Weird Things On The Dark Web #4...

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Mutahar be rocking the blue sweater in the beginning of the video.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

oh no this is gonna delay my sleep by 44 mins

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Cherries-on-top- 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies

Finally, a NEW deep web browsing!!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/EngineerDesperate900 📅︎︎ Jun 02 2021 🗫︎ replies
today's video is brought to you by the ridge wallet it's light sleek and industrial and it doesn't fold or awkwardly bulge in your pocket ladies and gentlemen and it seriously has changed my pocket game you know most people are still using these old wallace designed in the 90s but you know what carrying around old receipts gift cards and hotel keys it's not for me it's unorganized see ever since i use the ridge wallet i'm storing all my cards in here 12 cards to be exact i think it's around 12 as much as the rich can fit now there's over 30 colors and styles including carbon fiber and burnt titanium and normally i show you my old wallet but we've been sponsored for a while and i've really been using this one for pretty much eternity at this point and they've got thirty thousand five star reviews so i'm not the only one now ladies and gentlemen the quality of this they're actually so confident they're giving you a lifetime warranty you could buy one wallet and carry it with you to the grave now they're actually so confident they give you a 45-day return period with this wallet so you can you know test drive it out if you feel like it so yeah get 10 off today with free worldwide shipping and returns by going to sog hello guys and gals me moody and welcome to another episode of weird things from the deep web that part of the whatever i feel like uploading actually where we just look at weird sides on the internet a weird uh weird weird web pages if you will now it's a smorgasbord of random stuff that i've collected some of them actually belonging to i guess university so to keep the intrigue right there and then let's go to the first website ah dark web mystery boxes here you can find the mystery boxes that are available in our online stores now this is like the second hundred times this is like the million time that we've been looking at these mystery boxes if you don't know anything about mystery boxes if you go to youtube right now literally open up a new tab you could probably find people who are uploading mystery box videos ooh i just bought this serial killer you know dildo off the internet you know stuff like that really really stupid [ __ ] so uh this is basically that brought into a nutshell this is the scam this is the hustle basically you can buy a small dark web mystery box for about two hundred dollars uh you can buy the medium one for five hundred dollars and you can buy a large dark web mystery box for eight hundred dollars i don't know if john wayne gacy's like skeletal [ __ ] is in here but somehow they're charging you eight hundred dollars obviously they're all in stock because this is a [ __ ] scam now you've also got more things like extra-large dark web mystery box vip dark mystery box and world's most expensive dark web mystery box all right can you imagine imagine there's some idiot that fell for this [ __ ] now of course it's uh it's in stock so i guess if you wanted to go [ __ ] buy it i'll open up the page right over here but as we're waiting for that [ __ ] to load up there oh wait it already did okay hold on wait world most it has been added can i view the cart real quick can i try to buy it your card is currently empty that's how [ __ ] broken this website is god bless now they've got a bunch of other things to sell you okay so if you go to their contact us cart home i guess i can go to the contact us section and underground oh okay fine whatever let's uh let's get out of here i don't wanna i don't wanna like even if even though these people are scammers i don't wanna give them any reason that they can privacy claim the video okay now let's go around over here small haunted house this is what they're selling today i present you the spirit of the small haunted doll no pictures because they're none because it's a scam our details are available as we want you to surprise you with your purchase of a haunted doll you can tell google translate was the cream of the crop highest paid mvp employee for this this small haunted doll is perfect for those of you who have perfect for those of you that have considered working with demons in the past but are worried about their actual presence in your life misconceptions about demons abound i blame popular culture with all the horror movies about demons harming or possessing people this haunted doll is completely safe she's not gonna harm any of you loved ones yeah that would have to imply that haunted dolls are even a [ __ ] real thing and i know i know some of y'all are going to come along with but new year geeky and your bell doll yeah yo doll listen i will i will s actually i don't know if i can complete the entire sentence i will i i will i will touch the robert doll okay i will bet my life on it i don't think i'm going to get into any issues i know some people believe it listen i don't want to call it out but as somebody that doesn't believe in this haunted doll [ __ ] to begin with uh yeah granted i'll i'll challenge those spiritual issues okay whatever