside and my dad had to run him out of our yard at gunpoint well the man died without every being convicted but he passed on to his son a sick obsession with john wayne gacy and his son ended up killing his mother and putting her in a concrete barrel under the porch he is still in prison and we still believe his father was that killer from the 70s especially since he passed that onto his son who became a murderer obsessed with serial killers i went to high school in a very tiny town and this guy murdered his entire family even the dog no one's touched the house or the cars or anything and it's been three years my hometown has a lot of travelers like recently shouted out on a tv show as having one of the highest number of travellers sites in our area in the uk a few years ago the police did a raid on a site and found 24 people being kept as slaves they think some of them may have been slaves for over 15 years the travelers preyed on the vulnerable often approaching people at soup kitchens or benefits offices and offering them cash in hand for a day's work but when they arrived at the site they had their hair shaved off and were kept in old horse boxes and dog kennels a few newspapers have described the conditions as like a concentration camp from my wife not me so more like a summary my life hasn't been eventful when she was younger authorities found the body of one of her friends older brothers in the canal as far as she told me nobody exactly knows whether it was a blatant murder by a friend or suicide either way the bridge by the canal isn't high enough to kill you if you fall from it but there's not any easy way out of the water either we had the crazy rich guy from the one six zero zero one seven zero zero s who saw people rubbing a grave one night so decided that when he died he would be late to rest in the roof of a barn behind his house he believed he'd only be dead for 30 years so requested that they lock the barn and put the key in his coffin so he could get out but nobody could get in he requested that whoever inherited his house fortune and belongings would have to give them back to him when he resurrected he did actually get his wish but of course he was never resurrected people stole his bones and his house is a dentist now this is also the town where that lady went viral going ham in the alcohol island aldi a few weeks ago there was an abandoned hangman's house and every business that was set up on the same lot always ended up failing when the town planned to have it destroyed it burned down about 20 or so years ago a boy was found dead in a field officially nobody knows what happened but being a small town the word got around that he was at his dealer's house doing drugs and died they made sure he was dead and then dumped him in a cornfield a factory that produced chemicals polluted a big chunk of our territory by dumping waste in the local river and even if that factory has been shut down 5-6 years ago there are still enormous amounts of pfas in our tap water to this day and there are a lot of cases of cancer caused by said chemicals in 40 to 60 year olds i didn't grow up here but it's close to my hometown it was a kkk hotspot and one of the bars was known to have a black man's head mounted on one of the walls driving through there every single time you could feel the misery and hatred idk what it is some places just feel wrong the school principal of a small school in a very small town got put in jail for molesting one of the female students the judge said it was one of the worst cases of abuse he'd heard of the worst of it for me was that the guy was my favorite teacher in my city there is an amusement park that was built on top of a retired cemetery they said it was free of coffins but it was not true they found a hand at the bottom of a pool he also had a cross next to the corpse's hand that was days after the inauguration when the park closed everything was forgotten in there several urban explorers found some strange marks on walls and screams seemed to be heard at some ends of the park the most terrifying thing is that there is a statue of snow white that according to them was blinking and turning its head and as if there were not enough it is believed that a trapped child cry for help is heard in a water well yeah pretty spooky people believe it more than covered small kansas town about sixteen zero zero zero people back in the eighties the county built a new jail they hired a large crew mostly made up of illegals from mexico as construction came to an end immigration was called and the crew was deported without final payments being made i used to live in mexico as a kid and this is one i knew from my mom i was three years old when this happened so i'll say what my mom said a few houses away from ours lived this elder couple a husband and wife husband would came out during the mornings with homemade donuts to sell whereas the wife would come during the night with tamales for sale as well everyone in the neighborhood knew them and liked them one day hudman died he had a massive heart attack as old people do everyone came to gave their consequences to the wife she was detroit and she claimed that he had already been cremated she keep on selling tamales and some people compiling that they tasted different i believe it's pretty obvious what happened that same night some people stormed into her house and found something there my mom won't tell me what was found but we were informed that wife used husband body to make tamales after he died when i was in high school a guy was murdered who was a recent graduate his body was dumped in the woods and the cool kids started taking other cool kids out to see the body and no one reported it i heard that after that incident it became a felony to see a dead body and not report reported to the police where i live beneath the football field of the city park is rumored to be a cave used by the japanese in world war ii to store some of the cultural treasures they stole from us among other things such as weapons and ammunition worth quite a fortune supposedly it's a small city suburban in nature but not very developed the city government knows where the entrance is but has not made any progress to enter further as the cave is rumored to be laced with deadly traps and enough explosives to cause major damage to the surface to deter any construction from accidentally stumbling onto it or possibly set off the explosives the above area was made the park and the football field is supposedly directly above the main cavern the entrance location is thereby made classified and possibly sealed off and anyone who is not of the