Microsoft Copilot Explained for Windows Copilot, Bing Copilot & Microsoft 365 Copilot (2023)

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Microsoft co-pilot if you haven't heard of it then where have you been the past few months co-pilot our vision for everyday AI companion for you Microsoft is going to begin selling its new AI to Tool called co-pilot Microsoft AI co-pilot launches today cost 30 bucks a month but amongst all of this hype and discussion there is still important questions to answer what is Microsoft co-pilot and how can it help you in your daily life those are the most important questions right now that you're probably considering and there's a huge amount of resources out there that go into a lot of technical detail but what I'm going to try and do is summarize it all down introduce you to co-pilot and also show how it works in some demonstrations now the first question you may have then what is co-pilot well co-pilot is much like an AI helper that exists currently in the world of Microsoft it is built on Technologies from a company named open AI who you may have heard with chat GPT amongst other apps that they're building to provide that automated assistance that can do a range of different activities so with Microsoft co-pilot it is now going to find itself into the Microsoft products and that is also a problem because co-pilot is much like the Ford Motor Company if you ask me what does Ford do I would say they create motor vehicles but also specifically they have a range of different vehicles to meet different needs 4x4s pickups hatchbacks family cars and the like they have different models to meet different requirements and that's much the same as co-pilot co-pilot comes in different flavors because much like I mentioned there you'll find co-pilot in Windows 11 a Bing chat sidebar and also Microsoft 365 and each of those three do very different things so understanding which co- pilot you're interacting with to do what task becomes really important and that's exactly what I'm going to try and show you today we're going to see co-pilot running in each fre of those areas and see how it can benefit you and also some of the limitations at the moment before we dive in I'd love it if you hit that like button and not only that follow this channel to find more productivity tips to make you into a productivity Superstar otherwise let's dive in to Microsoft co-pilot and start to uncover what it's all about so here I I'm inside the Microsoft windowss 11 we can see on the right hand side I have my co-pilot window open because co-pilot in this Windows version is integrated inside of Windows allowing me to ask co-pilot questions and also do things to control my own desktop so what can it do well it's fairly Limited in this early preview version we can ask it to do certain things on your computer for example let's ask it to turn on dark mode and by simply typing into that sidebar that we want to turn on dark mode we're then prompted we like to turn it on select yes and that will now turn on dark mode I fire up my Windows Explorer or file explorer you can see here is in full Dart mode but what if I just turn that off and return back once again we can go down ask you to turn off Dart mode and there we go simply turn it off nice and easy but what if we want to create some Focus time again we can have co-pilot do that for us there's no need to go in settings simply ask the co-pilot to turn on Focus mode and it'll also suggest a time you can use for that focus and here we are I'm going to set my focus session and it's now been set we even get a dialogue here to show the focus period and how many times I actually used it we can also then integrate with Spotify to improve my focus but as yet the co-pilot sidebar is not integrated in Spotify so allow me to at least right now that to turn on the music but also because it has access to your system settings we can also ask co-pilot to open the control panel and the video resolution settings we'll click on yes and that will open up the control panel allowing me to access the relevant settings so as you can see co-pilot can help simplify the way that you manage your computer and in some ways of course I find this experience quite slow because I'm familiar with Windows I can get R much faster than what co-pilot can especially when it prompts me to reconfirm an action but equally I can appreciate that for some people Windows is a confusing place and copilot will simplify that simply by asking a question it can turn on settings and more meaning Windows becomes much more familiar but how does copil then work a Windows apps well we can see one today and that is Microsoft Paint yes the app we probably used many years ago and Microsoft Paint can now have a function called co-creator using the co-pilot capabilities that means we can describe an image have it get created for us and bring it onto the paint canvas and then make changes to it and save it as an all important image file but how does that work well here I have Co crat open inside of actual paint you can see at least right now the co-pilot sidebar there's an integrate with it in that way but in co-creator I can Define the image I'm looking for I already looked for one earlier being a cat walking in the woods let's change that around to a wolf walking in the woods we can also choose the style of the actual