point different this haunted doll is completely safe demons are skilled in helping you embrace your shadow self our shadow selves are our true identities that we keep hidden away was it a little persona a little little i am down okay we do this for many reasons like shame or modern taboos have you seen what trends on the adult way to video websites i don't think people care that much about taboos bringing forth your shadow self is true black's magic spiritual work if you have a dark personality you keep hidden from the rest of the world this haunted doll will help you with bringing it out she's very skilled in what she does she's ready to help you are you ready all right the doll is great for the beginner and experienced alike oh that's a line you can that's a line you could use for a different kind of doll if you know what i mean haunt the doll will be available for your consultation at any time okay haunted doll is very good for those who have small social circles yeah i mean if you're talking to a haunted doll as your only friend you uh there's some sad pickens don't ignore your desire to have a social companion your life will suffer for it haunted all is great company and i will be sad to see this doll leave we've had hundreds of communication [ __ ] sessions i know this doll will do the same for you imagine yourself communicating with a real black magic demon now this is not what i expected from a haunted hall i thought that they were going to scare me into it but they're really touting this thing like it's a safe cheap 99 solution to [ __ ] therapy right the haunted doll is manifested in many different kinds of paranormal activity the haunted doll is an ancient spirit so this doll will sometimes speak in a language you don't understand it is a mixture of sanskrit sanskrit and babylonian okay now why would you hire a friend that barely speaks to you like it's kind of like if you can only speak to this thing via like something like a spirit box is it really worth buying a friend that can only speak to you in like those spirit boxes it doesn't make any sense stop it so are you ready oh yeah i was born ready if you would like this vessel bound to you before arrival please in your name and birth date in an email to us being bound will with the spirit will allow you to have a closer relationship and will increase their activity okay the haunted doll is not supposed to cause any harm to you during the binding you may feel nauseous have a mild headache and experience mild dizziness this will subside and will go away all right so for 99 you can have this creepy [ __ ] infesting your life today i present with you the spirit of the small haunted doll okay i i i again they just literally repeated what they have okay so you literally have this thing to assist you okay does that make you [ __ ] yourself it should it should i guess in theory now of course it's just this doll um of course obviously they're in stock i i don't i don't doubt that these scams are still in stock but then they've got more things like debit boxes okay here you will find the dippik boxes available in our store showing the single result okay so obviously if you don't know what a dippik box is a deepik box is effectively just a box that has um that uh that has a spirit in it okay so if you like open the box the spirit basically infests your house all right all items and boxes from the by dark web mystery box are real and not that fake ebay [ __ ] all right all of our boxes are built by a satanist voodoo shaman witch or other black yeah etc all right dude please be aware of that in order at your great own risk for a hundred dollars you can have a mr it's like unlocking the loot boxes of demons right you might get like a legendary balzebub or you might just get like a [ __ ] common link you might just get like a common weirdo like a sex pastino that just comes out of the box trying to diddle you i guess maybe that's what we're getting here it's just a random box whatever who [ __ ] they care now of course they're giving you some wikipedia trash articles over here but they do give you a two to three week delivery time which isn't bad i mean you'll never get it because it's you know obviously a scam and [ __ ] but you know two to three week delivery time now you've got dark web electronics so here you can get the um the 15-inch macbook pro this is how you know it's like a straight up like skin to explain to you why is like they're basically just using popular tech anyways to like try to goad people into spending money so for a thousand dollars you can get the 15-inch macbook pro touch bar retina and uh i i guess this obviously this is less scam sounding than the than the debit box and and the haunted dolls and [ __ ] but it's still pretty dumb and then they downloaded the description straight off from apple that's great um which is awesome all right let's go to the dark oh more iphone so clearly they're trying to go the dumb shits that fall for this off youtube and then they find this site on the deep web it's like i can get an iphone xs 64 gig space gray i don't even know what an iphone xs is what is an iphone xs alright that's the first time i'm actually hearing that model i thought they usually numbered these the only iphone x i remember was that like weird one with the notch you know the first time they switched to that oled display right but apparently yeah you can buy iphones for 519 you're never going to get them all right but apparently it is and i love how there's