The NEW Planner in Microsoft 365 Coming in 2024 #microsoft365

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2024 is going to see a big makeover for the productivity apps in Microsoft 365 and I think these changes are pretty good and that's what we're going to talk about in today's video but first just a quick intro my name is Jonathan Edwards from integral it in the UK we help businesses all over the world with the Microsoft 365 so at the moment Microsoft offers lots of different applications for you to be able to manage your project and your tasks you've got Microsoft to-do which covers your personal tasks then you've got Microsoft planner which covers your team projects tasks and collaboration but then within teams you've also got something called tasks by planner and to do it's all a bit of a head scratch but just a couple of weeks ago at Max soft ignite maxsoft announced a raft of changes for these productivity apps now we're going to talk about those changes in a moment but first what are the problems we're trying to fix firstly part of the problem is there's too many applications to manage different things H is this task going to go in my Todo or is it going to become a team project and should I put it in planner I'm definitely going to put this in planner or what about Max of teams should it go in there secondly the to-do and planner applications have been around since 2016 that's a long time in technology and they've never really had any changes or any improvements and thirdly a lot of people that I speak to think that planner is a little bit well basic and what they do when they want to manage more complex projects with more advanced features is the need to go away and buy the old-fashioned Microsoft Project which is an extra cost so it seems that Microsoft have actually listened and they've announced a raft of Chang es to supercharge your productivity so what are these changes going to be well the first change is quite subtle and it's going to happen very soon tasks by planner and to-do within Microsoft teams is just going to have a name change it's going to be changed to be called just planner nothing else will change at this stage just a name the first big change is going to happen in Spring 2024 Microsoft too Microsoft planner and Microsoft project on the web are all going to come together to form a new productivity application and it's just going to be called planner now at first this is going to be available just within Microsoft teams and then later in 2024 it will get its very own web app so what are the features that are going to be included in this new super duper app called planner firstly do you remember when I told you that people off got confused because there were too many productivity apps well not anymore everything is going to be rolled into one you're going to be able to see all of your tasks across Microsoft 365 in one place these might be personal tasks that might be a project that you're part of it might be a followup from a teams meeting it might be a a task from Microsoft Outlook or even from Microsoft loop everything will be joined together in one single plane of glass nice and simp simple and secondly we spoke earlier about planner being too basic for some people's needs well again Microsoft have listened lots of features from the more advanced Microsoft Project are going to be pulled over to Microsoft planner to make it a much more advanced project management system now it looks like there's going to be two versions of the new planner there'll be a basic version which will be included within your Microsoft 365 but there'll also be a premium version which as the name implies will probably incur an extra cost the premium version has all the premium features it'll have co-pilot which is AI and we're going to talk about that in a moment but it'll also have some Advanced project management features like timelines where you can easily visualize your project you can create dependencies on certain tasks and much more in short this new planner is going to be a fully functional feature Rich project management system and of course no new technology release would be complete without the integration of AI now Microsoft's AI is obviously called co-pilot and that's going to be included in the premium version of Planet so what will co-pilot be able to do for your business well think of co-pilot as your very own digital assistant so you want to plan a new product launch and you're thinking what steps do I need for a successful product launch well why don't you ask co-pilot and co-pilot will provide a list of all the tasks you need to successfully launch your product and you can then take control you can change those tasks around you can add more or you can go back to co-pilot and ask them to do it for you co-pilot will also analyze the goals you've set for your project and it will cat to the task according to your goals it's all very clever so I can cannot wait until the new planet app is released in 2024 Microsoft have put a ton of videos on YouTube all about the features check them out I look forward to seeing you again soon
Channel: Jonathan Edwards
Views: 105,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft 365, project management, microsoft ignite, microsoft planner, ms ignite, ignite 2023, microsoft teams, microsoft planner tutorial, microsoft project, microsoft ignite keynote, microsoft planner overview, microsoft planner tips and tricks, microsoft planner tutorial 2023, microsoft planner 2023, microsoft planner and teams, microsoft planner app, ms ignite 2023, project management software, copilot windows 11, copilot x
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2023
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