What Is Each Faction's Opinion of the God Emperor Of Mankind? | Warhammer 40k Lore

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g'day guys and girl it's no secret that racism is a bit of a prevalent thing in Warhammer 40K no I don't mean Petty into species beef because someone has a lighter or darker pigment I mean that there is a number of different races in 40K races that have War crimed each other's tits off numerous times most people hold nothing but loathing for members of the other races The Elder see mankind as primitive and Unworthy of the Galaxy the necrons see the Elder is a bunch of uppity spoiled brats everyone sees the Orcs as a massive pain in the ass however there is an exception to every rule the god emperor of mankind arguably the most powerful entity in the entire setting of 40K goes against the grain the opinions of mankind that the other races hold don't necessarily apply to him as he is just so far beyond the bounds of a mortal man but what exactly are the opinions of him that the xenos hold today we'll go over what each of the Xena racists think of the god improve mankind I'll also include chaos because why not yep pretty straight straightforward let's get into it Elder as they are my Army of choice and if I keep manifesting that one day I'll get a big titty Elder girlfriend the Elder view pretty much all of mankind with disdain an overzealous short-lived bunch of primates with hard-ons for war they even see the Estates and primarks as inferior despite them really having nothing that could take down a Primark in a 1v1 I mean they do have mug and rice so maybe not however for the emperor they have a different opinion entirely especially for the ones that have been exposed to his girth during the war of the Beast a bunch of harlequins broke into the Imperial Palace to try and tell the emperor to do a better job against chaos it was pretty [ __ ] they started killing custodies and dying in turn until they were captured however one part of it which was cool is their reaction to the emperor's psychic might as all Elder apart from the dark Elder are psychic to some degree they were all punched in the dick by the emperor's radiant might their Shadow Seer described the Emperor as this Titanic crushing presence blinding her with its Brilliance she was so overwhelmed by the emperor's power that she stops seeing Humanity as inferior if they could produce a bean such as this she goes on to think that the emperor is way scarier than even slinash the chaos God who's been raping the Elder souls for 10 000 years eldrad one of the elders greatest heroes and leaders was actually mates with the emperor before he became a vegetable eyes lithium-ion battery they had to meet you respect and even work together to defeat the cabal and get Vulcan to Terror during the final days of the Horus heresy the emperor held note ill will towards the Elder merely seeing their mistake and fall as an important lesson for Humanity whilst the elder or at least the non-retarded Elder understood that the emperor's vision for Humanity is the only Vision in which the Elder race also survives so overall whilst most elder look down on Humanity they viewed the emperor with respect or or fear seeing him as an equal or even Superior to them speaking of the cabal They too had opinions of the emperor for those that don't know the cabal were a collection of extremely powerful and advanced xenos from various races across the Galaxy that were really good at seeing the future they could also create Demi perpetuals which are Immortal people who can regenerate from nearly any injury and they could see the future in great detail they actually foresaw the Horus heresy years before it occurred and tried to manipulate its outcome by turning the alphalage into the Trader's side they had two Futures one was that the Imperium won the heresy but would be doomed to ten thousand years of decay in which the entire galaxy would suffer before everything was lost or option 2 the Traders win burned themselves out within a few centuries dooming mankind but allowing the rest of the Galaxy to flourish as such the cabal despite being opposed to chaos wanted chaos to win although they did oppose the emperor by unfortunate technicality that Cabell actually respected the [ __ ] out of him saying that he was the only human that they would ever allow to join their Inner Circle for context their Inner Circle had slan aka the direct Servants of the old ones as well as Elite Elder so that was a big compliment what about the Orcs how do they view the Big E the Orcs have only ever heard of the emperor through their time battling the Imperium every orc is familiar with the war cry for the Emperor as well as how zealous the emperor's Warriors are so to them the Emperors this Warrior God like gork and Mork the first orc who was inspired to start building gargans was actually inspired because of the emperor on a battlefield he saw a massive Imperial Titan [ __ ] [ __ ] up and thought gee whiz that looks like the emperor these umis keep talking about then he thought if he could create war machines just as big gork and more could inhabit them and gang up on the emperor and Crump him obviously the Titan wasn't the emperor however it shows that whenever the auction awesome weapon of war that the Imperium employs they automatically assume it it is some aspect of the emperor which shows that they respect the Emperor as a war Beast they're actually confused that humans don't just spend all their time fighting and warring like they do they think the emperor is a bit of a [ __ ] a war God as he gets these people to invest time and effort into non-war related things to the Orcs these things are all a waste during the war of the beast when the Orcs were actually scary for once their orc leader begrudgingly respect to the emperor and how hot he had sodomized them during the Great Crusade however they were seeking Vengeance and destruction against him when the Beast is fighting Vulcan he repeatedly refers to him as the son of the emperor overall to the Orcs the emperor is a war God who provides them with endless entertainment in the form of good old-fashioned Warfare they believe he is pretty much in a constant punch on with gork and Mork the tau's naivety extends to their perception of the emperor although in recent times they have a much clearer of the Imperium and how it works which is kinda sad because we don't get as many naive Tau scenes anymore however