no price difference between what is the xs and then the xs max like i thought those are like different i don't know i don't know whatever this this is all bull this is all bs anyways okay this is all nonsense if you fall for this and have your money taken away you are in fact a giant walking idiot now i don't want to sit on the scam too long but i found it interesting that they had haunted dolls so let's go to the next piece drug routes whoa indeed what now this is an interesting one okay this actually belongs to a university professor this is a research that's going on right now and i really hope that their research doesn't get like [ __ ] data tossed into it so if you're understanding what's going on right apparently drug routes allows me to post two types of information i bought or i sold right now if you go to the i bought or i sold section of this page they give you a form to the left right so if you go to the i bot section for instance right you can say that i bought uh in fluid ounces grams millimeter ounces pills tabs units vials versus the i sold where they're literally oh they're not they're not just straight up including kilos anyways so you can say that i bought like 30 um what is it 30 uh grams all right which is a lot of any kind of drug here so they got like a bunch of drugs like 2c i've never heard of what 2c is i've heard of codeine i've heard of coke i've heard of cannabis crack dmt joe rogan's heard of that [ __ ] dmts for sure you can get tobacco synthetic cannabinoids which if you don't know what synthetic cannabinoids is this is like what they call spice all right uh which is where they like they they like it's like they buy like oregano from the store and then like spray it with this like crazy mixture or whatever and this mixture will like apparently get you like really high but it can also be incredibly more deadlier than like the actual original organic cannabis style [ __ ] but then you also have other things like sexual dysfunction drugs so basically the blue pill the viagra pill so if your dick don't work then there's the pills for you i guess and they've got literal ketamine which is the horse tranquilizer fenty all that kind of stuff so if you go to like coke and then with advertised strains so this is where purity so let's go like full pure colombian coke right concentration if applicable then you can put your date in and you can say that i paid like um i don't know 30 30 what was it 300 000 australian dollars okay which is like what 20 bucks us or something i am located in a land never heard of that country my vendor is located in the bahamas i now report that i did not receive my order so long story short this entire form that you're getting over here they have basically mapped out where people are getting fisted or people are receiving drugs through shipping networks right so apparently from what it's believed canada has a hard time getting drugs into the country whereas in the united states they don't care dude crack runs free of course there isn't information available for obviously antarctica because no one lives there but penguins and scientists and if they are stoned no one gives enough of a [ __ ] to notice south americans aren't reporting it for whatever reason africa doesn't have reporting all of asia and russia doesn't have any reporting which is a little sus to me japan isn't reporting australia's really living good in that crack life apparently and then europe's a giant hodgepodge of maybe we're getting it and maybe we're not maybe we're just living free so it's a brand new startup that they got going now they have this um they have a uh they have a fact so we'll read it real quick uh welcome to we guarantee the anonymity of all the users and information on the website the objective of the project is to map the successful and unsuccessful deals of drugs based on the origin and destination of the deals as well as a type of drugs the website shows the average rate of success of deals we would love if you could participate by submitting your own experiences you do not need to share the view the rates of success please tell your friends now from what happens is the questionnaire that we go to what i just showed you they basically take the aggregate of the information and they present you with like an average of the facts to anybody coming across so the project title is how online technologies are transforming transnational organized crime which is an interesting thing to realize right um because you have to understand with the deep web and cryptocurrencies as beautiful as it is to have decentralized internet it's obviously very alluring to dtos and like potentially like criminal elements out there that profit off of the mass scale and distribution of illegal drugs so obviously to have a system like the deep web where they can literally use the us postal system or any postal system because there's so much mail that goes through i was watching an interesting documentary and forgetting the name of it but they but they basically showed that the us postal service has like millions of millions of packages flowing through every day and it's physically and virtually impossible to screen every single piece of mail right and sometimes they get so good at smuggling and packing the stuff stealthily that obviously grams kilos of drugs will just flow through the system and basically by using that system in cryptocurrencies you don't you no longer have to like rely on the old methods of smuggling where