What is Microsoft Copilot? (Microsoft Copilot vs Copilot for Microsoft 365)

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okay I'm here to clear up some confusion there is more than one co-pilot in fact there are hundreds of different co-pilot experiences what I'm going to do in this video is explain the one that's causing the most confusion which is the difference between Microsoft co-pilot and Microsoft co-pilot for Microsoft 365 yes that's really the product name so what I'm going to do here is take you through in depth first what Microsoft co-pilot is this is the one that is available to pretty much everyone as long as you've got a Microsoft account of some kind you can use this and then I'll make the comparison with Microsoft 365 co-pilot to show you what you're paying for if you are paying for that or if you do have access to that and to compare these things that are causing confusion as well as where co-pilot Studio fits in to allow you to extend and customize your own co-pilots and if you have a fun game on the side there for every time I say co-pilot in this video good luck to you let's start from the top here the word co-pilot is is Microsoft's brand if you like for anything they do where they bring generative AI into a Microsoft experience so this is why there's about 150 of them because there's lots of different experiences across all sorts of apps from Windows Edge PowerPoint word dynamics Power Platform apps GitHub there's co-pilots all over the place so as a starting point co-pilot is just used as that generic term and then we have co-pilot for all these different things Microsoft soft co-pilot as a single brand name is this this is your everyday AI companion formerly known as Bing chat or Bing chat Enterprise got to say happy about this rebranding this one makes a whole lot of sense the idea here is that this is something that you use in your edge browser it does support Chrome as well to work with generative AI being able to do a chat GPT experience but with some context of what's going on in the browser so the way this works is that you go to to this address Coop pilot. microsoft.com in your browser you will be prompted to sign in now you'll see here that you can sign in either with your personal Microsoft account or with your work address the experience of what you can do will be the exact same thing the difference is that if you're using a work address with a business Microsoft account of some kind then you're getting some commercial data protection so here's me signed in with my personal Microsoft account you'll see that I've got a chat experience here where I can through things it also has context of your browser history if you want that you don't have to have that but that's something that can help with the context of the conversation not sure I'm a big fan of that one and here is me signed in with my work address and you'll see exactly the same experience but we have this protected now what this means is it's not actually accessing any of my tenant data any of my business data in the background but it's accessing what I give it so I'm going to take you through showing you some things that I work with in the browser here so this commercial protection means Microsoft has no eyes on what I'm doing it's not collecting that data to train the model whereas if you just signed in with your public free Microsoft account that is not commercially protected in the same way so use that for anything that's not sensitive personal use just having some fun with generating images and generating content but if you're using this in a workplace context and you've got perhaps confidential information you want to work with proposal documents or planning documents then when you're using this it is protected and it's not being shared with Microsoft and not being shared back with the models but the functionality is the same so that's what I mean about this one that everyone can use this you do not have to be paying for it you do not have to be an Enterprise customer so let's take a look at some of the things that we can do here first up you can generate images so just to pick up on a bit of a viral Trend that's going around at the moment let's see if we can use this to create an image you'll get this reminder as well your personal and Company data are protected in the chat I'll try to create that this is obviously not the image I've asked for this is the cute little placeholder image and what it's going to do is access the dolly 3 image generation models it's actually here now accessing another product called image Creator from Microsoft designer that's another new free tool you can use to do all sorts of cool design things and there we go not too bad actually does that look like me maybe I could be more specific and add some badges on the jacket and come back and have fun with those things so image generation is one of the things that you can do here the other thing you can do is to ask it to generate things for you so I'm launching my new range of chocolates you'll see I'm not giving it very much context or information here which is never the best way to get the most out of AI but just to show you that you can generate some text here based on that prompt copy paste that and take that along with you but this gets far more valuable when you start to give it content text so let's take a look at how it can work with something in your browser we've got a new announcement of a product feature here and we want to run a webinar on this what we've also got on the side here is this pop out co-pilot experience where now we can work with the context of a web page or a document in the browser we're running a webinar to launch this particular thing that's described on this page please write a short email invitation and off it goes reading that page and coming back with the content next now this is working with information I've put in the browser I'm asking it to draft an email I could then take a copy of this open Outlook and send that email Microsoft 365 co-pilot has this experience inside Outlook we're going to come back to this in more detail but this is just working in my browser it's not actually an Outlook but you can see that I can actually still get quite a lot of value out of this generating this email refining the content and taking it through to Outlook where I want it to be you can also work with documents inside the browser this is a PDF document Commonwealth of Australia explanatory memorandum on blah blah blah and on and on it goes I'm going to use AI to help me with this if you've got a Word document go file export as PDF and you can work with that in here as well so what I'm going to do here is ask it to provide me with a summary of that so that I