Microsoft Loop - A Smarter Way to OneNote?

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so when it comes to using Microsoft Loop there's been a question that keeps coming up how is this going to work with also Microsoft OneNote because Microsoft have also announced it's going to integrate Microsoft Loop capabilities inside a OneNote which is fantastic but Microsoft OneNote is also 20 years old it released back in 2003 and Microsoft Loop has only just went into General availability that means that Microsoft Loop does have some more advanced capabilities to give it more power when it comes taking notes and sharing them across all the Microsoft 365 apps but that still raises the question can we then use Microsoft loop as an app to take your notes that might even complement or replace your use of Microsoft OneNote now before we dive in I'd love it if hit the like button not only that subscribe to his channel to find more great content like this it'll turn you into a prod productivity Superstar anyway let's dive into Microsoft Loop and check out how it can transform the way that you take notes so when it comes to using Microsoft Loop much like one note you're going to want to have quick access to all of your notes the best way to do that is to use the latest Windows app yes Loop is available in an app all we need to do is go into the Windows store and when you're in there search on Microsoft Loop and here you'll find the loop app you install on your Windows device when you're ready click on the get button and now install it on your computer and once you've added the app from the Windows store we can quickly add some shortcuts here we can pin it to the taskbar pin to start and auto start on device login and now the app is on your Windows device it's going to Auto sign in and start as soon as you start Windows meaning all of your Loop content is now available pretty quickly and there's no need to go via the web browser but when it comes to taking notes much like we see here inside of one note you want the ability to to create different sections right that's what typically we find in one note when we fire at one note we'll find a quick note section on the left alongside any sections you've created typically for projects or initiatives that you're working on but how can we do that inside the Microsoft loot to provide similar capability well let's head down into that Loop app when you're in there we can now consider how best to achieve this now you may want to start out with just some ideas by clicking on the ideas button and then the plus icon to the right hand side you can begin to create your first ideas page that acts much like a page inside of one of your one notes but the problem I generally find is this doesn't organize the content pretty well after a while if we go back to our ideas tab you'll start to fill up with different pages with a different and sometimes complicated naming convention making it really hard to go back about to your ideas so think of loop much like one note let's go back to the loop homepage and from here instead of going into the ideas we're going to go click on the plus icon and we're going to create ourself a new Loop workspace to operate one of your projects or initiatives now with that done to mirror what we have inside a OneNote we can go ahead and click on Create and once we've done that you can see that project Zeta has now been created but no one has access to it much like one note you you don't need to provide access to anyone inside of your Loop workspace it can just stay for now as only you having access later on you can share it with your project team but in Loop it doesn't mean everything needs to be shared with colleagues things in Loop can remain personal and private to you much like my project Zeta workspace is right now so looking back at our one note inside of our project Zeta we had a a page here all around scoping and design and we had some content with text and we also had a checklist of activities that needed to get done so can Loop provide the same capability well yes it can in fact what I'm going to go ahead and do is copy this text content from our scoping and design page head back into the loop app and now let's give this page and name exactly the same project scope and design and now we can also begin typing now you also see in Loop we can use the menu button to open additional components which are all very powerful in their own right but we're only dealing with text right now so what we can actually do is remove the menu button and instead paste in that content and a simple as that we've now got content we can also much like one note go and add headings in formatting to make the content more well understood later when it comes to adding things like table of contents but how can Loop deal with checklist so if we go back into our OneNote page we've got a whole checklist and as we can see we can easily check them off inside a OneNote well we can do much the same in fact let's go and copy over one of these checklists here and bring it straight into Microsoft Loop here what I can firstly do is add a header cuz we want to show especially this is all related to a project checklist so we'll do exactly that and here we can now highlight the content and make it a h in formatting it's really important for later when we look again at table of contents with that done we can then go further down click on the forward slash key to open up our menu button and select checklist and paste in one of our items for the checklist and much like one note we can check and uncheck when this checklist has been completed it's very straightforward to do inside of Microsoft Loop and and not forgetting planning right in our OneNote we've got a page dedicated to exactly that including a few tasks but the problem I have with one note is I've created them and I've also flagged them inside of Outlook to be might as Outlook task me to pick up later but I can't easily assign it to other people so how can we mirror this capability and actually do better inside of loop well once again we can go ahead and take our content let's just take this first point of one of my tasks to get done let's go back into Loop and at this point let's create a page all around planning so let's click on the plus icon create a new page and here we consider planning so we give it a title right at the top now in our plan we're going to allocate tasks and get stuff done we could equally do a check list as we've seen previously but instead let's go and create some tasks now to do that once again we're going to click on the forward slash key to open the menu options and here I'm going