they're so carefully vetted by law enforcement now you can just very stealthily like transport them all over the world and get your money back in a very like untraceable fashion well relatively anonymous not untraceable but anonymous now you can see the researcher here is david at the university de montreal all right and i assume that's the montreal university literally in my country so it's a canadian project to participate in this research project you must have bought or sold to drugs on a dark net over the last 12 months be 18 years or older your participation is completely voluntary you can withdraw from the study at any time by simply closing your browser okay whatever wait i gotta check that sometimes i get really weirded out if i get any weird messages from like late of the night it's one of those scam messages gross past research so you can see that they've done past research for ebay for drugs basically on this entire topic anyways while it is definitely an interesting topic i'm gonna have to remember mentally to like censor some of this information because they're just straight up giving away like their cell phone numbers out there like this but yeah it's kind of an interesting website to see these guys run a dark web questionnaire and they're very slowly but surely figuring out the impact of how modern day criminal elements handle the use of the dark web and cryptocurrencies to basically transport drugs and honestly it's one of those things where there's really no fix to it right like at the end of the day people are still going to be using drugs and buying and selling it and at the end of the day all that really is going to change through time are not the laws and the prevention of it but it's really just going to be how it's being done how the how this multi-billion dollar business is going to be handled going down into the future so it's interesting to see interesting to understand honestly i'd love to make a video just talking about the international drug market and the effect that the cryptocurrency and deep web has had on it but that's a whole different topic for a different time what i do know is i'm gonna go to the next website manchu kyo government ah this is an interesting site i feel like i've almost seen this before but when i see the words 2021 it's updated that's for sure now apparently this is the manchuko government i have no idea what the hell the manchuko government is so i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go look up manchuko oh here it is is it actually a government what what hold on a second wait wait wait let me get daddy wikipedia here mancheco officially the state of manchuria or the empire maturity after the puppet state to the empire of japan oh no no we vent we've entered some like we've entered some political [ __ ] today ah as much as i try to keep politics away from this channel sometimes we do get assaulted by it so if there's some hardcore like right-wing left-wing japanese-like nonsense going on some ordinary gamers doesn't care about it hell i have no idea what happens in that part of the world on a usual basis i'm usually scratching my ass but let's go look at it 2021 new password i've got multiple things like english as a language and you can switch to japanese i'm going to make sure that we're on english and if we look at 2021 new passport i keep saying that but apparently you can get yourself a manchuco passport start the application the passport is applied in a 36-page passport okay the application fee for the passport uh it's 2 200 yen what is that like 22 22 bucks man i burned 22 dollars just to have myself a new passport god damn and then they even got like that smart passport logo [ __ ] built into it manchuko citizens identity card uh announcement one as the documents posted to china always disappear we believe that the identity and information of the applicants have been captured by the communist chinese regime so from today we will not accept applications form documents for china to protect the applicants oh damn oh damn there's some anger going around according to the according to the new bill about the kanji name of china in 2017 it's illegal to call china as um i don't know how to pronounce that okay in chinese ban japanese the unique name of china in chinese and japanese is this the full name of people's republic of china is please fill in the blank according to the above rule so apparently taiwan hong kong tibet eastern turkish state turk turkistan south mongol are not a part of china so the calling of taiwan china hong kong is strictly prohibited yeah because taiwan's its own cool independent country i don't care what anyone says it is what it is please upload your document photo if you how how much do you guys want to believe this is some like deep cover up to like harvest user data i wouldn't you bet that this is some like deep cover like mss chinese operation like some chinese secret service op to like start gathering user data or a japanese opt to like gather user data dude you wouldn't you should never give your information to sites like this is [ __ ] insane but people have fell for it now you can apply for the manchuko documents but we've already seen this they've got a twatter oh man oh man they got a twitter her majesty the queen elizabeth second of the united kingdom to death of her beloved husband we send deep sorrow and express our condolences to the royal family citizens of the united kingdom and commonwealth okay so you know that's kind