government that attempted to locate the entrance had either gone missing or have found fortune elsewhere never to speak of the treasure and dismissing the rumors there was a weird kid in our village growing up a few years older than i was who committed suicide but he didn't do it any of the usual ways he spent weeks building a goddamned guillotine above his bed attached in some way to an alarm clock so that when the alarm went off down it would come of course the alarm kept going so his dad came in to find his head rolling on the floor a 17-year-old girl was murdered in 1997. her body was dumped close to the river local police did nothing to find the murderer in fact they were covering up for somebody local authorities police a few shady businessmen were also involved in cover-up relatives and friends of a murdered girl who wanted and started their own investigation were suggested not to dig at least one of them was found dead a day after he announced in local pub he knows who is responsible for that murder last year investigation was relaunched when detectives from another part of country not involved in local mafia style relationships took a look into the files family of this murdered girl hope for justice and believe this crazy silence pact will be broken one day and a murderer s will be put in prison edit i checked this girl was murdered in 1998 not 1997. i moved to a tiny amish town in pa three days after we got there there were police across the street apparently there was a multiple homicide by shotgun execution style a few weeks later i am having a drink in the local bar and sitting next to a few cops small town there are only a handful of police and i ask if they ever caught the colors their answer well the guys who got killed were out of town drug dealers so we aren't really looking too hard or at all a female volunteer firefighter let the cat out of the bag that there apparently was according to her hanky-panky going on upstairs on the third level of the old firehouse just above the pole double quote some citizens thought that may explain some delayed responses to emergency calls but it was never proven does anyone remember a few years back when a bunch of people were dying of lung diseases caused by illegal thc vape cartridges well turns out a guy i went to high school with was running one of the biggest thc cartridge operation in the midwest if not the entire country his mom and brother were in on it too and had multiple location where they were paying people to manufacture pack and distribute the cartridges a girl i went to high school with vanished one day from day one everyone was telling the police that her ex-boyfriend had something to do with it she already had a restraining order cause he held a knife to her throat and threatened to kidnap and kill her but with no evidence they couldn't do anything over the years several people went to the police saying that he had admitted to killing her but they did nothing he eventually got in trouble for threatening to kill another girlfriend and choking her and went to prison for three years after prison he came back to town and eventually asked another ex of his for a ride home from a party and then she went missing after that night and they found her car burned and they arrested him again and he had burns on his hands a few months later someone found a set of remains outside of town and during the recovery they found another set of much older remains he killed them both and the failure of our local police department caused the second girl to be murdered a state forest makes up about two-thirds of my rural new england town the forest is infamous for satanic rituals animal sacrifices and cult worship in the late 70s early 80s there were actually a few human sacrifices related to the satanic cult rituals needless to say i don't go into that forest alone two girls were maced by a man riding a bicycle i actually used to know one of the girls also there was an alleged school shooting threat at my school i also knew someone involved in that i guess i need new friends the big heads my dad saw them himself huge mutated inbreds that escaped a hospital years ago they're probably dead now but they were real i know it bc they have records of them escaping the hospital in my hometown maybe 10 20 years ago happened something that's called today the head school murder of disclosed town's name basically a band of hobos killed a man and beheaded him kept his severed head as a trophy the unfortunate fate of the killed man was discovered about a year later when his daughter met by random the same person that killed her father at a local bar and the person told her what had happened to her father she didn't believe him until he went home and brought the rotten head to bar and put it on a table the high school i went to in the philippines is really really old founded 1902 rumors say it's very haunted and there are catacombs underneath with bones and stuff that connects to another old university right across the street the main building has an underground section used for classrooms and it used to be a prison and torture chamber used by the japanese during world war ii it's very haunted and tons and tons of horror stories come from both teachers staff and students about our school triple that number for the main torture chamber building teachers who stay later than 6 pm would hear crying and chains rattling dragging some of the doors were the same metal bars of prisons even the layout seems pretty prison why not precisely a small town but my neighborhood is where the poor people that could afford a house lived the houses were the pre-made kind whenever a baby was born no hospital too expensive and it was found lacking they would just leave in the back until it didn't cry anymore i only knew because one of my neighbors told me her sister had begged so bad to get her child back after they put it in the back that the family gave it back about 20 years ago some guy lost his mind one night and drove his car with his family inside it off a 40-foot bridge killing all of them multiple people witnessed it they said he was driving normally then suddenly veered off to the left and hit the gas plowing the car through the protective wall what's scary was the fact that he was a really good guy he was in the town council and was loved by everyone in our community his wife and two kids were also well known nobody had any problems with them it just goes to show that no matter how good it looks like someone has it you never know how they actually are inside the funeral director in my hometown had a bad coke habit instead of spending money on cremating