to scroll down and we're looking at this point for a task list we're going to click that icon here we can now see we can add in tasks assignments others and set due dates so here's one of my tasks here but unlike one note what I can now do is add it to one of my colleagues so yes my project Zeta workspace isn't shared with anyone else but myself what I do though is share one of my tasks with my colleagues so I'm going to allocate this task to Megan and I'm going to also select a due date for next week now as you can see Megan doesn't have access this Plus icon denotes that she doesn't have access to have access or visibility to this task what I can do is click on the plus icon and I can now click share and notify and at which point this task will now be notified to Megan and appear in Megan's Microsoft to-do list and it's powered by Microsoft planner this doesn't mean that Megan can see all content inside of this workspace though instead Megan can only see the tasks and a task list that have been noted on this page other content is not visible to Megan so it's a great way to allocate tasks to others much like did in one note but to also Place assignments and notifications using the power Microsoft too and planner so if you're feeling a bit looped out let's take a breath and take a short break because I'd love to tell you more about your 365 coach your 365 coach was developed to give you the skills that you need to become a productivity superstar in the workplace yes whether you need Consulting support bringing us in to help you Microsoft 365 or additional training we there to help you if you'd like to find out more check out our website in the link below not only that on our website there's the ability to download a free Microsoft 365 ebook that goes into more detail about how you become more productive with the tools you already have otherwise let's dive back into Microsoft Loop and OneNote and find out how we can continue to improve the way that you take notes but also in one note you generally may find you want to have it as a scratch pad for ideas here's one of our YouTube videos that we wanted to refer to for some of the content we're creating and what we can easily do in one note is paste in a link click on play and we can play the content in place inside a OneNote it's quite powerful to do but we can also do that in Microsoft Loop yes new capability recently released allows integration with YouTube and Microsoft stream videos when you just have that web link so let's head into our Loop app once again this point I'm going to go ahead and create a new page and call it content ideas so now added a title and a little bit of an idea here what we're discussing I'm now going to paste in that web link you can easily see now that the YouTube video has been integrated directly within this page I can click on play play the video directly inside of the loop page really powerful to share ideas from YouTube and Microsoft stream now something I used to use one note quite a bit for was meeting notes meeting notes quite powerful cuz I could integrate one of our meetings directly from the OneNote menu using meeting details and bringing one of our meetings but can we do the same when it comes to Loop well we can have very similar capability so if we head into Microsoft Loop let's assume you've got an impromptu meeting that's been added into your diary what we can then do is click on the plus icon to the right hand side and once again open a new page now what we're going to consider is we could go and create a new page for some of our meeting notes what we can do is we can use templates inside the Microsoft Loop so at the bottom you see a number of templates and there's a whole template Gallery with 24 templates today that you can utilize and bring straight into Loop so here I'm going to select meeting notes and select us this template you can now see that we have a page dedicated for one of your meetings so if you've been invited quickly into one of your meetings you can use this template to use it very quickly and effectively for one of your meetings and add in the relevant content we can go ahead and add a meeting topic add Mee and attendees into Loop tables and more and give you that same capability but also there are better options in fact what you can now do inside the Microsoft teams when you schedule a new meeting directly from your team's calendar is you can actually insert a loop page that handles all of your meeting notes that we can later bring in to your project Zeta workspace so I'm going to go ahead add a title and add some attendees into this meeting invitation show you how it all works so let's go and add this loot capability all we need to do is click on add an an agenda others can edit and we can now see we can add an agenda meeting notes and follow-up tasks and even better follow-up tasks integrated into Microsoft too and planner so with that done we can go ahead and now click on the send button to send this across to my colleague Nester who can join the meeting and also have access to that information when the meeting starts so to do that all we need to do is go ahead and open up the team's meeting on the right hand side we can now see meeting notes have appeared including the agenda driven as a check list as agenda is completed we can check off the options and then as we go we can begin to add in our meeting notes that all be synchronized back into Loop when the meeting finishes but here's where some of the loop capability really stands out all we then need to do is go to the recent tab within Loop we can see project Z to catchup and when we open that we can see the agenda we checked off the meeting notes and follow-up tasks and all we then need to do to bring a copy into my own area area and working in Project Zeta click add to workspace select project Zeta and at which point then be moved across and I have quick access into the project Zeta workspace now we can see project zeta's catchup has been added into this workspace much like we would do inside of a OneNote section A OneNote page dedicated to those meeting notes there's two simple ways there to bring in meeting notes directly into one of your Loop workspaces and to use it to pick up some those additional notes but much like one note we're going to want to a to share files and have quick access to them in my notes area how can I do that very effectively well what we can do is add in a link to one of our files once again we're going to click on the plus icon under project Zeta this time selecting New link and what I've also done is I've actually created a sharing link to one of our PowerPoint files already in