of it's kind of it's kind of cool you know they are they're they're very professional about it now let's look at wanted war criminals so you got xi jinping um whoa they got some rea okay hold on i gotta open this war criminal crimes against humanity manchuko invasion crime okay so xi jinping is wanted or they've got kim jong-un and oh my god i just noticed they changed each and thing's name to a dog oh my god oh they really they really they really hate winnie the pooh goddamn or criminal for kim jong-un crimes against humanity manchuko invasion crime so then you got leon chun ying uh whose crimes against humanity aggression uh anti-level okay oh my god wait no it's a group so chang yue nyo and tang pk i think these are south koreans right if i'm not mistaken anyways oh my god yo they took them they took potus as a war criminal god damn ladies and gentlemen politics truly is how the world different parts of the world perceives you right instigation of foreign aggression crimes ooh god damn joe better watch out the manchuko government is against him looks like joe's going to have to rely on the usr i think he's in good hands i think i think the u.s secret service got joe on lockdown he's going to be just fine dude but he made some enemies nikolai nationality fraught crime using illegal documents normal fraud crime nationality russia current residency straight up dox to the guy oh my god the manchuga government doesn't [ __ ] around manchuka's special operations better not catch these people you know slacking let me tell you god damn now of course we've got more things over here such as the embassies in different parts i don't believe these exist let me let me embassy in japan can you go to them there's no way they exist there's no way they have an embassy in thailand what that's actually a place oh my god okay apparently it apparently it's there they have they have one wait kingdom of orania oh there's they've got they've got a they've got a mailing address in hong kong they just have government mailing addresses so yeah apparently they have one in thailand the japanese one is yeah is pretty gone okay introduction to manchuko all right manchu times they even got their own like little newspaper which given the fact that they're getting 2021 update yeah of course it still exists right and i'm gonna have to censor this is my just this this might be straight up medical misinformation they're tweeting out by by all intents i'm gonna have to blur this page but i'm gonna tell you right now it's a very um it's a very political page about vaccines in general and i'm just going to blur it because i have no idea what i'm reading and i don't want youtube to tos hit me for medical misinformation so again just going to keep that [ __ ] blurred out information of manchukos and then they've got like youtube videos about manchuko so here they've got the capital he shin king so let me just open that real quick and oh damn sitting at 800 000 views people really do care question of manchuria so again it's just it's entirely japanese written again i don't know what i'm reading i probably might have shown some like really messed up japanese phrase going on but it's a full-on video it's a literal informative video of like manchuko i had no idea i had no idea even to the population was 36.9 million in 1937 i'm sure that was heated off of google anyways this is the president mr fujoon god damn gotta view this boy gotta god have gotta view joe biden's enemy right here dude z jinping winnie the pooh scared of this man right here why do i feel like i've clicked on a weird arg man why why do i feel like i'm gonna beat balls deep in the middle of some crazy war between these organizations hold on a second let me just reboot the camera real quick because it's about to die cool vice president and mr chan matai why do i feel like this image was taken in a holiday and come on bro come on it was taking a holiday in dude chief consultant mr tayuki tanaka takayuki tanaka they've got no prime minister no hiso shu no involve the headquarter oh the headquarter indeed ooh why do i feel like i'm gonna see this in shenmue four huh and then you've got embassy and kingdom so this is the no dog no no it's just some dude's house you could tell it's literally some dude's house right now what it's some dude's house come on there has to be some dude's house ah dude they're [ __ ] around with us this is i'm being trolled i'm being trolled i'm being absolutely trolled that to censor whoever was in the embassy in japan for some reason maybe maybe it's like i don't know maybe this is like a terror group in japan or something i don't know mate what's going on but point is all right they are uh they're a weird-looking organization that's that's from what i know dude that's that's from what i actually understand okay god damn and again please don't give an application to them i am literally not advising anybody give their actual data to any of these websites you don't know where it's going to go to and who's going to harvest and keep it that's that's a little while but yeah that's the entire manchuko government totalitarian communist china carry out the illegal so-called national security law in hong kong it equals to declare war on the whole world you know i can i can understand when user freedoms are encroached on i still wouldn't give my data again so yeah this is manchuko so um if there's any viewers of mine from the manchuko world i'm sorry if i sounded very offensive but uh i hope you