How to use Copilot in Microsoft PowerPoint to create presentation decks with ease

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do you want to know how I use Microsoft 365 co-pilot to massively reduce the time taken producing and analyzing PowerPoint decks I'm the productivity coach and today I show you how hi I'm St R out the productivity coach and I work at Microsoft as part of our modern work team now this is one video in a series where I'm looking at the newly released Microsoft 365 co-pilot functionality which was released on the 1st of November and specifically how I use it to transform the way that I work because I guarantee if you get copilot it absolutely is a GameChanger in terms of reducing the time taken to analyze and produce documents meet analyze meetings like do notes action points PowerPoint decks Excel everything um and so I've already looked at how we can use co-pilot in teams meetings and in Microsoft Word so this is the next most popular one for me um is how I use it in in PowerPoint so let's just Dive Right In and I can show you uh how I use it okay so let's start off with an existing deck because one of the great things about copal is the ability to uh kind of ingest and analyze these really really complicated decks so this is a Microsoft 365 co-pilot technical overview deck that we use uh when we do technical sessions with customers so if I click on co-pilot here I can go and I can do things like uh organizer Pres presentation but specifically I'm going to click summarize this presentation now this will take a few moments uh because it is a massive slide deck um but I have there's no editing here there's no time lapse here to speed anything up because I want you to get the proper real experience and you can see that it's already starting to produce results to summarize the deck so I can see data protection responsible AI um the overview of co- pilet and here it's got all of those references where has it taken that summary from in in terms of slides and I can click here where it says 59 references and see those slides there as well so it's really really great in terms of transparency but I can ask questions of it as well so if I said what is a large language model um and it will go in there now this has got 130 slides in this deck um so it makes it much quicker to go and do that rather than start to look through slides and find the answer um so again it is quite large so it just takes a moment to pull through uh what it's got there but hopefully any moment now it will return with an answer now it's saying the key thing here is it's saying according to the presentation so when you use co-pilot it will tell you where that information's coming from so this has come out of this document rather than kind of out of the large language model and you can see here I can click on this and it will tell me where it's actually come from specifically okay um if I go back to the start then let we could ask all sorts of questions so I could say is my data used to train the llm or the large language model okay and it uses the slides and it uses the um the speaker notes as well to be able to get these results here so again just taking a moment to do that but much quicker than looking and again here it says according to the presentation no your data is not used to train the l m and we can see here again which slide that answer comes from so it's really easy to be able to kind of um you know be transparent about where it comes from and you can see that it's got these great suggested questions as well so now that it knows what's in the deck it can start to suggest questions that you might want to ask so this one here is what is the difference between chat GPT and Microsoft 365 co-pilots and again it should be able to return a result here and again it's saying according to the presentation and here now it's telling me about what chat GPT is it's saying it's a general purpose llm and then here now it's comparing and contrasting that with co-pilot so we' got chat GPT at the top and then co-pilot here um and again it's telling me what the references are where it's coming from um and and help here so what about if we wanted to do a new presentation so here I am I'm going to do a brand new presentation from scratch so this is a completely blank presentation now I could either um just ask it and and get information from the llm or I could specifically Target a file but I'm going to start off with just a general uh presentation so here I'm going to say create a presentation about the benefits of Microsoft teams for team collaboration okay and because I'm not specified a um a source where I want it to take from I like I I want to create get a presentation from a file and I'll show you that in a little bit this is using information that it finds on the large language model to be able to do this so what it's going to do is it's going to go through that and I can already see now this progress bar down the bottom it's starting to create this um and then it's saying you know it could help you to change it or you can use designer which is also based on AI so we can see we've got slides on realtime collaboration efficient file sharing um improved productivity and efficiency and things like this and the es um it it's pulled in automatically and you can see here that it's even generated speaker notes for me um so it makes it really really easy for you to be able to kind of produce this deck and just go off and present this and if I just let's have a look here and um look at in slideshow mode oh that's on my other screen let me just switch this around so you can see what the speaker view looks like so there you go and you can see that my slides all my slides have got speaker notes Here so uh rather than just reading through what's on the slide I can use those speaker notes so I can be a really confident uh presenter but I can make edits as well so this one here it's just got three bullets I maybe want some more so if I say add another two bullet points okay and send that then hopefully