Get Started with Microsoft Copilot Studio: How to Create Your First Copilot

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in Microsoft co-pilot Studio you can build a co-pilot in a couple of minutes connected to your existing documents or your existing website if you want to get started with this just go to copilot studio. hit this start free trial button everything I'm showing you in this video can be done without access to the Microsoft 365 full co-pilot license so if you're a small business don't worry this is still something that you can do to get started all you need to do is click here on new co-pilot give it a name what I'm going to do here is create a co-pilot that can help us navigate and find information in this style guide I've just borrowed this one here from the Australian government lots and lots of depth of information in here and I'm also going to bring in a PDF document which is another style guide here with a lot of information to navigate so we're going to give this one a name we will call it style guide helper you can choose your language obviously I'm working in English here but you do have some other options available and then all we need to do is grab that website link paste it in there and click create now if you're doing this for the first time it can take a little while to set up it's usually not too long to wait so while we're doing that let me just explain what's going on here I'm literally done creating my co-pilot it can be that simple if you've got a website that is Rich with this kind of information you just point your co-pilot to the website and it's going to apply the large language model to be able to find information and bring it back with the references in there we can also publish that co-pilot out into the systems that your users use for now I'm just going to show you what this looks like inside the test experience here so I've got a test straight away nice greeting hello I'm style guide helper so careful what name you choose cuz you're going to get it in there so we're going to ask the chatbot why is accessibility important now I don't need to worry about spelling or capitalization or question marks or anything and there we go this is actually in real time I haven't stopped this video at all so we're up to not very much on the clock here and I've got a live chatbot accessibility is important because all of these reasons here and you can see with the footnotes it's actually showing me where that is so if I click on one of these footnotes that will actually open the website where that information is coming from let's lift it up a notch here and bring in a document so if you wanted to add additional webs it sites or additional documents all you need to do is go into this on the navigation menu here where it says generative AI you'll see here you can add additional websites you've also got the option to set the content moderation level so this is the high level where it's going to focus more on accuracy but if you wanted to dial that back to be more answers that are less precise depending on the type of your content you can tweak that setting there so I'm going to come in here and just drag this document into there you will see that it is only up to 3 Meg so if you've got something that's bigger than that it's not going to handle it but you can bring in up to a 100 documents here and these are all of the different formats that you can work with so you can see it's quite a wide range of formats if you would like me to test some other examples and go further with this pop some comments below of the kinds of things you'd like me to test or any use cases you've got happy to have some fun with this with you and and try out your use cases so for now I've got this star guide in here I've got it pointed to that website file upload complete it will take a few minutes to do that you'll notice here just while we're waiting files have been successfully uploaded to datae so it is using that data verse storage in the background securely in your tenant so you're not putting this information out to the public and you'll be able to do this so with the magic of video editing we're going to give this a couple of minutes and come back and see what it's done all right that's only taken a couple of minutes it's sitting in there I do find give it maybe 5 minutes or so even though that message clears as you work with the chat bot it kind of won't work straight away it does take a little bit of work in the background so let's give this a spin now let's ask it something from this style guide so we've got some information here about how to write numbers let's see what we can come up with here so let's come back to the bot and ask it here what are the guidelines for referring to academic titles and we'll see what it comes back with this time look at this now whole lot of information in here about initial Capitals full titles all good this number one reference here so if I click on that that is actually still going back through to the Australian government style manual but you'll see we've also got citation 2 in here and when it's that PDF it's bringing it up in the window so it's actually combining both of those sources and bringing them in there together now this is all very well we are in test conditions here let's just take a look at what's going on on the right hand side in the main panel here this is a bot that has a trigger of unknown intent so your co-pilot you can actually build out topics that's a whole other video where you can control exactly the flow of the conversation but what I'm showing you here is just point directly at the content that you've already got documents or websites you don't have to decide on the trigger topics the trigger is I don't have a trigger so I'm going to use this as my default to use that large language model to create the generative answers you can come back in here and add additional data sources or websites anytime you like or over here in that generative AI Tab and you can see the conversation flow is gone didn't know any particular trigger used the clever large language model on the knowledge you gave me and came back and gave the answer very satisfactory so we don't want this to just sit in a test environment we want to put it in the hands of the users so what we need to do here is just click publish and you've got the option to publish this in different ways now I did promise you that everything I'm showing you here is something you can do without the Microsoft 365 co-pilot license and you'll see I'm working in an environment here where I actually don't have that option got to press publish while we're doing that while I'm talking you'll see here publishing to Microsoft co-pilot is turned off that's because I don't actually have that license for the full Microsoft 365 co-pilot if you do have that license you can publish this experience so that you've got that knowledge now as a part of that extended platform but for those of you who don't have access to that or don't have access to that yet do not worry plenty more that you can still do here so what we can do once it's published we've got all that information in here we can come into channels and these are all of the choices that you've got so if you've got co-pilot you can do that but otherwise you can publish to teams you can publish it onto a website so depending on whether you're creating the co-pilot for internal or external use you've got all these options you can push it through into a mobile app so again another whole video there let's just have a look at what it looks like here on a demo website because this is a quick and easy way to sort of show it to you outside of that experience so we're going to just copy that information there we will grab a new browser window here and jump into that demo website and here is my co-pilot sitting on a website what else shall we ask it about here I've got some things on grammar and punctuations uh let's ask it about apostrophes I am actually very big on correct grammar uh give me some help with how to use apostrophes that's a hardw to type while I'm talking at the same time and there we go again with referring to both of those sources in that exact same experience don't forget to give this video a like if it has been helpful for you hit me up with any scenarios you'd like me to test more in the comments below and check out my playlist here for more things you can do with Microsoft co-pilot Studio
Channel: Lisa Crosbie
Views: 31,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft copilot studio, copilot studio, power virtual agents, microsoft copilot, chatbot, generative ai, how to create a chatbot, how to build a copilot, chatbot tutorial for beginners, chatbot for business, chatbot tutorial, power virtual agents tutorial, generative ai for business, power virtual agents generative answers, power virtual agents copilot
Id: frIA3Wof08Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 27 2023
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