How to use Copilot in Microsoft Word to create awesome documents

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do you want to know how you can use co-pilot in Microsoft Word to generate new content improve content and query existing documents I'm the productivity coach and today I show you how hi I'm St the productivity coach and I work at Microsoft as part of our modern work Ai and ecosystem team and it can't of escaped your notice that co-pilot for Microsoft 365 has launched as of the 1st of November and you'll see loads and loads of content content um I've already produced a video showing you how I use uh copilot in Microsoft teams meetings or after meetings to do all my catch up like generate meeting noes actions query the meeting and things like this so if you haven't seen that then hop over and look at that video because it is a great watch and it's a great way to get super productive with copala really quickly but where we move to the next level is actually using the power of co-pilot to generate brand new content or improve existing content and today I'm going to focus on how we can do that in Microsoft Word so really really easy uh let's have a look we'll go across here so one of the things I want to point out before we even get started is there's a brilliant adoption site which is adoption. copilot and if you head over here there's loads of great content on how you can prepare for co-pilot learn how it works there's a really Vibrant Community where you can go and uh speak with other people and things like this but this comprehensive guide got different Resources by roles how you can use it for you for your team but there's a great prompt skills guide here and there's this handout which is ingredients of a prompt because the more the the more effort you put into your prompt the better the result comes out the other end so here we can see uh we've got this this great visual here this colored visual in the middle that shows you what a brilliant prompt should look like so I'm going to just zoom in a bit bit here okay and it's made up of like four sections so one is the goal what do you want so I want you to generate three to five bullet points why what's the context why do you need it and who's involved so I want this to prepare me for a meeting with this client to discuss their brand campaign now you those are the two basic ones we can improve that if we give it a source so what information should it use so here we're saying focus on email and teams chats since June and then the expectations so please use Simple language so I can get up to speed quickly so the more effort you put into your prompt the more chance of success that co-pilot has so it's like if you had a new employee and you said just go and create this thing they might not be able to do this the more information you give the better now one of the other sections which is great on this adoption document here is this co-piloting app section so I'm looking at co-pilot in word today so let's have a look and see what advice device they've got there and what they do here is tell you how you can use copilot within this and there'll be loads of development that happens on this over time but here they've kind of split it into four different buckets of types of actions so we can create new stuff edit stuff catch up on uh very complex things or ask questions so I'm going to start off with creating brand new content from scratch so you've got that uh learn more or you hit try and word and it'll open word for you so let's start off with create and uh show you because quite often when you got that blank page that's really where a big struggle um is to get started and once you got started you can improve and refine it so here I've got Microsoft Word and you can see the first thing is happen is copilot's popped up here so let's really construct a great prompt so as an HR specialist so I'm telling it the role that it needs to um needs to fulfill so as an HR specialist create a guidance document for managers um about about how to run an effective annual review okay um run an effective annual review with employees okay so I've given it the information Let's help it out here so remember to not just uh focus on historic performance but also about development and future goals and then uh lastly produce a checklist for managers um that they can use to ensure they've hit all the points in their review okay so a lot of information in there that we've got but should really help co-pilot to produce um a really great document okay and things like that checklist you know those are the things that we want we want to make it easy for people so uh okay let's let's go with this and it will take uh it'll take a few seconds it doesn't just appear and if you use any other AI services as you can see as it works here but we're starting off with an introduction we've got this Title Here review with employees a guide for HR Specialists and managers okay and then we've got a section here on preparing so what are the things that they should be doing in advance then how do they conduct the review um so all of those kind of things like avoid making judgments assumptions you know schedule meeting in advance all of that stuff then what should we do afterwards so follow up on the annual review um and then here specifically is this thing that I asked for I asked for this oops that's there a checklist for managers so this is is quite a long checklist now um if we wanted to be super comprehensive uh then we can ask them to do all of these things but let's make that a little bit shorter so um when when we look through all of these we can make a refinement here before we kind of commit to it so what I'm going to say is limit the checklist for managers to the most important 10 items and we'll just hit the arrow to go and now what it's going to do is is review what it's already done and it's going to regenerate that document again okay so we're going to go through that and the the reason why it regenerates the whole thing is in my one there I just asked about one section but I might want to review the whole tone of the document so that's why it goes through um and it does that but you can see here it's the same as we've got uh you know