that will then be able to kind of expand out um the the detail on there okay uh pulling things together you find the bullet feature ah so here it's misunderstood what I've said so this is down to my prompt and it's saying you can find the bullet feature on the Home tab um so let's be more specific here so add another two bullet points to this slide okay so again this is about this prompt you know creation really make sure that you're very specific about what you want because if I said add another two bullet points it didn't know that it wanted that that on the specific slide so because I've specified this you can see here now that it's added two extra bullet points onto my slide here okay but what if I wanted to produce something using like either one of these templates up the top here or even my corporate template so I'm going to go here I'm going to go into my Microsoft uh company templates and we've got a couple of different ones so if I was doing something about teams I could take something out that but I'm going to do a generic one and I'm going to use this blue Microsoft brand template just give that a moment for it to download um and then this is this is something I get lots of questions on is like can we use our own templates in this and absolutely you can so I've got my presentation let me just clear out all of these slides that are in that okay and now I'm going to go over to co-pilot and what I'm going to do this time is create a deck from a file that I've already got so if I click create presentation from file it says paste your word document link here so if I go over to this this one so this is um a document I produced about annual reviews and let me just grab that copy link there just take a moment to get that there we go and if I go back to my PowerPoint now and just paste that link in there hit send and off it will go so now what it will do is it will go and look at that deck and rather than producing it from the content on the large language model which did it uses this deck and actually I use this deck uh I produced this deck using um Microsoft 365 copilot itself so um it's it's already using material that it's already produced but uh that doesn't it doesn't matter if you've produced that or written it from scratch so it's show me the structure of what I've got here and then we can see that progress as it goes through again I'm not changing any time on this so you can see exactly what happens and just something interesting's popped up here so you can see here at the top it's saying that it's automatically applied the sensitivity label General and that's because if I go back and look at my source material that is the sensitivity label that is there so it's inherited that sensitivity label and has applied it to my new document here so you can see all of my slides here this is in the corporate template if I look on layout you can see the template that it's using it's using title only but I could pick another one so there's multiple different title slides in this one okay and we can see that it's pulled in that those blue titles um it's pulled in images from the internet here okay we can see those and again it has generated those speaker notes now it's slightly different this time because I've got the speaker notes at the top here and then underneath I've got the original content so um if uh rather than the llm one we might say well actually you know what why is it talking about being specific and actionable and then here I can say oh in the original text it's said about being specific con actionable so it makes it much easier to do that um now we get lots and lots of uh questions about how you can um set up your templates and things like this now don't forget there is this um adoption website so adoption. copilot um and in the PowerPoint section it talks about how you can uh make your templates available Etc so if I go to the adoption page and then go co-pilot in apps then copil in PowerPoint click on learn more then it will give me some of the suggested ways that I can use that okay so I can go here and you can see to create new presentations uh edit and summarize your presentations organize them so you can use it to structure your slides and then there's this one here that says make your presentations look great and if you click learn more here I'll stick this note as well this URL uh in the in the notes for this as well but it talks about how you can set up this organizational asset Library so that those uh decks come in so there you have it it's really really easy to get started really quickly using PowerPoint and Microsoft 365 co-pilot I know for lots of people it's a really tedious task to like take a document and then have to go and um produce a PowerPoint uh slide deck from that and it doesn't have to be like that um the one that I use there about HR guidance was quite a um you know quite a wordy prosy type of document but I've done it with examples with technical spec documents and things like this so the great thing about co-pilot is it really understands your data and it makes it a really quick and easy job to produce things and understand it and uh just get great results really really quickly so hopefully you found this useful if you haven't seen the other videos on how you can use it in teams meetings and how you can use it in Microsoft Word then definitely take a look at at those cuz they will help you get up and running really really quickly if you're using co-pilot I'd love to know if you're using co-pilot um and some of maybe the prompts that you're using or some of the successes that you're seeing so if you've got those then please pop those into the comments because I love to see those and we can pass those on to the product team as well and if other than that I will see you again on another [Music] video
Channel: Stuart Ridout: Productivity Coach
Views: 42,737
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RrM44aIlM2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 14 2023
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