can understand my reservations towards the legitimacy of what i just read so that being said oh let's get out of here let's get out of this political land mine and go somewhere else no question what is the graviton the answer in quantum theory force is mediated by an exchange of virtual particles although general relativity is a classical not a quantum theory we expect that gravity is also mediated by a particle we call this the graviton what how am i supposed to know i'm a computer engineer not a nasa physicist guys come on they have a page that you can access that literally goes to this cute little nasa website imagine the universe i'm not going to imagine the universe that hard i'm going to go back to the gravitron [ __ ] now of course they've got this german page studian gang algae mean informatic fh goomers bach anno 2000 which i'm going to assume is something in the year 2000 this is a german website by the way so full understanding they've got german scientists from what i understand semester one two three four five and six my god and i think i might have to censor the stick figure nudity i think i think that's what i saw though it might just be some comic from like 2001 project q okay let's see project q you arrived at project q oh oh boy all right let's see this let's see project q hello lute meet deiser html einstein indus multimedia multimedia okay multimedia libenfire i'm sorry germany i'm sorry for screwing up your language all right it happens okay sometimes sometimes things happen let me go to good old google translate and see if i can translate this german for you okay obviously you all know that i'm not a german speaker myself so i'm just gonna see if i can directly copy that out of the vm i cannot copy that out of the vm let me open up another in the vm real quick here it is with this html thing i want to debut in my multimedia life you can see on every street corner the life cannot be so bad enjoy your life what a wholesome and beautiful message my god now they've got a netscape page for some reason okay little netscape logo mine brief okay so i i guess it's like my brief let me just let me let me call let me copy mind stick brief okay i know that's like i know it's like a two word phrase but i just want to like my user profile okay i knew it so let me just copy this whole thing here and uh yeah we'll we'll see i was born someday in winter and i have to say that i still don't like the cold of winter although 22 years have passed after several unfortunate attempts to form my intellect i was admitted to school after 10 years understand that it is better for me to start work with the relative success i then completed my apprenticeship as a gas and water plumber which of course is marked by ups and downs for example my apprenticeship at the time switched to another company which plunged me into a deep emotional state a few weeks later my boss let me do my own construction site which in turn built me up okay so a little bit of a life story if you will um so far healthy now of course let's click on this gear here and see where we go to and this is i assume younger days let me just translate what we're reading over here real quick these are apparently the friends so i just want to see um i don't know if i have to censor them because i anyways i don't know if i have to censor them because like they're i don't know if they had consent putting their picture on the internet you cannot have everything they say so beautifully and that's exactly what i'm doing now it's not like i have six friends oh no but modesty is an ornament that's a lot going on there a lot going on but i guess what he's trying to say is people have told them you can't have your cake and eat it too which i disagree everyone can have their cake and eat it too it depends on how smart you are let's go down even further click on the gear again nice girls whoo okay this is getting real [ __ ] creepy now these girls all look like they went missing some of these images are really odd okay let me just translate it real quick i'm a little freaked out actually aren't you pretty hmm you can go into raptures well these five beauties are also part of my circles of friends okay enter the code zero one two five x steve by sav and three let's go to stop zero maybe the schizophrenic liberation front we are more than you think okay let's try translating what the hell i'm reading over here constantinople inter tas okay moo that was uh that was the word around which everything at the international meetings of the schizophrenic liberation front was again this year the more than 243 billion visitors who as in the last 400 years according to the indian rebirth calendar celebrated the ritual howling in the mood of the singular place due to the high cloud density a street lamp had to serve as an equivalent replacement however there was a thrashing from the neighbors who despite being numerically inferior successfully proceeded with firearms against the visitors it's like some [ __ ] cult [ __ ] what okay let's go to the mo oh okay all right i'm i'm really i'm really [ __ ] weirded out okay i'm really that girl looks like she went missing that that literally looks like someone that went missing i feel like there's a police report that i should see i'm not feeling comfortable dude i'm we did it into the black hole c x 1 minus 2 equals p half minus root from p half to the square q um the highly dangerous computer virus p which was posted on the internet by the hacker group kashmir