don't need to read it all myself give this a second to come through here again difference here between this and the Microsoft 365 co-pilot is that I am choosing to open this document in this moment and give it to it and it is commercially protected it's not sharing any of this information Microsoft 365 co-pilot allows you to be inside word it's inside that document to say please refer to these other documents stored within my tenant and collate a whole bunch of things together that's a much more sophisticated thing if you don't have that this is something something that you can quite happily and reasonably do for for no extra cost at all so here we go I've got a nice summary of all of these things one of my favorite things to do with this and something you've probably seen a lot don't explain it to me like I'm a 10 year old because frankly this is pretty complicated I need to get across this quickly and I just want the core facts of what's going on and I can get a much simpler explanation you'll notice with this that it's giving you the footnote so it'll actually reference where it came from in the document so that you can be sure that it's not hallucinating and cross check so if you're using this for any kind of professional summaries or research or any of those things this is actually a really really good way to validate that you're getting the right references and that it's not making things up here we go here's a nice short summary of those things now because we're just in Microsoft co-pilot and not in the full Microsoft 365 co-pilot which is the big license and sitting inside all of those apps let's say I want to draft we saw the earlier example of drafting something in an email format but let's say that I want to do something that could be a PowerPoint document in Microsoft 365 co-pilot co-pilot for Microsoft 365 I could be in PowerPoint saying please generate me a PowerPoint deck based on this document yes that is much better yes you are paying a premium for that but given that we don't have that here what we can do is still take a fair bit of the leg work out of it here's my document draft the content of a PowerPoint presentation on this topic up to five slides with bullet points for each slide within PowerPoint itself you can use sort of Designing elements and things to shortcut that process you are still going to have to actually create the deck and bring in all of those pieces but this is going to make that content creation a whole lot easier and this is something that you can do that you will have access to we can go all the way back up this is going to save me a whole stack of time I can copy that I can export it you could ask it to write the script for you you can ask it to make it shorter so we've got all of that sorted out let's switch gears now and have a look at the difference between this I've given you a few hints along the way so this is Microsoft co-pilot you're not paying anything for this you're just logging in with your Microsoft account commercially protected if you've got a business account the difference though is that if we use Microsoft co-pilot for Microsoft 365 this is doing two things that are really above and Beyond what we've just seen the first thing is that it's connected to the Microsoft graph so this is connected to all of the data in your tenant your chats your emails your documents all of that stuff is just it's connected whereas Microsoft co-pilot the one that's not costing you anything you bring it context you bring it a document or you bring it a website this one lives inside and alongside all of your documents this is like an assistant so this one is called your AI assistant at work this is like an assistant who's read all your emails read all your documents been in all your meetings so its knowledge is everything that you as the logged in user have access to so then the other thing it does is that it exists inside the apps that you use so if we come down and have a look at all of this we've actually got within here the ability to have it sort of sitting inside team so it's tracking what's going on with a meeting inside word so that you can ask it to generate Things based on the context of what going on inside PowerPoint so you can see this is quite the level up from what I was doing where I'm asking it to generate PowerPoint like content and then I have to go and create the PowerPoint this one is actually living inside PowerPoint so Microsoft co-pilot in your edge browser with whatever you give it and it will trade it with confidence Microsoft co-pilot for Microsoft 365 connected to the graph connected to all of your business data that you have access to as the logged in user and sitting inside those apps there is enormous power and value with this there is a cost to it and this is the one at the time of recording that's only available to Enterprise so if you don't have access to this right now I would encourage you to use Microsoft co-pilot in the meantime because that's a different thing and you can do that so Microsoft co-pilot Studio then fits in as the piece that allows you to create your own co-pilots now if you have the Microsoft 365 co-pilot license that big one $30 per user per month this is now included in that and you can use it to extend and customize that Microsoft 365 co-pilot experience but if you don't there is still plenty in here for you as well you can actually use this to create your own custom co-pilots so this is coming in and saying I want to point to my website I want to point to these documents upload these documents point to my SharePoint site and have a co-pilot that works across all of those things and you can do that without needing the Microsoft 365 co-pilot license you create your own co-pilot you have to feed it the documents it's not connected to everything you give it the documents or you point it to your SharePoint site and then it can be a chatbot a co-pilot experience that works with all of that data that you've just given it access to that is a license that you can buy even if you don't have the Microsoft 365 co-pilot license I've got a whole video here take you through how to do that and then if you'd like to know more about some of the other hundreds of co-pilot experiences have a look at this website to get across more of what's going on in this space
Channel: Lisa Crosbie
Views: 35,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft copilot, microsoft copoilot studio, microsoft copilot for microsoft 365, microsoft 365 copilot, what is copilot, what is copilot in microsoft, microsoft copilot tutorial, generative ai, copilot for work, microsoft copilot ai
Id: pXzjJ0NvFJE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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