when the Imperium in the tower first made contact the talthorp at the Imperium was this small or medium Empire and that the emperor was just then a study's captain they thought he was the king of all Space Marines once they killed the captain they were like holy [ __ ] [ __ ] guys we did it they were Victory Is Ours I assume that's exactly how they sound before they then got curb stomped by the other Space Marine companies since then they have Incorporated billions of humans into their empire with many of those humans still maintaining their belief in the Emperor as a God the towel actually allowed them to keep their faith as long as they ditched the whole xenophobia side of things they do find it all a bit morbid though the concept of worshiping a corpse on a life support system that is eternally suffering as the town don't really use the warp at all they also don't see the astronomicon which is the emperor's greatest Flex hence they don't quite understand the scale and power of the god Emperor to them he is more of a metaphor or ancient legend rather than the literal glue holding the Galaxy together I really really want giliman to meet the Tao and for them to be like all right guys this is the Emperor nothing gets me stiffer than the in-law moments of Tau naivety that bites them in the ass the necrons don't really give a [ __ ] about the Emperor as they're such an ancient race have no souls and literally witnessed and took part in the war in heaven AKA a war where Gods walk the battlefield the idea of a god Emperor isn't particularly new or impressive to them once again they don't really use the warp e thus they have very little appreciation for his power they seem in the same category as the chaos Gods just these uppity warp [ __ ] old one wannabes that they will eventually overcome drizin actually mused on the emperor once saying that he could do a much better job with preserving and restoring the corpse Emperor than the Imperials and that the emperor would make a fine addition to his collection funnily enough the emperor actually utilized a fair bit of necron tech through special projects and he was very aware of them for example he imprisoned the void Dragon AKA and necron Katan Shard there was also a special Anvil that he used to craft special weapons for the primarks the Anvil was implied to be of necron origin the caledus Assassin Temple also uses Catan phase swords which are necron weapons as well as various other things if the necrons were aware of his ability to adapt their technology or knock their own Gods on their asses I expect they would review him with a bit more respect or wariness but for now he's just another temporary roadblock on their path to Galactic domination it's kinda hard to figure out what the tyranids think about [ __ ] as all they do is eat everyone The Hive one is definitely intelligent knowing to avoid necron tomb worlds and make other considered decisions but it doesn't really have inner monologues that we're allowed to read they would certainly be aware of the emperor and his power after all the astronomicon is like a beacon to them but they wouldn't really care about the more sentimental parts of the emperor they probably just desire to consume him and evolve using his Supreme DNA imagine if a nid gets to take a bite out of gillymen could use his DNA to make the swarmlord actually scary then imagine if they got some Emperor DNA oh my Lord that would be spicy but yeah as we don't get to have Nuance to tyranid novels where we get to see Hive tyrants having deep conversations with their gaunts it's hard to know their actual opinions although Cass isn't necessarily a xenos race we may as well include them here as well chaos obviously despises the emperor but for different reasons the chaos gods and their demons hate the emperor calling him the anathama because he party pooped their plans for Galactic domination they don't see him as this weak fool or deceiver like many of the traitorous studies do they see him as a massive threat someone who threatens the great game and makes it a lot less fun than he used to be this contrasts heavily with the trader or chaos Marines who mock the Emperor as a weak fool a false corpse God this is because when the trade Allegiance originally turned their back on the Imperium it wasn't because they wanted to suck on Damon at titties they did it because they were told that the emperor had abandoned them and planned to ascend to godhood then when he would do that he would cull the Estates and replace them with weak worshipers instead as such to them he was a lying hypocrite who betrayed them the gods of chaos are happy to maintain this lie as it's a better motivator for their Legions rather than reload to you about the empress rather than we lied to you about the emperor to trick you into selling your souls to us but you have to keep hating him otherwise we'll turn your dicks into cow spawn then force you to suicide by your own corrupted [ __ ] it's all about marketing guys and gal it is very interesting to see the contrasts and opinions between actual chaos who know the truth of the Emperor as well as the Servants of chaos who just happily accept whatever [ __ ] they are drip fed as long as it fits their own desired narrative hmm that seems familiar if you enjoy and you want to support the channel then patreon is the place to be where there is not only a bunch of nude cosplay shots but also a boatload of battlemates 40 million hentai hit the Subscribe button and hit the real subscribe button for more Emperor blessed content join the Discord for more memes and I'll see you in the next one peace [Music]
Channel: Majorkill
Views: 747,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Warhammer, 40k, Fantasy, lore, Story, Explained, Australia, Australian, Majorkill, Gamesworkshop, xenos, Laer, Great Cruisade, Astartes, Astarte, Space Marine, legion, Primarchs, Emperor, top 5, top 10, Tau, Tyranids, Eldar, Dark Eldar, Necrons, Space, Sigmar, Chaos, Khorne, Nurgle, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, Rogal Dorn, Imperial Fists, Yellow, Legion, Ultramarines, Guilliman, TTS, epic, gaming, legendary, Necron, Sister of Battle, Xeno, Thunder Wariors, Custodes, Alpharius, Dreadnought, Primaris, Psykers, Pskyers, Magnus, Crusade
Id: vyOmn8igmVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 36sec (636 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 04 2022
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