last year and has since then propagated unchecked while paralyzing large parts of the infrastructure has now been discovered by the cologne professor noriego armando mareniello evanovsky nokoloroz ludovico otto siegfried of max planck institute for quantum mechanics photographed the yoyo effect described by the virus can be used to refute the so-called janitor's breach loading formula which enables the undisturbed induction of blah blah blah well who cares anyways the fact is that these things are in the box and eat well the professor also called namin loss i also almost read that as temple os no joke um among friends wins this week's case of beer for reciprocal sinus limit research and that is pretty much where this rabbit hole ends again i understood nothing of what i just straight up read but whatever it is has actually left me pretty uncomfortable so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna stop i'm gonna i'm gonna take a walk and um i think i'll be back in a bit so let's go to the next website oh this could have been your virus cat of a candles i really was gonna try to get passwords and stuff now haha i was on the super virtual machine that you could ha ha it could have been a virus and if it was i wouldn't care now just tell you don't click random links which is a good idea lately a lot of youtube channels have been getting hacked again and i feel like everyone just clicks on random links because it's still the best way to infect somebody but anyways you can see you got an interesting cute little crab nonsense get in touch now of course getting in touch means that i get rick rolled in 2021 not really because the ad didn't even play god bless you firefox you great browser god damn please click on the words okay so i better not get in trouble etc okay so as we go down you got crabbed ms paint crab is disappointed this was originally going to be a virus link to try and get passwords and info or wipe data from gullible teachers no idea if gullible is used correctly there have at least a decent day i actually believe that hardcore because of like how online schools and how weird like school proctoring software is honestly yeah i don't care if the people who are actively spying on students get screwed themselves too jesus i have wasted four weeks on this i wasted my time here not pog definitely not poggers no idea here's a music video and of course i have no idea what to put here i think this person's a huge like guerrillas fan i don't know i don't know there's there's something here that's uh something here that's tricking me real quick anyways though so they've got this they've got this page and they've got i better not get in trouble which leads to different things i'm gonna click on these different things and see where i go to so i takes me to this page right to this to this website better takes me to to oh boy oh boy oh boy i get right back to the crappiest side of the internet not twitter and then you got a knot which takes us to 4db it's for 252 subs huh 40 ah it's too mad over there god damn i know we couldn't skype tonight baby god damn but yeah it's just it's it's 40 beats so if you're into some 40 beats my pp itches [Laughter] sometimes you come across some stupid [ __ ] but uh let's get back over here okay so it's the 4d beats channel i guess if you're into it i guess that that's what it's about then get takes you to one more youtube channel which is choparu gaming channel so this is a small little gaming channel where they're talking about adopt me livestream this is a roblox this is roblox i remember um abduct me every time i say adopt me as some like small roblox game every dude has to correct me in the roblox video which is true so this is a roblox gaming channel if if any like if you're into roblox gaming this is what it is fortnite live stream god bless i didn't know but then you go to like this one this is this is to well [ __ ] i guess you can make it and then trouble takes you to one more youtube channel which is 20 year old dumer what cody jinx never alone always lonely is this just doomer music dude indeed date it's just doomer music bro all this is doing marilyn manson it's just doomer [ __ ] god damn so let's go down to the next one this is four which takes us to a download and lord knows i'm not downloading this god knows what it is this takes us to now again i'm not going to click on that because uh it takes you to a literal gore website so unless you want to see someone die that's where it is but i'm going to go to lol which takes me to oh a dancing crab cannot believe how dumb you must have been can't believe i didn't put a virus on the link i can't [ __ ] believe this i shouldn't get in trouble for this please don't that isn't very kind now i guess i guess if this is a virus link you all might have gotten something stolen this is why and i know i sound like a nut job when i say you should just use a virtual machine to stream man using a virtual machine for like all these like potentially risky things on the computer it's just the safest [ __ ] you can do man like that's why i can browse and go to the weirdest websites in the world and never have to worry about my data being stolen because what are they going to steal bob the virtual machine user that only ever uses firefox anyways i'm getting off on a tangent let's go let's get out of here and go somewhere else you guys ever look at weird dots floating across the screen well we've come across one more weird art project it seems let's