image itself a pixel art digital and so forth let's choose photorealistic and then select create they're using the darly engine from open Ai and they're integrating with that to create an image on the Fly that we can bring through into paint and we'll be given three options for Microsoft Paint once this gets generated and here are options here let's go ahead and select this one here and there we go a new image has been created we can now go in and add changes add text and effectively save it as an all important image to be used elsewhere so that's a classic example there how we're going to see copon in the future integrate with those apps yes the co-creator doesn't seem too integrated now with a co-pilot sidebar but you can see a direction of travel and how it will work for you in the future don't adjust those YouTube sets I'm just here very quickly to let you know that here at your 365 coach we can also help with training coaching and consultancy so if you your business or your team are struggling in microsof 365 check out the link below where you can book in or call with us to find out how we can help you not only that on our website you can even download a free Microsoft 365 ebook giving you the latest tips and tricks to get the most from Microsoft 365 anyway let's get back to it and of course in general terms what do we do on the web we ask questions and we need to find out where the best place to eat or get a table reservation can copilot help with that on our sidebar well the answer is yes it's integrated into Edge and therefore has full access to the web let's go down and ask you for the best places to eat in New York as as we can see the co-pilot engine is now coming back with those results it's integrated inside a Bing search and bringing back results from different sources and also listing where the sources are from so we can understand the best places to eat but we never went near Edge or Google Chrome to find the result that's because we can use the cop engine to search the web for us using natural language queries I.E questions to help us get the right answer straight away and equally can the co-pilot sidebar in Windows help us summarize data that we're looking at inside of the web while here I have a Wikipedia article on Stranger Things show that many of you may have already seen right we can ask co-pilot to summarize his page right well I'm going to go ahead and ask it to do exactly that now what you'll see here is because we're asking it to summarize content inside of a web browser page it doesn't have access to do so unless I grant it so by default it cannot summarize data from the web in web tabs but if I select allow it'll allow it to capture the content from this page and then provide a summary of what we're looking at that can be helpful maybe you're looking at a very detailed page or a report online and want a summary well as you can see here it's now working out the stranger things overview and bringing back all that relevant content now for those of you who haven't seen it and don't want any spoilers don't worry I stop responding and won't see any more content but that shows you that the co-pilot can also integrate with the way that you work on the web directly through the window sidebar and that takes us into the next section of our copilot experience we've seen the experience through Windows 11 a co-pilot sidebar integrated for system settings more and we've even seen it integrated inside of one of the windows app for Microsoft Paint but what's that second version of co-pilot well it's Bing chat and the Bing chat for Enterprise experience was delivering a lot of what we saw in Windows 11 the web search experience unlike what was all using B Enterprise chat and okay Bing cannot integrate with your system settings it can do a lot more than you think if you don't believe me well we have a whole video exploring how to automate the way that you work on our channel so check it out and understand how being chat can work for you if you haven't seen ban chat before we're going to go up and open the Bing chat sidebar inside the Microsoft Edge now you may be wondering does the windows 11 sidebar then recognize that and mirror the two together well not really as you can see on the right my windows 11 sidebar is still running but the sidebar and side of edge is actually separate they're not linked or sync together so from that point I'll close down my windows 11 sidebar to focus on the Bing chat experience so in the Bing chat experience we can browse the web and have it help us out as an example here I am on Wikipedia and I'm checking out content around the film 4 I could switch to the development and so forth you actually see on the right hand side the Bing Enterprise chat bringing back a full summary of this page I haven't even asked for a summary it's summarizing it allow me to take the key points away without reading that whole page on the left but not only that much like we did inside of the windows 11 co-pilot experience I could come down ask a new topic and ask it for the best places to eat in London and there we go just like we saw earlier it's able to provide the relevant result I could very quickly open any of these sources and browse to that on the web to understand where it's getting the data from so experience in the windows 11 is much the same inside of the Bing chat service but there