Microsoft 365 so I can simply paste in the address addess and add in a text to display with that done we're going to go ahead and select add and as you can see on the left Loop is aware it's a PowerPoint file and that link means it's going to stay in place to where the content was found left clicking into it therefore opens it with powerpoint online so I can actually make changes to it straight in PowerPoint but it syncs back into that location that does mean that my Loop workspace can act as a way to share content and have quick access to it through my own notes inside of one of my dedicated workspaces so super easy to get back to some of the files you need to work with quickly without needing to go anywhere near any other app and let's not forget sometimes you're going to be on the move you need to be able to create notes on an app on your mobile such as an iPad or an iPhone and be able to use those in one of your Loop Pages much like you do today in one note well the Microsoft Loop app is now available on the relevant stores and here I have it inside of my own iPad what I can easily do is access that exact workspace and Pages I'm working with in loop I can use Inc to text so I can actually write content on this page and it automatically gets converted into text and I can pick it up later in the loop app and share it with others so if I'm in that important meeting need to take notes really easily you can do that on your mobile device and get it all synced inside a Microsoft Loop for later and of course one of the major points of loop is the ability to share it across multiple Microsoft 365 apps and let's not forget that in one note we typically want to share content with others and in one note I may want to email the page and when I bring it into Outlook it doesn't create a synced copy instead as we can see it creates the content here and inserts it which is obviously no issue but the flip side of that is in Loop we can take content how it's synchronized across many different apps so let's go back into the loop app and I need to get feedback on my project objective is this correct with the team but I don't want to provide access to all of my work space for project Zeta what we can easily do is highlight that content and create it as a loop component it now has its own security model so I very easily have created a component and I can go across and click copy component now I could optionally click into the settings button and change the security of that component to name individuals but in this scenario there's nothing here that's confidential so I'm going to actually create it with companywide security with that done I can then go into one of my apps of choice for example let's go and create ourself a new message inside of Outlook and very simply paste in this component now what this will then allow is anyone who has access to this email email we able to see this component and make changes to it in real time they'll sync back not only to the copy I sent an Outlook but to the original location inside the Microsoft Loop and what this allows is that synchronization across apps it then means that these changes the string straight back into Microsoft Loop but if you're not a fan of Outlook well we can take it into teams let's go into a chat message here we can share with my BD team they might have an interest in the project right again I can paste it in we can now see I can also change that again in teams chat me or my colleagues can and it syns back in place and a recent change in Microsoft teams channels means we can paste in our Loop component and even share it there meaning we can update that content in our Loop Channel sink it all back into that Loop workspace originally came from that only I had access to originally and finally we need to consider that sometimes the workspace need to be shared with others it might be a case that a new project manager comes on board helping out with project Zeta in one note it can be difficult then to share the content with that individual but inside of our Loop workspace we can provide access to all of this content quickly all we then need to do is click up onto one workspace member and I can now begin to add one of my colleagues let's assume now that Miriam is coming in as that new project manager what I can then do is invite Miriam into project Zeta who will now have access to all of the pages inside of my Loop workspace of project Zeta and not only that we can even share Pages individually it might be that Miriam is a new project manager but equally you want to go ahead and share the content ideas with another one of your colleagues but not the whole workspace once again we can go click on share in the top right and we can select page link and in here we can Define who needs to have access to this page I don't want to give it companywide access but alongside myself and Miriam I'm going to go ahead and share this with my colleague Nestor once I've done that I can also Define nestor's security and rights to the page once I've then defined that I can click apply and I can very simply copy and paste that into an email to provide access to Nestor and that page content for him to make changes without giving access to the whole workspace and all the other content so as you can see Loop's a great app to share content with your colleagues as your projects and notes flourish so there we have it Microsoft Loop providing capabilities that Microsoft OneNote can provide but also going a step further in how you can share and collaborate more effectively between you and your team and not forgetting that Microsoft Loop has even more capabilities that have been announced and coming soon in in 2024 so we hope that now gives you another option in how you're going to consider taking notes in Microsoft 365 and ultimately save time and become more productive and if this videoos helped we'd love it hit the like button but even better subscribe to this channel to become one of our community and also go on that journey of becoming a productivity Superstar otherwise I look forward to seeing you in the next [Applause] one [Music]
Channel: Scott Brant
Views: 271,253
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: microsoft loop, microsoft 365, microsoft teams, microsoft loop app, microsoft loop tasks, microsoft loop component, personal productivity, onenote, Loop vs OneNote, How to use Microsoft Loop, Loop for Meeting Notes, Tutorial, Your 365 Coach, Your365Coach, microsoft to do, Microsoft Loop Agenda, Loop Tips and Tricks, 2023
Id: tKuF_eoA7rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 11 2023
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