click on the first dot ooh that's a weird looking hand white dale now i've been on the internet for a while and i can tell you the bottom left you can see exactly you might not be able to see it but i can tell you where each of these fingerprint where each of these digits lead to and it's all the same place i'm going to click on this weird fingernail right over here and it takes me back to the very first section so let's go to page number douche something in japanese oh something creepy in japanese again i can't translate this so let's keep clicking down the hole now we've got a girl with her stuffed bunny or toy whatever the heck i'm looking at over here the girl and and her bunny girl's really mad now screaming some obscenities at me god damn girl's about to get beheaded by the bunny all right and then oh the bunny gets the beheading oh my god oh my god this is a violent story feels like i'm reading some japanese serial killers like okay she's literally committing seppuku okay i'm reading some serial killer dollar diary right now dude interesting i think she's trying to sell oh this is like a face ai thing oh boy okay no let's go to the four okay great epilepsy great great i needed that thank you um now we've got words i guess mp3 files so it's just giving us giant mp3 files which uh i'm not going to download simply well i guess a downloader for me [ __ ] it uh just played in the background i don't have any headsets so i couldn't hear that i'll be able to hear it in post-production but uh these are just mp3 files anybody can download and listen to and then if we go down to the fifth box oh that's the same thing so after the fifth box is the sixth one which takes us to even more boxes okay bigger boxes let's go to oh god not that ah oh oh great more japanese text floating across the screen that's just oh it's a long page of it too that's a super long page of japanese text being tossed across great more text now i guess there might actually be audio i don't know there might be audio playing in this but i can't isolate and figure it out page that's empty all right so that's the let's go to this oh no the sixth one did take me to that okay so seventh one right here takes me to what appears to be a flower and takes me all the way back japanese text okay uh let's go to this one it takes us to a channel okay this channel is yahoo yahoo yahoo yahoo yahoo i don't use that same browser lady but that's got 79 000 views two years ago i'm trying to at least figure out what i'm witnessing over here man oh somebody posted a translation a rough and probably bad translation of what she said i'm not one to get angry hello everyone how many decades has it been uh let me just mute that it's goodbye to the dolphin's dream i kind of wanted to say something to all the youtubers and people who i don't know who introduced me thank you even though i didn't give you a single again how are y'all doing i'm yahoo geocities will be shutting down so because of that goodbye to the dolphins dream we'll be moving to fc2 which i believe is the domain registrar for this current active arc i guess it's very i guess a lot of japanese people must know this man this episode is very very japanese oriented god damn the queen is back i'm glad the queen is back i'm trying to figure out why she's the queen though because so far she's scared the [ __ ] out of me all right what is this this is this is the next piece of the puzzle oh okay you don't you don't just blow up the image like that man it's scary so here you've got um is that an nft or music for 1500 japanese yen's 15 dollars and a shift from anywhere from the booth warehouse you can you can buy yourself a cute queen t-shirt for 35 dollars okay i love you queen a lot but i ain't buying [ __ ] for 35 dollars for god and i'm sure you've also got a twitter account which uh leads us to i would say a relatively active twitter account okay the last big post they had was december 1st 2020 and then they just never uh sort of continued with it which is interesting to realize and interesting to come across i haven't even like responded to anything else too um it's not like they were that known either they had like sub 1k followers but i guess it's kind of one of those args that's like a cult thing for i guess japanese users in general jesus so yeah that's the um that's a cool little japanese art we came across god damn i think i'm gonna back out of it and sort of uh breathe a little bit because what i just witnessed was pretty weird ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna end the video right here if you like what you saw please like comment and subscribe dislike if you dislike it i have definitely come across some weird websites today and normally i'd have some witty extra but actually i'm feeling genuinely uncomfortable maybe it's like the args that we've seen reading about weird german viruses or frankly i don't know i feel like i came across images of like girls gone missing dude it's really [ __ ] with my head right now so i'm just gonna sort of calm down relax as i'm gonna take a bourbon before i hit the bed and uh yeah we're gonna leave it at that so yeah i've already said everything i had to this is me muda and uh i'm out [Music] you
Channel: SomeOrdinaryGamers
Views: 753,899
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jT6cbRR4FpA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 34sec (2674 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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