How to use Copilot in Microsoft Loop

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Hey everyone, Kevin here. Today,  we're going to take a first look   at Copilot in Microsoft Loop. Copilot is  an advanced AI developed by Microsoft. It's kind of like having a really smart helper. Okay, maybe not that helper, but a better version  of it. It can write text, it can make tables,   it can code. You can even have it answer  open-ended questions like are there any   follow-ups for me? Those are just a few  examples of how Copilot helps you become   more productive. In fact, this whole video  that you're watching was generated by AI. Just kidding, I'm actually a real human,   despite what so many people seem to  think down in the comments. Let's   check out how you can use this. Head to the  following website to use Microsoft Loop. If you've never heard of Microsoft Loop and  you just want to know when would you use it,   check out the video on the top right-hand corner  and that'll give you a really good foundation. Anyone can use Microsoft Loop. All you need is a  free Microsoft account. However, to use Copilot,   you need a work or school Microsoft account  and you also need a license for Copilot,   and currently those run for $30 per  month. So, if you would like that,   talk to your IT admin to see if you can gain  access. Today, not that many people have it,   but over time it should become more and more  available. Here I am in a new page in Microsoft   Loop and I'm on point to plan the 2023 potluck  for the Kevin Cookie Company. I think it makes   sense to start by writing out the invitation  and I could just start typing in some text here,   but let's see if AI can maybe help me with this.  Now right here, I get this overlay that tells me   to insert. Alternatively, I could also press the  forward slash on my keyboard and this opens up a   menu with all different types of blocks that I  could insert into my page. Up at the very top,   there are two new items for Copilot. Right here,  I can have AI help draft page content or I could   also have it summarize the page. I want to write  an invitation, so I'll select draft page content.   Down below, it's now inserted a field where I can  ask the AI for assistance. I can also click on any   one of these buttons to help me get started, but  I know exactly what I want. I'm planning a potluck   for the Kevin Cookie Company. I'm expecting  about 20 people to attend, including our senior   leadership team. Can you help write an invitation?  Over here, let's see if the AI can help. Wow, and look at that. I now have a beautifully  written invitation for the Kevin Cookie Company   potluck. Now, of course, this serves as a really  good starting spot. I still need to go in and I   need to insert the date, the time, the location,  and I also need to fill in my name, but overall,   this is a really good start. One of the great  things is I could also go back and continue   to refine this message with the AI. Looking at  this message, I think it could be a little bit   more fun. I mean, we are, after all, a cookie  company. Right up here, I have this overlay,   but if I don't have that overlay, I could also  click on this icon and that brings it up. Over   here, let's see if maybe we can add some cookie  jokes into the message to sweeten people's day.   Let's see what it comes up with. And look at  that, it's now gone back and it's refined my   message to include some jokes. Look at that. It's  included two different jokes in my invitation. On second thought, I think I actually preferred  when it was a little bit more concise. This   might not be that professional. Over here,  I’ll click on the co-pilot icon. And here,   I could see all of my interactions with the AI.  Now I could click on this one and I could see what   the original invitation message looked like.  I think I like this a little better. It was a   little more pithy and also concise. Up above here,  I could click on this undo button and this returns   me to that original invitation. I think this looks  really good and I'll run with this. Along with   sending out the invitation, I also need to keep  track of who is bringing what. I'll go down to the   very bottom and let's see if AI can help me with  this too. Over here, I'll press the forward slash,   and again, that opens up all the different blocks  that I could insert. And let's try drafting page   content again. Here I get that prompt again and  let's see if maybe it can pull together a table   that I can use to track who is bringing what.  Let's see if the AI can help. And help it did.   Here I have a table showing me items and also  person bringing it. Of course, I could have   created the table on my own, but it's easier just  asking for what I need and having AI do it. Now,   looking at this table, I actually think it would  also be helpful to include a category column,   like say main dish or appetizer. So, let's see if  AI can maybe go back and refine this table. And   just like that, it's now added a new column  for the category. It really couldn't be any   easier. Of course, I now want people to come  in and fill out this table. The only problem   is people prefer using different tools. Some  people in our company like using email, other   people like Teams. To make this easy, over on the  left-hand side, I'll right-click and here I have   the option to create a Loop component. I'll click  on that. This has now transformed the table into a   Loop component. So what good is that? Well, let's  see. Right up here in the top right-hand corner,   I have this option to copy the component. I'll  click on that. And here it is now successfully   copied this component. Let me now jump into my  email. I'm now in my email, and here I have the   invitation to the company potluck. Right down  below, I'll press Control V on my keyboard, and   here that pastes that component into my email. So  here I see the table in my email. So what good is   that? Well, let's bring up Loop side-by-side with  this email. Here I now have my Loop page opened up   side-by-side with my email. And this is the magic  of Loop. Over here, of course, I'm going to bring   in chocolate chip cookies. So, I'll type that in.  And you'll notice when I type that into the page,   it also automatically updates the email to  reflect the item that I'm bringing in. This   way anyone can go in and they could update  the table in their email, in Teams, in Word,   in Whiteboard, wherever they happen to work. That  update will flow back to this original page. That   way we all stay in sync. I'm now back in Loop.  And now that the invitation is out of the way,   I figured I should probably look back at the  2022 potluck feedback. I mean, we don't want   to make any of the same mistakes again. Here  I have all of the feedback, but let's see if   AI can maybe just summarize it really quickly  for me. Here I'll enter in a forward slash,   and here I again have those two copilot options.  And here I have the option to summarize the page.   Let's click on that. Down below, it's now produced  a summary of this entire page. Here it grouped   together all the items that people enjoyed. Here  it also told me the items that people didn't   like so much, and also feedback to invite more  people next year. Over on the right-hand side,   I'll click on the copilot icon, and I can also ask  other questions about this feedback. For example,   Nestor's been asking me if people had any feedback  on his chicken sandwiches. So let me ask the   AI. And down below, it's now picked out all the  feedback for Nestor. And it looks like his chicken   salad sandwiches were somewhat disappointing, and  it looks like he has no culinary talents. I mean,   I guess it's a good thing he works on the  accounting team. All of this feedback has   been so helpful, and I want to make sure that  we continue collecting feedback like this. My   manager recommended maybe including a feedback  form on our website. Let's see if maybe AI can   help me code something like this. I'll enter  in the forward slash, and right up on top,   let's click on draft page content. And let's  ask to code maybe an HTML and PHP form that   people can use to provide feedback on the  potluck. Let's see what it comes back with. And it looks like it's now generated some HTML  code. Down below, I can see the HTML form. I   could place this directly on the website. Looking  at the code, it looks like it calls potluck.php.   If I scroll down just a little bit more, here  I can see all the PHP code that will take care   of sending this email. Of course, I'll need  to go in and make a few tweaks. For example,   I'll need to enter in my email address. But  again, this gives me such a good starting   point. All right, well, that was a quick look  at how you can use Copilot in Microsoft Loop.   It really makes work so much easier. And  although we looked at Copilot in Loop,   you can also use it in a wide variety of other  Microsoft products. For example, in Windows,   in Edge, in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. And  Copilot has special functionality depending on the   app that you're in. For example, in PowerPoint,  you can use Copilot to pull together slides. To watch more videos like this one,   please consider subscribing, and I  hope to see you in the next video.
Channel: Kevin Stratvert
Views: 111,824
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin stratvert, microsoft loop, loop, microsoft
Id: Jww6NAeBpGU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 54sec (534 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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