NEW: Copilot in Excel | Here's why it's incredible!

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Microsoft co-pilot is finally here there's been a ton of new Excel features recently but this takes it to a whole another level so in this comprehensive guide let's go over how to use it in Microsoft Excel in PowerPoint for slide making and in Outlook for drafting emails as of this video it's still only available to a select few customers but let me show you how it can save hours of time first up with co-pilot in Excel you can see over here that we have a small table just to experiment with so if we go over to the Home tab you're going to find the co-pilot all the way to the right so let's just click on that to activate it once the dialogue Box is open over here it needs to convert the data that we currently have into a table so we can just hit on convert there to do so all right now we can either type our requests down over here or we can go by their suggested categories where they have these four so let's go over the first one of adding formula columns we'll just click on that and let's suppose that we want to merge the first two columns the first and the last simply to name and have them together so I could type here something like merge first and last column into one add space between them and hit enter so here's the suggestion and you can see it's basically made this formula for us and we can either click over here to get it explained or we can just insert a new column with it we can have it previewing over on the side you can see there that it's called it full name and it's basically merged the Max and the first upen without co-pilot we would have had to know how to use this formula completely on our own now what about numerical formulas so let's suppose here that we want to find the profit margin so we can add add new column for profit margin and just hit enter there we haven't actually told it what the formula is for profit margin which is just profit divided by Revenue but let's see if it's able to figure that out awesome so it's given us this suggestion over here and it's telling us the formula which is the profit divided by the revenue and that's all looking good there we can just click on insert there and we can find that we have the same profit margin of 35% throughout so it works pretty well with formulas and now let's take a look at some of the Highlight options so if we scroll back up you see we have this highlight feature so let's try using that one for example we could ask it highlight the highest revenue and hit enter there you can see there that it's identified the revenue column and within it it's highlighted this one over here as the highest now that's still a simple example what if we add some kind of an if condition there so for example only highlight the client i s that have less than 20 customers so we can go ahead and type highlight clients at less than 20 and hit enter awesome you can see there that it's been able to detect these three clients now if I change this figure to A10 you'll notice that it also gets detected so it's actually fully dynamic as well next up we can test how well it works for sorting and filtering so if we scroll back up we can just click on the and filter option and from here let's suppose that we want to um sort the revenue from high to low and see what happens there you'll notice there that it's been able to sort everything from highest to lowest now that's still a fairly simple example maybe a slightly harder one can be to only filter by those that have a profit above certain amounts so maybe we can say only select select the profit of the top five maybe instead of only select filter for the profit of the top five awesome you can see there that it's only filtered by the top five and we can now say to remove all filters and it should do that nicely great so you can see there it's quite a powerful tool but we haven't quite tried it yet with any kind of visuals so let's take a look at how we can do that with the analyze button over here so let's click on that analyze let's suppose that we want to just find some insights so what are some insights about the data set hit enter there let's see what it says you'll notice that I have made a typo but let's see if it's still able to interpret that and you can see here that it's actually generated this pivot chart if we click on add to a new sheet just for us to see better you can see that this is a pivot table as you can see by the popup there and it's showing the number of clients by the star ratings if we go back over here we can also ask it for specific charts like maybe it can be uh create a column chart by revenue for each full name awesome you can see there what is generated I can click on add to new sheet just for you to see that this analyze feature is actually very similar to the analyze data that we already had in Excel previously while co-pilot is looking very exciting it does have some flaws so let me show you you some examples of that let's suppose that we want to remove estan peon over here so we can type it remove estan peon row and just hit enter there you'll notice that it actually isn't able to do it let's see what it says like I anticipated it says here I'm sorry but I couldn't perform the actions you requested and instead it just tells you the steps to go ahead and do them yourself another notable flaw is that it doesn't quite work if you have two tables and you want to ask it say to merge them things like that don't quite work same thing goes with data that's outside of a table I have this cell here selected for now and it's saying hey I only work with an Excel table so we're actually unable to type anything down below unless we're inside of the table format that's an overview of co-pilot in Excel so let's now take a look at it in PowerPoint over here you can see that I have a presentation which is completely blank and under the Home tab I can click on COD pilot just like before within this we can either click down over here under view prompts to see some of the suggestions of what we we might be able to ask it or simply you can just type whatever you want let's say I have something in mind like this over here where I have make a five slide presentation on creating an excellent company culture great you'll notice there that it's generated five different slides kind of outlining the key steps we take a look down over here under notes you'll realize that it's also generated some notes for us maybe in the case of a presentation what if we also want a table of content slide well we can simply request one like can you add a slide after a title slide with a table of contents awesome you can see there that it's created a table of content slide with some of the titles that said the first title over here building a company culture that works is actually the one that you would have in the title so that's a bit of a mistake there while all of these are specific edits to the PowerPoint slides we can also ask it to interpret it for example let's suppose we want to ask it what are the three main takeaways from the presentation while we wait for this to generate something like this can be really useful to send as an email in the form of a summary and the PowerPoint slides attached so if we take a look over here what it said here's a summary of the deck and it's got the main ideas that said they're not exact L three there are a few more than that but you kind of get the idea of how it can work so far pretty impressive but we still have Outlook so let's take a look at that one we can just click on new email over here let me make it full screen you'll notice within that that we have type SL2 draft with co-pilot you can also activate it with this button over here so let's go ahead and start typing you'll notice we get this popup and suppose we want to say that we're out of office so I've just put that I'll be out of office until January 5th due to surgery let's see if it's able to make it a bit fancier than that awesome you can see there that it's made it a lot fancier with I would like to inform you that I'll be out of office and then it's just added some supplemental text after that like during this time going to be unable to respond to emails and so on and so forth so it's really a lot better than what we wrote that's a fairly easy email though so let's make something slightly harder like for example a meeting with an investor so I've said that meeting with our investors went great they're going to be investing a further 5 million let's go ahead and see what it has to say there this is starting to look great I'm happy to report that our meeting with investors went very well they're impressed with our progress and they've agreed to invest an additional 5 million in our company and so on and so forth so it looks a lot more professional alongside drafting emails there is also a coaching tool which you can also find up over here under coaching by co-pilot what this one does is it actually guides you as you write an email and sets your tone as opposed to changing your words directly so you can see here I have some text that I've generated and I can go over to coaching by co-pilot where it's going to start analyzing the email from here it's going to tell me what my tone is and how it could be improved and it's also giving me some suggestions of text as well as the reader sentiment and they sound excited which is good and some clarity where maybe I could add a few more details so that's Co coaching by co-pilot so you can see overall co-pilot is a huge upgrade and something that's going to make you a lot more productive unfortunately it's not yet available for everyone so if you want to be productive today check out this video over here to save you hours of time or take our Excel course over here hit the like and that subscribe and I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Kenji Explains
Views: 197,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: copilot in excel, excel copilot, copilot, microsoft copilot, microsoft 365 copilot, copilot tutorial, excel copilto tutorial, microsoft excel copilot tutorial, copilot powerpoint tutorial, copilot outlook tutorial, microsoft copilot excel tutorial, use copilot in excel, draft emails with copilot, analyze data with copilot, make visuals with copilot, make presentation with copilot, copilot in excel for charts, copilot excel formulas, copilot excel highlights, formula copilot
Id: 2NZZVrb6xVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 26sec (626 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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