the same kind of structure we had already but now we've got this checklist here one 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 so they're all there again I can review that and then if I click keep it that's now kind of locked into the document so uh it's a great way to um kind of just create that and avoid that blank page thing I don't really know where to start because then I can go and change this so the next one here is around editing so you can use copilot in where to edit documents um and change text or improve things and uh rewrite them so um to do that I'm just going to get rid of this and so I could do this with this document I've got here okay this is a piece of generated text but what I'm going to do is go with this one so this is a more technical document it's a product spec for a tablet computer here so you can see here it's got Lo of technical language and things like this but I've got this introduction document but I might not be happy with it so if I highlight the paragraph here then we've got a little co-pilot icon rewrite with co-pilot that comes up on the side and if I click that it will now go through and it will generate maybe two or three or more uh different ways to write this and then I can scan through these and see which ones I like okay but if I'm not happy with any of them then I can do regenerate and it will have a another go at doing that so now it's given me two here so let's just go through and you can find the one you want now if you wanted to change the tone I can click this adjust tone and we've got professional casual imaginative concise so I'm going to hit professional I'm going to just regenerate one more time okay and again this so this will give me three options here so if I just go through the one that I want okay I'm happy with this and I can click replace and that's now replaced that straight in uh my document there super easy uh a great way to rewrite um rewrite some text if you're not particularly happy with it okay so uh what's next so next thing really is around catch up so uh especially if you've got like um uh if you've got a document that you that's very long um and you want to just find out a little bit more find additional detail and we can do things like enhance our document or we can just summarize our document and that that kind of Falls for me that falls across both of those last two sections there uh but let's have a go with this one so this is quite um a complex technical document here um loads of different information here so what I'm going to say is I'm going to uh summarize this document okay uh and I'm going to say in three paragraphs because I want it to be relatively short so now what it's going to do is comb through this document and because we're doing this inw in this document it only uses information from this document in its response it's not going anywhere else um to it's not looking anything else like emails and team chats and things like this so here we can see that it's uh produced a short summary so it's given me these Auto promps so I can say oh actually let's make this summary a little a bit longer okay so it didn't quite stick them in paragraphs there but um it got the gist but I was looking for I wanted a short a concise summary there uh so now it's looking through and again this has got quite a lot of technical technical language and things like this so it's uh working through to make a longer summary there we go and you can just see here as well it's got all of these different citations you can see you s just pop up a moment ago and it tells you where in the document that that um that link has come from so that's how we could summarize it but what I really like is how you can ask questions about the document so this might have been put together by loads of people um who were all um experts in their own section but co-pilot is an expert on the whole document so if I said who is the target oops audience for this product it will go through and it will look to find the answer in here so this is really useful um for you know for these for these bigger documents where multiple people have put them together and no one person is really the expert okay so according to the document the target audience for Zen tab is people who want use a tablet for personal and professional use and then it's got that little citation but now what we can do is we can use this to actually generate new content um so if I said generate 10 taglines and a one minute elevator pitch based upon this content so this is a little bit more of a complex prompt here because actually it's got two things it's saying 10 tag lines and an elevator pitch but um I'm confident that copil will be able to handle both of those and uh and pull that together there so nearly done and again I'm not editing anything there's no time here this is live as it is so here are my taglines um and here is my elevator pitch um so there you can see that that's uh really really useful there now what I would say is um you know if you haven't gone to this adoption site definitely head over um to that because um it's a really really really useful resource so hopefully that's shown you how we can use uh co-pilot in Microsoft Word um now if you go to the adoption site you can see how you can use across the other products such as PowerPoint or Excel or OneNote uh loop Etc but I will be doing that as well in other videos so if you want to make sure that you find out about those then hit that notification Bell so you find out when new content comes have a look at some of the other content that I've already produced like the one on teams meetings uh have a look at that adoption site get up to speed um and hopefully if you've got copal already uh you're having a great time you'll finding this really useful and if you're looking to see whether you want to purchase coil then hopefully this has uh kind of pushed you uh towards the right direction so uh hope You' enjoyed the content and I'll see you again on another [Music] video
Channel: Stuart Ridout: Productivity Coach
Views: 111,458
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Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 03 2023
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