bodies he spent it on cook and left them in back of the winter casket storage he'd spray them with spray on deodorant bodies were also buried in the wrong graves fake ashes were given to families when i was in elementary school my mom's best friend's daughter slept with my mom's other best friend's husband she was an 18 year old senior and he was the wrestling coach they had a kid hamilton ohio we got a dude who absolutely will not stop masturbating with inflatable pool toys in public like orcas and dolphins it just keeps happening year after year there was a group of drug dealers and gun runners operating out of a house across the street from the public pool cops managed to raid it a couple of years ago they lived next to several people i knew who had no idea not really a story but lots of mentally challenged people go missing around here frequently enough for me to notice and think it's a little odd it's a small town so most of them i know and it's weird seeing their families people i know so desperate to find them it's kind of creepy especially since our cops aren't the most upstanding people used to handcuff and beat people a couple of my fam members had that happen okay i don't know how if this would count but it happened at the towns to only elementary school so apparently there was a girl who hung herself beneath the stage in the school's auditorium not only did she hang herself but it was also during her graduation now this was before the school became an elementary school so it was when she was a senior instead of a sixth grader still pretty dark though it's not a secret anymore i guess but a much beloved high school teacher got caught molesting his grandson and it turned out he'd had various student-teacher relationships ranging from inappropriate to felonious for decades in a small community where everyone knows everyone and you can't take ashti without everyone knowing your bristol stool score it was shocking and heartbreaking small u.s town with a long-time pedophile operating in plain sight he was some kind of sports team assistant coach baseball and football so he had plenty of contact with young boys there were two suicides at least over the years where people later assumed the dead were this guy's victims but no one made that connection at the time i don't know how the whole thing came to light but when the police closed in he barricaded himself in a motel room and shot himself no i was not a victim ironically enough i was a boy scout and an altar boy at the local catholic church never had a problem [Music] in the 80s a restaurant in a small town in south brazil become famous by their great pastel and the delicious ground beef in it someday following a tip the cops found lots of rats in cages at the second floor of the place the owner was using rat meat for a long time they discover to kill a mockingbird is literally based on my town harper lee grew up here in monroeville and many of the places and people were given different names boo radley was an actual person and when the book came out and exploded they moved off two houses down from my granny a couple lived there with their five-year autistic son the husband goes missing the wife says he just walked out his family files a missing person report because that's not like him the police show up to investigate and the wife tells them not to go in the basement because there was just a water leak the police say okay and don't look down there turns out she was keeping his body down there she was cutting off pieces and burning them at her parents house in the country the messed up part is the kid was in the house the whole time but couldn't say anything because he is non-verbal the police messed up big time the guy's parents ended up hiring a private investigator to figure out what happened in my mom's hometown very small town one main street with one stoplight and back then i don't know if they even had the stoplight there was a string of burglaries under the nicer houses by the time the police got there each time the burglars were gone and so were the expensive items like tvs turns out it was the police who were doing the stealing they'd steal from houses when they knew the owners were out of town and then would call themselves up so they could show up at their own crime scenes and act bamboozled that the burglars got away again not really dark but there was an old man who would cut chop and stack his own firewood all summer and fall to heat his house during the winter one year someone started stealing wood from his pile at night which was really unnecessary because if they had just asked him he probably would have given them whatever they needed it went on for a few weeks and the local cop couldn't really do anything about it so the old man bought holes into a few logs and filled them with black powder and plugged the bores like a week later a house on the other side of town's fireplace blew out no one said anything at all we pretty much all agreed they deserved it i don't remember the details exactly but a local high school student went missing back in the 80s apparently the police chief didn't like the father of the kid so they didn't investigate and it went unsolved the father went around all the time complaining about the police department and the town council saying they covered up a murder 15 years later the kid's body was found next to a popular walking trail downtown it was almost in plain sight in our downtown for 15 years i probably walked past without noticing it at least a hundred times the janitor of the school in my hometown had the nickname shimmer eater white horse rider he got that because he snuck into nearby stables and climbed onto the horses there naked once up on the horse he started to masturbate got caught several times got a bloody nose several times too my father once got into an argument with his wife because she blamed my father for her husband's fetish because my father didn't lock his stable good enough alpha knowing that her husband was his neighbor in my town there was a race riot and massacre that happened in the 20s it has been described as the single worst incident of racial violence in american history it was pretty much erased from history with no mention in school teachings or books only last few recent years has it come to light and being acknowledged [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
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Id: tTPI5CwcHsI
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Length: 45min 12sec (2712 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 05 2020
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