is one big difference we didn't see this composed dialogue inside of the actual Windows 11 service and this allows us to create some content it's very good for social media posts or blog post reports and documents so in here I can write about a certain topic for example I might want to have a blog post created so I can very simply ask it to create a blog post around Microsoft co-pilot once I've asked it to do that I can change the tone so I'm going to have it as informational and I'm also going to select this to be a summary then I can also choose a length is it short medium or long well I'll go with medium and generate draft what you'll then see in the preview window is the content starts to get created what I can then do is take that content bring it into my blog site by simply clicking add to site and it will copy it straight in to any web page edited I've got open inside of Bing it's a very helpful way to create content and also bring it straight into the web be an email a report a blog post or more so let's talk about our third and final vote of co-pilot and that is Microsoft 365 co-pilot it's probably the most important co-pilot of all because it has access to your business data now most people won't have access to this co-pilot today it is only available to select Enterprise customers today and it also comes from additional charge Bing chat and windows 11 don't actually come with charges depending on your licenses but co-pilot certainly does in Microsoft 365 but what what can it do for you well before we answer that we need to understand that Microsoft 365 co-pilot has access to your business data your emails documents files and more it has access to them through the Microsoft ecosystem and it means it becomes quite powerful yes you can have the copinet experience integrated in all of the apps that you use today Microsoft teams Outlook word excel and more you can even have it write an email back to one of your contacts and even reply as you that means it can read the frad of all of your emails know how you sign off emails understand your tone and replicate it to become a digital version of you scary stuff right but also going to add a whole lot of time save when it comes to writing all of your emails but how this experience work well in the main you're going to have a new chatbot Microsoft 365 chat which is very similar to what we've seen in Bing chat you can ask it questions and it'll come back and answer those in line inside of the chat and that's all comprised inside a Microsoft teams and also a web experience as well but the co-pilot experience will as we mentioned meet you in the app of choice that means you're only a couple of clicks away from asking it to do something to actually create some content in Microsoft Word as an example generating you a report very simple to do because the copilot experience is embedded inside of word that sidebar what is going to be word specific and allow you to have all of those great capabilities around automation inside of word the same applies to Outlook the same applies to excel the same even applies to Microsoft teams so if we add in all of that value you're going to get what we can see is Microsoft 365 co-pilot will be able to do a lot of your work for you will it take your job well I guess it depends on your own job and what you do in your job role but very much it's going to come and it's going to save us hours every day to either mean you're going to find time to do the more important things in life or maybe just pick up of a Tas who knows Microsoft 365 co-pilot is probably the biggest game changer of the all when it comes to your work and how you're going to use it in the future so there you go Microsoft co-pilot explained and hopefully I've been able to show you there how it all comes together and how potentially in the future co-pilot will change the way you work or maybe your life who knows now if you did like this video I'd love you hit that like button and follow this channel to find more great content like this and not only that let me know in the comments about what you think of co-pilot and also how you think it could improve the way you work in the future or maybe it's just one of those apps that will never take off personally I actually think it will and it will change the way that we work in the future future in future Generations co-pilot will just be there helping us get more each day and also saving time to focus on the other things in life well that's supposed to be the benefit of the AI right but don't blame me if it changes its name to Skynet that had nothing to do with me as the la vista [Applause] [Music] baby
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 8,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft 365, artificial intelligence, microsoft 365 copilot, microsoft copilot, open ai, generative ai, work transformation, windows 11, copilot for work, microsoft word, microsoft copilot ai, bing chat, bing chat for enterprise, windows 11 copilot, microsoft paint copilot, microsoft, what is copilot, copilot explained, tutorial, your365coach, Your 365 Coach, word copilot, outlook copilot, excel copilot, office copilot, how to, microsoft teams
Id: eY37ur7IrX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 28sec (988 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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