Introducing Microsoft Copilot Studio: How to Build your first Copilot

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hello everyone Resa here are you looking to learn about Microsoft co-pilot Studio to build your own custom co-pilot experience and leverage the new generative AI capabilities to empower your co-pilot then this video has you covered let's [Music] go we are in the era of co-pilots where AI is a real time collaborator in the Microsoft Power Platform stack now we have copilot studio for co-pilot creation Microsoft co-pilot studio is the ability for you to build your co-pilot your way leverage generative AI natural language to build your chatboard experience dynamically complete tasks and a lot more this includes an overview of co-pilot Studio the various capabilities that it has to offer from customization to easily building a conversational bot experience easy design and completely secure platform with governance and control it has information about pricing documentation and support references so to get started one of the easiest options is to Simply go ahead and try a demo here we can simply Point our bot to a website and it will leverage generative AI to have Rich multiturn conversations using information from the site so let's try this out let's Leverage The learn documentation that's available for co-pilot Studio as a reference I'll simply point to this website click Start chat accept the terms and the copilot is ready let's chat and ask questions what is Microsoft co-pilot studio and here is the response it also has the reference to the web page from where it found that specific information can I publish the bot to Microsoft teams here's the response yes you can publish and here is the reference that once again points to the website that I had targeted let's try and sign in to leverage the full Microsoft co-pilot Studio experience this leads me to co-pilot studio. and this is where I can start creating my co-pilot I can give my co-pilot a name I can pick the language here is the ability for me to boost the conversations the website I will select Microsoft power apps documentation on learn and click create and the process for setting up the co-pilot begins straight out lands me into the co-pilot Studio experience here I have the ability to test my co-pilot set up generative AI create custom topics create plugins or extend a Microsoft co-pilot let's start with generate a AI when I created this co-pilot I pointed to a public website here I can add up to four public facing websites plus four internal websites SharePoint sites as an example let's also point to the power automate documentation I can also pick content moderation High meaning copilot generates fewer answers but responses are more relevant medium more answers but responses may be less relevant and low will generate the most answers but responses can have inaccuracies I'll leave it as high another option related to generative AI is the ability to upload a document the information in the document will be leveraged to power realtime responses to your users the document will be stored securely in data verse and bear in mind all the users who have access to run the co-pilot will have access to the document can simply go and upload a document here I have a simple word document that has links and references to learning content I'll go ahead and upload this document the document is now uploaded to data us and within a few moments the information from this document will be leveraged by the co-pilot to provide responses once I'm done setting up the generative AI part I'll click save my changes are saved let's go ahead and test the co-pilot I will recommend to enable track between topics so we can see live which topics are being called as I chat with the co-pilot I said hi copilot responds with hello how can I help you today how to build responsive canvas apps and the coiler responds with the steps on building a responsive canvas app it also provides a reference for me that's the reference to the documentation on building responsive canvas apps the trigger for generative answers here is an unknown intent since the user input does not match any trigger of any topic it lands in the unknown intent trigger and here we have the create generative ansers section which is connected to those public websites that I had set in the generative AI tab so on very similar lines I have a co-pilot that points to public websites and can also point to internal sites sites for example here it's pointing to my internal SharePoint site called Power Platform Hub when pointing to internal sites users would need to authenticate to the bot under settings under security we have the option to set the authentication so let's test my bot I'll hit refresh so it starts the conversation the system topic that gets called to begin with is conversation start here I have given a message since I have the user authenticated I can print out the user's first name as an example so hello RZA one of the variables here is the name of the bot my bot is called Power Platform learning I can also add links I can also include a video message so for the send a message action we can write a rich text message show an image a video even take advantage of adaptive cards so in my scenario the bot posts a link if I select this it takes me to the Power Platform documentation and there is a get started with power apps video reference the video will play in line these days many of us are learning new ways my message automation success story the bot leverages generative answers I've asked her to share information about hackathons the references that it is provided here is related to information coming from my internal site next I asked it to provide resources for pro developers and fusion teams and you can see how it's giving me responses by leveraging information from all those connected data sources and each of these references are marked by numbers I can see those references right here these ones are actually coming from the document that I uploaded we can also create our own custom topics and those topics as well I can either create from scratch or I can simply describe and co-pilot will help frame that experience for me so create a topic to let user create a request for training I'll click create and copilot weaves its magic to create the topic the topic gets triggered for the following phrases I'm free to add additional phrases here then it's going going to ask the user which type of training you need what are your training details and then it will thank the user for providing that information of course you can customize this to your needs you can ask your own questions once you capture the responses you can also call an action to lck that response you can call power automate you can directly leverage connectors or you can take advant AG of plugin actions once my topic is set I can click save I said I have a training request it mapped it to the topic request for training so the first question is what type of training are you looking for I'll say power apps the next question provide more details about the training I'll say app in a day and for now the board just responds with a message thank you for the training request I have a custom topic that I have created called latest video where I have added a few phrases this goes and calls a flow the flow gets triggered goes and grabs information from an RSS feed that points to my YouTube channel goes and fetches the latest video and Returns the information in different parameters back to the co-pilot the co-pilot reads all that information and then I go ahead and display a message to the user this one includes a video reference as well the video points to that output parameter so let's try this I've said YouTube video co-pilot calls the flow Once Again the video res here I can play this in line we can also Al take advantage of powerful analytics that co-pilot provides leverages powerbi to provide all this information once you're ready you can go ahead and publish your co-pilot the settings we have the details of the co-pilot that's the name of the bot you can change the icon you can take advantage of AI integration tools and you can publish your co-pilot to a variety of channels you can publish it to Microsoft co-pilot Microsoft teams demo website and a lot more and co-pilots will simply list out all the co-pilots that you have created in the specific environment one of the neat options I like once you build your co-pilot is you can simply say go to demo website and here I can try my co-pilot live in action it requires the user to authenticate first because I am pointing to internal resources SharePoint as an example I have leveraged the token sign in experience single sign on option is also available and here my co-pilot Springs into action and the co-pilot provides the response if you enjoyed this video then do like comment and subscribe to my YouTube channel and thank you so much for watching
Channel: Reza Dorrani
Views: 25,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft copilot studio, copilot, copilot studio, microsoft copilot, how to, how to create a chatbot, generative ai, power virtual agents, power virtual agents copilot, power virtual agents tutorial, copilot tutorial, copilot for beginners, get started with copilot studio, build your own chatbot, microsoft, reza dorrani, build your first copilot, Microsoft Copilot Studio Introduction, Use AI features in your copilot, generative answers power virtual agents, chatbot tutorial
Id: GRNvCmhDvj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 34sec (814 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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